
Imagine paying 1,5k to get +10 fps in newest coomsume game and having such quality card that on top of it eats as much as 2 ps5, gaymers keep loosing

Is there any good strategy game set in the moden day?

Something like Europa Universalis IV, but its set in the 20th and 21 century instead of during medieval times.

@dont_log_me_out think it would be cool as shit if you were given control of a country at the start of the 20th century and you had too expand you're territories and gain as much power as possible by 2200.

Not like civilization though. The map would be something akin the EU IV. You would have you're special events and till 2022 or whenever the game releases, the rest of the world outside of you're territory will follow the natural progression with time.

The only problem @dont_log_me_out see with the game is it becoming controversial because you would have the option too spam genocides until you're people are the final race on the planet.

@dont_log_me_out would play as India starting out as a vassal state with a high level of animosity with UK. @dont_log_me_out would figure out how too break away from the UK before WW1 ends and so they won't be able too get farm supplies from my country for WW2. This will make UK be disadvantaged during WW2 and far closer too the brink of losing due too not having enough rations.

@dont_log_me_out would then have Pakistan break away, but in turn would keep Bangladesh as a part of India.

@dont_log_me_out would immediately focus on expanding my control over south Asia meanwhile @dont_log_me_out would never close my economy too the rest of the world. @dont_log_me_out know that would fail.

@dont_log_me_out would still let Gandhi be assassinated for gameplay purposes, but @dont_log_me_out won't let Nehru be the new PM.

@dont_log_me_out would focus my 2nd half of 20th century game on ensuring that India always remains more powerful than China.

By the year 2000 @dont_log_me_out expect all the territories from Indonesia too the border of Russia too be Indian.

@dont_log_me_out would ensure that the Germans still lose WW2 but they are never truly cowed down and punished like last time. The German spirit for dominance will live on too destabilize the EU during the 20th century end.

This would ensure that the EU would be weak enough too see @dont_log_me_out as an equal from the beginning of the 21st century. This way for the next 100 years the only two meaningful rivals would be India and the US. By the end of the 21st century India would own all the lands till the Ukraine border, and US would at best have managed too occupy Mexico and Canada, while having good diplomatic relations with a neutral EU.

@dont_log_me_out would then do a little historical trolling and encourage the Germans too make up for the century of humiliation by defeating the US who caused their empire too fail. After that @dont_log_me_out would invade a weakened US when in 2150 @dont_log_me_out would have finished developing nuke defense systems.

See that sounds fun doesn't it??

Why can't we have stuff like that?

trans lives matter ?



Ban reason seems to be calling the turban a terrorist hat.


Lots of sneeding in comments including arguments over the definition of incel and whether or not turban wearers are an ethnic group.


Posting a reblog because the original poster somehow decided bright purple text on a black background was a good idea


The Taliban has announced that a much-discussed ban on PUBG: Battlegroundsβ€”for "promoting violence" and "misleading youth"β€”will take effect in Afghanistan within three months, Khaama Press(opens in new tab) reports. The decision was announced following a recent meeting between Afghanistan's Ministry of Telecommunications, a Sharia law enforcement official, and security representatives.

The Taliban actually ordered this PUBG ban(opens in new tab) back in April this year, but the details and timeline of its implementation have only just been worked out and announced. Afghan telecommunications companies and internet service providers have 90 days to put the ban into action. The ban is focused on PUBG's mobile version and will also affect TikTok, which companies will have one month to block.

PUBG has been singled out for its violent content, but both apps are charged with "misleading the younger generation" and "wasting people's time". I guess I can't argue with that last one.

PUBG has been a runaway success in Afghanistan. At the beginning of 2021, the game was swallowing up big chunks of the country's mobile internet traffic at peak times, when it was attracting somewhere in the vicinity of 100,000 Afghan players at once(opens in new tab). It's been a source of national moral panic for about the same length of time. Still, given its popularity, you can't help but wonder if some enterprising soul will give the game a makeover and a new version for the Afghan market, much like the "patriotic version" PUBG got in China(opens in new tab).

