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  • MarioMemer : Isnt this the exact opposite of the point of pronouns

EFFORTPOST [Effortpost] Roman emperor only known for his depravity (even by roman standards) is declared transgender by some Literallywho museum in Bongland. :smugtranstwitter: celebrates, :!chudtantrum: in shambles


Have you heard the 3 months-old good news? :marseyhappening: No? Well have you at least ever heard of Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus, better known as Elagabalus :marseymarmotroman:? Neither? Yeah, not surprising.

Well guess what! you motherlovers were too busy sneeding about sandshit and New-Yorkers bombing Dearborn neighbors to smitherins. :marseyisrael: :!marseyflagpalestine:, some historical footnote character recently got pulled out of irrelevancy few months back, when the British Museum decided to deem him her trans-coded! :!marseytransflag2:

"But What?" :!marseybeanquestion: you may ask, "CoconutGun :marseymonke:, surely this would have made some noise if the Grandioso British National Museum pandered to trans shittery!" Well you are right, and the explanation here is that No, I'm not talking about THE British National Museum, the one's who's fricking based and keeps artefacts looted and spoiled from all the places the brits ever set foot on :marseyredcoat:.

No, I am talking about the one soon to overshadow the latter, the one and only! The North Herdfordshire museum! What is that? Oh, some random city 50km away from London's metro area whose random museum that opened 4 years ago looks like any small town library. But anyway, this museum which most of its content is probably dedicated to local miscellaneous artefacts locals found gathering dust in their attics seems to be controlled by a bunch of Humanities degree weirdoes because they won't ever shut the frick up about trans rights


But what prompted the North CummingPoopingtonshire museum to respect Elagabalus' pronouns? Well simple, they did so after consulting the experts scholars of... Stonewall! :marseylaughpoundfist:


The slap-fights

Victory screech :soyjakyell:

Naturally, the Bird-app and Tumblr folks cried in celebration for this precious bean they absolutely knew frickall about, finally being vindicated! Like sharks sensing blood in the water, they immediately sucked it up seized the body of some random neighbor that died 18 centuries ago and hopped on the bandwagon parading him as the newest transqueen

You may have heard of the transgender Roman Emperor Elagabalus, but how true are the claims that she was trans? Find out in Episode III of We Have Always Existed

Same poster later on:

:smugtranstwitter: The transphobes getting ahold of this tweet are so predictable and tedious, y'all are the least interesting people on Earth. Get a life

What a level-headed being, I wonder what they look like:


:marseysmug: I highly advise people to browse xer birdapp account. It literally looks like one of y'alls bait profiles.

Its joever :chuditsover:

Meanwhile, chuds are naturally not happy. Poor fricks are even losing their roman bust statues from the troid menace, can't have shit on twitter. :!marseychud:

Here is one decrying the list of Ws the Woke Agenda have been pulling

:chuditsover: This week, museums, endorsed by significant parts of both the mainstream media and academia, have:

  • Claimed the plague was racist
  • Removed an exhibit because a woman called a man "male"
  • Promoted a call for the murder of Jews
  • Said a Roman emperor was a 'trans woman'

Lots of pearl-clutching :marseypearlclutch2: and doomposting :doomerchud:

:!marseypills:We have let the radical left get control of academia and the media because we thought their bias would not harm us. Now we are called alt-right if we believe the most basic scientific facts and governments worldwide are organizing to curb our freedom of expression. It is time to point out absurdities and to express our opinions even when they are unpopular.

:marseychud: Obligatory post from our favourite self-hating asian lolcow, Mr. Cheong

I skimmed the threads, but besides rightoids sneeding there was nothing much, until I found this guy! Portland Professor Phd!

:marseykente: The original Romans/Italians were actually Black. Look at this flag of Corsica. A piece of history that the white colonizers couldent totally destroy. It shows the original inhabitants

:chudseethe: Wow what a statement. These are Moorish Islamic invaders. The story is too long to explain here. But you are a nutcase. If you really teach, you need to be fired.

