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Even If The Transphobia Doesn't Bother You, Please Don't Buy (or Even play) The New Hogwarts Game : WitchesVsPatriarchy


Im totally going to buy this

(From skidrow)

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I preordered it a few days ago and I have no idea what it is

This thread is the entirety of my knowledge of the game

I am now very confident that preordering was the right choice

Let’s go gas some (((goblins)))


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You preorder games whitout checking them?


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It’s $60 wtf does it matter


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:marseymerchant: a lot

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Whatever you say, (((goblin)))

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Carp is a soy consoomer


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tbf if I could afford it id play it

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:#marseynpc: consume tershit just because it's made by hecking based terfs :#marseynpc:

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we're all the same really, just different flavors of r-slur :marseywholesome:

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we aren't all 1%ers who think trans lives matter ok geez

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Criticizing the 1% is horribly anti-Semitic and you should be ashamed.

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How much is it, I'm 100% buying it just for the seethe. Is it on steam?

Watch it end up being a good game

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Where can u buy it? Steam?

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Yeah steam


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And you, the hero, are a wizard whose ultimate task it is to quash the rebellion and put these goblins back in their rightful place under the rule of the wizards.

Fricking based. I might actually look into buying this. Thanks kind witch!

Edit: Nevermind. I'm not that neurodivergent.

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You're literally playing as wizard Hitler suppressing the communists

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If your squash target are goblins, then it's just the autenthic Hitler gameplay of killing (((them))).

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The goblins of the HP series have long been criticized as offensive Jewish stereotypes due to their facial features and control of the magical banking system

Lol, this is literally the meme


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Warhammer describes Orks as ‘thugz’ in the wiki

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More of an unfortunate coincidence, they use z for s for most things ork related

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We wuz orkz

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Warhammer Orks are based off of English football hooligans tho, the PVREST ARYAN PASTIME


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Not once, in all my time in fantasyshit media, have I thought orcs were synonymous with black people, never even crossed my mind. Not until the last 4 years or so, when these twittoid r-slurs brought it up.

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theyre obviously Swiss

live in the mountains and do love nothing but money

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>crushing the goblins under the might of central British Authority

Based and they-never-should-have-conceded-on-the-Suez-Crisis-pilled

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here's a pic, for you!!!!!!!!!!!:marseyshy:


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Wait does that mean they think witches are goblins?

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How did we get to the point where we just slap "phobia" on the end of everything as if disliking outsiders is about fear?

I just don't like muzzies or :marseytrain2:s - nothing else to it.

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Oh Pizza u dumb b-word

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then y do u let so many of them c*m in ur butt??

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Best way to absorb vitamins, chud

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What's the issue with muzzies in burgerland? In yurop I can understand as there is virtually no barrier to entry, but to go to the US you have to have money, an identity and actual job prospects so that filters a lot of the r-slurred ones.

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lol maybe illegal aliens crossing the border? you get burger citizenship if you're born there, is that the case in europoor? the citizenship thing seems like a low barrier too entry for @chiobu or maybe @chiobu is just annoyed that @chiobu have too declare that @chiobu is not a burger anymore whenever @chiobu sign up for new stonks/financial nonsense :!marseytrollcrazy::!marseytrollcrazy::!marseytrollcrazy: trans lives matter

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They get middle east refugees too? Darn I though having to take a plane filtered the poorcels :marseycrying:

It depends where on yurop but yeah crotchgoblins motly get citizenship of where they're born

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They get middle east refugees too? Darn I though having to take a plane filtered the poorcels :marseycrying:

Maybe not middle east per se but @chiobu really don't know, but if you consider Ilhan Omar's rather meteoric rise into congress then it's not that hard too imagine that the burgers are getting folx from the middle east too, ngl @chiobu thought somalia was middle east because of how she was always wearing the hijab lol

It depends where on yurop but yeah crotchgoblins motly get citizenship of where they're born

@chiobu think so too but it was funny too see my brother who was born in a place that hated burgers and vice versa not get the citizenship there lmao trans lives matter

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That's in Michigan, there are a bunch of muzzies concentrated there but that isn't the norm. Most muzzies in the US are black and have their own r-slurred form of islam.

https://i.postimg.cc/dVgyQgj2/image.png https://i.postimg.cc/d3Whbf0T/image.png

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Nation of islam is from Detroit, all muslims in america are michiganders

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FOI neighbors scare me they everywhere but mostly citycels

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Yeah they're in my city and are always setting up on corners yelling at people. Most people just give them weird looks and keep walking.

https://i.postimg.cc/dVgyQgj2/image.png https://i.postimg.cc/d3Whbf0T/image.png

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How did you get chudded? I thought your account had a 24/7 deflector or something. I might just be r-slurred though.


