Modern Yugioh cardgame is a shitshow and imbalanced to such a degree that that every concurrent generation of cards overpowers the previous generation so decisively that even playing with 5 year old cards is completely unviable in non-casual settings, both in person and online games.
Unlike card games like Hearthstone or Pokemon or Magic the Wokening, there isn't a resource or mana system, which hard-caps and limits the amount of stuff you can do per turn.
If you fulfil the requirements on the Yu-gi-oh card text, then you have the ability to activate that card immediately at no special cost other than the card itself, which means that Yugioh has the capacity to activate an almost theoretical infinite amount of cards per turn,
capped only by certain ingame hardcoded rules such as the limitation of only being able to perform one normal summon of a monster per turn, having your monster or magic zones be finite and so on.
Because of this unique aberration from other cardgames in the world, Yu-gi-oh has developed a multitude of decks which abuse the various mechanics of the game to do really wacky shit, like deck themselves out and burning all of the opponent's 8000 life points
all within the FIRST TURN, before they even have a chance to react!
The turbo neurodivergents have studied the blade I mean studied the over 15 000 cards existing in the game and have created combinations and configurations of the game so batshit insane over the years, that the level of play has become an impossible barrier of entry for newcomers and even old Yigioh boomers of yesteryear, who will find to their dismay their old deck of 2005 which kicked butt in Highschool will get OTK's - namely One-Turn-Killed - as easily taking candy from a baby and raping the mother.
The powerscaling is just that perverse, and the commonality of seeing players shit out half of their deck onto the field in one turn, with combinations making turns LITERALLY WITHOUT EXAGERATION
more than 10 minutes is grotesquely common, at least in any competitive.
In 2010 games would take average 15-20 turns, now they barely last 3-4 turns, as the right combination or absence of your key cards in your hands can fricking decide the game in the first turn - not joking.
TLDR: go play Pokemon or Magic the Wokening instead.
Compared to other more balanced games like Magic the Wokening, which has various powerscaling formats which permits only certain card types and from certain eras, like the famous Commander format, Yugioh doesn't have an equivalent system.
Some differences between Yugioh and Magic the Wokening videos:
Some fun videos where Yugioh players try to guess what Magic cards are good/bad and vice versa:
Oh and the biggest complaints of the Magic card player is that the fricking Yugioh cards are all novels with tiny text!!
Now Yugioh does actually have a really fun entry level format called Speed Dual! Which is a fantastic and (mostly) balanced format which explcitly calls back to the original series with nostalgia and special duelist cards to activate powerful bonus abilities! All the most powerful cards are excluded and only creative spells and traps are included which kept the format very fun and easy to understand.
The only problem?? Fricking KONAMI, the owners of Yugishit, DOESN'T FRICKING ADVERTISE THE GAME
meaning only a smaaaaaaaal minority of peeps are aware of Speed Dual (named explicitly so to make the game faster and easier to learn)
KONAMI's wall of silence is painful when it comes to communicating with the playerbase.
Few gaymestores evenfricking sell Speed Dual products, so peeps don't ever play it.....
Meaning that for the majority of there is basically only one practical format: competitive and casual. Meaning you get r*ped by anyone with even a basic modern Structure deck bough out of the box VS your casual 2015 deck,
or you get baby's 1st vagin@ adventures with its own imbalance issues.
And to to demonstrate how r-slurred KONAMI is in regulating its fanbase, Magic the Wokening has demonstarted it CAN have various powerscaling formats for different eras and so on.
Additionally players have done their own personal formats, where they state only cards before a certain period like 2014 can be used, or create their own special dedicated format like the most famous GOAT-format.
with specific cards banned to create the minimal balance and so on.
Unfortunately these often only work in large dedicated GameShops or boardgame-centers in big cities, and often only in 1st World countries, where a big enough group of people congregate to make the record-keeping of which cards are appropriate for the new experimental format worth it if enough people willingly participate by limiting themselves to cards of previous generations and a local banning-list of problem cards.