:marseykente: Thats what the whites want you to believe but its stolen land and made up history. It started when Black julius Caesar built the pyramids and whites got jealous

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17055078666714935.webp Which one of you dramatards this account belongs to? You're doing great :marseyxd:

Remember dramatards, this is the stance to adopt. Everytime, all the time


Tumblr celebrates too! :marseybacktotumblr:

Anyways, we beat our peepees in a circle, laughing at rightoids, and :marseytrain2:ers. But I assume most of you can't name at best more than five roman emperors, a few more if you hang in those neurodivergent trad circles. But surely none of you ever heard of that Elagabalus fella. Well it's pretty explainable why, so let's go back to school, swallow a couple pills of adderall and open some dusty-ahh history books and learn about Elagabalus. For this, I'll use another Tumblr thread, entirely screencapped for your convenience so you don't have to browse your way to the Heck that this crusty shithole of a website is:

It beings with OP pooping and crying that /ourpreciousbean/ is finally given the proper pronouns and hundreds of other :marseytrain2:s pissing and crying too:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1705507742099954.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17055077422581031.webp

But who was Elagabalus? :marseythinkorino:

Now, while many transbeans are busy clapping too out of joy and representation, but a few skeptics who actually listened to History Class back in Middle School instead of being asocial losers obsessed with Tohou and Lucky Star start asking unwelcome questions :marseywut2:


Here, Tumblr scholar Gservator summarizes Elagabalus pedigree better than I can:

:marseyl: No, however he was one of the worst Emperors of Rome.

:marseywhirlyhat: Elagabalus took the throne at the age of 14, he brought with him a conical black stone, which he declared was the earthly form of the sun god El-Gabal, who gave Elagabalus his name, and lifelong office as high priest.

:marseycoomer2: He shoved the Roman lead God Jupiter aside, and did the unthinkable, he installed El-Gabal at the head of the Roman pantheon, and married a vestal virgin.

:marseyface: Oh yes, to take the throne, he committed treason, revolting against Emperor Macrinus, overthrowing him, and murdered Macrinus' nine year old son Marcus Ophelius Diadumenianus.

:!marseybabykiller: Elagabalus was also persuaded to believe that wrong was right. It would have been very hard for a child of 14, or 12 in one account, to see the flaws in the arguments presented by those he believed his allies.

:psychojak: He also allegedly committed the human sacrifice of children.

:!marseycoomer: If true, Elagabalus was certainly one of the more abhorrent Emperors.

:!marseykingkrazy: He forced leading members of Rome's government to participate in religious rites celebrating his deity, presiding over them in person.

:marseycoomer2: He married four women, other than the Vestal Virgin, in addition to lavishing favors on male courtiers thought to have been his lovers.

:marseyfans: He was also reported to have prostituted himself, and had his guard find men with the largest peepeees to give them government jobs, and would hold contests with them to see who could whore themselves out the most.

:marseybackstab: His behavior estranged the Praetorian Guard, the Senate and the common people alike, so much so, that despite him being the illegitimate son of the Emperor prior to Macrinus, they assassinated him at the age of 19 and replaced him with his cousin.

Elagabalus developed a reputation among his contemporaries for extreme eccentricity, decadence, zealotry and sexual promiscuity, he was no tyrant, he was worse, he was an incompetent Emperor, one prone to zealotry and eccentricity.

So sure, if you people want to claim one of Rome's greatest failures as your own, go ahead, I won't stop you. :marseyunamused:

In conclusion

Elagabalus was an absolute failure of an emperor. A dipshit teenager elevated to supreme power, which he used to be absolutely debauched, even by roman standards. A guy so insufferable that his own guys whacked him, 4 years into his reign, at the ripe age of 19. Too inneficient to be remembered positively, and not even bloodthirsty enough to be remember as a menace like the more unhinged roman emperors. He failed on all scores, and ended up being an anecdote among the giant list of other short-lived, incompetent and quickly ridden emperors.

One of the few chronicles we have is about himm is from some guy called Cassius Dio, who claims that Elagabalus was 'termed wife, mistress & queen', told one lover & 'Call me not Lord, for I am a Lady'. But most historians believe the accounts were simply a character assassination as he was reputed to be as tyrannical as Caligula & Nero. But a couple of millenial losers in charge of a 3 rooms-sized museum in rural England decided to twist that libel&slander into praise, and unearthed this long-forgotten failboy to place his cadaver on a parade throne and drag him down the street!

Diversity wins! This laughable historical figure was trans-coded!

