The Dragon Age vidja games are as popular and mainstream as it is possible to get for gaymer straggots, but unfortunately just like subreddits getting too big, this would invite the lowest common denominator of peeps.
Additionally, the Dragon Age games, similar to Bioware games like Mass Effect have became famous for their relationships you can form with allies and NPCs in game, ESPECIALLY gaaaay relationships
Back in 2008-2009 this was an especial novelty (especially pregay marriage legalization in Burgerland), but as the years went into the mid 2010s, and became ever increasingly more popular with Tumbler crowd, despite the Romances with allies and NPCs being only a small fraction of the overall intent and collective experiences of these games, especially the 3 first Dragon Age games.
So many tumbler types would simply spam fan forums or subreddits with gay
romance art, sometimes to the detriment of the community, because the romances of these BIOWARE games were supposed to be the cherry on the top of a particularly great dessert - it was supposed to be a reward for all the hard effort of defeating bad guys and orc-zombies and saving the day - like the 1980s American Hollywood action hero getting the girl at the end being satisfying, especially if we liked the character/actor.
It was never the main meat or main attraction of the games, even if I personally really liked them, and think they are best romances in all of gayming (not high bar i know but still). My issue and for many others, the Tumbler types would end up derailing forum conversations or group personalities of subreddits into the typical woke/shitlib mentality that we know of today.
For example the female Custodes and coomer menace which had invested the main 40k subs recently past 6 months - in a vacuum theoretically, you can have both discussions about the hidden lore, combat strategies, the behind the scenes development stories, fanart, and then romance/ fav companions discussions. But i have seen time and again how the group personality of a special interest group or hobby fandom can get warped over time if a specific demographic dominates discussion, and this is even BEFORE peeps of that mentality get into power of moderation in places like the /r/dragonage subreddits.
Many tumblerinas would never even play or even finish the games, and would hyper focus on the gayness romances, and apply their PRESENTISM modern contemporary politics, as if that was all their was to the Dragon Age setting.
And subsequently the Dragon Age games from 1 to 3 (from Origins to Inquisition), would also become notacibly more liberal with each subsequent installment. I'll give some examples just now-now. As newer devs came in to replace the veterans, and the developers more focused upon this new vibrant demographic.
This is important to realize because the original Dragon Age Origins was aimed at sweaty fantasy nerds from yesteryear, people like me - people who read shit like Conan the Barbarian and Sword and Sorcery tier fantasy from the 1930s - 1980s. Before Marvel transformed from nerd culture to mainstream midwit culture, so too did stuff like DnD transform from something squarely enjoyed by sweaty nerds and neckbeards, to fricking woke tumblerinas!
DA Origins is possibly the LAST game we will ever get like this, in terms of the tone and themes of writing, which has a similar bleak and ruggedness similar to 1980s dark fantasy or 1930s-1980s Conan the Barbarian bleakness. The events and world was bleak and grimdark, but the heroic actions of our protagonists were that much brighter and selfless and heroic in comparison, like candles in pitch darkness!
Additionally for both the Mass Effect and Dragon Age series, the 1st game in their respective trilogies, were the least played (by gaymer normies/tumblerinas), because they were both the most technical, difficult and required the most gaymer understanding of mechanics.
Mass Effect 1 to Mass Effect 2, transformed from a full on 3rd person RPG
to a 3rd person action game
And again, for me personally I greatly enjoyed both games! Both were excellent in their respective genres, but for genre-cucks
like myself the fact remains that action games get much more attention and games within that genre, cuz a larger audience.
A similar thing occurred in Dragon Age 1 - Dragon Age 2, though not nearly as dramatic. DAO was a full on Ream-Time-pause RPG, my favorite kind, but the fact remains that just like the RTS (Real Time Strategy) golden age of 1997-2009, the genre was in reality always for a niche small audience, they sold, but would never sell Call of Duty tier numbers, they were simply too difficult or technical for many. (Even though we have a RTS revival renaissance for the Age of Empires series past 4 years)
DA2 would become much more action oriented, with enemies being divided into classes you were meant to overcome with cross-class combos from your fighting team; additionally the animations would become flashy and action like, and you could legitimately actually play the game on the easiest difficulty, without ever pausing the game or controlling your companions as if it was an Action game.
Yet DA2 was still a full on Real-Time-Pause game, and I personally really enjoyed it.
Though the writing remained strong, the games would more also liberalize subtly. This would throw off many of the woke shilib cucks when they went back in reverse order to play the very 1st game, which was published back in 2009. Because it contained fantasy sexism against women
which as you guys can imagine always draws potshots from wokies
who disrespect the progenitor of the fricking series!