As you guys can imagine this completely blocks new people from enjoying the game. Even as far back as 2012, Yugioh players had complained about the new Card-mechanics beco ming more difficult and overpowered.
Now the core of Yugioh revolves around its monsters, and every generation KONAMI would introduce a cool new more powerful summoning mechanic. Now the previous generations of summoning monsters onto your field were quirky but not always optimal and overpowered. But they still increased with power and ease of summoning with each concurrent generation.
The breaking point for many peeps who would become Yugioh boomers, were the introduction of Pendulum Monsters which enabled the summoning of 5 fricking monsters easily in one turn! Additionally this mechanic was very very complex compared to previous monster types, and required actually dueling to understand how WTF they worked, compared to previous monster types which were easily understood when explaining to your friends the game for the 1st time, and from this era on Yugioh would positively bleed newcomers, and the playerbase perpetually divided into experienced players and noobs bouncing off
Now these new powerful Pendulums did have limitations, but even if the Pendulums were restricted, it heralded an era where the game became faster and faster and faster rapidly. It meant that previous generations of monsters which were considered balanced, like the XYZ monsters and Synchro monsters, would become more powerful and faster and easier to summon to fricking keep up with the fricking Pendulums, which further alienated older players which preferred a slower playing style and format.
A lot of people aware of Yugioh exclaim that it was Link-monsters which ruined yugioh into a speeddemon format where autismos shat out half their decks at the speed of greased lightning, all in one turn, which ruined the game.
But it's my personal opinion that Pendulums started the downward spiral from 2013- onwards. 2014 was basically the last time I could keep up and also my university studies became to sternuous to keep up with this new Link shit.
In the online scene the newest Yugitard gayme is called Dualmasters
And it fricking sux! The metagame was fun in the 1st year, but like most online multiplayer games, it eventually developed an overpowering Meta against newcomers. Released in 2022, it's now 2 years old and various habits have been developing between plays, and has caused slapfights
in yugitard forums over what behaviour is acceptable.
The crux of the slapfight is that people are quitting or surrendering the game more frequent than ever, which is causing annoyance. Yet the nature of modern Yugioh is that power decks and strategies mean that you will sit like a cuck while your opponent builds an unbreakable board, which you have no chance of a snowball
in heck
of breaking,
Making going 1st perpetually more powerful in the game. Casuals hate this state of the game and tryhards hate the pre-emptive quitting epidemic.
Which brings us to the story of today: Popular Yugituber TeamAPS constantly shares his opinion on various topics in the game and is often met with positive feedback.
But not today!!!
This has got to be the most controversial video of TeamAPS or any other yugituber video in memory. And the yugioh community is generally family friendly and non-toxic despite all the fights vs Yugi-Boomers and veteran pro-players, so this video is especially an aberration of controversy!
Now Paul the Yugituber understandably doesn't like his games interrupted and having to go back to online matchmaking, only for half your games being interrupted by the opponent just fricking off midgame,
BUT ON THE OTHER HAND so many peeps are just sick of the literal, LITERAL 10 minute turns opponents take to decimate their opponents.
"I could literally get up, make myself a sandwich and get a bottle of water while I'm waiting for them to finish their 15 minute turn and still wonder why haven't I just surrendered at this point."
Many people, including avid veteran Yugioh players are pretty upset of the state of the game, or at least the state of the Meta and format of the Online Duelmaster videogame.
And I say veteran yugioh players, because you have to be a literal neurodivergent to fricking watch a guy on Youtube ramble on about a Childern's Trading Card Game
They complain that KONAMI takes little action compared to other companies to break this late-stage stagnation as they view it.
"Maybe yugioh shouldn't be a game where people feel like they want to surrender on turn 1"
"The fact that people want to surrender so much in the first place is fundamental proof that Yu-Gi-Oh! is a broken game."