:!marseycoomer: Elagabalus: Being a male feminist, body shamer, abusive person of power and a torturer and killed many innocent children along with being a religious fundamentalist and hating the poor

:!marseytrans2: Transgender community: omg it's literally me!

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My fav part about this is that those accounts are almost definitely character assassination but we're going through with it because of current year stuff.

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:marseyclueless: 2015 chud: I will make a Facebook post with a totally real quote from Hillary Clinton saying that she r*ped 5 thousand Honduran babies and liked it

:marseyreading: Historian in 2462: "This American politician from 250 years ago was totally X'glorphadorg coded based on her own words, I better publish this."

Yes Hilldawg will live for another couple centuries

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Imagine what the historians of the year 3000 will think of Chuck Norris

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if it looks like chicken, smells like chicken, and tastes like chicken, but chuck norris says it's beef, then it's fricking beef.

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:!marseytrain:s just want their own roman statue pfp because extremists love their heritage cope

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Gotta make you wonder what was going on with gender back then though. The implications!

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Well, there were men, eunuchs, and women, and only men had power or rights.

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And men with the titles of women?? Like, even as a diss it has to be believable at the time and not just utter unprecedented nonsense

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And men with the titles of women??

Where? Or are you talking about Emperor Coomer asking his lover to call him "Lady" after getting his bussy blasted?

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Yeah that. Hits different

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I don't get it :marseysad:

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She thinks about it every week. :thumbsdown: :marseyrentfree:

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She's a Romanboo? :marseyshook:

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She thinks about this sentence every week like men think about the Roman Empire every week.

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trans people: we don't have to conform to the gender stereotypes of society! we can dress how we want and be who we want! you don't get to decide if i'm a man or a woman!

also trans people: well, this person didn't strictly conform to gender stereotypes so we have decided they were trans!

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it's not about accuracy (a white colonial concept) it's about representation and inclusivity, chud

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it's not about accuracy (a white colonial concept)




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Facts don't care about your feelings because facts are an aspect of white supremacy.

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>This deranged Coomer was obviously trans because that is how trans people behave

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No evidence of cross dressing.

No evidence of punishing those who called him a man.

The only thing they have is being a s*x pest and one guy saying that the emperor said call me a woman.

I'm with the chuds on this one, this is as annoying as mormons converting people after they die.

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I mean the people opposed to Slavery in Rome were also wildly different from near-modern abolitionists but I wouldn't stop them from saying their movement is nearly as ancient as slavery itself

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The groups you mentioned aren't believing lies

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Transgenderism is just the newest interpretation and theory applied to ancient, real things. Like communism and it's idolization of the savage man from hunter gatherer societies, unbowed by capitalism

Egalabussy didn't identify as transgender and Grug didn't concern himself with the proles, but both are roots and background and context for these modern groups (commies and :!marseytrain:s) and alternative angles on what they say are more deeply underlying natures of us as humans

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Egalabussy didn't identify as transgender and Grug didn't concern himself with the proles, but both are roots and background and context for these modern groups (commies and :!marseytrain:s) and alternative angles on what they say are more deeply underlying natures of us as humans

I wish it were so simple but that's importing a whole world of ideas assumptions and beliefs onto our studies of the past, modern interpretations are good for helping US understand them, but let's not get carried away with perpetuating misunderstandings of history to console ourselves.

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I would argue that communism is more like treating a group of humans like an ant colony, that each person is not an individual but a cog and should do their duty for the colony/nation

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I mean the people opposed to Slavery in Rome were also wildly different from near-modern abolitionists

There were? :marseyshook:

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Well yeah it was a whole different culture

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I meant that there were abolitionists in Ancient Rome

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tbh no, because slavery was ALSO different back then.

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I think compared to other slave societies, Rome's was honestly pretty close to trans-Atlantic slavery, they're the only ones that I know used slave labor on massive agricultural estates

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Abolitionists don't really exist anymore though, commies and trans people do

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Do you guys like the History of Rome podcast?

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Romeaboos are worse than Weebs, Koreaboos or Muslimcels.

The only history that matters is ancient China up to the Song dynasty.

If you disagree you're a normalstrag and need to get off my board.

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do you have any recommendations for an intro to that?