The ban is part of a rolling tide of repression that the Taliban has implemented since returning to power in Afghanistan in August last year. The group has also banned over 23 million websites(opens in new tab) for "immoral content". Of course, as Khaama Press' original report points out, Afghan internet users can get their hands on VPNs without much hassle. If the Taliban really wants to cleanse the scourge of PUBG from Afghanistan, it's probably going to have to try harder.


Reddit discusses:


I think I'm buying two copies now, lmao :!marsoy:

Reddit does a heckin witchmisia and turns on the actress:


And here's the original videos with the voice actress on the verge of tears and calling the new VA a traitor:


I've done everything but the stupid target practice side ops, got all the platforms built and did everything the internet told me to do but it still won't unlock. Please tell me I don't have to build an FOB, I don't have internet right now

Oh no, shit, Victoria 3 is going to fricking suck

I haven't really checked in since the leak (an early version of the leak) and the revelation that popular grand strategy game company Paradox had changed the warfare system in Victoria 3 to be more automated. This caused a small amount of drama, but nothing terribly noteworthy.

But the first gameplay footage is out now and some players are breaking the shit out of it already including:

Forming super Germany by 1850:

Conquering all of South America with 0 great power resistance:

And screenshots indicating crazy shit happening like most of the industrialized north joining versions of the American Civil War.

The true dramatic potential of these events might not occur to you if you haven't played Victoria 2 or are unfamiliar with the general idea of the concert of Europe, but the g*mers over at /r/Victoria3 have got you covered:

"This subreddit has become insufferable"

"Really weird marketing approach by paradox"

This all culminates in isorrowproductions, one of the Victoria 2/Hearts of Iron 4 content creators, posting a comment on one of his latest youtube videos mentioning that he isn't planning on doing any Victoria 3 content. Struggle session about that commences here:

>What's the Reason?

>The fact that he's being vague and not doing any videos on a brand new Paradox game is telling.

Will it be Imperator level abandonware in a few years or is this merely Paradox releasing a shitty game that they're gonna fix like they always do? Game comes out on Tuesday.

Most Attractive G*mer

:marseymasterchief: Crowbcat - Remember Halo

Reddit user sneakily attempts to post the video to /r/halo without getting deleted.

I just had a boomer thought and I can't stop laughing about it to myself.

That blond lady in MW2 2022, she is Mrs. CIA. Get it? Coz she is leading the special ops teams, but she is a woman.

The middle eastern woman, she is FMX Militia. Coz she has a dirt bike and she leads a militia.

The cartel leader, she's Basic Boss B-word. She kills, she kidnaps, she smuggles, she tortures, but she is a woman so you cannot hit her or even touch her without consent.

General Shephard. He is now General Maczoomzoom. Coz he doesn't even physically leave his office to get anything done. He is fat and he betrays you over a skype call.


You know I found that kind of funny, you have these three leading women in a fighting war zone and yet not a single woman suffers any kind of physical violence deserved or not, in an action shooter game. None of them even get aggressively physically moved by anyone for that matter even when captured. Someone explain that one to me, how is that not satire.

Currently this game is 96% rated because even with all the woke shit the game is actually fun to play, but I cannot help but wonder, exactly how far can they take this before the delusion is too great, or have the zoomer generation really been completely indoctrinated by globohomo?

Also also, the no Russian mission, it's now the last cutscene of the game where it is implied it totally happens guys. It's not even an airport this time, just an airplane. Which would actually be harder to pull off, taking into account that getting weapons into the airport would be far easier than getting them all the way onto the airplane. Apparently the No Russian guy starts a crisis between nations by killing one airplane full of people. That's what it takes now. yeah. Really. One airplane with citizens from multiple nations, so you probs didn't even kill like a hundred people from the relevant country.