"One step away from Solitaire"
"it already is bruh, the only reason people don't is because those sweaty butt nerds want someone to watch them play with themselves for 20min "
Lmoa. In CounterStrike we blame lag, in Yugioh we blame scripted bots
Virgin sitting like a cuck for 15 minutes waiting to lose, VS Chad pulling out the fricking ethernet cord lmoa
"I love how this whole comment section is mostly in disagreement. Sorry Paul, you're not winning this one." (Paul is the Yutiber)
And that's the problem, Paul is a literal 20 year veteran of the game and has large insight and experience into the mechanics and meta of the game, how to get rid of problem cards, and how to build your deck in preparation for dangerous opponents.
Casual players and even veterans like me, who DON'T keep up with the latest week by week meta get our bussies abssolutely sandblasted if we are even 1 year of meta out of date. The extreme speed and nature of the game has raised the ceiling of difficulty to painful and unfun levels for those even attempting more fun casual decks and strategies.
This divorces the playerbase into the sweaty tryhards and more casuals, or even lukewarm veterans who return to yugioh to constantly find the gamestate unrecognizable.
So what ends up happening is people just instantly surrender when they find their opponents playing the latest hardcore Meta deck monsters, often 3 times in a row if they have to, until they find a more clear casual rogue deck. This has become a frequent happening,
especially in the 2nd year of Masterdual Videogame as the gaymer playerbase became more and more experience and the difficulty ceiling raise in response. I have a friend who player Rainbow 6 and states that in the 1st year where nobody knew what the frick they were doing ,and consequently experiented with diverse and fun strategies, but by the 2nd year as the playerbase matured and the optimal meta was discovered, the game became monotone and stale.
"As long as the one-turn-win is the meta, no, I will not stop surrendering. I like PLAYING the game, Paul, not watching someone else jack off their deck for ten minutes before one-shotting me."
"That's typically my response too, if I lose because I got outmaneuvered then GG take the win. But if I have no options to defend and you're still throwing combos out when you already have the win, then screw you I'm out."
In the 2012-2014 era games could on average still go on for 15-20 turns, with the tides and momentum of the match swinging constantly in the favor of the opponent if even one timely Trap was activated. In 2024 in competative yugioh, the game is so excruciatingly one sided, that games are decided in opening hands. This isn't every single game, and yugoh players can overstate the frequency of these infamous FTK (First-Turn-Kill) matches, but you need to lose only once with your full hand unplayed, to sour over the state of the game
"I couldn't agree more on this statement, if the meta is otk, then no, I won't stop surrendering when they just stroke their own ego for 15 minutes by doing bullshit combos."
"Nah I work 11 hours a day I'm not gonna waste my few free hours at home waiting for someone to stop comboing"
"I'm not wasting my time sitting through a longass combo for a "chance" to counter it. Better off just surrendering and finding a new match. I only get 1-2 hours a day to play."
"This is one of the main problems that drove me away from Yugioh. People scoop? No, it's what makes people scoop ON TURN ONE, no engine, no one card combo, no handtraps, no board breaker. How many card games that you can already tell that you already lose with first hand. You feel like I'd rather GG next game, than trying to fight and see the outcome that predictable. Blame the state of the game not people."
And so the comments and complaints go on and on. You guys get the idea.
The bitching and slapfights in the comments are few, and most are throwing tantrums about how modern Yugioh sux, and how KONAMI doesn't do nay effort to promote lower tier formats, and how they are going to continue surrendering because they belong to the sore loser club!
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Important to note that Yugioh players will update the turn count every time the active player switches (player two's first turn is "turn 2") while every other CCG will use it to refer to the turn cycle (player two's first turn is "turn 1," player one's second turn is "turn 2") so the difference between YGO and every other card game is even more extreme than you're making it sound. Splinter Twin's turn 4 infinite damage combo which helped define the Modern format for years
is a turn 7/8 kill in YGO terminology.
