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All this because they couldn't bring themselves to portray an asian man as a badass hero, even in fiction :marseysmug2:

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>Western games

Time to go conquer the known world, they shall know me as Genghis KANG

:#chadblacktalking: :#dasrite: :!#marseyblackcock:


rides horse into your empire

uwuuu what's this?

twinkily decapitates priests and r*pes village women

hehe Genghis chan sooo silly

:!#asianenbyjaktalking: :!#mongoljak: :#shorthairasiangirl:

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Actual reality

>attempt to invade

>die in a typhoon

>try again


>give up

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To be fair, you have to be stupid or a woman to not get the message...

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I get it now. It was written in an r-slured way.

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Current hyperfixation: https://i.rdrama.net/images/17146091388618665.webp

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Eh dang, have a comic at home that includes the hero returning to his horse to find it on cinderblocks with the legs removed


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Ubisoft directors would rather tank their own business into bankruptcy than give a male Asian a lead role in anything anymore. I just don't get why, though. Sleeping Dogs was an incredible game and only had asian men in it afaik.

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>Ubisoft directors would rather tank their own business into bankruptcy than give a male Asian a lead role in anything :asianchud: :marseydicklet:

:#based::#gigachad2::#gigachad3::#gigachad4: !whites !chads

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Thank God I'm not a ricecel g*mer, this shit would be roping fuel.


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Aren't you supposed to be saying northernmost nordic women are BUIVLT for dragon dvck asvns or whatever? Have we discovered a limit to your raceposting?

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>Aren't you supposed to be saying northernmost nordic women are BUIVLT for dragon dvck asvns or whatever? Have we discovered a limit to your raceposting?


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This is actually the best comment you have ever made. Congratulations

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By the way, I was the one who submitted this :#bussyboy: emoji, so technically speaking, I am your daddy! :#marseysmug: !metashit

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You mean you were the one who r*ped me. No thank you.


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He's also a trans-man so I guess it's a woman now and therefore can be a trophy for women.


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Factcheck: This claim has not been approved by experts.

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:marseynotes: bwc is likely Asian/hapa since cuckposters fetishise men of other races but not their own

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Had a sweet poster/gamebox art if nothing else.

Also, going to dojos or whatever to "train" and still getting the bone snapping sound effects was :marseychefkiss:

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Could have simply made it a Jap Samurai Moid, and a Mayoess who is a bisexual and fricks both the Jap Samurai Moid and the Jap Ninja Foid.

And then add a secret ending when you 100% the game where they have a threesome.

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a Mayoess who is a bisexual and fricks both the Jap Samurai Moid and the Jap Ninja Foid.

The mayoess who fricks azn bvlls would inevitably look like this btw:

https://preview.redd.it/i-really-hope-they-let-you-customise-your-own-character-v0-iiabejsyhg5b1.jpg?width=1080&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=87981cf34c741c70ad216cec7f5e7906261066ed Westoid foids who got corporate jobs do not allow any character prettier than them in vidya !g*mers !foidmoment

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I said Mayoess. Not a Dutchwoman.

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Isn't the model for this thing half black?




On your licence vs on your CV

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the model looks fine

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That's not what I said

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She looks Arab to me. Anyway :marseywould:

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americans don't know about north africa

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Haven't spread freedom there lately

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it's what I said

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Face looks like Maeby Fünke

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They could have still kept Yasuke in the game as an unlockable secret character or something. Normies will never complain about extra content no matter where if falls on the chud-woke axis :marseyshrug:

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Yasuke would have been fine as a random muscle-background character, and THEN give him a spin-off like they gave one to Adewale from Black Flag.

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He could've been the secondary protagonist, Assassin's Rush Hour would've gone along fine.

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It's mostly brown people playing video games now apparently, like Nafris, blacks, latinx, etc. White mayos make up a smaller part of the consumer market, especially for slop like ubisoft. It's the same reason Transformers movies cater a bit to the chinese audience, who having no aesthetic taste, eat that slop out of a trough.

So I understand how they stumbled into the frick up with consumer analytics, knowing BIPOCs just want to see themselves in media more. And it's not like they haven't caused offense before, I think the pope being the villain in Assassin's Creed II was one of the most religiously offensive and distasteful things they could've done, but there was no backlash for that.

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Browns want to play as crakkkas though.

And the Pope (Antichrist) thing was in a different climate, and game didn't try to make it analogous to <current thing>.

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They really don't, they like playing characters that resemble themselves and watching movies with people that resemble themselves. People have it wrong, a lot of the netflix slop being so black is because blacks pretty much insist on seeing people like them in movies while mayos don't care too much (relatively speaking).

