Reported by:
  • MarioMemer : Isnt this the exact opposite of the point of pronouns


Have you heard the 3 months-old good news? :marseyhappening: No? Well have you at least ever heard of Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus, better known as Elagabalus :marseymarmotroman:? Neither? Yeah, not surprising.

Well guess what! you motherlovers were too busy sneeding about sandshit and New-Yorkers bombing Dearborn neighbors to smitherins. :marseyisrael: :!marseyflagpalestine:, some historical footnote character recently got pulled out of irrelevancy few months back, when the British Museum decided to deem him her trans-coded! :!marseytransflag2:

"But What?" :!marseybeanquestion: you may ask, "CoconutGun :marseymonke:, surely this would have made some noise if the Grandioso British National Museum pandered to trans shittery!" Well you are right, and the explanation here is that No, I'm not talking about THE British National Museum, the one's who's fricking based and keeps artefacts looted and spoiled from all the places the brits ever set foot on :marseyredcoat:.

No, I am talking about the one soon to overshadow the latter, the one and only! The North Herdfordshire museum! What is that? Oh, some random city 50km away from London's metro area whose random museum that opened 4 years ago looks like any small town library. But anyway, this museum which most of its content is probably dedicated to local miscellaneous artefacts locals found gathering dust in their attics seems to be controlled by a bunch of Humanities degree weirdoes because they won't ever shut the frick up about trans rights

But what prompted the North CummingPoopingtonshire museum to respect Elagabalus' pronouns? Well simple, they did so after consulting the experts scholars of... Stonewall! :marseylaughpoundfist:

The slap-fights

Victory screech :soyjakyell:

Naturally, the Bird-app and Tumblr folks cried in celebration for this precious bean they absolutely knew frickall about, finally being vindicated! Like sharks sensing blood in the water, they immediately sucked it up seized the body of some random neighbor that died 18 centuries ago and hopped on the bandwagon parading him as the newest transqueen

You may have heard of the transgender Roman Emperor Elagabalus, but how true are the claims that she was trans? Find out in Episode III of We Have Always Existed

Same poster later on:

:smugtranstwitter: The transphobes getting ahold of this tweet are so predictable and tedious, y'all are the least interesting people on Earth. Get a life

What a level-headed being, I wonder what they look like:


:marseysmug: I highly advise people to browse xer birdapp account. It literally looks like one of y'alls bait profiles.

Its joever :chuditsover:

Meanwhile, chuds are naturally not happy. Poor fricks are even losing their roman bust statues from the troid menace, can't have shit on twitter. :!marseychud:

Here is one decrying the list of Ws the Woke Agenda have been pulling

:chuditsover: This week, museums, endorsed by significant parts of both the mainstream media and academia, have:

  • Claimed the plague was racist
  • Removed an exhibit because a woman called a man "male"
  • Promoted a call for the murder of Jews
  • Said a Roman emperor was a 'trans woman'

Lots of pearl-clutching :marseypearlclutch2: and doomposting :doomerchud:

:!marseypills:We have let the radical left get control of academia and the media because we thought their bias would not harm us. Now we are called alt-right if we believe the most basic scientific facts and governments worldwide are organizing to curb our freedom of expression. It is time to point out absurdities and to express our opinions even when they are unpopular.

:marseychud: Obligatory post from our favourite self-hating asian lolcow, Mr. Cheong

I skimmed the threads, but besides rightoids sneeding there was nothing much, until I found this guy! Portland Professor Phd!

:marseykente: The original Romans/Italians were actually Black. Look at this flag of Corsica. A piece of history that the white colonizers couldent totally destroy. It shows the original inhabitants

:chudseethe: Wow what a statement. These are Moorish Islamic invaders. The story is too long to explain here. But you are a nutcase. If you really teach, you need to be fired.

:marseykente: Thats what the whites want you to believe but its stolen land and made up history. It started when Black julius Caesar built the pyramids and whites got jealous Which one of you dramatards this account belongs to? You're doing great :marseyxd:

Remember dramatards, this is the stance to adopt. Everytime, all the time

Tumblr celebrates too! :marseybacktotumblr:

Anyways, we beat our peepees in a circle, laughing at rightoids, and :marseytrain2:ers. But I assume most of you can't name at best more than five roman emperors, a few more if you hang in those neurodivergent trad circles. But surely none of you ever heard of that Elagabalus fella. Well it's pretty explainable why, so let's go back to school, swallow a couple pills of adderall and open some dusty-ahh history books and learn about Elagabalus. For this, I'll use another Tumblr thread, entirely screencapped for your convenience so you don't have to browse your way to the Heck that this crusty shithole of a website is:

It beings with OP pooping and crying that /ourpreciousbean/ is finally given the proper pronouns and hundreds of other :marseytrain2:s pissing and crying too:

But who was Elagabalus? :marseythinkorino:

Now, while many transbeans are busy clapping too out of joy and representation, but a few skeptics who actually listened to History Class back in Middle School instead of being asocial losers obsessed with Tohou and Lucky Star start asking unwelcome questions :marseywut2:

Here, Tumblr scholar Gservator summarizes Elagabalus pedigree better than I can:

:marseyl: No, however he was one of the worst Emperors of Rome.