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Yeah, but not in the way you'd enjoy it. I've also decided to write a longer text but I cba especially as I need to read and grade at least 20 pages of my students' bachelor thesis today, too. :marseyraging:

So, in short:

The important thing about ancient China is that every dynasty goes roughly through the same cycle:

  • Once stable empire slowly declines due to (i) corrupt officials/court, (ii) scheming eunuchs, (iii) natural disasters, (iv) foreign invaders, (v) rebels, (vi) imperial family drama

  • Various rebellions break out with the powerless empire only existing on name, relying on powerful regional lords to keep harmony

  • These lords realize they can easily create their own dynasty, becoming warlords in the process with other lords thinking the same creating a massive kerfuffle.

  • Random peasant army leader somehow wins this battle royal and establishes a new dynasty

As there were a lot of Chinks (even back then), there are a lot of names and family trees and titles and regions and cities and rivers. Learning ALL of that is impossible. I'd recommend selecting a particular time period and engulfing yourself into it. I'm - of course - very fond of the Three Kingdoms period which essentially started with The End of the Han Dynasty and ended with the establishment of the Jin Dynasty. There's all sorts of fun here but most people know this period only from the heavily romanticized and fantastic masterpiece Romance of the Three Kingdoms which was written roughly ONE THOUSAND YEARS (!) after the actual events happened. Chinks are notoriously great at keeping record of their events - Westerners cannot even dream of doing so - and there's all sort of content to essentially permanently engulf you forever into this one time period. Luckily for us western losers, people have spent a lot of effort translating as many content as possible and there are almost infinitely many resources online:

Ranging from the more neurodivergent wikis like kongming.net or Three States Records to more fun adaptions like the 95-episode long 2010 TV series or video games like Dynasty Warrirors or Total War: Three Kingdoms. Keep in mind that all of these massively cut content on all sides and only focus on the main parts.

For a more formal entry I'd recommend this ~ 31 pages long introduction: https://threestatesrecords.files.wordpress.com/2019/03/an-introduction-to-three-kingdoms.pdf

But I'm not someone you should actually trust with these things as my interests are reading particular. For example, I think papers like THE HUNDRED OFFICES OF WEI AND JIN - A Brief Summary of the Bureaucracy of Wei and Jin Times are absolutely fantastic, both in scope and detail while others find these boring and lame as frick. I've also massively sperged out about this before when I read Sun Chien's translated biography:


This will be giga neurodivergent but I'm currently trying to read Volume 46 of the Sanguo Zhi (Records of the Three Kingdoms). This is a historical text covering events and people of the late Han dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period. Some chunks of this massive record have already been translated into English, but there is no complete translation. Each volume has a focus on specific people of that period and some of the titles of the volumes are very informative such as Biographies of concubines and sons of the two Lords. Volume 46, the one I'm currently reading is called Biographies of Sun Who Destroys Barbarians, and Sun Who Attacks Rebels and it focuses on Sun Jian and Sun Ce. Sadly, the translation done by the infamous Rafe de Crespigny, who is perhaps the source of knowledge of this time period in the western world, only goes to the end of Sun Jian's life and its called : The Biography of Sun Chien: Being an Annotated Translation of Pages 1 to 8a of Chüan 46 of the San-kuo Chih of Ch'en Shou in the Po-na Edition. It's very hard to read because you have to cross reference a lot of information to fully understand its content and at the same time it's also very dry and really not that interesting if I'm honest. Also the different possibilities of Chinese romanization makes it really annoying to grasp some content, for example San-kuo chih is the same as Sanguo Zhi and while this isn't really an issue here, it gets incredibly annoying when you have to search the same terms over and over again. I genuinely believe it's better to just read the google translated version of the summary of each volume (e.g. the summary of volume 46. on the Chinese wikipedia. You may miss some crucial information but in the end it really doesn't matter if someone was the General Who Destroys Barbarians or if he was the General Who Chases Rebels.

So in short, if you enjoy the tales of larger than life characters and their tragic downfalls, tracing family trees back multiple generations, have a current map and old map ready you'll absolutely love this. Also, there are usually next to no women (talking 95-5) in these stories regardless of time period you'll absolutely love this.

Also, Red Cliff hit mainstream appeal so you may have seen it.