Also, like, the missiles did not even successfully go off. So MW1 and MW2, so far the good guys are winning every round. So how is there even any escalation in the war? There just is chud stop questioning the plot. Look at the graphics consume the goyslop. Good chud.

I have become too old for vidya games.

NEET life game out now
The newest mw2 2022 is out. A quick review.

First the pros:

  1. The gameplay looks good enough

  2. There are 1-2 actually exciting moments.

  3. The graphics are phenomenal

Now the cons:

  1. Way less wtf moments compared to the original

  2. This game has 3 boss bitches in one game about soldiers.

  3. They still do not hit women in the entire game. Literally self cucked. I know you are a terrorist, drug dealer and mass murderer but I am just gonna angrily rant in your face because you are a woman!!!

  4. General Shephards betrayal has been given far less impact. No evil moustache either.

  5. Nobody of import from your side dies. Everybody is starting to turn into a marvel tier character.

  6. The game isn't even as exciting or shocking as the 2019 MW from the looks of it.

  7. I am pretty sure they looked at the previous MW2 and split that game into two parts and labelled the first part MW 2022

  8. There is no real sense of a mass conflict with real warfare repercussions like the original series. This just feels like a bunch of small special operations connected together with no real big payoff.

  9. Zero nukes. They made Cpt. Price completely mr. hero nice guy. There is no more feeling of we get our hands dirty the world stays clean. It's all just yay superhero hour now.

  10. No Russian mission is only alluded to at the end. Never actually occurs.

Final thought: The MW developers have invested too heavily on the graphics end losing out on the mass warfare feeling end. Every fight is way too personal for a Modern Warfare title. There is zero intensity to the story. Your general betrays you over the pentagon equivalent of skype. That's how bad it is.

All in all I would rate it a 7/10. If you want a very stunning looking CoD experience buy MW 2022, if you want the real MW experience buy the original trilogy and maybe the 2019 one.


A Norwegian programmer has revealed a conceptual design for a video game centered around slaughtering women that he refers to as "gender fascists" for being critical of gender ideology.

Moen first began posting images fromΒ his projectΒ "Terfenstein 3D" in July and has since shared over a dozenΒ updates on Twitter, including videos of game play.

Advertising his concept on Twitter, Moen encourages players to "put blood on the walls" and refers to the enemy characters in the game as "gender fascists." In his tweets, he incorporates hashtags such asΒ #TERFs,Β #AdultHumanFemale, andΒ #TERFIsland, which is used as a derogatory nickname for the United Kingdom, known internationally for having a strong feminist presence opposing gender identity ideology.

The game appears to be imitating the 1992 classic shooter Wolfenstein 3D, which follows a spy escaping from a prison in Nazi-controlled Germany.

Moen adopted the styling of Wolfenstein 3D, but traded out the Nazi enemies for depictions of women. In place of a swastika, the women wear arm bands that display an β€œXX” logo which bears a striking resemblance to the symbol used by the women’s rights organization Women’s Declaration International (WDI).

Lead representative for WDI Norway, Christina Ellingsen, toldΒ ReduxxΒ she believed Moen was "clearly appropriating the WDI logo," and wondered how he might choose to depict a "top-level 'feminazi boss'" in the game.

Ellingsen is no stranger to the slandering of women who criticize gender identity beliefs as "gender fascists." She isΒ currently facing up to three years in prisonΒ for publicly stating that men can neither be mothers nor lesbians.

The legal complaint was brought against her by a trans rights lobby organization thatΒ has called WDIΒ a "hate group." The person responsible for her charges, Christine Jentoft, is a man who identifies as a lesbian woman. In June,Β he participated in a panel discussionΒ about gaming with Moen.

"The representation of women's s*x-chromosomes as resembling Nazi ideology shows how far gone these men often are," Ellingsen said. "Accusations that women who care about women's rights are 'feminazis' is nothing new, though," she added.

"Male threats of violence against women and girls in the digital sphere is obvious and ubiquitous. But to men who claim to be women, digital media is used for a kind of gamification of misogyny that is unprecedented," Ellingsen stated.

