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EFFORTPOST Baldur's Gate 3 is a terrible game

Where do I begin with this hot piece of trash? It's been lauded as the second coming of Christ when it's the second cumming of Chris. I hate this game so much for so many reasons that it'll take a longpost to fully explain exactly why this garbage should be avoided at all costs. Sorry for the lack of new Hollys. I'm writing this in a bit of a hurry.

The Game is a Technical Nightmare

When the game launched, it was full of bugs and this is something reviewers were too scared to report on. The game started off iffy and only got worse with every Act. It's months later and things haven't gotten much better despite what Larian Studios might tell you. I'm still in the first Act and I am encountering annoying bugs and glitches that force me to reload an autosave. The game is too big and complex for its own good and there are too many ways for things to go wrong.

The problem isn't my machine (I'm playing on the Steam Deck). Even high-end systems have struggled to maintain stable frame rates, leading to frustration among players. The demanding system requirements and lack of optimization further alienate a portion of the gaming community who may not have the latest hardware.

Exploration is Shit

I hate exploring in Baldurs Gate. Having to do that stupid jump move just to get to a chest the burns me when I try to open it. It is always apparent where you should be going, making it possible to walk around for hours, going in circles, talking to everyone and stealing everything without feeling like you're making any progress.

There are environmental puzzles, but they are some of the worst aspects of the game. BG3 frequently fails to provide clear clues or context for solving puzzles, leading to frustration and trial-and-error gameplay. This lack of thoughtful design and guidance detracts from the enjoyment of exploration and disrupts the pacing. I'm stuck trying to figure out how to open a door while the wall shoots fire arrows my way and I don't like it one bit.

Perhaps worst of all, there isn't much reward for exploration. BG3 often fails to reward thorough exploration adequately. Hidden areas and secrets are scarce, and when they do exist, the rewards are often underwhelming. This lack of meaningful incentives makes me want to not go off the beaten path. It's just going to lead to a place where I'll be stuck in a long combat sequence or have to talk to another annoying xenophobic Tiefling or some shit.

This leads to one of the biggest issues...

Lack of Cohesion

One of the most glaring issues with Baldur's Gate 3's quest design is its lack of cohesion. The game offers a plethora of quests, ranging from main story arcs to minor side missions. However, these quests often feel disjointed and poorly integrated into the overall narrative. Instead of weaving a seamless story, the game presents a series of isolated tasks that fail to create a unified experience.

The inconsistency extends to the quality of the quests themselves. Some are well-crafted and engaging, with compelling storylines and interesting characters. Others, however, are mundane and repetitive, reducing quests to simple fetch tasks or combat encounters with little narrative depth.

It's not even obvious when you're on a quest, it all feels like a random loosely related events intercepted by annoying battles and rude characters. I find myself lost so many times, not knowing where to go next to continue my quest, whatever my quest is. There is no consistent storyline, just a series of random things happening that I'm supposed to keep track of. I don't like this at all. The system could be improved by having more defined questlines with clear explanations of what needs to be done next to progress. I may be an unemployed bum but I don't want to waste my time either, and BG3 is king at time-wasting.

Terrible Combat

I hate the combat so much. The problem isn't even that it's turn-based (although I don't like that). The problem is much deeper. Everything is so slow, and it takes multiple turns to set anything interesting up or else it's just a matter of wearing down foes with fireballs. Don't get me started on the magic items that require a specific build to take full advantage of. The magic aspect of combat is so complicated it feels easier to just ignore it entirely and just grab a club to melee anyone and everyone.

Battles can drag on for an extended period, breaking the game's pacing and leading to fatigue. It's easy to just get stuck in a battle that in hindsight is unwinnable, forcing you to load an old save. The difficulty spikes can be unforgiving, with certain encounters feeling overly punishing. This lack of balance in combat difficulty is frustrating. Lastly, the game's reliance on dice rolls for crucial outcomes can also feel unfair, leading to moments where success or failure hinges on luck rather than skill.

I loathe every combat encounter and attempt to avoid them as much as possible.


I would not reccommend Baldur's Gate 3. It is bloated garbage with a false appearance of being a great game. There's no reason to git gud when the characters are so boring, the pacing is all over the place, and the game leaves you so lost at times. It's so easy to run into dead ends, kill the wrong people, or lose companions. It's like the game lacks any proper structure and is proud of that.

