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Ubisoyft Japan has cancelled its Tokyo Game Show stream due to the BBCmisia of Japcels over Blackass Creed Chudows, right side of hxstory ledditors engage in more struggle sessions over Yxsuke (zxey/zxem) and whenever or not zxe was a historically-accurate BBC BVLL, meanwhile pointing out that an Amerimutt grifter is not a trustworthy historian makes you a KotakuinAction bad faith G*merGater chud bigot much like the Jap racists :marseyblacked: :marseysamurai: :chudbbc: :!asianchud: :autism:


Also, lmao apparently they are putting sakura flowers growing in the wrong season, Torii gates as regular city entrance gates, and Chinese architecture in Japanese castles, but who gives a shit, these exotic orientals are all the same anyways, Ubisoft frogs are single-handedly keeping 19th-century Orientalism alive and well!, classic UbiGOD W! :based: :!marseykneel: :marseydeux: :vegetakneel: !historychads !chuds



Also Japcels have African noses, which is a Snopes-fact checked, peer-reviewed, scientifically accurate, historically verified irrefutable FACT that an African-American Samurai BBC BVLL did in fact impregnate half of all Jap foids during his stay in the Sushi Bar in Middle-Upper Class Los Angeles Neighborhood! :marseyserioushatfact:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17270527599978507.webp https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/561/874/526.jpg https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/039/441/weihan-zhang-muscles.png !asians

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TOTAL CHVD VICTORY :#chudjakdancing:

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:#marseyrave: :#marseyravegigaspeed: :#marseyravesuperspeed: :#marseyravegigaspeed: :#marseyrave:

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Actual footage of me studying the art of crafting post titles from him:


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Arduous? It's a rollercoaster, in the most positive meaning.

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Guy writes titles like a Japanese virgin light novel writer

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Kinda disappointing to hear that, but "Various circumstances" is such a wonderful phrase that I'm now going to have to incorporate it into every reply when I pull wife aggro.

"Honey, you promised me that X would be done by the time I got home, what happened?"

Me, hiding joypad under seat cushions: "Oh, various circumstances."


gàmers should kìll themselves

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Is that some kind of a s*x toy?

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YES! Now get the joy paddle!

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Weeaboo :marsey57:

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Few know, but that PBF comic was the origin of the term.

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I only have to do that when I hear someone say "Tubalcain".

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Now that Newsradio reference I remember.

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Not my fault. Such a name used in association with a Redditor could not make me think this.

Also, my first downmarsey from Corinthian. Very sad.

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I know someone who still calls them paddles. His first console was the N64.

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His first console was the N64.


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I don't know what this is but the resolution and color depth are comforting to me and remind me of childhood.

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It's an event from Caveman Games on the NES. Olympics for cavemen. The firemaking event was one of my first experiences with Nintendo trying to get you to break your controllers by spamming the buttons as fast as humanly possible.

Mate Toss was the standout for me though. Spin your wife around by the hair and hammer throw her for distance. She'd do a little celebration dance and give you a thumbs up if you chucked her well.

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I rented the NES version a few times

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"My wife hates me" -redditors

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:boomer: :handshake: :soysnoo:

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>"Don't worry though I can fix it, I already have the concept of a plan"


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Nobunaga. Tokugawa. Hideyoshi. So many others.

Just pick one dude in any of their employ who was a spy, and....that's it. Just don't frick up the digital bio-pic and you'll make a morbillion dollars.


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Just pick one dude in any of their employ who was a spy

A Dramanaut accurately detailed its creation process:

>Ubishit corpo room (99% huwite women)

>:marseysuit: - We are gonna make a game set in Feudal Japan!

>:marseychonkerfoid: - How can we fit a black guy in this?

>:marseywomanmoment: - So I heard on Wikipedia that there was a single black guy in Feudal Japan, so make zxim the protagonist, and also put on Hip-Hop music while he butchers Asian moids (grotesque creatures in the eyes of huwite foids)!

>:ramonajak: - Brilliant!, that'll teach these uncivilized orientals to stop being barbaric racists and embrace our superior and civilized Western ideals!