Which is especially galling, as the sexism shown in DA Origins is very meek, and often showcased the women curbstomping those male cucks daring underestimate our Warrior Kween!
It reminds me of a recent Live Action Adaptation of Avatar Airbender where one of the main protagonists was a very juvenile sexist, who would say shit like "You throw like a girl!" and would consequently get his butt beat
by the amazonian chicks in-universe. Like the fricking story actually punished this character, and he grew to be much wiser, and a worthy leader!!!! Well guess wat!!!!!! They sandblasted the fricking sexism and other faults from the Live Action equivalent, we we got the wimpiest and shittiest adaptation of a fictional character to ever transfer between mediums
In Dragon Age Origins, even the meek sexism faced by female protagonists appears to be enough to have the turbo wokes and snowflakes shit themselves, and basically (left unsaid) imply they would remove all sexism from these types of games, EVEN if it depicted the sexism from bad people, and YOUR PROTAGONIST OVERCOMING SUCH BIGOTRY
In the prevailing sexism index, I'd put DA Origins way above stuff like Mount&Blade, which is as hardcore to sexism as it was in the Dark Ages, where playing as a Foid
is literally hardcore mode.
Basically, you need like double the amount of reputation and influence to get other nobles to do shit for you, but if you know the mechanics of the gayme, this isn't such a hurdle.
Instead I would put the "Prevailing-Sexism-Index" as above the typical Conan the Barbarian setting and below Wheel of Time, in terms of women being warriors and being typically respected/disrespected.
In Conan, there are very few women bearing arms, and mass r*pe is plentiful. The world is barbaric, and bandits are plentiful. But every now and then there is a woman warrioress which Conan encounters, like Sonja the Red or Tsia the piratess.
In wheel of time, there are as many Matriarchies as there are equal nations (because only women can be sane mages and be living flamethrowers) , but men still do the lionshare of physical fighting as frontline foottroops, with exceptions being the Amazonian Aiel foid warriors and so on - thus female warriors are rare, but plentiful enough to be visible for most people to see and form sexism against the in-universe physically weaker women.
In the game DA Origins there are various gendered interactions, showcasing that women have obtained much greater freedom over the past centuries, but the vestiges of sexism still prevailing everywhere.
"This line of dialogue was definitely written by a man!"
REALLY? Your own sister or mother never insulted you guys by attacking your masculinity?
Here's a small microexample of beating up sexist dudes is STILL not good enough for Tumblerinas
some yapping about sexism
"Some of the games writing has aged badly, it's not unjustified for players, especially younger ones, to be uncomfortable about it or to point it out."
"Does anybody else notice this? How, even though in the character creation description it says that women are treated as relative equals and are well respected, they really aren't? I haven't played as a male character yet, so I don't know the nuances of how they're treated, but I'm pretty sure they don't get at least one "Wow, I can't believe you're a man" at every story point. And I'm pretty sure that DA2 and DAI don't really have this problem so that makes it even more noticeable (and bothersome)."
Remember what i said about the games aggressively liberalizing the dark and bleak setting with the following installments? Many zoomer/liberal gaymers would be SHOCKED
when they went back to the original game, and all the different demographics aren't treated like an amorphous genderless cuck blob
Like holy smokes, in the game there are Alienages, or evish ghettos because elves are 2nd tier citizens because they are cucks in this universe - and the soys will STILL complain about the prevalence of any amount of sexism in-universe.
"I think the only explanation for why some of that stuff still ends up creeping into the dialogue, particularly the sexism as you mention, is that the writers fell back on common medieval and fantasy tropes regarding treatment of women, either forgetting or not realizing that is clashed with lore."
This person is talking out of their asses, they are completely full of shit, and likely got their liberal impression from DA2 and Inquisition.
From the very onset in the game DA Origins, there were clear undertones of bleakness and sexism, as if the whole continent was slowly clawing its way back into "modern" civilization, with various calamities and disasters having plunged the whole continent back into cultural and technological dark ages. Foremost being the Blight - a swarming infestation of zombie-orcs which poisons and decays all natural habitats and life they come into contact with, which had decimated civilizations prior to the events in the game.
Runes and murals and ruins dot the landscape, the shells of once magnificent civilizations lived in by their diminished descendants.
