Pathfinder VS 5E

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I used to run D&D 3.5e for randoms online and Pathfinder players are subhuman. They make the most r-slurred builds that make no lore sense and flip their shit if you try to veto them. Then they act against the interests of the party and try to frick over the group's employers and freak out when the other players kill them. Frick Pathfinder. It's somehow worse than D&D.

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I've dabbled with a group of three other women (female) and two men. Probably best campaign, so light and no autists or edgelords. A they/them, but that's kind of the price of admission.

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What was their bussy game like?

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I'll pass along the question.

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What system?

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Fifth edition, but I think the DM makes up a lot of it.

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Pathfinder is for people who think 3.5e wasn't enough of a broken clusterfrick, which is a really impressive level of autism

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Archetypes are better than prestige classes though.

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Literally the same game.


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What you don't like my autism fueled sacred geometry meta magic focused wizard that just casts quickened shit to break action economy and renders the rest of the party absolutely useless?

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Not only do I not like him, I also can counter him. Your group has been hired to retrieve a magic item. The magic item has been incorporated into an iron golem. Have fun!

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sounds like one shadowrun group i was in. one time we had to shoot the traitor in the head, then one time the resident troll was DMing and decided to pulll out a DnD monster manual so all of us decided to turn our weapons on ourselves and wrap that shit up

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I thought Pathfinder was D&D?

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D&D is to tabletop roleplaying games as Mario is to videogames. It's the biggest and best-known, but there are lots of others.

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>stat bloat good

Jesus christ there is something wrong with rtwpcels

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This is supposed to be a detraction meme of pathfinder

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If you read pathfinder forums they are all like dude on the right.

Daeran>Astarion but they really need to fix the issues with pathfinder 1.0 if they make another title.

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The really r-slurred thing is that it's not even Pathfinder that's the problem, its Owlcat that inflated AC and saves to a ridiculous level. On normal, Deskari has like 2,000 hp and 60 ac, but the tabletop counterpart only has 700 hp and 47 ac. The math is completely out of wack and asuming a bizzare level of optimization.

But the bigger issue is how they littered the thing with an inane levels of trash encounters. The math of PF assumes roughly 4 encounters per day, and the classes are made with this in mind. Owlcat piling up inconsequential fight after inconsequential fight instead of even trying to adhere to this makes some classes completely worthless. Like, why would you ever want to play a Magus under those conditions?

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Its all to pad out rtwp

tb chads stay winning

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One thing that does change up the math is your party is 6 not 4 like the game expects. And the official APs are full of poorly written encounters, like Mummy's Mask has a few fights that a party that optimized lightly against undead will Nova.

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Yeah those games are butt. Set buffs, quick save, pray RNGesus smiles on you. If not, quick load.

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ix the issues with pathfinder 1.0 if they make another title.

Too bad Paizo fricked the dog and made P2E garbage.

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go woke, get broke create an unholy abomination of an RPG system

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Its like they did the job of the players and optimized all the fun out of the game and continued to make shitty choices like abandoning key-words and having dead end choices.

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I hate P2E. It feels like the developers actively resented the over-optimized autism of their player base and decided to build an RPG where every build you can conceive is the same boring bland grey breed of "balanced".

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I hate P2E. It feels like the developers actively resented the over-optimized autism of their player base and decided to build an

Like I said lower, they did all the optimizing fun out of the game for my players.

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Yes. Stat bloat in an RPG is good, and I'm tired of pretending it's not.

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Shit is rslurred ngl random squirrels have +35AC and a cambion has +15 in 5e lmao

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>Tiny rodent covered in grease is harder to hit then a giant firebreathing demon of death and destruction

Your point? AC is working exactly as expected


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Absolutely r-slurred usage of words. Might as well rename the stat to Frick You, it would have as much common with the actual mechanic as Armour Class.

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Should grow up and include bodypart targeting.

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palladium rifts :marseylaying:

May Marsey Ta'aevann rectify our affairs. Marseummarhamna bil Bussy 'azeem. :marseyakbar:

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People talk shit about FATAL but RIFTS isn't much better.

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Uhhh can someone say based?

