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The future of /h/truecommunism is bright :marseyastronaut2: :marseynyanlgbt: :marseyconstellation: :lgbt:


1. This hole will last longer than our enemy hole, /h/communism, who are posers, right-deviationists, reactionaries, and counter revolutionaries.

I got banned there for trying to offer mutual aide in the form of a medic tent, which caused me to instantly create this hole because I was mad :marseybeanangry:

2. We will form a space program in the aims of achieving Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism

I don't know how this is supposed to work yet, and I'm not sure I believe in the existence of outer space :marseyhmmm:... but I do know that anything is possible if we all work together! :marseyexciteddance:


Our first moves on this front should be to research outer space as much as possible :marseystars2: :marseyreading:

3. Ministers and officers will be assigned and people's badges will be made.


They work like NFTs except for the part where there's a blockchain. They work like rdrama badges except for the part where they show up on the badge section of your profile. (unless I figure out how to do something really creative with css psuedoelements lol). Almost everyone will be able to create and assign badges themselves. We'll record who has what badges and stuff in a pinned post or something, and fakes will be hunted down and sent to gulag. :marseymini:

If you want to be a minister or an officer post your reason below, the following people who posted in the "What's your job in the communist society" thread have dibs:

So far...

@Style_n_Grace - decides how resources are distributed, because he will go into a calculation trance like the mentats in Dune and wake up hours later with all the answers

@KILL_EVERYONE - "super male feminist"

@R - "The first to die"... Chief pessimist

@MinecraftBeeitch's - streamer and app idea haver

@Fabrico - coal miner

@Tomfoolery - philosopher

@Freak-Off - milk man

@D - unpaid mechanic

@BananaSundae - door to door monkey salesman (???)

:marseyindignant: I didn't count anyone who acted like they wanted to kill communists!

If you have dibs, say what you want your title to be and I'll put your name and title in the sidebar or make a pinned directory or something :marseybean: and possibly add you to the mod list

It can be as fancy sounding as you want, in fact, the more glorious the better! :marseythumbsup: :marseyletsfuckinggo2: power to the people!


If you don't have dibs, post below what you want your job in the communist society to be.

We are notably missing:

poet :marseyshakespeare:, suggestion maker :marseypop2:, someone who knows how to make lattes :marseycoffee:, story tellers :marseysexylibrarian:, uniform makers :marseysalutetrans:, fortune tellers :marseyfortuneteller:, theoretical farmers :marseyphilosoraptor:, actual farmers :marseysneed:, astrophysicists :marseyschrodinger:, and rocket scientists :marseycruisemissile: (this may be important to creating a space program!)


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Many cultures believe trans people are spiritually gifted so dibs on fortune teller :marseyfortuneteller:

My first prediction is that a lot of us are going to starve to death

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:marseyworried: Do you have a fortune on how to prevent that?

If not, we're gonna need to know how many will starve, and maybe we can get the calculation trance guy to do his trance thing and optimize all possibilities, in order to find out who shouldn't get lunch

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I dont know that theres any way to prevent it but clearly i have proved my worth and should be first in line for food :marseyfortuneteller:

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Excuse me, may I have your attentions please. The "poet" job is taken. So you can't be a poet if that's what you wanted. I was here first, and I already wrote my first sonnet, which you may experience in my post history. Thank you collective of anti-work comrades.

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Can't help but notice you don't have a resident pothead :marsey420:

When is the application deadline? Because I'll be a couple days late...

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Deadlines are a capitalist construct!

:marseynotes: "resident... pothead..."


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I'm going to go and burn one for the people :marseypipe:

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I would like to apply for rocket scientist. I know very little about physics and engineering but I indentify as Black and I think we would really be missing the point of communism if our space exploration team is entirely white.

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:chudsmug:: /h/truecommunism will nev-     ack


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I'm giving myself the Vampire House Solidarity Award :#marseyvampire:

Romania was eastern bloc after all :marseydarkcomrade:

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I was banned from /h/communism for Marsey posting

Is Marsey posting encouraged here? Can I be Marsey posting officer or something?

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:marseyagree: :marseythumbsup:

I was thinking about making :\marseytelescope: to promote the space program

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Can apply for the space janitor position, or is someone going to force me to be ship captain again??

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I want my job on the commune to be slaughtering hogs. :marseypiglove::marseypiglove::marseypiglove:

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:marseynotes: CHUDLORD is assigned..... Male prostitute.....

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UwU are coal mining enjoyers welcome here? :#marseyshy:

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ironic communism stopped being funny before the berlin wall fell, keep yourself safe

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Im the truest CUMmunist around

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Dibs on being Home Secretary/Defence Secretary.

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I have decades of political experience and spending money with little discretion. I'd make a perfect tsarina.

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I didn't count anyone who acted like they wanted to kill communists!

And you call this hole "true communism"

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They wanted to kill communists in bad faith :marseyindignant:

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(I haven't forgotted, I just been touching grass & working :derpprocessing: , remember that time is a capitalist construct )

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:marseyaware: "

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Yet, by posting this on /h/truecommunism, you are now involved, curious... :marseyshapiro:

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