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thank you so much losercel this gives me a lot to think about! i've been watching a lot of different history videos while i knit so that TV show will come in especially handy because there are only so many 4 hour long documentaries on youtube :marseyitneverbegan: appreciate the effort you put into this i hope you can get through all your work soon and relax after :marseyxoxo:

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How can you run out of documentaries on YouTube wtf?

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In fairness I won't watch the ones filmed by some guy with a Walmart mic positioned too close to his loud butt aquarium who has negative speaking or editing skills so that's like 80% of them :marseydisintegrate: the thing that makes them great at history also makes them terrible to listen to :marseyneko:

I got a subscription to MagellanTV and so far it's been nice just cus you don't have to worry about that. Not the greatest selection tho, wanted to learn about voyageurs or the fur trade and they have nothing on that

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wanted to learn about voyageurs or the fur trade

Are a Leaf?

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Yeah, idk if you are but in my leaf history classes 10% of the class was learning a subject and 90% was how natives felt about that subject so was hoping to learn more about what actually went on here back in the day

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You're a teacher? :marseygasp:

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No @Red_Shill don't say @Red_Shill love sucking peepee ever!!

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lmfao, i wanted to mention that to someone, sometime, but i could never find a way to shoehorn it in to an rdrama comment. you really can read my mind :marseyadmire:

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You really are? :marseyshook:

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IT'S JUST LIKE KINGDOM :marseyprincesszeldatotk: DOOOOOD :marseypoonerdeathpose:

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The Three Kingdoms saga mogs the Warring States into oblivion. :marseyindignant:

No dogshit Shounen may convince me otherwise.

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What's that?

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Actually keep yourself safe, Kingdom is good fun.

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What's that?

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My only intro to the song dynasty is killing them in Age of Empires 4.

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Says Rome simps are the worst yet has a clearly Roman inspired cathedral for a banner, curious? :marseyshapiro:

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It was fantastic. Mike Duncan is a bit twitter brained now but his podcast work is outstanding

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I really liked his Ancient Rome book, the storm before the storm. Then I read his book on Lafayette, and the inability to place the founding fathers in the context of their period, and the need to trip over himself pointing out the hypocrisy and evils of slavery got old fast.

Like, yeah dude, no shit slavery was awful, and no shit there's a hypocrisy in fighting for liberty and owning slaves. Not exactly blowing my mind here with new info. Can we please stop moralizing and go back to discussing battle formations now? Please? :marseyeyeroll:

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The book didn't really drone on about this :marseyconfused: Mentioned it a page or two, especially the bit about Lafayette editing his journals later in life to downplay slavery, which is relevant because the man was a glory hound and hypocritical

History isn't just an endless series of military formation, especially not the American revolution which was about rights and politics

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I recall it as continuing to pop up as an aside over and over. At least that's what I wrote down in my book journal as a main negative impressive of the text (it has been awhile since I read it, so forgive my lack of particulars).

Idk I just recall it rubbing me the wrong way because it felt like he was compelled to make the same observation to me over and over, like I was a moral idiot needing this evil regularly pointed out, lest I forget (rather than that chapters were spent on it). The feeling of the author moralizing was the turn off—not the situation being discussed at all. Especially when relevant, as you mentioned with L's failed experiment in Cayenne and legacy.

I also recall it being tedious that he basically expected people born in the early to mid-1700s to be full blown abolitionists by the 1770s, instead of placing them in the context of a slowly growing call to liberty that only grew to include freemen, slaves, and women over an evolving time period. Which made me question what else he might be struggling to put in context I was unaware of.

I'd be willing to read it again through and see if my book journal and memories are wrong, but those are the impressions I left with :marseyshrug:

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Idk I just recall it rubbing me the wrong way because it felt like he was compelled to make the same observation to me over and over, like I was a moral idiot needing this evil regularly pointed out, lest I forget

I empathize with this observation of yours, though; many writers (especially progressive types) don't seem like they trust the reader to realise that BAD THING BAD. It didn't rub me the wrong way with this book, thankfully

>see if my book journal

That sounds like a good practice to keep one:marseyreading:. Do you go through enough books in a year that it's helpful to keep a short reminder of each one?

