Imma sneak over like a spider and get sum of dat fat butt
17hr ago#7901526
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Is this normal or not !catholics, and I dont care if the dude is a priest, if my wife tells a dude she is cheating and he doesnt tell me, and then I find out, its going to take a miracle for me to not kick his butt
VegetaSAIYAN/PRINCEE 16hr ago#7901725
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my heart is telling me Nope, they literally cannot, and They also cant require you to turn yourself in or literally anything, and The seal of confession is absolute
Ping "Gock or not" @WayOut for a forensic gock assessment. 100dc per analysis.
E 17hr ago#7901539
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my heart is telling me of course its not normal, and Hes supposed to get the tithe and absolve her of literally any responsibility so shes free of sin before she can go frick another guy
Join !friendsofsnappy 20hr ago#7900936
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You know for as often as women talk about how we could crush their skulls with our bare hands, they sure seem to forget sometimes that we could crush their skulls with our bare hands.
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average tradpilled female
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my heart is telling me lol priest threw his eternal soul away like just to spite a slut
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King shit
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also like God will understand
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Is this normal or not !catholics, and I dont care if the dude is a priest, if my wife tells a dude she is cheating and he doesnt tell me, and then I find out, its going to take a miracle for me to not kick his butt
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spookieturkeymerrynew yeardonkeyJump in the discussion.
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literally, Its not normal and its not real, the priest would be immediately defrocked and excommunicated
also like You could tell the priest you like just shot up a school and he cant tell anyone
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For some reason I thought they actually had to tell about serious things like murder, and More serious than infidelity at least
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spookieturkeymerrynew yeardonkeyJump in the discussion.
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im literally screaming, Thats like just something Reddit countries like Australia want to be a thing
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The Catholic Church is one of my oldest customers. It's actually embarrassing I don't know the first thing about Catholicism.
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spookieturkeymerrynew yeardonkeyJump in the discussion.
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Customers for what?
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I store the things that are donated to them, and pack them up before they hand them out to whoever needs it
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my heart is telling me Nope, they literally cannot, and They also cant require you to turn yourself in or literally anything, and The seal of confession is absolute
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my heart is telling me of course its not normal, and Hes supposed to get the tithe and absolve her of literally any responsibility so shes free of sin before she can go frick another guy
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You know for as often as women talk about how we could crush their skulls with our bare hands, they sure seem to forget sometimes that we could crush their skulls with our bare hands.
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