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Christ-cucks push the Bible to be taught in schools, only to realize they don't agree on anything in the Bible


!christians !atheists

In other parts of rural Oklahoma, some longtime school leaders say they have never received complaints from families that religion is not taught enough in the classroom, and that they see no reason to shift course.

In Texas, members of the public were invited to express their opinions about a proposed elementary curriculum infused with stories from the Bible that education officials will vote on later this fall. Some superintendents in the northeast and western sections of the state — where many parents and educators are reverent Christians and traditionally support Republican policies — publicly criticized the religious content in the proposed lessons...

In the 19th century, Catholics in Philadelphia fought against students reading the King James Version of the Bible, after Protestants helped bring it into schools as a common textbook. Believers across the ideological spectrum later battled over whether science classes would teach the theory of evolution or the creation story from the Book of Genesis...

One of Mr. Miller's sons attended vacation Bible school at a Baptist church in the summer, the superintendent said. At 10, the child was told by an adult there that "he would not be able to enter the kingdom of God" because he was baptized only as an infant.

Lutherans like Mr. Miller believe that newborns can be baptized as a means of grace, while the Baptist tradition says the ritual should be reserved for believers making a conscious decision.

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Even if you take away the fricking religious :marseyjesus2: components from the fricking book (for public education), just from a fricking literary standpoint it makes sense to teach. It's a fricking book that defined literature :marseyelli: in the fricking VVEST for almost two thousand years.

It just makes sense to at least cover an overview of the fricking literary aspects. The fricking amount of poetry alone :marseyitsdangerous: is fricking amazing.

!bookworms thoughts, b-word?

!christians !catholics thoughts, b-word?

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Pretending it doesn't exist is the sanest path for an education system that has a million masters.

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I posted my thoughts above. Give me multiple :marseycoin: and :marseyupvote2: please. I think atheist school teachers and the fundamentalist Evangelical crowd teaching Scripture is a net negative for Christ and His Church.

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I already did you beggar


teaching Scripture

I agree :marseythumbsup5: it has many avenues to go wrong. If they could tip toe around the fricking religious :marseyjesus2: aspect (they won't) just from a fricking literary standpoint it's a fricking book that has survived :marseytrumpfistpump: millennia for a fricking reason. There's a fricking reason most people were fricking taught to read and write :marseychingchongnotes: using it. It has every kind of word play and story :marseyslime: device you could possibly :marseymight: teach.

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Relativizing and teaching Scripture as mere literature is the death knell of Christendom.

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God forbid they read the Book of Jonah and realize it's satire. They might have the devilish idea that satire and irony might be okay to do.

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If you watched the shows (Arrested Development, Always Sunny) I recommended you, you'd know I love satire and irony. The problem I have is only when that's applied to God's Word. Elaborate or my :marseydownvote: stands.

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If your sky daddy can't get over jokes about him, then he should go to therapy.

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You know Jesus Himself told jokes and expressed irony that were recorded in the Gospels, right? Such as John 10:

31 The Jews picked up stones again to stone Him. 32 Jesus answered them, "I showed you many good works from the Father; for which of them are you stoning Me?"

Or Matthew 23:

24 "You blind guides! You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel."

Or John 1:

46 "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?"

He drank wine sitting with other men over dinner in enumerable sections of the Gospels. He had a sense of humor. Yours is sometimes lacking. :marseynails: !christians !catholics

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Yours is sometimes lacking. :marseynails:

At least the Romans didn't have to do my nails.

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I think there's a literature aspect which is worth teaching, at least in the English Language as at least the Portuguese Bible translations like the Almeida translation have nothing close to the elegance of the KJV.

But I can see your point of making it just a "mundane school subject". At the end of the day spiritual matters are better when taught at home by the parents or grandparents or whoever is raising the kid.

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The fricking Portuguese translation is fricking lacking you think, b-word? I don't have a fricking familiarity with other translations of the fricking Bible :marseyklennypriest: tbh

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The KJV is acknowledged as a literary masterpiece. But when we talk about Portuguese literature people will use poems like the Lusiads as a reference or in Brazil books by Machado de Assis, not the Bible.

There's no Bible translation neither in Portuguese or in Spanish to have a privileged status as literature or cultural influence like the KJV in English.

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I can understand that status or prestige but what about actual quality, b-word?

My understanding is fricking that historically reading :marseynerdy: the fricking Bible :marseychristchanreading: is not fricking as important or at least not as common in Catholicism :marseypope: as it is fricking in Protestantism so that makes sense the fricking prestige is not the fricking same.

Idk much enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: about português literature :marseyelli: to say whether the fricking translation is fricking as beautiful :marseyglam: or poetic.

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There are good modern translations just like in English. The new translations focus more on textual accuracy to the original sources.

My understanding is fricking that historically reading :marseynerdy: the fricking Bible :marseychristchanreading: is not fricking as important or at least not as common in Catholicism :marseypope: as it is fricking in Protestantism so that makes sense the fricking prestige is not the fricking same.

In 1920 71% of !macacos were illiterate, so yeah, Bible reading culture was not widespread historically speaking because they couldn't read it even if they wanted to. Even nowadays the evangelicals are the ones you'll find carrying their pocket Bibles quoting the scripture, not the catholics. That being said, most Br Catholics have a Bible at home which they'll occasionally read, I'm sure the most devout ones will do it often.

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teaching Scripture as mere literature :marseyelli: is the fricking death :marseycarsuicide: knell of Christendom

Teaching scripture as literature :marseyelli: alone, yes

That's again a fricking failure :marseyoutried: of parents to teach it at home as well. The fricking school :marseyeric: could teach the fricking literary aspects or not all day long. That is fricking irrelevant. If it's not taught at home then it's a fricking moot point.

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Its been around way longer than 2000 years but yes it is important to everything

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By that logic you are better off teaching Homer's Odyssey at school and I am pretty sure schools already do that so adding in the bible as well becomes redundant. You also did not account for different denominations of bible readers then getting offended by which Christian sub groups bible is being taught in school.

The primary issue is that your reasoning works great with dead religions not live ones which make people sneed too much.

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I'm thinking :marseycontemplate: perfect :marseychefkiss: world :marseykamikaze: tbh. Teachers wouldn't get past step one of being neutral.

I don't think :marseynoooticer: the fricking Bible :marseyklennypriest: translation itself would :marseymight: be an issue. KJV is fricking well accepted. Even Catholics will read a fricking KJV it misses some dueterocannon Old Testament stuff but I don't see that being a fricking huge issue.

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You know what. It's a difference of opinion. I think the sneed will be too great. You don't. That's all there is to it.

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Oh the fricking sneed :marseyunless: would :marseymight: be great :marseybigthumbsup: don't get me wrong. I just don't think :marseychildclutch: the fricking translation used would :marseywood: be the fricking issue outside :marseytouchgrass: of some fringe cases. Mostly would :marseywood: be how it's taught imo

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Ah I agree with you then.

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