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:soywarhammer: Warhammer TVslop moving along: Amazon deal finalized



It's official - Games Workshop and Amazon Studios have finalised their deal - the creative guidelines are nailed down, and we're all set to bring Warhammer to the screen. For those of you so inclined, you can read the super jazzy legal announcement here.

But what does that actually mean?

Well, it means we now have synopsis and ordering for the stories we're going to tell... yep, we said stories! It might have taken a year but it was a year well spent! And what fun - sifting through the enormity of the Warhammer 40,000 universe, debating characters, story arcs and the thematic grit that underpins it all.

So, what's next? When will the first project hit screens?

It'll be some years. Project One* is about to go into development proper. So, next up is the script/s that will form the basis of everything else to come.

Of course, as with all carefully crafted things, this all takes time... and trust us when we say, everyone involved is las-focused on getting it all just right.

As soon as we know more, we'll let you know!

In the meantime, don't forget the Warhammer 40,000 episode of Secret Level is available to watch over on Amazon Prime Video from the 10th December.

  • This secret is guarded as tightly as the Golden Throne itself... feel free to speculate along with us on social.

So.... Eisenhorn?

super jazzy legal announcement:


Further to its announcement on 18 December 2023, Games Workshop is pleased to announce that it has now agreed creative guidelines and reached a final agreement with Amazon Content Services LLC, a subsidiary of Amazon.com, Inc., ("Amazon") for the adaption of Games Workshop's Warhammer 40,000 universe into films and television series, together with associated merchandising rights.

Under the terms of the agreement, Games Workshop has granted exclusive rights to Amazon in relation to films and television series set within the Warhammer 40,000 universe, together with an option for Amazon to license equivalent rights in the Warhammer Fantasy universe following the release of any initial Warhammer 40,000 production.

Production processes in respect of films and television series may take a number of years.

The Company makes no change to its forecast for the 52 week period ending 1 June 2025.

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It's Amazon - it's gonna be shit, !ringbearers !gonks how did Amazon r*pe your specific fanbase

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There is no hope here, only cope.

The possibility of it being good is incredibly small, the only path to it not being a perfidious abomination is Cavill raping all the retareded higher-ups into submission, and then somehow unearthing the mythical good writer and director in the Hollywood wastes.

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Secret level came out good the first 8 episodes.

@Fresh_Start think the crossfire episode was surprisingly the weakest because it was the only episode where a good foid with a gun beats a bad foid with a gun.

The second weeakest episode was too @Fresh_Start surprisingly their premiere Dungeons and Dragons episode where the dialogue felt crap and the story plot appeared too be that friendship is magic. It felt like a story written for soy 12 year olds.

Jewish lives matter too Aevann.

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Cucks of Power - R*ped LOTR

Expanse - Gave hope for a continued story, cucked and r*ped after one season

Reacher - Season 2 cucked beyond belief

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Reacher - Season 2 cucked beyond belief

Reacher and Mandalorian showed that if a first season is slightly good and true to the IP (thus successful) the raping squad gets their hand on the project for the next seasons.

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Well Amazon didn't do anything to Star Wars lol

Honestly for me it's still paramount with Halo


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the r*pe will continue until morale improves

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I'd say yes please but then it wouldn't be male feminism any more

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With what happened to Star Wars, Amazon would have been probably the more merciful option, seeing how quickly they kill their franchises it would be one TV show and a shallow grave.

Instead Disney has been dragging the lifeless rotting corpse of SW through the mud for years now.

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They voraciously r*ped Wheel of Time

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Wrong. 40k setting is by default anti-foid menace. They will go through the first scene of a space marine toddler training an 8 year old too chainsword kill a guy who was spreading democracy pamphlets and declare that the moids can handle this one.

Jewish lives matter too Aevann.

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/17339139623170764.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1733913962578829.webp

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Adeptus Castrates

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I mean, regular Astartes don't have balls either.


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I thought they were mega roided out on testosterone it's just that their sperm benches too much to get them horny for anything

dude bussy lmao

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"A valid woman got misgendered"

"Exterminatus is the only path, slay queen"

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Too white! Computer, make them blacker! I want them to be shoe polish Negroes in battle armor. No, I don't care what Warhammer nerds call it. It's battle armor.

:#marseywomanmoment2talking: :#blackwomanspeaking:

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We couldn't even get Space Above and Beyond renewed. Your stupid shit about killing rats in space (but it's sophisticated because there's hints of ripping off Dune a little bit :marseyjerkofffrown:) world gets to survive.

Now this part, I'm not trying to be mean or throw stones or something: You make more off the merchandising than the advertising. This has been true since Buck Rogers* in the 1930s when kids were buying his raygun. (Altho Wilma probably used it more to vaporize buttholes. Did you see how many guys she killed chemical weapons? I'm not even joking...)

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Space Above and Beyond

Zoomers don't know what you're talking about.

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They'll never know what never happened for them. :marseydoomer:

I mean they could just watch the show for free, probably from multiple sites, but they won't because it would involve thinking about where they click on their fricking phones. These are the people of the future who Shane died for and...

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This is one thing I loved about this show. That it was really up front about being about your parents and grandparents, not space aliens.

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They'll never know what never happened for them. :marseydoomer:

They are like tanks

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Caville is king of the chuds and 40k is their bulwark. You might think(wrongly) that the tide started turning with Bud Lite, or Marvel, or even Covid, but it was warhammer that made them dig in their heels, and everything downstream of this fight, including but not limited to the election of Donald Trump is causally related

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:marseyf#unko: :marseyauthright:

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The coolest part about warhammer animation is that there is always some guy who makes a new level of peak kino warhammer animation that makes everything that came before look useless

here are @Fernanda's favorite warhammer animations: and its EVERYTHING

1) Secret Level 40k episode ( Has replaced astastes as the peak 40k animation )

2) The orks vs humans warhammer tv episode

@Fernanda just think it's funny that 3) Warhammer 40k New Edition trailer -

4) Warhammer Horus heresy cinematic trailer -

omg! 5) 40k Tyranid invasion episode -

Also here is @Fernanda's favorite side boob in a video game cinematic : but go off


literally, And @Fernanda's favorite foid moment in a video game:

@Fernanda's heart is telling @Fernanda

Jewish lives matter too Aevann

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is this the one Henry Cavill is heading?

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I hope he keeps all the women at bay and makes it work :marseypraying:

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If he hates women even 1/100th the amount i do we will be safe

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It's crazy :marseyrightoidschizo: that people still get excited :marseypim: for their favorite :mersya: games :marseygamer: or books :marseymoreyouknow: to be adapted to TV. It's always terrible. Doubly so for Amazon. This 40k show has had bad sign after bad sign as well


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We've had a solid 10 years of crappy remakes. It's impressive.

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There's been good ones, just none of them have been nerd stuff. Almost as if they don't respect that audience and treat them as bank accounts to drain and educate.

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also Mr Eko beat Caville to playing a Space Marine on TV.


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I can smell the seethe already. Neurodivergent chuds are going to be real mad when amazon doesnt use a board game for fat sweaty r-slurss to glorify fascism.

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Cant wait for DEI cute twinkry in 40k... besides the fem custodes.

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Hope its cool. I need some nerdshit to not suck for a change.

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Watch as this somehow still ends up shittier than Asartes despite having millions backing it.

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