Mine was when the abusive girlfriend of one if my players made him quit the game because she decided he didn't want other things competing for his attention. This wouldn't be so bad except that his absence killed the group's chemistry and led to me ending the campaign.
What's your worst experience tabletop gaming?
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I was playing scrabble with these two girls, and one girl played a word, which allowed me to play a high scoring word off of it and secure the win.
The girl then realized she could have played a better word, so the two girls ruled that she could have a do-over, which made me lose. I was pissed. I never saw either of their tits so it was not worth it. I hate girls to this day.
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Low T behavior tbqhwy
They were probably down for a threesome if you weren't so willing to be a loser.
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Oh I did and they said I took things too seriously, then I stopped hanging out with them
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They wanted you to chimp out and choke them.
Gosh, they were sending you so many signals!
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was playing RISK at uni with some randos and friends during a break
made some hoe and a male feminist mad by winning for once
b-word started screeching (literally shouting on me out of nowhere, without provocation) conspiracy theories about me 'deliberately choosing to troll by taking over south america and africa first ' and that I was ''parroting colonization'
i was like b-word, that's RISK, which is a colonization simulator and b) my strategy is RISK 101, 'while no one is focusing on these continents, at the start of the game, take them'
then male feminist got mad because i called b-word a b-word
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Imagine being abused by a

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The most unfunny people I know trying to be critical role, also they were siblings and fought when they weren't riffing badly. One of them dressed like an anime character.
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I went into a Games Workshop once when I was a teenager and it was full of horrifically ugly, smelly moids. I never thought about tabletop gaming again.
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What exactly were you expecting?
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Any game of monopoly I have ever played. It's such an annoyingly shit game.
No one ever wants to end it, and it goes until everyone is bored wasting so much time for nothing.
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Strip Uno with family members around the holidays.
Aunt Susie couldn't cheat (like usual) with no shirt on and her tits flopping all over the place, so she got all pissy and quit!
If you're as enraged as I was, don't worry; I got her back real good later on with a surprise Uno Reverso.
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I beat my wife at War.... literally won and took all of her cards (single deck) twice. We don't play that anymore:(.
The other one is Risk®. She won't play anymore because being ruthless isn't "fun".
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My siblings and I never ended a game of monopoly without someone throwing a tantrum and storming off.
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Don't bring up Monopoly either, because playing by the direct rules also pisses certain women off when you clean their clocks.
At least we have Stock Ticker to even things out sometimes
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When I was a kid my family accused me of cheating at Monopoly by stealing from the bank when I wasn't. I got so fricking salty and quit the game.
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We kept doing it well into our 20s. It never ended: we just stopped playing monolopy. Apples to Apples is a great game but I bought a Gloom deck and no one wants to play.
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Way to beat up on a woman, champ.
Who's next? Your grandkids?
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How tf do you feel anything, let alone get mad at war? You don't even do anything.
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She's very competitive. Watching her and her dad go at it Scrabbling is very entertaining
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I've had so many vantablack omega dogshit games I can't even keep track. At this point I've grown to enjoy the pain.
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What games?
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mostly Vampire: the Masquerade games I GM'd with the express purpose of tormenting my players
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Wanted to form a new gaming group at a local shop, and the shop owners ask me to advertise online because they don't have a physical sign up list. I ask for older players and get a ton of replies, enough for two large groups. You can sort these people into two categories: 30+ married men with good careers and families, and young neurodivergent girls. Now, I didn't turn anyone away since it felt mean to tell some (VERY) neurodivergent and physically handicapped 18yr old girl that she couldn't play, even though I asked for older people. This was a mistake.
Every session had drama. One girl in particular kept having tantrums and storming off. I was talking with one of the older guys about dieting and weight loss and she butted in to ask me to stop talking about my weight loss around her because it was triggering to anorexic people like her (she was mega
, easily 200+ pounds). They would talk to each other instead of paying attention to the game then complain that we were too quiet. It was miserable.
Both groups imploded quickly, then the guys and I started meeting in one dude's basement instead, no foids or kids allowed. It's been over a year and we still play every week.
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Why go to all that effort when you can just write "I was molested"
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Surprisingly, no
s in this story
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I can't remember the name for the life of me, but we had a big group play a card game about building a theme park. The gimmick was you could and should rules lawyer your way to victory. Well, someone gets pissy when we tell him his card doesn't mean he gets to get triple points or whatever, and he sulks the whole rest of the game. Completely ruined the vibe and we never played it again.
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My wife got mad when we played Coup because "You're too good at lying." Now she refuses to play.
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When I first started Warhammer 40k, That Guy wanted to play a game against my basic b-word Space Marine list which had 1 Predator, 1 Dreadnought, 2 Rhinos, some Tac Marines and no real dedicated anti-tank, and this fricker whipped out Armored Company which a list that comprises of ALL vehicles and tanks.
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I've never played 40k, why is that bad?
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Something like 9-15 tanks vs 1 kind of shitty tank, 1 mech, 2 transports and ~20 infantry. Also Space Marines aren't as OP on tabletop as they are in the lore, like their standard boltgun can't do much against a vehicle. The Predator and Dreadnought would've been the only things that could do more than scratch the paint on the tanks, unless the tactical squads had a meltagun each (2 marines would've been able to poke holes in the tanks) and a heavy weapon like a missile launcher (2 more guys who can poke holes in tanks, but the whole squad might have to sit still for the missiles to be fired, depending on the edition).
Edit: and Dreadnoughts are on the smol end of mechs in 40k. Leftmost in this image, although up to Telemon are (non-basic-b-word) Dreadnoughts too. Armiger and the mechs to the right are Knights, which are smol titans.
Including titans (extremely not basic-b-word 40k):
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Just newbie-stomping, which is generally frowned up on in every hobby.
But specifically in this case some of his vehicles have an Armor Value of 13 like the tanks, but I have no dedicated anti-tank so the highest strength weapon I had was Strength 8 and I had maybe 4 things that could reach that, 3 of which were melee, so I basically would need to roll a 5 or 6 to "wound" the Armor Value 13 Tank aka mathematically unlikely when he has multiple weapons and tanks to target my units that had the Strength 8 weapon because I have a beginner's list and then he would newbie-stomp
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I've had a lot of cringe/just plain bad times playing RPGs at uni (autism central) but the funniest was two guys getting into a fistfight over the best algorithm to solve a puzzle (that I had already solved because I actually listened to the DM)
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First instance of someone being bussy whipped.
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I do not care about whether your intention was to be funny or not. If your "satire" is functionally indistinguishable from the thing you claim to be satirising, you suck shit at satire and should find a new hobby, nevermind what your political alleigances are or are not.
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