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Dude 1 year is a long time. I would expect a new meta to emerge because otherwise things would get stale. I mean card games aren't known for their variety and they have to spice things up or risk losing players. Y'all remember the chaos stuff? And how 1-2 years later it was outdated? Or how Hearthstone isn't the same game as 2 patches ago? I'm not even sure if this is a modern problem of YuGiOh but then again I stopped paying attention to it roughly 15 years ago. Anyway, I genuinely believe that cardcels are the incels of the loser hobbies (vidya > anime/manga > card imo) and they deserve this. I hope every game ends on the first tun so people can find something else to do.
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Let me read your fortune card:
Your fortune: Watch Your Back
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finding you here Neger ich gecheckt heute Dom und die Flaggen wurden schon ausgetauscht durch so nen "etzala Demogradie verteidige" Scheiß. Also ich consneede du kannst mir glawe oder net longa.
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Jaja, ne bunte Fantasie der brotige Herr hier
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Ich war ausnahmsweise nicht unter Einfluss nein
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!germs folgen nach des Dom Vorfalls letzter Woche falls jemand kehrt
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How can people keep up with the meta changing this constantly in card games? Forking hundreds of dollar just to get a bunch of cards that became useless in 5 months time is unjustifiable to me.
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The exact same gaming experience as gacha g*mers
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I believe you meant
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its not fun when months pass like days to you
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Yeah all card games have that problem (as well as getting gigacucked by the card companies all the time). Best format for card games like this is through video games with minimal or no microtransactions.
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Yes poor paul does have an unfortunate eye space.
he should marry the Queen's Gambit chick
And make babies with eyes like snails
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aka "shadow over innsmouth"-maxxing

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i can already hear the "you may kiss the bride"
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Thanks for being the best man at my wedding, king
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her depth perception is probably really good
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Ha! Your hat flew off!
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You gotta remember to tie the strap under your chin.
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back off shes mine
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Yes, YES, please DO THAT. It's gonna make me SO VERY ANGRY. Oh God oh frick

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I long gave up on the absolute state of meta Yu-Gi-Oh, I collect some of the cute art decks sometimes
I would say the game is pretty fun and strategic up to maybe 2014?
For all its faults MTG is by far the best game gameplay wise
To expand maybe I should say nekroz killed Yu-Gi-Oh? It was a $1000 deck that got short printed and was one of the first decks with almost infinite card advantage that threw a lot of grinding out the window
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I agree post 2014 was when the game became very very fast, and a shitload of monsters could be summoned instantly, making the game be over in a few turns, where as previously the game went back an forth for like 10-20 turns which was great
The power creep of Links and absurdly powerful magic cards further fricked us all
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I did try for a bit to get back into the meta with master duels release.
I'm a "good" MTG player which is hard to define as but I can easily get mythic on arena and my main problem with Yu-Gi-Oh today in comparison is all the "skill" seems to have been condensed into learning combo chains. I can totally see why people scoop turn 1 if they don't have a specific hand trap, because every meta deck can feel like a Otk even if they don't cheese burn you out, you have everything in your hand you attempt to play negated
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Yeah how come you didn't even come to my birthday
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I quit when Links came out after playing for almost 15 years and seeing the absolute horrors of power creep that shit like Tearlaments, Adamancipators, Sprights, Swordsouls etc. brought to the game is a sight to behold. Going +5 with 4 negates on board off of 1 or 2 cards on the first turn is absolutely insane. Also, the worst part is that these decks, before they got nerfed by ban lists, could easily push through multiple hand traps and still end on a full or almost full board. Might as well just lose to a burn deck or Exodia at that point lol. Heck, give me max force DRulers or Spellbooks over that shit.
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is for gooning, cosplay
and pretty
pictures. Everything else is an autism
crab trap.
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I actually think that Dragon Rulers/Spellbooks killed the game. You can argue that Wind-Ups and Inzektors were the beginning of the end in early XYZ meta, since these were the first insanely fast engine decks, but DR/Spellbooks were a whole new level of consistency and cardspam combos. They weren't the one-turn-win decks like you have nowadays (even though they'd still be OP now at full power), but I do think that they marked a huge bump in power and speed that made the game never feel the same again afterwards.
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lack of a grind game is the sticking out point for me. good decks never seem to run out of cards.
