The future of /h/truecommunism is bright :marseyastronaut2: :marseynyanlgbt: :marseyconstellation: :lgbt:

1. This hole will last longer than our enemy hole, /h/communism, who are posers, right-deviationists, reactionaries, and counter revolutionaries.

I got banned there for trying to offer mutual aide in the form of a medic tent, which caused me to instantly create this hole because I was mad :marseybeanangry:

2. We will form a space program in the aims of achieving Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism

I don't know how this is supposed to work yet, and I'm not sure I believe in the existence of outer space :marseyhmmm:... but I do know that anything is possible if we all work together! :marseyexciteddance:

Our first moves on this front should be to research outer space as much as possible :marseystars2: :marseyreading:

3. Ministers and officers will be assigned and people's badges will be made.

They work like NFTs except for the part where there's a blockchain. They work like rdrama badges except for the part where they show up on the badge section of your profile. (unless I figure out how to do something really creative with css psuedoelements lol). Almost everyone will be able to create and assign badges themselves. We'll record who has what badges and stuff in a pinned post or something, and fakes will be hunted down and sent to gulag. :marseymini:

If you want to be a minister or an officer post your reason below, the following people who posted in the "What's your job in the communist society" thread have dibs:

So far...

@Style_n_Grace - decides how resources are distributed, because he will go into a calculation trance like the mentats in Dune and wake up hours later with all the answers

@KILL_EVERYONE - "super male feminist"

@R - "The first to die"... Chief pessimist

@MinecraftBeeitch's - streamer and app idea haver

@Fabrico - coal miner

@Tomfoolery - philosopher

@Freak-Off - milk man

@D - unpaid mechanic

@BananaSundae - door to door monkey salesman (???)

:marseyindignant: I didn't count anyone who acted like they wanted to kill communists!

If you have dibs, say what you want your title to be and I'll put your name and title in the sidebar or make a pinned directory or something :marseybean: and possibly add you to the mod list

It can be as fancy sounding as you want, in fact, the more glorious the better! :marseythumbsup: :marseyletsfuckinggo2: power to the people!

If you don't have dibs, post below what you want your job in the communist society to be.

We are notably missing:

poet :marseyshakespeare:, suggestion maker :marseypop2:, someone who knows how to make lattes :marseycoffee:, story tellers :marseysexylibrarian:, uniform makers :marseysalutetrans:, fortune tellers :marseyfortuneteller:, theoretical farmers :marseyphilosoraptor:, actual farmers :marseysneed:, astrophysicists :marseyschrodinger:, and rocket scientists :marseycruisemissile: (this may be important to creating a space program!)

Commies love china
Lemmygrad discusses :marseytrumpfistpump:

Browsing reactionary spaces, seems they're trying to brew the theory that the secret service purposefully let this happen, or though sheer incompetence. Wait a week and they'll start saying the secret service was compromised by Biden.

privatize the secret service !!!

Shame they missed

Eh, I don't think it really matters. The president of the US would have ended up being some imperialist lunatic either way.

busy rn so no large recap :marseysad:

Also I checked the lemmygrad modlogs after the shooting and it was nothing interesting, just the usual "ableism" ban for using the word schizo


Commies cope cope cope


"In this video essay, I explore many of the negative attributes of sofas."

now this is praxis

LONG COVID CRASH COURSE 🎤:doomergirl:📊📈 (a heckin video essay)

I am now getting constant breadtube adjacent youtube reccomendations :marseyyawn: :marseysleep:

I didn't even watch the video due to uh... capitalism. :derpwhy: Capitalism forced me to grill hotdogs outside for dinner instead of getting properly informed. :derpwhy: It was awful. But here's the longest comment on this long covid video:

what a roko's basilisk of a video. i knew that covid was not entirely gone and long covid was maybe a thing(?) but i kind of believe the general consensus that it isn't a big issue anymore. this has really opened my eyes to reasons to wear masks. but i don't want to! it's a bad sensory experience, nobody around me does, and i already struggle socially without the barrier of a mask and people not being able to see my face! i live with my parents and there's this huge barrier of not being able to test for covid when i'm sick without BEGGING them and i wear masks when sick but-- is it morally imperative i do all the time? i feel as though it is, i want to take action on this issue! but so much in me is resisting it i don't know if i have it in me to make the change :(

our QOL is so much better out of quarantine times... it is hard to advocate for going back