:marseywhirlyhat: Elagabalus took the throne at the age of 14, he brought with him a conical black stone, which he declared was the earthly form of the sun god El-Gabal, who gave Elagabalus his name, and lifelong office as high priest.

:marseycoomer2: He shoved the Roman lead God Jupiter aside, and did the unthinkable, he installed El-Gabal at the head of the Roman pantheon, and married a vestal virgin.

:marseyface: Oh yes, to take the throne, he committed treason, revolting against Emperor Macrinus, overthrowing him, and murdered Macrinus' nine year old son Marcus Ophelius Diadumenianus.

:!marseybabykiller: Elagabalus was also persuaded to believe that wrong was right. It would have been very hard for a child of 14, or 12 in one account, to see the flaws in the arguments presented by those he believed his allies.

:psychojak: He also allegedly committed the human sacrifice of children.

:!marseycoomer: If true, Elagabalus was certainly one of the more abhorrent Emperors.

:!marseykingkrazy: He forced leading members of Rome's government to participate in religious rites celebrating his deity, presiding over them in person.

:marseycoomer2: He married four women, other than the Vestal Virgin, in addition to lavishing favors on male courtiers thought to have been his lovers.

:marseyfans: He was also reported to have prostituted himself, and had his guard find men with the largest peepeees to give them government jobs, and would hold contests with them to see who could whore themselves out the most.

:marseybackstab: His behavior estranged the Praetorian Guard, the Senate and the common people alike, so much so, that despite him being the illegitimate son of the Emperor prior to Macrinus, they assassinated him at the age of 19 and replaced him with his cousin.

Elagabalus developed a reputation among his contemporaries for extreme eccentricity, decadence, zealotry and sexual promiscuity, he was no tyrant, he was worse, he was an incompetent Emperor, one prone to zealotry and eccentricity.

So sure, if you people want to claim one of Rome's greatest failures as your own, go ahead, I won't stop you. :marseyunamused:

In conclusion

Elagabalus was an absolute failure of an emperor. A dipshit teenager elevated to supreme power, which he used to be absolutely debauched, even by roman standards. A guy so insufferable that his own guys whacked him, 4 years into his reign, at the ripe age of 19. Too inneficient to be remembered positively, and not even bloodthirsty enough to be remember as a menace like the more unhinged roman emperors. He failed on all scores, and ended up being an anecdote among the giant list of other short-lived, incompetent and quickly ridden emperors.

One of the few chronicles we have is about himm is from some guy called Cassius Dio, who claims that Elagabalus was 'termed wife, mistress & queen', told one lover & 'Call me not Lord, for I am a Lady'. But most historians believe the accounts were simply a character assassination as he was reputed to be as tyrannical as Caligula & Nero. But a couple of millenial losers in charge of a 3 rooms-sized museum in rural England decided to twist that libel&slander into praise, and unearthed this long-forgotten failboy to place his cadaver on a parade throne and drag him down the street!

Diversity wins! This laughable historical figure was trans-coded!

:!marseycoomer: Elagabalus: Being a male feminist, body shamer, abusive person of power and a torturer and killed many innocent children along with being a religious fundamentalist and hating the poor

:!marseytrans2: Transgender community: omg it's literally me!

Reported by:
:marseyshark: They're now invading my local billboards :sharkydinosaur:
Trans girl rap (explicit) r/MtF :klaptrap:

which one of you did this? post history is :marseytrophy: :marseytroll:

You'll never have a gock like me

You'll never have a job like me, frick like me

She'll never eat the butt like me

Maybe I should get bottom surgery


You'll never have a gock like me

You'll never have a job like me, frick like me

She'll never eat the butt like me

Maybe I should get bottom surgery

My parents are delusional, coz they think they have a son

Maybe they made a big mistake, sent their daughter away straight to the Sun!

When I play COD, I'm always number one

I was looking for your name but it's all the way on the bottom, ha!

