A Message from Sports Interactive, An Update on Football Manager 25Sports Interactive regret to inform that, following extensive internal discussion and careful consideration with SEGA, we have made the difficult decision to cancel Football Manager 25 and shift our focus to the next release.
For the large numbers of you who pre-ordered FM25, we thank you enormously for your trust and support – we're very sorry to have let you down. Please see the FAQs below on obtaining your refund.
Development Update: Football Manager 25
We know this will come as a huge disappointment, especially given that the release date has already moved twice, and you have been eagerly anticipating the first gameplay reveal. We can only apologise for the time it has taken to communicate this decision. Due to stakeholder compliance, including legal and financial regulations, today was the earliest date that we could issue this statement.
We have always prided ourselves on delivering the best value for money games that bring you countless hours of enjoyment, that feel worth every moment and every penny you spend. With the launch of FM25 we set out to create the biggest technical and visual advancement in the series for a generation, laying the building blocks for a new era.
Due to a variety of challenges that we've been open about to date, and many more unforeseen, we currently haven't achieved what we set out to do in enough areas of the game, despite the phenomenal efforts of our team. Each decision to delay the release was made with the aim of getting the game closer to the desired level but, as we approached critical milestones at the turn of the year, it became unmistakably clear that we would not achieve the standard required, even with the adjusted timeline.
Whilst many areas of the game have hit our targets, the overarching player experience and interface is not where we need it to be. As extensive evaluation has demonstrated, including consumer playtesting, we have clear validation for the new direction of the game and are getting close – however, we're too far away from the standards you deserve.
We could have pressed on, released FM25 in its current state, and fixed things down the line - but that's not the right thing to do. We were also unwilling to go beyond a March release as it would be too late in the football season to expect players to then buy another game later in the year.
Through the cancellation, every effort is now focused on ensuring that our next release achieves our goal and hits the quality level we all expect. We will update you on how we are progressing with that as soon as we are able to do so.
Thank you for reading, your patience and your continued support. Our full focus now returns to creating a new era for Football Manager.
Sports Interactive
Must be pretty broken to have to cancel the game entirely.
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Between moving to unity, trying to add women's leagues, and the pot boiling over on players figuring out most of the stats are fake/irrelevant I figured this when the delay started. If they ever figured out a better player communication system instead of the seemingly arbitrary current system and brought meaningful changes to the match engine I'd still come back. There is baseball manager but nothing quite strikes the itch of sports and autism like FM![:marseyautism: :marseyautism:](https://i.rdrama.net/e/marseyautism.webp)
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The whole game needs to be rebuilt from the ground up at this point. The match engine is way too biased towards certain playstyles and physical attributes. Most of the game mechanics are just pointless clicking with no depth or reason - training schedules, shouts, injuries, interactions and team talks, scouting is garbage - there's 1 correct method to most of this, no challenge or depth, it's just a chore.
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Bro what do you mean it's the same game every year
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They've planned a switch to Unity to finally update the visual presentation. IIRC they said the underlying simulation remains the same decades old codebase but maybe they ran into issues so who knows![:marseyshrug: :marseyshrug:](https://i.rdrama.net/e/marseyshrug.webp)
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Probably didn't have half of what they claimed would be in it anywhere near ready then.
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Saw it coming from a mile away.
G*mers might be the most out of touch audience when it comes to inner workings of their hobby, since so many of them were defending SI or even praising them for the delay and coping they'll get a polished release![:marseyemojirofl: :marseyemojirofl:](https://i.rdrama.net/e/marseyemojirofl.webp)
There wasn't a singular in-match screenshot showcasing the new visuals before the game was postponed. Not showcasing the singular redeeming feature of your release signals there wasn't even anything close to a functioning product. The delayed release data was also to the end of fiscal year IIRC, as far as they could realistically push it before skipping it altogether.
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Lmao did deciding to add women actually end up killing the game?
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