Christ-cucks push the Bible to be taught in schools, only to realize they don't agree on anything in the Bible

!christians !atheists

In other parts of rural Oklahoma, some longtime school leaders say they have never received complaints from families that religion is not taught enough in the classroom, and that they see no reason to shift course.

In Texas, members of the public were invited to express their opinions about a proposed elementary curriculum infused with stories from the Bible that education officials will vote on later this fall. Some superintendents in the northeast and western sections of the state — where many parents and educators are reverent Christians and traditionally support Republican policies — publicly criticized the religious content in the proposed lessons...

In the 19th century, Catholics in Philadelphia fought against students reading the King James Version of the Bible, after Protestants helped bring it into schools as a common textbook. Believers across the ideological spectrum later battled over whether science classes would teach the theory of evolution or the creation story from the Book of Genesis...

One of Mr. Miller's sons attended vacation Bible school at a Baptist church in the summer, the superintendent said. At 10, the child was told by an adult there that "he would not be able to enter the kingdom of God" because he was baptized only as an infant.

Lutherans like Mr. Miller believe that newborns can be baptized as a means of grace, while the Baptist tradition says the ritual should be reserved for believers making a conscious decision.

Pornsites owned my Jews : NoFapChristians


Mein gott it's another Dresden! Reporting opportunities.

God bless the Catholic pro-life apologists

!christians !catholic some apologetics in you.

Islamophobia on r/truechristian




@911roofer stand with israel on this massive wall of text.

Post beautiful music

This is one of my favorite:

Sleep well




in case y'all folx who actually care about the fricking environment didnt heed my heckin' warning

  • Doing it once a month makes it feel like it's not a core part of worship. Your baseline church experience is no communion.

  • Cramming it in right at the end, when the pastor just got through another long-butt sermon, and you're hungry and just kind of ready to go, never puts me in the right space to appreciate it

  • Plastic waste, shitty wafer, little preschool sip of grape juice after an overly long invocation.

  • It feels like a mildly annoying surprise, like "oh, I guess church is going to be ten more minutes today, well that's okay I guess, I do love the Lord and all..." :marseyseethe:

I once belonged to a church that did it every week, with real bread and wine. It felt like a highlight instead of a dragged out afterthought. I always looked forward to it.

If you insist on doing it once a month with lil packaged slop rations, at least do it near the beginning, when it could feel like welcoming/celebrating. Like we're gathering for a holy meal. Don't dump it at the end like "and here's another thing!"

I am aware that I'm a brain rotted r-slur with a blown-out attention span, but I know for a fact that I'm not the only person who ever zones out in church. Don't make your parishioners bored during what is meant to be the central sacrament of Christian worship.


Jesus was most likely a fraud. : DebateReligion


Reeeeeeeetard alert

Dear Anti-Lgbt Christians, : Christianity is a silly place




Like jesus they hate him because he spoke the truth


Why are (western) Christians so pro-Israel? : TrueChristian


reminder that hate will never bring you closer to christ.

you may see hate as necesarry , but hate is not the way to God hating transgender etc is not going to make you a better christian

Venus in Scorpio

So, multiple women claim a Venus In Scorpio makes men EXTREMELY attractive, despite it being in detriment.

Some of these women are witches and serious astrologers. Multiple videos about it, and I've heard it from an astrologer in real life too (I didn't tell her my Venus was in Scorpio, I just asked general hypothetical questions)

Also, women will never tell guys "you are hot", especially in a sexual sense, if it's not true. They don't wanna attract creepy DMs and stuff.

Also, these girls MAKE A POINT to assure you it's not about looks, it's your SCORPIO ENERGY.

Has anyone else experienced that? Obsession coming from women (in a sexual sense), very strong orgasmic potential (even your voice is irresistible her), and at the same time you are a complete failure when it comes to love because this placement is in DETRIMENT.






Deus vult infidel!

/LoA/ - Law of Assumption & Manifestation General

Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man's conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

Your assumptions right now decide how long that will take for you.

The Main Concepts:

1. Imagination creates Reality

2. Assumptions harden into fact

3. Consciousness is the only Reality

4. Feeling is the Secret

5. Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)

6. You are the Operant Power

7. There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)

8. Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

Can I manifest ___?

Yes! Creation is finished.

Curious? Do the Ladder Experiment

The Simple Technique

Who is Neville Goddard?

Neville was a mystic who taught the Bible as a parable of the human psyche — a great psychological drama — and not a record of historical events.

Recommendations for beginners:

How to manifest your desires (Core 5 Lessons & Radio Talks)

Neville's Feeling is the Secret



—/ Extra resources /—

>Master Index

Universal Line


!schizos Always remember.



All according to plan :marseycrusade:

Plan means Keikaku



Collect for Friday Evening

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God,

who at this evening hour lay in the tomb

and so hallowed the grave

to be a bed of hope for all who put their trust in you:

give us such sorrow for our sins,

which were the cause of your passion,

that when our bodies lie in the dust,

our souls may live with you for ever.


copy of wpd😚😚😚😚

who taught this will be good,keep yourself safe yall.



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