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I think
I have an old book of cards
from the original game somewhere at my childhood home. I remember being so proud
of owning slyther Egyptian
god card
Got a buddy from childhood who plays competitions for Yugioh
still but I don't understand how he affords it without a job
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because neets are kings
old cards arent really worth much, in case you were dreaming of cashing in
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Nah idk where
they are in the house. They were all just dragon
because dragons are fantasy
which are cool
I never
had deck
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He's the fricking Chad marsey
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I'm disappointed that OP would waste his 3 hours of daily electricity reporting on a children's game.
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So you are still mad at me
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I could never stay mad at you, bb.



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I loved playing princess cologne
But my friend that got me into yugioh would only play meta decks that would beat me every single time.
I stopped playing because it was no longer fun and he begged me to comeback but I never did. 0/10
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Man, frick people that do that shit. They're partly responsible for how unfriendly this game is for new players. When I was getting into Duel Links, a (now ex-) friend of mine played nothing but Gladiator Beasts against me which were top tier at the time. Ofc he quit after his precious deck fell off the tier list, the little shit.
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There are MTG combo decks that can take super long turns of fiddling about but there's a chance that the player can frick up the sequencing or not hit the right card so you sit there while they jerk off in hopes that they frick it up.
Once I was playing in a tournament and the game next to me had a guy playing Storm (one of these miserable meandering combo decks) and as he was about to combo off he handed his opponent a coloring book and crayons so they had something to do while he played mtg solitaire
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I played a bit of magic. Here's a shiny, my favorite
dude, and my most busted card.
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Who? + huh? +
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Yeah modern Yugioh isn't your typical "I summon a guy, you summon a guy, maybe cast a spell and they fight" game, and it's more similiar to a spectacle fighting game with absurd combos and techs you MUST learn to not get instantly combo'd to oblivion
It's a shame that Konami doesn't want to put effort into easing players into what the "real" game looks like, and the whole "Hyper combo or get nuked" aspect of the game may scare outsiders (Even though slower decks like Runick and Labrynth are a thing), but if you're willing to try it and it "clicks" You'll have one heck of a blast!
Also don't forget your handtraps bro
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The thing is Speed Dual is exactly that, EXCEPT KONAMI DOESNT ADVERTISE IT

And duel links is equally hardecore sweaty
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Just wait until the Konami TCG division recovers for their stupidity and play Rush online
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2x Maxx C
3x Ash Blossom
2x Effect Veiler
1-2x D.D. Crow
2x Triple Tactics Talent
1x Evenly Matched
2x Infinite Imperm
Now let's actually build a deck!
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Didn't Yakuza basically completely infiltrate KONAMI so that they could use them for making pachinko machines and completely ignore their other products?
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Yes yugioh is super low on the priority list for KONAMI which is actually a super large conglomerate company, and while Yugioh is very profitable, in the grand scheme of KONAMI it' like a spec of dust compared to the rest of the corporate finances, and more so for its's Jap pahcinko machines
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Yugioh is a fun kitchen table game to play with friends and nothing more. Building fun themed decks to face against other fun theme decks is a blast and some of the most fun I've had with card games. Competitive yugioh is an absolute disaster where every deck is good stuff pile with as many 1 card combo starters as possible to enable an unbreakable board. You would have more fun bashing your head against a wall than sitting through someone's 20 minute turn with no interruptions.
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I've never understood the appeal of these games. Probably the closest thing I've ever attempted is playing Pokemon online. It feels to me like in any game where there are theoretically millions of ways to set up your team/deck/whatever, experimentation is almost irrelevant because you either:
look stuff up and learn some easy setup that invalidates 90% of casual players instantly while preventing them from playing the game
don't do that, and just get instantly demolished by everyone who did until you copy them
And of course in CCGs, option 1 also means spending money.
The only way this kind of game sounds fun is with friend metas where nobody is looking shit up, and you're all just figuring it out together. But I doubt you'll find many adults playing like that.