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nah that's pretty gay if you need a 24/7 deflector, @chiobu is fair game

over a rope joke :marseyshrug: trans lives matter


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wrong, it's actually the opposite, while @chiobu laugh at them @chiobu don't think I've wished them death or anything here or on kiwifarms (other than the p-do/groomer ones) trans lives matter

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You called me a p-do so I don't believe you.

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source please trans lives matter

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They’re all just shitty 3rd world Uber drivers in the states. The good ones run halal carts but you can only have a few hundred of those in hustle and bustle before it becomes too competitive.

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Some of the refugees, particularly somalis. Everyone else is cool. Even the pakis.

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Phobia also means aversion. Hydrophobic molecules aren't "afraid" of water molecules

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pizzashill was educated in America

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I should make a post that I put up a GoFundMe for a peepee inversion, raised a ton of money, but changed my mind after I listened to a Joe Rogan podcast and decided to use the money to buy Harry Potter games to distribute for free to inner-city youths instead.


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This would definitly earn you a unique medal

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:marseyspecial: I won!

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No bait is too obvious

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>Game is set in 1890

>The Elders of Zion came out in 1903


Am I having a stroke, or did that argument make no fricking sense?

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that one actually made me laugh, like what?

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Anti-semites are unyiwonyicawwy wery dumb and dwon't knywow histwory.

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>Game is set in 1890

>Hitler gassed jews in 1940


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I figured it would be a Dances With Wolves scenario where you gradually realize that the goblins' cause is justified and join them, but unless it's being hidden very well and the child abduction thing is a huge misdirect (which I doubt), that's pretty darning.

The fact they aren't spoiling the plot of the game is pretty darning

Also go figure the post is locked

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I can't imagine this person has actually seen Dances With Wolves if that's what they got out of it.

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Game idea - Transylvania where Simon Belmont goes around telling the local townsfolk that they will never be real women.

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Nywo wonder he gwot his bwood dwainyed by teh wocwl seriwl kiwwer.

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90% sub of this sub are :!marseytrain:s :marseyxd:

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All the foid subs are

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There are no women (((biological))) on the internet.

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You really are a lonely incel.

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Yeah 10k legacy women are definitely not upvoting a post on not buying a video game due to transphobia, let alone thinly connected transphobia.

No woman I’ve ever discussed MtF trans politics with (~7 women) has ever really verbalized support for it. Includes at least 3 super liberal women.

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Why are you discussing trains with women IRL?

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“So there’s this guy named Chris Chan who :marseytrain2:ed out and fricked his mom. Do you want another drink?”

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rly? Even the super liberals said no to TWAW? thankful bb just surprised

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So a longtime friend of mine who is a “shout your abortion” lib straight up said it was misogyny. Most women are understandably fine with FtM, not because they (FtM) are bio women but because they are not obnoxious.

Unrelated, but a lot of conservative adjacent women are tacitly pro-choice but wouldn’t have an abortion themselves.

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I thought it was still a fringe sub full of bi women into astrology and "le valid enbies" (goth chick variant), but numbers like that could only come from one source :marseytroll:

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It’s modded by bardfinn

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🚨Bard bot alert!🚨

Reset the counter. Current counter was: 0 days, 2 hours, 5 minutes

Record is 0 days, 22 hours

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check the top post of the sub it's full :!marseytrain:s selfie or :marseytrain2: related :marseyxd:

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The lead designer for Avalanche Games, Troy Leavitt, has been a harsh critic of social justice movements, was a proponent of G*mergate, called the MeToo movement a "moral panic," and claimed that society gives deferential treatment to LGBTQ+, POC, women, and disabled people.

Holy shit this game might actually be good.


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I've never consumed the media and the fanbase is cancer, but the game looks really solid

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I want to see Twitter’s reactions if it breaks any gayming sales records.

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Pirate it to own the devs or buy it to own the :marseytrain2:s? Such a difficult choice...


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pie rat and plaster reddit with screenshots saying how much you love the devs for making it

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Buy it, but play a pirated version anyway.

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The “goblins are jews” thing is somethingg 4chan started as a joke and now breadtube leftoids legit takeit seriously

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>be goblin

>have hook nose

>curly hair


>conniving money-grubbers

>I'm a jew lmao

Hmm yes this is good praxis:marseyblm:

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tolkein started the goblins are jews thing didnt he

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Not really? His goblins just sang songs and lived underground (down down down in goblin town)

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why do you think they lived underground? they had already been expelled from 117 kingdoms

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Yes actually, how the frick is someone with the joker pfp and someone who blasphemies all the time the only people who get history on this

Oh it's this site...

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But it’s not true and it’s wrong. Goblins/orcs just descend from corrupted beings, they’re not analogues to Jews.

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No moron the LOTR Jews were dwarves:

>extremely clannish

>secretive as frick

>mandatory hasidic beards

>greedy fricks who loved gold

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and they had a lost land they were trying to reclaim from the arabs i mean dragons

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