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Dont forget tremorsense and 17 immunities

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I haven't played Wrath yet, but Kingmaker had massively overflated stats for enemies on anything but the lowest difficulties. Problem was that not only enemies got +6STR (which gives +3 hit), they also got +3 hit, so in the end it was something like +6 hit, due to double dipping. Same for DEX & AC. On the other hand you can build insane builds in PF, which easily perform on those difficulties. So: skill issue.

Wrath uses mythic rules, right? Even more powerful stuff is available there, but you need to know what you want to build and how to do that. For some classes the "obvious choice" mythic path is the wrong one.

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>On the other hand you can build insane builds in PF

This is the main selling point of 3.5/PF. People play those games to go full autism and make some r-slurred broken shit instead of an interesting character. This is also why enemies have like a billion resistances, immunities and shit that the GM would have to keep track of.

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Wrath uses mythic rules, right? Even more powerful stuff is available there, but you need to know what you want to build and how to do that. For some classes the "obvious choice" mythic path is the wrong one.

They unfricked the Mythic rules for the game too. Instead of the generic Champion, etc you pick an alignment based path. There are still optimal vs suboptimal picks per class but its a lot better.

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I have no interest in the pathfinder games as they sound like autism in game form but i quite like the look of Rogue Trader which is by the same people but i dont want it if its going to suck oceans of butt like pathfinder did.

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RT is a lot of fun, but I'm also a 40k autist and have never played another crpg besides Fallout 1 & 2. The leveling is big autism, but I feel like the combat is rewarding. Attacks seem to hit when they should most of the time, and it doesn't feel overly grindy. The story, characters, and world environments are great.

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Trying to get into owlcats wrath of the righteous and it feels so sloggy

None of the companions are likeable really unless you're into certain fetishes like the psycho elf. The kitsune is waaay too neurodivergent for me and the sad girl too like wtf it's like all these characters came from some teenagers bad fan fic from . Net

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Yeah the companion writing in the owlcat games is peak tumblr r-sluration

Kingmaker has

  • dommy mommy elf lich (kinda cool)

  • depressed dwarf (kinda funny)

  • repressed lesbian barbarian who only realizes she likes women in her 30's?

  • annoying GMPC halfling

  • Cuck orc who proudly proclaims how cucked he is

  • Cuck orc gf

  • neurodivergent r-slur gnome

  • unlikeable bpd white b-word who acts like a b-word and scolds people for treating her like a b-word

  • r-slur angel cleric

Wrath has that one gnome knight guy who slaps and every other character is taken from live journal fan fic, the miss rare on the writing is insane

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Regill is the Messiah of the gnome race, he single-handedly justifies their inclusion in most D&D-inspired settings by being as based as the rest of them are cringe, combined.

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Imagine being enough of a Chad to completely no-sell racial dementia

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Yup agreed and you forgot about the tiefling twins :marseycoomer2: :marseyvictoria2: :marseyvictoria:

A lot of those characters while had some Tumblr flaws were still better than wrath. I haven't gotten to the succubus chick so I might just try and solo this shit without the annoying companions.

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:marseysad: I liked the elf before she was psycho. I wish my videogames could provide me with something impossible in reality: romance with a sane woman.

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romance with a sane woman.

Too much suspense of disbelief


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don't care, still gonna save scum my way through both of them

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I tried playing bg3 without savescumming and it just doesn't work

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I miss the lore of dnd 3e but 5e rules definitely makes it easier for new players to pick up. A lot of it is pretty dumbed down though.

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*Homer drives up in a station wagon*


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Both are for number loving autists.

I went back to B/X where you get a +3 or -3 and stats dont even matter. :marseywholesome:

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Pathfinder has more potential than 5e, but that just gives more avenues for autist to make nonsensical broken builds that ruin campaigns. 5e is more tight with limited variables but that just compels autist to make character every other min/mixing munchkin sperg is making which ruins campaigns.

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3.5 is all I'll run. I've more or less memorized it, so no reason to change.

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Reject 3.5e, create your own modded version of 1e. If your class list doesn't include tech-priests and llap-goch users, you're doing things wrong.

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meh. I create custom classes based on whatever setting I come up with+lore appropriate vanilla classes.

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