She referenced several examples, includingΒ a browser applicationΒ designed to highlight in red characters social media accounts said to belong to so-called "TERFs," and the pornography genre known as "forced feminization."

Moen has been vocal about his interest in pornography and BDSM practices, with a stated interest in bondage in particular. One of his previous games,Β Spank Fury, is described on Moen'sΒ website: "Submissives come from left and right, and you have to spank them before they get bored."

During aΒ podcast interview withΒ Trans NorgeΒ in March, Moen credited pornography with his decision to begin identifying as a woman full-time. Previously, Moen had considered himself a transvestic fetishist, sometimes also referred to as a cross-dresser.

"I began to understand that I was trans when I came across pornography featuring trans women," Moen said. "I have never made the connection that 'peepee' means 'man.' [The male porn actors] were women, but they had a peepee."

"I began to question -- if they have a peepee, how could other people know that they were girls when they were children? And of course, they wouldn't know. So then I started questioning -- what if I am one of these pretty ladies, in reality," he added.

While a university student, Moen became embroiled in controversy after a woman complained about his presence in the women's locker room. Moen, who has not had "s*x-reassignment surgery," received media attention in 2017 after it came to light that he had exposed his peepee to women in the SiS Sports Center on campus.

According toΒ court records seen byΒ Reduxx, Moen and the woman interacted for the first time in the locker room in July 2016. The woman found Moen showering there and objected to his presence. She asked him why he was in the women's locker room, to which he replied that he was legally a woman. Moen had changed his legal documents to state that he was female only months prior.

The woman approached Sports Center management, who informed her that no one with male genitalia would be allowed in the female locker room, regardless of legal status.

In February 2017, she confronted Moen again after finding him in the locker room again. She told Moen she did not mind if he changed there, but she "found it problematic" that he was using the showers as he had a peepee he was displaying. The two became involved in a "heated conversation," after which the woman complained to the manager of the Sports Center.

Legal records state that "[the complainant] was provoked by the fact that a person with a peepee was in the women's locker room," and that "[she] stated that [trans-identifying males] should have their own locker room."

In July 2017 the Sports Center issued a statement declaring that trans-identifying males with male genitalia would be permitted in the women's locker rooms. MoenΒ forwarded informationΒ about the woman's complaint to the Discrimination Board, and as a result, she was investigated for harassment. His harassment suit was supported by Norwegian NGO Legal Aid for Women (Juridisk rΓ₯dgivning for kvinner; JURK).

"[Moen] experienced being harassed in the changing room," court records claim, adding that the woman had insinuated that he was "a high-risk potential abuser" and that it had been offensive that she had referred to him as a "biological male."

The discrimination charge brought against her was ultimately rejected upon appeal. However, although no legal charges were brought against her, the Equality and Discrimination Ombudsman chastised the woman in his statement, and emphasized that at the second meeting in the locker room, she knew that Moen was "legally a woman" and therefore, her confrontation fit the criteria for harassment, "regardless of whether it was [her] intention or not."

The majority of the Equality and Discrimination tribunal members emphasized "that transgender people are vulnerable and need special protection against harassment," and the minority concluded that the woman "had no need to react and question [Moen's] use of the women's locker room."

Trans-identifying maleΒ Karoline SkarsteinΒ wrote an article for theΒ Stavanger AftenbladΒ at the time praising Moen and calling him a "role model" for entering the locker room and showering in the presence of women.

"Where will Sandra shower? She will shower where she wants to shower. If she feels comfortable in the shower with the other girls, then she should be allowed to use those facilities," wrote Skarstein.

"Forcing her into a men's locker room because she has male genitalia would be an assault on her. Trans people are primarily people who have been invisible for far too long and are now stepping out into the world," Skarstein added.

Skarstein serves as a representative for theΒ Norwegian Organization for Sexual and Gender DiversityΒ (FRI*Β -- foreningen for kjΓΈnns- og seksualitetsmangfold*), the same activist group involved in the litigation against WDI leader Ellingsen.