I didn't cross dress for fun, I sneak up and then go run

Transphobic enemies get shunned, it's not even gonna let ya c*m

You can't call it crossdressing tbh cos I'm a girl

And if you ask me if I have a peepee, I'd say I'm as real as the world

You'll never have a gock like me

You'll never have a job like me, frick like me

She'll never eat the butt like me

Maybe I should get bottom surgery


You'll never have a gock like me

You'll never have a job like me, frick like me

She'll never eat the butt like me

Maybe I should get bottom surgery

Yea, I'm no man, I'm a chick with a peepee, the best of both worlds!

But I really wanna a wet kitty so juicy so I could scissor with some girls

Yea I'm trans, and yea I'm lesbian too

Men can be disgusting and kinda ew!

But women are understanding and caring

I turn a girl into a cannibal, I gotta be daring

Darn, I got this b-word's butt on the menu

Spent a million dollars on my surgery from the revenues

And I don't give two fricks ‘bout what society's thinkin'

I'm wearin' lingerie tonight my girlpeepee id sinkin'

You'll never have a gock like me

You'll never have a job like me, frick like me

She'll never eat the butt like me

Maybe I should get bottom surgery


You'll never have a gock like me

You'll never have a job like me, frick like me

She'll never eat the butt like me

Maybe I should get bottom surgery

Imma take a peepee in my mouth but never really do it with a man

Girldick's as good as kitty, frick my butt hard as much as you can

Got a BDSM relationship, alien spaceship

Frickin' with a subby, I'm a mistress, don't want a hubby coz

Girls are supposed to date girls

This is called trans-homonormativity, my way of viewing the world

And whichever baka thinks it's wrong, you can all frick off

Maybe I should get my little lady cut off

You'll never have a gock like me

You'll never have a job like me, frick like me

She'll never eat the butt like me

Maybe I should get bottom surgery


You'll never have a gock like me

You'll never have a job like me, frick like me

She'll never eat the butt like me

Maybe I should get bottom surgery

:marseyeggirl: :marseywholesometrans: :marseytransflag2: :marseytransavenger: :trans: :marseytransaxe:


Reported by:
  • X : join !cuteandinvalid instead it's cooler

Hi so there has been a change of hands regarding the administration of the ping group !cuteandvalid. Ping group is open to trans women and femboys only atm. Unfortunately, I am not terminally online so I don't know many of you nor do I care to. So if you would like to be let in, please comment below and link a few posts/comments that highlight your character. (I cannot see private profiles so I can't look through your history myself). Obviously if you are exiled from here you certainly may not join.

Reported by:
  • X : lol xhe didnt see the transphobic parrot and dog posts? :marseyrofl: :marseypoonerretard:
r/falconry confirms birds of prey are not transphobes

Will my bird stop liking me when I transition

I'm FTM and have an imprint male Harris. I'm starting my transition soon including HRT. Would this impact my birds temperament with me?

Reported by:
Femboy pink pills!


Reported by:
  • X : you dont

At the airport right now, going to see the bf soon (yayyy~~)

When I went through security, it DIDNT highlight my peepee (normally it does). Does this mean that I was clocked? Did the man pressing the buttons press "male" on me? Or perchance has my peepee flown under the radar, undetected by the machine? Has HRT finally atrophied it enough?

Transwomen, what experience do you have with these machines? I need to know if i pass or not !cuteandvalid

Beatles songs if the Beatles were chasers:

I am NOT OP. Original post by /u/pqsp in /r/AskMen

trigger warnings: none

mood spoilers: >!positive!<

Guys, I fricked up. This amazing man has told me he's falling in love with me. I haven't told him I'm a trans woman. Should I just run away? - 2/23/2014\_i\_fricked\_up\_this\_amazing\_man\_has\_told\_me\_hes/

He's charming and sweet, and handsome and romantic, and thoughtful, and everything basically a girl could want from a guy. He has a degree, a great job, is career oriented, wants a family, a serious relationship....we're the same age^(26&27).

But I neglected to tell him I'm trans. I KNOW that I can't keep this from him any longer, I've already delayed having s*x with him because I haven't had bottom and I didn't want him to find out.

He found me, courted me, everything. It sucks guys. What do I do?

I guess what I really want to know(because I assume most of you probably hate me by this point) is what would you do if the girl you were falling in love with came clear and told you she was trans?

I feel like I should just run away? Would that be best?

thanks /r/askmen


hey /r/askmen thanks for taking the time to share you suggestions; and at times hilarious and dejected commentary; but none the less, still very insightful. I'll post an update soon and let you guys know what happens.

ps, if you hate me now because of this thread, ya know, maybe in twenty years shit will pan out, but until then since we'll all eventually die anyway, i'm going to make my self happy in the meantime. peace and love


Top Comment:

>If you run away, he'll be confused and hurt. If you tell him the truth... well, he might be hurt, he might be angry, he might be accepting, there are all sorts of possibilities and few of them are good.