I will say that your take on MAID seems a little fear mongery, a very small percentage of people using it fall into the cases you use as examples, the majority are the traditionally expected terminal illnesses. i agree maybe MAID should be more strictly defined, legally though, because what you're describing as usages for MAID would seem golden in the eyes of capitalistic government

@LolaGerms Thank you being open to new information and really pondering this issue, that first step of not being in denial anymore is arguably the hardest one sometimes, so that's already a great start. I would advise you to wear a mask (as in a well-fitted respirator, check my other videos for more details on that), both for your health and safety, as well as to not contribute to more mass death/disabling events. Like others said here, you will thank yourself. Good luck!! And thank you for watching and leaving a comment

this is amazing 🥹 i'm gonna be sending this to everyone I know, especially those who think they are invincible. One of the most important lines: THE ONLY WAY TO NOT GET LONG COVID IS TO NOT GET COVID. WEAR A RESPIRATOR!! Lola has so many amazing videos on the types of respirators you can buy, how to fit test them, reusable ones and so many other resources. Please take care of your health, it's the only one you've got!! we all share the same air, let's make that air clean and safe to breath, we have the cowtools, we're already doing it with water. Like Lola said, "we just have to try".

@LolaGerms Thank you so much for watching! and YES, wear a respirator to protect your short and long-term health!!


live lemmygrad reaction:

:ledesire: :marseytrain:

Reported by:
are cute transorexic girls welcome here?

edit: apparently not :marseydisintegrate:

Critical Support from JK Rowling to the Communist Party Britain
☭ Today in the gulags of Lemmygrad ☭

Not much :marseyshrug: are they having a slump?

btw anyone know the best cheap VPS right now?


Wholly uncritical, unconditional support to the Texans in their attempts to balkanize the Great :marseyfingergoodjob: Satan, just do it already! All these reactionaries are sowing :marseysow: are the seeds :marseysow: for imperialism's demise.

Does anyone know how much nuclear :marseyoppenheimer: infrastructure is in there?

In case they secesseed they may not be able to take the nukes or they might have to give them later, but even if they keep them it might not be easy to take control :marseyshadow: of them unless they already have some infrastucture to do it. Although, if things get violent :marseyitbegins: in a possible secessionist scenario, there :marseycheerup: would :marseymid: also be a possibility that such infrustructure or the nukes themselves get bombed before :marseyskellington: they can be used.

Either way, hope they actually :marseynerd3: try to get out.

Virtually all of it. The Pantex plant :marseymushroom: where :marseydrama: the overwhelming majority of nuclear :marseyeaglenuke: weapons :marseytf2heavy: are assembled and disassembled is in the Texas :marseycomet: Panhandle.

Why would :marseymid: Texas :marseylonghorn: secede?


Sometimes I realize everything is real

So often our whole world is just the things on the screen in front of us. Everything around us is filtered out and ignored.

However, every once in a while, that small piece of light ceases to be a world and becomes just a screen. The physical glass and electronics lose their status as a world and become just the physical objects. You now notice how they feel, how the borders of the device look, how it sounds to tap on it. The rest of the room comes into focus and your mind realizes that there is a world outside the room. The room, the screen, the whole world, shaped by other humans fills you with hope and sadness. You realize you live on just one spec of dust in a vast cosmos. But that spec is important and precious, because it is where you, and everyone else is. All these things are real, all have a story to tell. The people all have wants, fears, desires, but your interactions with them are superficial, mediated by tiny interactions, or just through the physical stuff they made which you interact with. You want to scream and cry from the sublime understanding of it all.

As quickly as it arrived, it is gone, the screen beckens you back and the world fades away into the background and you become immersed in the digital realm once again. Your eyes and brain filtering out everything but the screen, your fingers nothing more than a means of changing the screen, your body and mind, no longer important, is forgotten.

put the phone DOWN :derpwhy:

get a hobby that's not consoooom (gunpla and figurine shit don't count) you fricking "communists"

I hate those moments. Unironically. Every time I have to remember that there's something beautiful and inexplicable and genuinely terror-inducing outside the pane that separates the real from the hyperreal, I remember that there are people making money off of so thoroughly destroying it. I remember, for all of about a second and a half, that there WAS once magic, wonder, ethereal paracausality that didn't NEED for explanation, it could just exist-- and that the order under which we live is such an utter perversion of nature that the magic has died, and that the people who killed it, are killing it, and will kill it all have addresses.