:#marseywomanmoment2: !foidmoment !g*mers

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>chuds say they want historical accuracy

>make a videogame where a black guy lives in Japan and commits basically all the crime there

>black guy runs around assaulting Asians all game

Very realistic situation. Now chuds don't like historical accuracy.

Jewish lives matter

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transplanting modern :marseymajorgeneral3: day stats :marseychartscatter: into a historical :marseygladiator: game is anti-chud behavior :marseyindignant:

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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You're right - it's a significantly smaller fraction and a significantly higher proportion of the crime

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@Modern_Major_Jefferal look it's u jeff look jeff look marsey :marseyunithecat: jeff!!! jeff look!!! look jeeff!!

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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Aevann took him out back


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i miss him so much bros :marseydepressed: I hope he died in a cool or funny :marseybruh: way instead of a heart :marseytedsimpflirt: attack :marseyfloch: or something :marseysmugface:

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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You just know there were so many developers and general lower-on-the-totem-pole people who knew how fricking r-slurred this was the entire time and were gritting their teeth making it.

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Then there is the guy just there to get a check


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:soycry: this game is so bad and everyone's gonna hate it and all our work will go to waste

:!gigachad: that doesnt sound like my problem

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This is the real way to be when working any corporate software job. Clock in. Do work. Clock out. Enjoy your free time and decent paycheck.

(Except they're a videogame dev so they don't get that, but y'know.)

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>Torii gates as regular city entrance gates,


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Average historical consultant, knows everything about obscure gay shit dudes were into 500 years ago, doesn't know the basics of religion.

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Its weird how sometimes Mayoids refuse to acknowledge simple cultural religious things as non-religious.

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I just want you to know that your titles are absolutely illegible to anyone that spend <20 hours a day online

And I mean it as a compliment

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@BWC you fricking gay-butt BIPOC, stop fricking sidevoting my comments. Every time I fricking read your posts I fricking upmarsey them myself and I leave a fricking comment for the engagement. The least you could do is simply acknowledge its existence by clicking the up arrow but no, instead you opt to sidevote them every single time, and I know that you see them, this isn't an accident. This has gotten so ridiculous that now I have to leave this straggy annotation at the end saying 'teehee I actually agree with you your post is good' BUT EVEN THAT ISN'T ENOUGH FOR YOU!!!

I'm frankly running out of patience with you here. And trust me, you don't want to see me get on my bad side...


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NEIGHBOR I WAS ASLEEP :#marseysleep:


https://i.rdrama.net/images/17272016140166628.webp !metashit

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It was mid-day when I wrote this why are you lying?

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This planet is big, time zones be different where I live in yo :#chudbrasileiro:

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Globetard nonsense

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!sidevoters hes mad



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How do you know if someone side voted? :marseyconfused: what is side voting anyways? :marseyretard2:

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You just feel it

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I never have any idea what his titles are even remotely talking about. I'm halfway down this thread and I'm still not sure that's going on. Was that Assassin's Creed game cancelled? I thought it already came out? :marseyhmmm:

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Peak rdrama title

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I love 😘 your titles bby

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Also Japcels have African noses, which is a Snopes-fact checked, peer-reviewed, scientifically accurate, historically verified irrefutable FACT that an African-American Samurai BBC BVLL did in fact impregnate half of all Jap foids during his stay in the Sushi Bar in Middle-Upper Class Los Angeles Neighborhood!

Do paragraphs like this just flow off your fingers, or do you have to dig deep into your indepth knowledge of interracial s*x to write them :marseyconfused:

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Not even joking: When you do an especially good one, sometimes I'll sit there for 30 seconds and see if there's any patterns I can rip off and use myself.

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It's embarrassing even to read


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This was such a hilarious miscalculation on Ubisoft. They really believed the colored people solidarity myth. They believed the America is the most racist country rhetoric. They gulped all the Kool Aid. And now they are here. Smiles for miles from me.

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hilarious miscalculation. They really believed the colored people solidarity myth.

