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Makes sense tbh

Consoles have always been a dying market that required a constant pump of marketing to stay alive and relevant like a hospital patient with an IV drip.

There is a reason why most xbox games are multiplatform now and its getting more difficult for companies to try and make a gaming box with decent specs and justify a price tag lower than if you put your own similar desktop PC together.

And with shit like the steamdeck and other peripherals, its only reinforcing that.

So Microsoft is going and looking, okay, we can probably drop the box and focus on (shit) software and that'll save money and we'll still have a xbox marketplace on everyone elses hardware, whereever.

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make a gaming box with decent specs and justify a price tag lower than if you put your own similar desktop PC together.

Most people can't do that, so :marseyshrug: . Stores like best buy charge around $180 to build from custom parts and install the OS.

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There :marseycheerup: is a reason why most xbox games :marseylegioncommander: are multiplatform

That would :marseymight: be because they're r-slurred. Real Capital :marseydeathsentence: G G*mers used to buy every console :marseycheerup: so they could play everything. No need for an Xbox now

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