Those moments of leaving the cave make me reckon with the potential that I could do something glorious, but awful; necessary, but stupid; liberatory, but sacrificial. I hate those moments, because they never fail to make me jeopardize myself and the peace I try to cultivate, if even for a moment.

>I hate those moments



low effort post this time

I never did make that bot :marseysad: and a bunch of stuff happened so I quit collecting lemmygrad modlogs :derpwhy:... :marseyshrug:

PSA: Any trans people looking for a non-toxic instance would do well to consider [email protected] or another trans-friendly community. While Hexbear claims to be trans-friendly, they don't cater to western progressives at all, so you better be willing to embrace their whole marxist/leninist tankie schtick. Also note that the charts in this post are essentially meaningless, as this wasn't in any way a statistical random sample of users, and this was even acknowledged by the original poster on Hexbear. Due to self-selection bias (this survey was conducted in their trans community, after all) you cannot make any meaningful inferences about the proportion of trans people on Hexbear as a whole. It may well be representative of the subscribers to their trans community though. Edit: way to prove my point lol

Random fun fact about lemmygrad, plenty of the regular users there have huge beef with reddit's /u/bardfinn

because bardy and AHS went after /r/GenZedong or something

:marseybardfinn3: :marseyglow:

A hexbear janny named Alaskaball hates bardy a shit ton, but I can't turn up any funny posts from them rn :marseybrainlet:[email protected]

Sometimes if they see a neoliberal trans woman who is too uncommunist and very reddit, lemmygrad and hexbear users accuse that user of being bardfinn :marseyxd:

/h/truecommunism is a DRUG FREE zone

It has come to my attention that there are very many drug users on rdrama.


No drugs or pro-drug rhetoric are allowed in this communist space. Drugs are oppositional to class interests. Drugs are a form of oppression, and a symtom of problems inherent in capitalism.

You can join the anarchists if you don't like it.

Furthermore, /h/drugs is now an enemy of /t/truecommunism, along with /h/communism

/h/communism will never disavow drugs because they are fake communists

new 'toss


The US subsidizes dairy and beef, when in reality putting that money into subsidizing grains and vegetables is so much more beneficial for people in the long run.

Can you imagine getting 4 heads of fresh lettuce or kale for 1$, it could be so much better.

just plant it????

If you live in somewhere where it only snows a few times a winter, you can grow a lot of varieties IN THE WINTER <- somewhat happy kale

...and if you live in Alaska or Siberia, you plant it in the summer

if you live in Miami or Mexico, then you need to plant it at the coolest time of year and possibly use a shade cloth

:marseydisagree: needing someone to grow your kale is peak bougie thinking, I am very unimpressed with lemmygrad rn. Even if they live in an apartment they should be demanding community garden or just take over an unused space and start adding kale.

:derpwhy: Kale is almost like Radishes it's so easy to grow, literally one of the easiest things to grow. A six year old can be taught to plant, water, and harvest kale.

just look out for these frickers:

My favorite kale is Red Russian kale

less ruffles, less bugs, easier to wash

Now here's a real praxis idea:

you know those stupid parkinglot landscapings? (expecially if you live in North America?)

kale that shit up

Take coffee grounds (nitrogen = huge leaves) and kale seeds and make it all kale. It would grow easily, and it would be an aesthetic improvement.

Kale is one of the most beautiful plants in existence.

☭ Today in the gulags of Lemmygrad ☭: sinophobia [public modlog review]

(lemmy only keeps the content of removed comments for 24 hours)

(the comments can be in any order, it's just the order they got mopped)

A sinophobia.



Here's an imperialist American shill going off on USA healthcare not being that bad.

And here's whatever this is:

Mopped lemmygrad posts from less recently:

This proves that lemmygrad mods will censor stuff they consider truly heinous as "removed" for the modlog. That makes me feel better about the python script I'm thinking about writing. :marseyagree:

Abuse of moderator power? :marseyfrenchitsover2:

:malefeminist: :marseywords:


:marseyxd: "advertisement"

rust shills btfo

explain this, chuds

!nonchuds !historychads


(Lemmy only keeps the removed comment contents in the public modlog for 24 hours)

(note that modlog comments are not in any particular order, except for the order the lemmygrad jannies got around to deleting them, usually after banning someone)

Is panned_cakes arguing with the lemmygrad mod directly here? :marseyworried:

"You moderate a voice chat full of literal kids"

It was removed for "wrecking"... what does that mean?