That was not the miscalculation. They knew what they were doing would cause mass anger, bewildered people, outrage from various publications, criticism from different conservative media saying "ubisoft is woke trash now".

Their epic miscalculation was thinking (rather gambling on the idea) that they could use this free publicity too generate no cost buzz and then preview the game too show it looks awesome. Then announce a DLC for a small fee or even free maybe that changes the main character from BBC BVLL too RICEMOID, thus pretending they listen too the community.

If only board pitches went according shitty Microsoft Powerpoint slides. :#marseyclueless:

imo the biggest reason they failed is everypony knew they were going too fail. What @ObamaBinLaden mean by that is they were too close too Concord and Suicide Squad in releasing their AAA game. If Apple and Xiaomi both released their flagship phones and both bombed, the tiniest controversy will result in Samsung's smartphone (released in the same year) meeting the same fate

That's the tea sis. @ObamaBinLaden say this as a feminist ally

Tl;dr - !chuds !fellas if someone tells you third time's the charm, don't trust them

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This is a country where they had Josephine Baker cooning for them in movies as a dim-witted black savage to justify their atrocities in Africa and they still think that means they're more sophisticated than us.

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They believed the America is the most racist country rhetoric

It is. They change the races of characters in literally everything for no other reason than

>rent free

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>nip pickings


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!peakpoors !metashit the guy who wastes money in record time is now bothering me in the threads that I make, begging for my money that he will waste within 10 seconds :marseyitsallsotiresome:

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Im gonna buy hats with it :marseywholesome:

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buy my hats BIPOC

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Give me coins neighbor

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how do i make profit then?

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Okay I own all of your hats now

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Thank you, sir :marseyretardcheers:

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It's an investment. I purchase your hats causing them to display higher up in the shop. I'll also wear your hats giving them more exposure.

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Fricking bullshit dude nobody lifts a finger to help me you're all rats chat type 1 if he's a rat


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Im rDrama's #1 welfare QUEEN :marseynails:

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free my neighbor bossman he dindu nuffin

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You waste your money so inefficiently

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Please give me coins as well.

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Okay now do that 499 more times :marseywait:

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If I wanted this kind of experience I can get to downtown Portland in a half hour and be hassled by bums irl.

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>disappointing to hear that, but "Various circumstances" is such a wonderful phrase that I'm now going to have to incorporate it into every reply when I pull wife aggro.

>"Honey, you promised me that X would be done by the time I got home, what happened?"

>Me, hiding joypad under seat cushions: "Oh, various circumstances."


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Next AC game should take place in the Congo and you play as a Dutch colonist

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Quite boring, you'd just be paying Congolese to kill each other.

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Put in sudan and u get to play as an Arab slave trader :chadarab:

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Unfortunately for a lot of people we never left 2014. There are entire communities devoted to making sure games they consider "woke" are brigaded to failure.


AAA games not named Concord, no matter how bad, have sales in the millions. It's literally impossible to brigade them to failure or success. You can't convince that many people with a few tweets and YouTube videos.


That doesn't mean it's not annoying.

We get to have bad faith discussions on games everytime the culture warriors on the internet get a bee in their bonnet. And it's going happen a lot since there's a profit motive for the content creators.

A lot of this is manufactured. Ie. Small issues made to be seem bigger in order to construct a narrative.

Which is where my annoyance is. Arguing about narratives over the actual problems with context. Nothing good or constructive comes of it.


Hype for games is viral, so has snowball effects either way. Hence, a bit of initial sentiment for a game, can have massive cascading impact to the ultimate sales.

With concord's obliteration, star war outlaws failure, AC shadows probably going to fail, other disasters on the roadmap like "Fairgame$". Executives, managing $100 million investments, are not going to take risks in this 'direction' anymore.

That's not to say every game character is going to be a white/asian male going forward. But executives wanting to introduce diversity, are going to do it very carefully, communicating that the diversity is to improve the game, not there to rub it in players faces, ie "Don't like it don't buy it"

I like how the "risks" involved here are as dire as devs maybe putting in two fewer BIPOCs into the average game. Also the obligatory "bad faith" arguments lol.