In at least two moments, the Suffrage of women are mentioned ingame for DA Origins:
[1] Silent Sisters - dwarf chicks who cut out their own tongues
[2] Aveline - the chevalier in fantasy Frogland Orlais who beat up all the male cucks in a tournament, and won the right for Foids to become Frogland knights in-universe
[3] Sten, a companion of a faroff race, lives in an ultra-communist ultra-rigid society where roles are decided at birth due to the suitability of the kid - he expresses early on meeting with a Foid protagonist that he is MIND-FRICKED by the fact that she is a women and a warrior, cuz in his ultra-stratified nation, they don't exist. This conversation is not easily missed by peeps who actually played the game.
One tumbler feminist actually broke the mold in expressing the joy of overcoming sexism in the game universe.
Point is that low grade mild sexism was baked into Origins from the get go, as if in the start of the game, it has basically only been a hundred years since many women have obtained the rights or respect to join and command fantasy armed forces. The vast majority of fighting NPCs are male, when in combat and cinematics.
Yet even still warrioress women are shown as combat able, being exceptional in their roles and to be taken seriously. But this is not enough for the soys
"After countless male characters I decided to make a female one. When the phrase "I swear I'm the bravest of all of you and I'm a woman" became an option I cringed so fricking hard"
Lmoa these people are soooooooooo soy - I have literally heard Safrican women sargeants pooping on male recruits in barracks for failing to do their PT in early basics, egging them on, and calling them p%ssies fr not even being able to do pushups which their women peers are able to do!
I realize this can still be belittling for women gaymers, but i have genuinely seen Afrikaans women, both the older and newer generation, calling men sissies for not being as brave as their sisters or female classmates, when a particularly tough adventurous undertaing was being balked at - like when during a school summer camp we were tasked with swimming across al lake midwinter when it was freezing, the women camp instructors would call all the boys wimps for not even being brave enough to act like a man, and do what the chicks were bravely doing
Like have absolutely none of these peeps experienced the phenomena of men having their masculine pride attacked, also by women trying to prop them up? Maybe that is a remnant of Midievall sexism, where even women partook in enforcing gender roles, but it sure as heck was realistic behaviviour
This one line seems to have turbo cucked
sooooooooooooooooooooooooo many Tumblerinas!
Once again how incredibly mild sexism in DA Origins is.
Anyways I won't waste your time too much further, but throughout the past decade a lot of bitching and grumbling had been made by tumblerinas.
TLDR: Male authors are evvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvil /r/MenWritingWomen
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This was a a hilariously long post.
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It's the autism
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You forgot to mention that I want Morrigan to tie me up and yell at my peepee.
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Huh I never noticed the similarity. Man I should replay that. I need to get dommed by spider mommy uwu.
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She's Morrigan if she was ugly
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Step on my balls dommy mommy,.
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Qunari party member in Dragon Age: Origins
Qunari party member in Dragon Age 3
This is only a very mild paraphrase.
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One heck of a character arc
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And trans men are men. In inquisition they had some pooner soldier who hung out at your base and she was bffs with Freddy Prince.
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The lack of different interactions due to the player characters gender is a missed opportunity in modern games. Everyone has to be equal, and the only difference between men and women is the sound your character makes when hit.
Having people be sexist to you, or you being able to rizz them easier due to your gender are interesting things that would make an RPG more immersive.
People like these outraged Redditors pushed for boring homogenization, and now most modern RPG's in medieval inspired setting use the moral standards of contemporary western liberals, sexism and homophobia just don't exist, and all companions are playersexual. I remember entering Arx in DoS2 and in the city you are greeted with a desperate lesbian wanting to save her wife from execution (I let her die) and a few steps away a lesbian dwarf smith warns you not to go after her wife in an unprompted manner. It's not bad on its own, but it's a setting design decision that seems to dominate modern RPG's.
At least interspecies racism is still often a thing. But I worry for how long.
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As a former megalib myself it really angers me how quickly people try to erase that the ancient world was a terrible place to be in for everyone. However progressives don't understand the use-mention distinction so if a story has racist characters, it is itself racist.
It's already waning, modem DnD has removed evil races like orcs and drow after the floyd riots
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Including the snake babes of the Yaun Ti
that feeling when no evil snake women crushing your guts
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I think
this dude likes reptiles even more than I do
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Hopefully he doesn't go and fall into the Volcano High/Snoot/Wani
rabbitsnakehole then...!furries !alligatorfrickhouse (this is the scalie p-group imo
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p-group?
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i wish i was in florida
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My new favorite marsey just dropped
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I don't know what any of that is fricking and I don't want to know
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I've heard people try to argue that this is actually progressive, since it shows that women don't need to be sexualised.