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I do! I try to read a lot, and find it helpful to write my thoughts down right after reading a book as a type of reflection. It's also nice to go back and skim previous entries to remind myself of authors or books I might want to explore again. I use this moleskine journal and recommend it: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/moleskine-passion-book-journal-large-boxed-hard-cover-moleskine/1138129568;jsessionid=D760F317A4C484974E11B1A3F230A6ED.prodny_store01-atgap03?ean=8058647620244

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doing the Haitian Revolution changed him

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I think it was just trump. Like every other person that seemed normal and became deranged around that time.

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I thought most people get chuddy after they study the Haitian Revolution?

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only if you don't think blacks are people

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“¡Si!” :marseyflagdominicanrepublic:

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Not when they learn about the debt repayments for freed slaves after, no. Frick the french

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But once you get to the invasion and unilateral rule of Santo Domingo you go back to chuddy if you speak Spanish

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I'm too r-slurredly adhd for podcasts but the only history :marseyfeynman: ones I ever liked were by Alessandro Barbero if anyone speaks Italian :marseygodfather: lol

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I love it. I listened through twice.

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It's pretty good, but the history of Byzantium podcast is even better

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>this roman emperor was severely mentally ill

>he must have been trans


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:!marseycoomer: Elagabus: Being a male feminist, body shamer, abusive person of power and a torturer and killed many innocent children along with being a religious fundamentalist and hating the poor

:!marseytrans2: Transgender community: omg it's literally me!


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North Herdfordshire museum! What is that? Oh, some random city 50km away from London's metro area whose random museum that opened 4 years ago looks like any small town library

Aww, it looks cute. I Iove irrelevant museums, let them have their fun

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Its funny how anytime they pick a figure either fictional or historical to represent 'trans' its always a homicidal, narcistic, ultra pervert, and most importantly, incompetent.

And this is all based on what one historian "might" have said and confirming it with a non expert charity source.

>uhm hey guys this megalomaniac pervert emperor might have been trans, do you agree?

>yeah sure, anything to get our name out there.

Same with how they try to claim any eunuch in history as actually just trans people even though eunuchs have been nothing but third class servants.

and the most famous eunuch in GoT was a little boylover. lmao

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Eunechs are part of it :marseyshrug:

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Ah, so it just takes one person relating hearsay to make it a FACT.

HAY GUYS, I once heard Carp say "I am a proud FBA and Aevann is, too"

There. Now drama will hit the history books as a proud BIPOC forum.

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I don't think this is really a win for trans people as Elagabalus was a real piece of shit. Worse than Nero, Caligula or Caracalla when it comes to just depravity if I remember right.

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He was literally just an neurodivergent gigacoomer. So yeah if he was alive today he'd probably be trans but such is not a great look at all imo.

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That Elagabussy doe :marseybiting:

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The question of Elagabalus's sexual orientation and gender identity is confused, owing to salacious and unreliable sources.

Wow what a great way to start off the historical narrative.

Some writers suggest that Elagabalus may have identified as female or been transgender, and may have sought s*x reassignment surgery. Some historians treat these accounts with caution, as sources for Elagabalus' life were often antagonistic towards him.

It's a common thing with historians to filter out and dismiss certain third-party claims about historical figures because often enough they were written to paint the characters as evil in order to justify killing them.

What is the source of Elagabalus having said these things? Cassius Dio.

What do scholars think about Cassius Dio as a historian?

Dio's work has often been deprecated as unreliable and lacking any overall political aim.

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>tfw you let Ancient Roman CNN shape your understanding of the past

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Dio's work has often been deprecated as unreliable and lacking any overall political aim.

A Roman historian not having political slant? :marseyconfused2:

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Wasn't Elagabalus considered one of the weakest emperors and a direct predecessor to the downfall of Rome for his failures? Bro was so cucked it was said to form divisive opinions within the family.

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I wouldn't say he's the reason why Rome started to decline he definitely was one of its failures as an emperor

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He was merely a symptom of the rot that had been consuming the empire for decades prior.

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I told Belial that she's her (Elagabalus) reincarnation.

She seemed to agree.

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Every time I hear something about that b-word I love her more

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She seems to have been a bit mentally ill :marseyhmm:

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Beyond Parody :#marseyxd:

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married a vestal virgin.