Panned_cakes is a very active hexbear user, posting frequently, often to [email protected]. A lot of the posts are bardtier intellectualized rants, but a bit more intelligent.

He seems dedicated enough as a reddit type that takes himself seriously, which makes me think he might be onto something :marseyhmm:

anyway he also posted a bunch of :marseylongpost: that lemmygrad mods removed for being "reactionary"

panned_cakes goes on to declare himself a conspiracy theorist, and promote "disinformation free"

[I have become completely distracted from reading the lemmygrad modlog at this point :derpwhy: ]

Yes, Threads supports activity pub :marseymindblown: :marseyfediverse: I didn't know that!

[back to the gulag]

People on lemmygrad (well, mainly Leftcommunist1918) LITERALLY cannot stop talking about man vs bear, and in real time are getting jannied:

If you check the modlog, it's full of people getting really heated about man vs bear, and a bunch of leftist nerdy men being like :purerage: "this is the last straw. I was only ever nice to women, and yet I see their kind choose bear???"


communism: invented in 1840s and 50s before :marseyskellington: ANY radio :marseyshutitdown: existed, completely organically :daydream:

nazis: invented in 1930s after everyone :marseynorm: and their dog were tapped into the RADIO :marseyshutitdown: PROPAGANDA MATRIX :marseyhacker: :roar:


Communists and nazis are all the same
COMMUNIST GET IN HERE :marseyletsfuckinggo2:

Every right we take for granted today wasn't "gifted" to us, it was won.

Mostly through peaceful means. Sorry, tard, but history is mostly boring. It's everyday interactions and ideas built over a very long time that get things "moving." With the rise of towns came merchants and trade. International trade associations complete with private courts and security sprung into existence to compensate for the shit systems of government. Much of common law, which you live and breathe in, was built on the backs of everyday farmers and traders. Centuries of weedling and begging r-slurred demogogues for a crum of private property has become the pillar from which you can buy your dumbphone and b-word and moan about capitalism.

Almost all the violent "revolutions" have been absolute failures because they simply replace the status quo peepeeheads with another set of peepeeheads, e.g. the French Revolution, the Bolshevik uprising, Mao's nonsense, and almost every turd world coup in the ME, Africa, Latin America, and South America.

You Marxist-inspired pieces of shit have been kicking the brakes of civilization since 1848. Y'all keep measuring change in terms of blood and death, while everyone else does it with cash and credit. Socialists truly are the BIPOCs of world history.

! chuds ! historychads, another late night rant from Yours Truly.

! anticommunists, it's fricking :marseyletsfuckinggo2: KNOCK OUT NIGHT ON RDRAMA!!!

:!marseypunching: :marseydead:

*ding* *ding* *ding*



You guys arent gonna just take that sitting down, are you?

None is communist lemmy. Lemmy is like reddit but federated. It's pretty popular, with the top posts getting above 1k upmarseys.

Here are things you can do on Lemmygrad:

1. Look at the latest and greatest communist memes

Wait is North Korea communist too??? :marseymindblown: someone help me out here :marseyconfused2:

2. learn all about praxis

3. learn all about theory

A lot of times communists compare theory and praxis. Theory is when you :marseylongpost2: about communism. Praxis is the communist word for touching grass communistically to further communism. :marseyagree:

lemmygrad has nice sidebar links to stuff that can help you learn about communism:

I turn this theory into the praxis of making sure I am well rested! :marseyreading: :marseylongpost2: :marseysleep:

:marseyindignant: and yes, going to the bar can be good praxis as long as your comrades are there and you are building comradeship in pursuit of true communism

4. read their hillarious public modlog


:purerage: :marseysalat:

:marseyno: :marseymayo:

This is the infinite drama fountain I spoke of, but it has a limitation :marseyaware: It seems to only show the content of a removed comment for 24hrs:

This is why it's an infinite drama fountain and not a drama river

:marseysad: too bad, it would have been funny to keep reading all these :marseyrave: :marseyrave: :marseyrave: :marseyrave:

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