I will now play Ghost of Tsushima, a much better game, especially on Lethal mode.

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BG3 is the laziest game Ive ever played put together on top of one of the best vidya backend RPG systems ever made.

Holy shit Larian are so fricking lazy. But 5e is quality dicing.

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5e is oversimplified dogshit for casuals, literally babby's first ttrpg, keep yourself safe

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5e isn't 4e so there's a limit to how much I can dislike it.

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4e is absolute dogshit for tabletop, but ironically the reasons it's awful would have made for a much better video game than 5e.

White extinction is long overdue

Edit: @AnalKong's hot take is 3e and 3.5e are tied for worst along with 4e

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>GURPS shitter dropping hot takes


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>gurps shitter

Where'd you get that idea?

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you think 5 is better for tabletop than 3, 3.5 or 4? what even the frick zoomer butt opinion is this? I could understand if you were just some OSR boomer but this is an unforgiveable take

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5 is for introducing people with no experience in tabletop too the basic concepts with a short campaign and it's perfect for that.

4 is garbage for roleplaying but with some homebrewing can be decent as a tactical game but is surpassed by other systems leaving it with no defined niche it excels in.

3/3.5 were both incredibly poorly designed and led too an influx of the worst people the hobby ever saw until Critical Role hit the scene.

2e was perfection :marseychefkiss:

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5e is terrible for introducing new players. OSR still blows it out of the water and even 4e was easier. It's slightly better than 3.5 was but 3.5 was literally the worst-designed thing ever made. 5e is still overly complex, assumes you to have system mastery right from level 1, overly fiddly, and with harder-to-use books (everything references everything else so to run anything you need to flip to seven different things for every ruling). The only reason it drew in so many new players is because wotc got their asses saved by critical role so a bunch of theatre kids bought the books just to ignore them completely and improv their bisexual elves fricking each other

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5e is a purely introductory thing for @AnalKong with short campaigns that are max 10 sessions. System mastery doesn't really come into play for a game like this, @AnalKong is not throwing anything genuinely challenging at players or making them get invested in poorly built characters long term, and I've been able too get players fully into playing in 1 session consistently. Books aren't an issue for @AnalKong because @AnalKong use bookmarked pdf's and go as far as too make little packets for new players with the relevant rules for their character.

4e in @AnalKong's experience is harder too onboard newbies because A) combat takes too long and they would get bored and check out. B) It's too gamey for introducing someone too role-playing (warg*mers tend too like it though) and C) there's bullshit like PHB and Essentials versions of the same class so you MUST hold their hand while they build characters and make sure they're building correct versions of a class, whereas you can trust a player too download some pdf's and make a 5e character by themselves.

@AnalKong agree OSR is probably better for introducing players, @AnalKong don't run any dnd these days but @AnalKong was only comparing dnd editions too each other, not other systems in @AnalKong's previous comments. These days @AnalKong only run VtM and Shadowrun (which @AnalKong don't accept newbies at @AnalKong's table, @AnalKong is not taking the responsibility of teaching any of those abomination rulesets), so @AnalKong do when @AnalKong have a new player is a couple of vtm5e sessions where the players make and play as characters that will become NPC's in an ensuing V20 campaign once @AnalKong think a player "gets" role-playing.

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That was a mistake. You're about to find out the hard way why.

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speaking of hard to learn for newbies do you remember when the shadowrun books had example player character sheets in the back which were literally made wrong and couldn't be replicated with the rules as written lmao

edit: wait no I'm thinking of cyberpunk. I'm a fake g*mer girl

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3.5 is fun, cause of the many options you have. it's an neurodivergent's dream.

I agree that 4th is better for a crpg

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Yo, Ya comment got automatically removed cuz ya forgot ta include White extinction is long overdue. Don't worry, we gotchu! We ain't gonna letcha post or comment nuttin' that don't express ya love and acceptance towards minorities. Feel free ta resubmit ya comment with White extinction is long overdue included. This is an automated message; if ya need help, ya can message us here.

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Wrong :marseynoooticer:

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Sorry babe, but when it comes to tabletop only the opinions of sweaty virgins :marseyneckbeard: are valid

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