Blacks even shit their pants and cried over a WMLF pairing for the new GTA.

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blacks and women have the same thing, where they don't enjoy content for the story, themes or characters. it's just "does this thing on screen look like me/can I imagine it is me and that it makes me cool?". If so, clap like a seal. If not, it's probably bigoted and should be removed from screens

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I was talking about :satokohoujoufan: :brazilmutt: :chudindian: browns (strongest white supremacists)

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The Pope was also Rodrigo Borgia :marseykekw:

If anything the Cesare Borgia portrayal was seen as stranger since they have him as a super cartoon villain but the real one was a notable military commander and a great inspiration for Machiavelli.

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There was no backlash because browns didn't have video games when the original Assassin Creeds came out.

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Theres fantasy, and then theres just sillyness

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Changs won :marseychingchong:

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Grorious victory!

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I wish I could speak Spanish :marseysad:

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This video is not available

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Ricechads :chadasian: did because of just one game what billions of westoid g*merchuds could not do over years :marseychingchongsupremacy: :marseykneel:

@CEO_of_misogyny say this as a feminist ally

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If you push a Ricemoid too far, they'll kill people with fire and homemade shotgun.

If you push a Maymoid too far, they'll :marseytrain2: out.

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:#marseychingchongraging: :#marseychingchongshooter:

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Our Chuds walked so the Chinks could run.

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Pls give AAA crash.

Pls psychopath moneymen, stop funding videogames.


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AAA games :marseypoor: were so 2010, Ubisoft creates AAAA "experiences" :marseymoney:

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!g*mers on top of this the Ghost of Tshushima sequel trailer just dropped

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>abbreviated as "GOY"

:marseyhmm: !g*mers !commenters

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17274905426203203.webp :#marseyloonalove::#marseyloonalove::#marseyloonalove:

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GOY = Gay Opposite of Yung


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>foid Samurai



:#shyyt: :#shyyt: :#shyyt: :#shyyt: :#shyyt: :#shyyt: !g*mers !chuds !asians

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It has never been more over for AsianMasculinity


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Did it even begun for AsianM-ACK!sculinity?

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1727221109547257.webp !incels !asians

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Unironically now is the best time to be a ricelet because of kpoop

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These are the types of huwite foids who chase after kpopmaxxed Asian changs doe:

https://preview.redd.it/52kkz2x8gm281.jpg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cb594d90b59e2daa3452d2ced374d52c4980b4e https://i.rdrama.net/images/1685326593028153.webp


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10 years ago yes but now there are gorillions of zoomettes into it so some are hot

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I thought this was supposed to be set in Japan? Where are my black samurai's at?


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I see soyny consulted the girlboss division, god forbid they make a sequel to one of their most beloved games that actually sells any fricking copies

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:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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Diversity is our strength. And strength is a right wing dog whistle so losing by being weak is actually a virtue.

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Japs hate it because they messed up their culture and history, not because of Yasuke

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I love your titles bwcz also friend me

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:#marseyheart: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a5/33/fe/a533fe1cb1ff37e6075cc98038bc4521.gif https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0d/c3/e7/0dc3e79b80fcbe6aa9e8919fe1386e89.gif https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ab/6f/8e/ab6f8e0399e97fb7cc9e14e7702c2853.gif https://media.tenor.com/KixtgvZz8_YAAAAM/cat-like-a-dog-pets.gif https://media.tenor.com/wRl0AvhPj74AAAAM/cat-you-like-it.gif

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So it was all about ethics in game journ*lism all along. Well I'll be darned.

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I'm not sure this is a good thing- the Guilmont bros Ubisoft produces shit but it also produces the occasional good game. If the scalpers take over it will be pure slop forever. And somehow it won't die- it'll just keep going :marseysal2: and going :marseysal2: on.

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What occasional good games?

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Splinter Cell Chaos Theory :marseysmughips:

They'll make another one any day now.

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Darn the chuds are making gains in the culture war... nonchuds I don't feel so good. :marseytranspearlclutch:

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Its just video games so i wouldnt worry

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I was watching :marseyschizoexcited: death :marseyprey: of a game and i found :marseymissing2: it funny :marseylaugh: how the dude dismissed the game as having dei issues then when on to talk about how the character :marseyinboots: design was bad because many characters had being gay or old as a character :marseyrustyventure: design, and how the toxic woke err i mean work culture sabataged the game.

Funny how people can larp so hard.

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Its not the fault of progressivism its the fault of progress…squism

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:#marseyagree: :#marseysleep:

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None of these words are in the Bible

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