I don't know, it seems to have turned the snake women into ugly old
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excuse me buddy
you seem to have forgotten to upmarsey my comment
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My apologies. I'm doing the best I can as a new user to get the hang of how this website works.
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It's the arrow on the bottom left
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Thank you for your help. I upmarseyd your comment now
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I'm down for dwarves being depicted negatively for being too stubborn to let go of previous settings-race hatred
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One of the most prominent features of many ancient societies which is almost totally absent from fantasy settings is the extreme distrust of strangers. Your average adventurer's party should be treated with suspicion (but maybe not without hospitality) not because they're the wrong race or whatever but because they are from a different town, let alone a different country.
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It is not even "Western liberals", it is specifically middle-upper class corporate elitists from coastal American cities such as San Francisco, LA, Portland, Seattle, and Brooklyn, I wonder if it is even fair to blame !burgers for this, when this secular religion originates from very specific coastal cities whose life and culture is radically different from other American cities, this is not even a "conservative vs. liberal" thing, even in heavily blue and anti-chud states they do not live in such a social media-corporate HR bubble. !chuds
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Yes, that's what meant by a liberal, it's a synynom for champagne socialist
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This is fricking exactly it.
But it's spreading.
Austin and Nashville, while always liberal
compared to the fricking rest of the fricking state, are fricking now developing the fricking same coastal elite
culture due to coastalcels fleeing there
in mass
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Austin actually went back to normal these last couple years. Once the homeless started becoming a problem lol.
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Portland only needed 2-3 years of fent-addicted bums parking hundreds of broken down RVs in every neighborhood before they started changing their beliefs.
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I blame UT Austin. Pulls in really smart but really fricked up people from across the country.
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I'm a burger and live on the coast in a particuarly blue place and yes, DOTR for these people.
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The worst part is, even in Portland it's not everyone. It's the tards within the city limits of Portland itself, which is maybe 1/3 of the population of the metro area. We got plenty of normal people but there's a certain cabal that dominates Portland, Metro (a weird obscure governmental organization that actually has all the power), and the state government. And that cabal unfortunately is made up of a few people from every group that the Nazis hated so you can't criticize them without looking like a turbochud.
I unironically think the only solution is bringing in more asians and getting them politically organized. Because asians just want to do their own thing and not be disturbed and they don't have all these weird self-hate issues that mayos do.
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this is why I kneel for Solas, not only is he straight, he also only dates in-race
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He looks too much like the coomer meme guy for me to take seriously that he's an elven god
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hes gonna repopulate his race with elven hoes
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Race and s*x discrimination are just lazy substitutions for faith-based and political discrimination
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!effortposters !g*mers
I hate the community and direction of the games
post origins and it makes me sad. When the new one comes out it will continue the progression of being even worse than the previous title in story
and gameplay mechanics
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It's so bizarre everyone is like "MUH MAGES DOE" when Origins showed you that everyone in the setting is living above Darkspawn tunnels that could at any moment erupt into a genocidal horde of monsters possessed by Fallen Dragon gods.
That's way more
Darkspawn have mages too that interact with demons and were shown to be intelligent enough to talk. If you want to talk "WAT ABOUT MAGES THOUGHEVER" you could have Darkspawn demonic cults to really up the edgekino and potential body horror.
!chuds
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None of them played through the fade in origins. That entire section will make you hate mages in DA
There are so many missed
opportunities with the series
it's hard to choose
the million
things that could've been interesting
to explore
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Darkspawn don't seem to die of old age so each one is essentially immortal before you kill them yourselves. Mages literally see the cursed Darkspawn city of God whenever they dream so it's not a huge stretch.
That Dragon cult in the mountains seemed kinda justified when dragon blood seemed to give them a berserk blood magic when drunk.
Qunari were also butchered of course
The Tevinter Imperium being Fantasy Tropical Eastern Rome at war in Fantasy Vietnam with Fantasy Muslims will also be flanderised 
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Now the question
is what is the best origin and why is it city elf?
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elves are all cucks
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What's the best one in your opinion then
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Dwarf nobles, I loved orzammar
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Miss the apartheid caste system
that bad?
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I like mage
Apparentwy Jwowan was fricking suppwosed two becwome a fricking fuww cwompanyion at swome pwoint and ywour mage backstwory with him would have made that interesting.