>I'll say this, though: running away might spare your own feelings, but it won't spare his.

2nd Top Comment:

>Unfortunately, as a transwoman, you need to be upfront when you're starting relationships with men. (At least, from my perspective as a cismale. I really have no idea whether my opinion is standard in the trans community, or if my opinion is considered transphobic.) One concerning thing is the fact that he wants a family. Typically, when men say that, they're not thinking of adoption. It's probable that he wants children that are biologically his. And you shouldn't run away from him. You should accept responsibility for your actions, and explain yourself to your SO. You like this man a lot and he deserves the truth. By running away, the only person you're serving is yourself.

>Now, if it turned out that the girl I was dating and loved came out that she was really a transwoman, I would be extremely hurt, confused, and probably angry. For me, personally, being a transwoman is a deal breaker. But I'm not your boyfriend, so don't assume that it's a dealbreaker for him too

>And I don't hate you at all. I'm sympathetic and I feel bad for you. I don't feel bad for you because there's anything wrong, inherently or otherwise, with being a transwoman (Duh, there obviously isn't anything wrong with it!). I feel bad because you're in a situation like this, where you feel like you have to hide who you are from people, in order to date. This is a situation I totally relate to -- this hiding who you are business, out of fear that no one in their right mind would want to be with you.

/u/pqsp (OOP): I don't know why but your comment made me cry. Thanks for a well thought out reply.


I'm that trans woman who neglected to tell her BF and I asked you all for advice. Did you guys want an update? - 2/28/2014\_that\_trans\_woman\_who\_neglected\_to\_tell\_her\_bf/

Here's my OP: Guys, I fricked up. This amazing man has told me he's falling in love with me. I haven't told him I'm a trans woman. Should I just run away? [link removed]

The most common pieces of advice almost all of you had:

Was not to disappear, not to just run away.

Be honest with him and own up to it

Be prepared for the worst

I'm actually trying to keep this post short, and if there's any questions about the dynamics, feel free to ask.

The discussion started with us listing off the reasons why we are attracted to each other, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically. After, I came out to him. He said his mind was blown and that his entire world view was turned upside down. That he never, ever, imagined anyone could do this, and that he felt bad saying that but his image of trans people was NOT me.

He never yelled at me once. He never cussed at me once, he asked questions that were important to him and assured me they weren't to "study me" but were because he wanted to know my soul. I have so much respect for this man....

He asked about my youth, when I first knew, when I transitioned, etc. I told him everything.

In the end one of the most mature things he admitted was I had everything to lose. He recognized how much I cared for him and that I cared enough to tell him the truth when it could have meant losing the guy I am falling in love with.

I'm so happy, and I really want to say thanks /r/AskMen I really needed the "guys advice" for this situation. I don't know what I would have done without your community. Thanks ;)


Top Comment (Editor's note, added comments per feedback in this thread) :

>So you are still together? If so, congratulations!

/u/pqsp (OOP): yes :) thanks!

>Wow, he sounds like an amazing person. I think I'm a pretty good guy, and I think I would have ran! I think most men would have!You're lucky he doesn't want kids. Well...I guess adoption is always an option.

/u/pqsp (OOP):

He does want kids. So do I. We both think adoption is beautiful and I'm positive that if in the future we end up getting married we would definitely adopt.


Reminder - I am not the original poster.

Reminder for the chuds in the back :marseypicard:
Reported by:
"It's gone. He stole it all." - Message from @Transb-word

I would have around 10k DC to put towards the /h/femme hole.


But @X barraged me with shit awards. Now I have 85. Basically none.

It's all gone. I'm sorry donors, all of the money that you generously donated has been stolen my our evil resident transphobe.

Not sure what to do anymore... !cuteandvalid



posting on their behalf if you didn't get the idea

Reported by:
:marseybeggar: Hole Fundraiser -- /h/femme :!ethot:

After this inglorious attack on my femininity and womanhood, it has come to my attention that we need a place for all women. For this purpose, I humbly ask you for donations towards that goal. Unfortunately I am penniless as I spent my money on ban awarding chuds (especially FroCho). Any money that you can provide in this trying time would be greatly appreciated. Also, if anyone wants to get me a deflector, that would be gratefully appreciated (i have a bad feeling about this)

im literally screaming, @VEGETA

omg! @A


!women !neofoids !metashit !cuteandvalid

Reported by:
  • Mello_luvr : Nibba is gonna have b-word tits
  • X : soon he'll not be able to frick her
Testosterone 4 s*x
Evolution does away with morals
Reported by:

