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I am LITERALLY going to kill myself unless you upmarsey this post

i need coins, if you could gift me everything you have that would also be appreciated

everybody who doesn't upmarsey this post will be in my suicide note, that means if this post doesn't get 25000 upmarseys my suicide note will be miles long and kill dozens of trees from the paper that needs to be made for it

also ask me anything i guess !cuteandvalid !metashit

i will upmarsey anybody who replies as well thank you thank you

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At least you're self aware of your mental illness. Why don't you just follow that up with not being trans?

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i was a husk before i :marseytrain2:ed out, i dont really wanna go back to that. maybe im not trutrans or whatever but at least i have a purpose in life now

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>but at least i have a purpose in life now

that being....? :marseyconfused:

@Corinthian please bring this neighbor into the church he needs it

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:marseysoypoint: I was just talking to @ticktocktrainbutsuicidal when you said this.

I don't know how to convert you, and I don't want you to think my only goal is to do so. Catholic/Christian teaching is very clearly opposed to trans ideology, but not in a heartless way. Trying to form an identity around your sexuality/feelings of belonging is obviously fraught and limits yourself from a true sense of peace and belonging that can only be found through acceptance of God.

Great are you, O Lord, and exceedingly worthy of praise; your power is immense, and your wisdom beyond reckoning. And so we men, who are a due part of your creation, long to praise you – we also carry our mortality about with us, carry the evidence of our sin and with it the proof that you thwart the proud. You arouse us so that praising you may bring us joy, because you have made us and drawn us to yourself, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.

I suggest maybe picking up a copy of St. Augustine. He was a troubled and intellectual young man who devoted a great deal of energy to finding meaning in life. It's also one of the most significant literary works of the Western canon, regardless, and is the origin of such turns of phrase as "listen with your heart".

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Hey I can appreciate that you're coming at this from a place of care and faith, but sometimes I think people just have to agree to disagree. I'm doing a lot of things wrong right now, I know that. I know I'm doing a real bad job of fixing it. But one thing I'm confident in, something I don't see myself ever giving up, is my current identity. It's what inspired me to try, to actually do something for once. Even though I'm failing miserably at it, even though I am miserable, I steadfastly refuse to deny this is what I wanted. I'm honestly not all that opposed to finding god, finding spirituality. But I'm not willing to entertain it if it and the people surrounding it are going to deny who I am so harshly. I don't really care if it makes me an outcast. I've always been one, even pre-transition.

That's all. Sorry if my tone was a little harsh there. I'm really bad at dealing with this sort of thing. I hope we can still be cordial with each other. If not, that's okay. I know what site I'm on.

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But I'm not willing to entertain it if it and the people surrounding it are going to deny who I am so harshly.

I'm not denying who you are or what you feel, but I would call into question if the belief system you've fallen into is doing that. I don't hate you or reject you as an individual worthy of respect. My time this year on this site has actually managed to make me less transphobic because I can see how morally repugnant and hate filled so many are. My own niece was r*ped and "came out" as a man but has since sidetracked(?) to being nonbinary. My genuine opinion is that you're lost (pun to recent discussion not intended) and probably for very good reasons. Current society and technology lead many astray. I hope you find fulfillment and can lead a virtuous life. I think that comes through Christ and His Church, obviously many do not at this point. I'm happy to engage here or in private further on this or any topic.

I want to emphasize again I don't hate you, I don't hate anyone. The world troubles me, I think it does you, as well. :marseyconcerned: @Grue IDK what you are or believe beneath the trolling but there you go.

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What would you especially like me to take away from this comment?

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Take away your hand from the mouse when you're gonna troll me idk :marseyhands:

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but at least i have a purpose in life now

do you though

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And your purpose in life is to... be trans?

Like that seems kinda sad tbh. Why not just find a different purpose in life. Like "I will be a public servant to give back to my community." or "I will volunteer eight hours a weekend to feed the poor?".

That seems much healthier than selfharming.

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Because both of the things you suggested are boring and involve working with super r-slurred smelly people.

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BIPOC, stop being such an embarrassment to your family. Your parents didn't raise you to be like this. Have some shame and start thinking about others, you selfish narcissist




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I think a life's purpose should be in doing, not being

My purpose is to make everyone else feel the same way about birds as I do :marseyrapscallion:

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if it's your purpose in life you should at least be doing a better job of it and voice train.

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