Since 1997, FRI has been working towards the repeal of sexual paraphilias and fetishes as mental health diagnoses in both Norway and abroad. In 2010, many paraphilia-related diagnoses were removed from Norwegian medical literature, and in 2018 the World Health Organization (WHO) followed suit.

FRI'sΒ campaigns successfully resultedΒ in sadomasochism, transvestic fetishism, and general fetishism beingΒ re-classifiedΒ as variants in sexual arousal in the WHO's 11th edition of theΒ International Classification of Diseases.

AΒ previous report byΒ ReduxxΒ revealedΒ how a former member of FRI had been performing and live-streaming fetishistic castrations via a pay-per-view pornography website.

Batman Gotham Knight very quick review

So I looked over some of the footage and from what I can gather:

  1. The character interaction cutscenes are pretty good. Villain designs seem pretty good. Ex - Mr. Freeze cyborg suit design.

  2. The graphics are overall neat but also stylistically cartoony during gameplay.

  3. The gameplay sucks butt.

  4. Batwoman or robin is likely the weakest character to work with.

  5. Red hood seems like the coolest character.

  6. Overall storyline/ overarching plot is meh.

Conclusion: A well deserved 7/10. It's a mediocre title with a mix of interesting pieces along with janky crap that would be considered a little outdated even in 2016. First thing they need to fix is to get a 60 FPS patch for their game. This isn't the 2010's anymore, people have actual standards. Second thing they could do is a graphics upgrade for catwoman's character. Third thing would be little graphical tweaks to make the place look and feel as gritty as arkham knight. Beyond that I cannot see how they can fix the game now that it's out. I am guessing their main team was focused on the suicide squad game because that so far appears to be way better. Let's see how it goes.

Thoughs on mw2 campaign?

I think It was pretty mid and overall worst than mw 2019

Some good quality resident evil 4 gameplay footage is finally in.


  1. Graphically looks very good. Skin doesn't appear plastic.

  2. Movement flow is also good. I think it's about 10-20% away from looking like completely natural human movement in between transitions and during gameplay.

  3. The zombies look good and there is weight to each one of them.

  4. More QTE's but they look cool so I am fine with them. Some might even actually like it more with the QTE's.

  5. They added in the radio girls face now. New waifu unlocked.


Looking forward to what the other areas and characters look like.

Original resident evil 4 released in 2005. Remake release is 2023. That's like 18 years.

Looking at all the remakes I think the best time for a remake is about 13-18 years after the original.

Your thoughts?

Suggest @FearOfBees some vidya please

Long story short @FearOfBees have too go somewhere with possibly shit internet so @FearOfBees need too download as many games as possible. As doing so may take forever at the location. They can require emulators, cool mods or be old normal steam games @FearOfBees is just looking for ideas.

Trans lives matter


Reported by:
  • Tonscarry : ITT: chuds pearlclutching that some random vidya has few jokes they dont like
  • KatserKitty1987 : ITT: shit tier YouTuber I’d paid to write cringe jokes for a game
  • RichEvansOnlyfans : Chuds are mentally enslaved to :!marseytrain:s and its not as erotic as I'd hoped
  • cyndi1
  • Flint : BIPOC didn't bother finding any drama, kill him
Vampire survivors 1.0 is out, says trans rights

Beloved indie game Vampire Survivors has finally reached 1.0 version. The game is a cult classic for its tight and addictive gameplay and minimal story - it's all about the fun

Which is why for 1.0 they hired brave and beautiful trans queen James Stephanie Sterling to write a bunch of lore for it and make some characters trans and add in some thinly veiled chud jokes

There's now hundreds of these delightful little messages, just full of the puns and g*mer humour that Stephanie is known for. Finally, this game is a 10/10

Reported by:

for some reason the dumb nips don't have a proper orange hair color in their game, but apart from that I'm happy with how she turned out

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