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Yugioh died the moment 4-star 1900 attack vanilla minions became obsolete.
I still have mah gurl obvs but I don't care for the state of the game. Dude whining about people conceding before he can assemble his combo that stops them playing anyway is lame.
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There's nothing “traditional” about this game. Mods delete it
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It's lame, like all traditions
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I loved the game as a kid, i thought
the art was super
cool, got sad that magic
was always more popular. The current state
of it is extremely halarious and drama
pilled, matched only by the exchange of sexual favors for pokemon
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love paul, super cool guy w a winner's mentality. and he's mostly right😊 scooping isn't bad but people do ff way too soon.
last tcg list hit savage, baronne, and summon limit, which was awesome, but that means everything is even more consistent now since they didn't hit anything like fenrir or wanted
starters and extenders are too plentiful
also i saw a basedlord recently top a regional w ghoti runick. makes me want to break out the wallet
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i like mbt because he is white
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This is accurate in lower ranks in Master Duel. Still a fair number of bots running the Utoptia FTK last I remember but almost any hand-trap breaks it so actual humans aren't willing.
lol lmao
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Speed duel is awe, screw you
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Duel Links is malevolent and I will never forgive its format for banning my innocent Thundra for the high crime of being viable for too long.
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This video is all I know about modern Yu-Gi-Oh:
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If the game is in such a shit state, why the frick are these people still playing?
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Literal skill issue. I'm actually playing both Master Duel AND Duel Links atm.
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My grandfather's deck has no pathetic cards, Kaiba!
But it does contain the unstoppable Exodia!
I've assembled all special cards! All pieces of the puzzle! Now! Exodia! Obliterate!
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Snapshots: (click to archive) (click to archive) (click to archive)
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Just have a timer so people can't take all day for a turn. Chess solved this problem 1000 years ago
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any time i let my opponent finish instead of DQ they do full combo with lethal on board
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!jannies effortpost
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Don't want people to surrender? Have you tried not playing excessive combo decks that shit out your entire Extra Deck on turn 1.
Look, I'm happy that you spent 3 paychecks building that really cute Synchro board that ends on several omni-negates and a floodgate. But I really don't want/need to see the 80th Snake-Eyes Ash combo this week, I have things to do. 
Duel Links solves this problem really well. They have interesting events that utilize different summoning methods and every deck is viable in them.
Master Duel cocked this up with their recent Limit 1 event. Every player was running Kashtira because that is THE deck that shuts down one-off cards.
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Funnily enough in MtG I often get completely outclassed by meta decks but there's enough room that people come up with pretty powerful decks on their own that I just like to watch destroy me
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thats all you man
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Phenomenal post, OP. I keep trying to get into Master Duel but get discouraged when I have to sit through 15 min Snake Eye full combo every other game. Why can't people play honest decks like Sword Soul like me

I at least have the courtesy to speed combo for 30 seconds before Protos-locking you
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I've been playing some version on the switch, goes through every series so it's pretty fun. Scared to get into the new rules lol
I played the new online game and literally got combod for 5 minutes straight
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Why would people defend somebody spending 10-20 minutes setting up his whole thing while you can do nothing?
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I wouldn't say mana causes MTG and Hearthstone to have a "Hard Cap" on the number of things you can do a turn. It is more like a soft cap and there are plenty of ways to go infinite in both games.
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Get a better hobby, my BIPOC.
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I dunno nothing about card games, virtual or otherwise, but read the whole thing
. Hope Konami fixes their game, cuz this sounds utterly unfun and r-slurred 
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MTG used to be like that too, back when it was good
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This is the context for most of the pot of greed memes right?
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Yes. Pot of greed is a +1 card. There was literally no dowside to having as many of it as possible in a deck, that's why it got banned
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Ironically, it's not even a good card anymore by today's standards.
A lot of archetypes have their own form of "draw 2" that extend plays at the same time. Also, Saruyja Skull Dread is a generic Link monster any deck can make that lets you draw 4 cards (but discard 3 afterward)
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