Yes I had a phase where I had a major crush on Howl, how could you tell? !cuteandvalid !besties

posted in /h/transgender because this is my safespace

Reported by:
  • X : literally named Aidan :marseyrofl: :marseypoonerretard:


Oh no no no....TERF sisters I thought this was a detransition epidemic?

what to expect (mtf)
test hole activity

:#marseyballoon3: :!#marseyparty: :#marseyparty: :#marseyballoon3:





Reported by:
How do trans women cope with the loss of male privilege?

male privilege is dysphoria inducing


Idk being a woman is harder yah, but it honestly wasn't too rough of an adjustment. I already knew what I was getting into, i knew if he sexually harassed, I knew men wouldn't listen to me, I knew I'd be objectified. And it's not like it was sudden, those things just became more common over the months until I was stealth and it plateaued. Obviously experiencing it is different than knowing g about it and it was a bit intense feeling that fear from being harassed the first time but idk you learn pretty fast what with how resocialization works physiologically.

Plus I was barely aware of my life when I was a boy, it was all a dissociative haze so I didn't really notice much of the privilege or much of anything at all


trans women don't get access to male privilege pre-transition

we also don't really get access to female privilege post-transition unless you're a gigapassoid stacy, so we lose either way

!cuteandvalid !lgbt !besties

Reported by:
What is this place? A guide

So, over the past few days, some people have posted asking about what this place is/what kind of website this is. Many wonder, is this place actually supportive of trans? Or is it just all one big transphobic joke? Fear not, for I will answer your questions.


On rDrama, you can either post to the main feed, or post to a hole. This hole (/h/transgender) is a supportive place. The outside website, not so much. I'm transb-word, the moderator of this hole. I will ban users at my discretion in order to maintain decorum and a positive atmosphere. If you post outside this hole, however, I can't help you (and the site admins definitely won't, more on them later). But here, as long as you follow the rules (don't be a chud and don't be a peepee), I'm happy to help you, and I will ban with prejudice anybody who dares to defy those two rules.

rDrama, at its heart, is a place for people who love drama to gather. Our love of drama transcends political and social boundaries; rDrama actually has a lot of people from all around the political spectrum and a rich discourse (though wrapped in multiple layers of irony). We do lean a little chuddy, but we also have a lot of progressives as well. Indeed, there are efforts underway to encourage more drama-inciting in rightoid spheres (so that we can laugh at them too).

The most important thing to note is that people will tease you, regardless of who you are. If you are someone who does not like to be teased, do not post anything, simple as. rDrama may not be the place for you, then. In any case, don't post pictures, and if you do, post using Additionally, don't submit pictures/videos/media etc. as the main post; instead add them as attachments in the text field of the post. (If you add it to the main post, you won't be able to delete it later).

The Two Power Admins

As promised, the admins you should know about. Our two poweradmins are Aevann, also known as Capy, the Rodent, or simply A, and CarpathianFlorist, also known as Carp or the Fish.


A brown man who allegedly lives in Egypt but is trying to emigrate (likely to America). He is engaged to his fiancee. He's the main site administrator, and he has absolute control over the servers, database, etc. He's the top guy, and the main programmer. He is quite arrogant, and he won't help you unless you suck up to him. He doesn't quite like it when people make fun of him or tease him, and he will ban you for random shit if he feels like it.


Gigachud powerjanny whose profession is shitposting. Aevann at least goes outside sometimes and has a wife and all that; carp is a pathetic piece of shit who posts chud nonsense day in and day out. Also a christian, allegedly, but based on his posting history I highly doubt that he will make it through the pearly gates. There is a video of carp cutting himself out there if you would like to see what he looks like.

Da Rules

Half of the stuff on the SITE sidebar (not this hole sidebar) is a lie. Here are the actual rules of rDrama as a whole:

1. Groomercord users get a 1-day ban.

2. Interfering with the website (hacking, spamming, etc.) will get you banned.

3. Doxxing users on the site will get you a permaban. (Note that it appears doxxing over groomercord is a-OK, i dont know of anyone who has been banned)

4. Stalking might get you banned if it is egregious enough (I wish we would just ban all stalkers...)

5. Posting a screenshot instead of a link will net you like a 15 minute ban.

6. Sexualizing minors here will get you an insta gigapermaban. :marseywoodchipper2:

7. Don't be underage

8. Don't spread rumors about Aevann, especially rumors that he is cheating on his fiancee. (I got permabanned for that...)

Basically everything else is anarchy.

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