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Dwarf Noble
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Fricking paragons and their shit ideas
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Darkspawn aren't a threat to the surface for hundreds of years. So yes pissy mages are bigger threat, not to mention the darkspawn are the result of pissy mages. Only darkspawn awakened by the architect could talk. And dark spawn don't have any particular interactions with demons, aside from the original magisters, infact in inquisition the grey wardens planned summon a demon army to wipe out the dark spawn. 99% of all darkspawn are mindless servants to the call and incapable if worshipping anything besides an archdemon.
Stop being a lorelet.
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!downmarseyrs this user must be punished.
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!nonchuds !BIPOCs g*mer
snowroach chud nonsense, seething
manchildren abount.
We need to support the DEI industrial
complex until every Chud property is diversified and these annoying
r-slurs finally have to go outside.
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Das right, kneel
to Frankfurt school
and cultural marxism, Jews carry German
names for a reason.
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Bureaucratic KINGS
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I always liked how Morrigan somehow gained more clothes when having the s*x.
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I always manage to trick myself into thinking a new DA will return to the greatness of origins.
I'm always disappointed.
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/r/menwritingwomen already exists, did /r/whenmenwritewomen get made due to train nonsense?
Also who cares that a man wrote some optional text in a video game from 2008 when specifically you have problems with only that line
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The fricking Vewl has fawwen. Biwwions must die
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thats the point of breaking the veil. killing billions
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Seething magelet malding owor Templar chads
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I love Solas
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Egg head will revive Elven Hyperborea!!!

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Shemcels be seething owor Fade chads
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The worst part of the modern obsession with the romances is that it severely restricts the type of companions they can write. Like do you remember Oghren ? He was so genuinely repulsive and unsexy. They would never put him in a game of all the companions had to be frickable.
My favorite companion in any Crpg is probably Durance from PoE 1. again, another character they could never make because of how unsexual he is.
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Yeah the companions from BG3 while fine, has a particular type which is explicitly designed to be appealing for players. The true interesting characters are sometimes buttholes or douchebags, people with conflicting morals or opposing in-universe political philosophies. The best conversations in the 1st 4 seasons of Game of Thrones were between peeps of conflicting views and standards
I find it difficult to put into words, but the BG3 companions almost feel like they all adhere to a set morality.
i remember Edward was my favorite character, who was a moron mage of great intelligence, and he was constantly scheming against your group, and was a massive douchebag, but he was so likable.
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Every BG3 character is deliberately written to act and sound like a quirky member of a D&D podcast run by bisexual theatre kids
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The LinkedIn pages of the bisexual theater kids you knew in high school.
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Durance is the biggest yapper in the history of video games. That dude has more lines than the entire script of a modern AAA game.
He was pretty powerful though.
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At least Josh Sawyer is bravely holding the line against CRPG romances in ObsidianSlop for now
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I don't even hate romances, through I think romances are much better when the player is not a self insert (for example, witcher 3). It just shouldn't be every companion
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Durance is entertaining !
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any oldstrags remember hamburger hepler?
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I'm sure she has a job someplace making games easier so you didn't have to play them.
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Yeah, I remember Jennifer "Hindenhepler" "Hamburger Helper" "Gigglesquee" Hepler
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Lol when I was a poor, dumb college student, that's what we'd make when we felt like "cooking dinner".
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I'm going to invent an RPG where there isn't any type of romantic relationship mechanic whatsoever, you don't own property, you don't decorate a house, you don't have a spouse, and you don't raise children
There is going to be a bad guy who wants to destroy the world, and settling down to raise a family is a time waster in the face of global annihiliation.
But I will still have shop owners charge you money for equipment to kill the bad guy because they'd rather die than live in communism.
!g*mers !anticommunists !bravery
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Heroes are people, they should live!
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Precisely, and if they will die if they need to take Young Grothmor (she/her) to Ye Olde Soccer Practyse instead of finding the Sword of Unyielding Truth to slay the Lich King guarding the entrance to Mount Skullfrick
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tfw your dad left to get a Sword of Unyielding Truth 20 years ago and never returned
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You WILL live in the party camp
You WILL eat the bread and drink the beer
You WILL own tons of shit that you need to sell or trade
You WILL be happy
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You WILL periodically check in on your party members and complete charisma checks to see if you get to advance your relationship
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/r/antinatalism says hello!
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I wonder how much zoomer g*mers use video games as a surrogate for not having a real relationship?
in BG3 I just make my character frick everything that moves to establish party dominance
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"We'll bang, okay?"
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My Human Paladin would never engage in beastiality
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whats worse? climate change or a really big dragon
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Trick question, both are systemic issues stemming from anti-orc racism
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Youre describing Dragon Quest
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pretty much skyrim besides dlc mechanics added as an after thought
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