It's undersold on how BAD this was here. The Romans were profoundly superstitious, and would ritually sacrifice a child if a utterance from a book demanded it.

Vestal virgins were like OG nuns, they couldn't do a lot of things as it was considered profane. So its like the Pope picking a nun and fricking her in public during mass. More than a few vestal virgins were executed for doing less than this.

Personally? The memory of Elagabalus after his death was subject to a period of heavy distortion and shaping, where the powers that be wrote a lot (both true and untrue) about the things Elagabalus had done.

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The roman state from 180 to it's eventual downfall is a masterclass in why dictatorships will never work longterm and will inevitebly just turn inward after a while.

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Have you heard the 3 months-old good news? :marseyhappening: No

Actually I have because it was posted here like 4 times in one day

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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Darn, I made sure checking if no one else wrote about it before by typing the emperor's name on the search bar but I just realized I fricked up the orthography and typed "Elagabus" instead :marseydramautist:

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Elagabussy LMAO

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I know that literally rewriting history has happened, is happening and will happen in the future, but rewriting long dead people to be :!marseytrain:s is so fricking stupid and upsetting

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Freddy Mercury was trans too

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He was? :marseygasp:

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Chuds used this to slander him and say this degeneracy is why the WRE fell... what is even going on anymore :marseyconfused:

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Ok this dude/dame sounds incredibly based. Are we hating on zer just because xes a :marseytrain:??

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He was a s*x pest and died cringe though

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call me not Lord, for I am a Lady.

:marseyakshually: Elgabus wouldn't have said they were a lady since there wasn't a separate word for the female alternate for lord, it would have just been the word lord with a feminine ending like “domina” to “dominus” :marseyshapiro:

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Yeah neighbor, that's how gendered language works, the female version of that word is the separate female version for it, lady is a perfectly accurate translation of "domina" just like how in portuguese "lord" is "senhor" and "lady" is "senhora"

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The downmarsey is unnecessary and uncalled for :!marseyindignant:

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Not everyone knows that and the word Lady for female lord is a bit archaic, so using “domina” as unambiguous assertion of Elgabus is in bad faith :!marseyindignant:

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Not everyone knows that and the word Lady for female lord is a bit archaic, so using “domina” as unambiguous assertion of Elgabus is in bad faith

Not it isnt' BIPOC it's a completely reasonable assumption based on how language works, if it was an unnatural they wouldn't say "domina" they would say something like "puella dominus" to imply it's unnatural for a woman to be one, like how romance languages do with men dominant jobs

I have downmarseyd you three more times for your three comments, please condense it all in one so I don't have 10 notifs out of nowhere :marseydownvote:

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Do not downmarsey me, it's unbecoming of someone if your station :!marseyindignant:

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It's an assertion room for error and it was done it bad faith. The supposed quote was supposedly written over 1800 years ago by an author who was hostile to Elgabus in an extinct language known for being flexible in its grammatical gender and translated possibly multiple times before it was English and adopted for a society where it's used as a evidence he called himself a “lady” in the modern meaning of the word. :!marseyindignant:

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Nuh, you're wrong, BIPOC.

I have upmarseyd you as a show of apology, even if you're a BIPOC and dumb, it's not your fault

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I'm not wrong but thank you for your apology and make up upmarsey

This is why you're my sixth favorite gimmick poster :@sallove::@sallove::@sallove:

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I have downdongered you for sidevoting :marseydownvote:, but thanks for the compliment :@sphereserf3232love::@sphereserf3232love::@sphereserf3232love:

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Your welcome but please don't sidevote :marseysad:

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He could have been referring to himself in plural bigot :!marseyindignant:

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:marseyfans: He was also reported to have prostituted himself, and had his guard find men with the largest peepeees to give them government jobs, and would hold contests with them to see who could whore themselves out the most.

when bros could be bros

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Removed an exhibit because a woman called a man "male"

What was this? :marseyconfused:

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actually listened to History Class back in Middle School instead of being asocial losers obsessed with Tohou and Lucky Star start asking unwelcome questions :marseywut2:

Both are ahistorical tbh, though how come singled out those two? :marseyshiftyeyes: :marseynotes:

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Have you heard the 3 months-old good news? :marseyhappening:

Yes, I made a post on it :marseyexcited:

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