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im touching my temples flexing really hard to send failure waves to wokies rn

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Ubisoft guts itself on the altar of palestinian lives matter.

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Because the game was clearly NOT made with Japanese themes as their focus. The focus lies elswhere.

Can you tell us what that focus is?



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It's kinda funny we get more and more examples of japs being more racist than chuds and we still have to go with the whole narrative of japs love this y'all are just racist

like this shit doesnt matter, but like you can deboonk the government thing but when youre cancelling a tokyo show of some slop just because it has a black guy instead of a chink maybe japan is just worse in every way than the west?

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The Japanese invented and perfected racism :marseychefkiss: but wokies are too r-slurred to realize this

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maybe japan is just worse better in every way than the west?

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apparently they are putting sakura flowers growing in the wrong season, Torii gates as regular city entrance gates, and Chinese architecture in Japanese castles

From what ive seen on japoid forums these are the main complaints and the yasuke thing is much more minor

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Many of the people who complain about yasuke speak weirdly stilted and verbose Japanese for some reason :marseythonk:

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"Herro ferrow japanese prayers, I hate yasuke he's so fat and stupid"


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Dude the chinese architecture shit by itself would make everyone lose it. Japs and chinks hate each other.

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>Torii gates as regular city entrance gates

If true this is amazingly funny, even a basic 10 minute tourism trip to Tokyo shows this to be incorrect.

Where have all the cultural sensitivity people been, ubisoft :smug

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I return :marseymonke: to the very important point :marseyroses: I made in another thread-

Ghost of Tsushima exists so why would :marseymid: anyone want to play this?


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ever playing any game set in Japan after 1989's Sword of the Samurai (which btw Darklands is actually descended from in some ways)


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it doesn't take a prophet or a genius to already know ghosts does everything this ubislop game does except better and more accurately. If you still buy butt creed shadows knowing all that then you should just neck yourself and get it over with.

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Having the option of killing mayos I guess and Jap arquebuses? :marseyshrug:

...I don't think there are mayos in GoT.

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Jap arquebuses?


Tsushima sequel now has that as well lmao.

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You joke, but soon enough Mongolian will be considered white.

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I will never accept hungarians as white :marseyindignant:

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Maybe the fricking first smart decision Ubishit has made in the fricking last year. Now they don't have to subject themselves to the fricking public humiliation of a fricking bunch of Japs booing their "love letter to Japan", they get to keep paying journos to push the fricking "its all westoids using auto-translate" narrative to dismiss foreign criticism, and all while maintaining plausible deniability for their most r-slurred defenders to spit at disgusting rightoids arguing with them online.

Bravo :#marseybrainletclapping:

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I really have no legs to stand on this, but maybe they should resurrect Sam Fisher again.

I miss the glowing eyes in the dark.

And since I'm in a @BWC thread, here's my tribute.


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They're supposed to be remaking the first SC. I hope they don't change any of the story to make it more modern.

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All timer title.

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No porn or shredded Manley in your post, I'm pleasantly surprised by your growth

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I chewed him out and muted him for including porn in posts that pinged Christians/Catholics/historychads etc. Not sure if it'll last but I take partial credit for this. I love my friend @BWC even if sometimes he's a fricking bit gross.

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Neighbor can you write normal titles at all and not whatever visual cancer this is

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All you need to read in the title is yasuke and struggle session and you'll get it


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>japcels have african noses



Also japanese wonen sing like black women.

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Holy fricking shit dude :marseyxd:

They just can't stop taking Ls

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Requiems cat in peachy :#marseyfatswordsman:

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Ha French r-slurs made a bad game

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I think the legend of Yasuke makes for a good story, even if it's mostly fictional.

Sad that on this gay earth the decision to make a protagonist any given race is political :marseybottom:

Oh well it's just Ubisoft slop anyway

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Normally I can understand rdrama brainrot headlines but this one has me scratching my head.

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