Which game was more revolutionary Half Life 1 or 2?

I feel like half life 2 was more groundbreaking tbh


It's going to be good



Silent hill

This is my capeshit.

I don't care what you guys say, I'm really looking forward to this.

The Silent Hill 2 remake looks like it's gonna be good, I have faith in Bloober team.

Silent Hill f is gonna be amazing, I swear on my wifes boyfriend's life it's gonna be amazing.

Silent hill townhall is also really exciting, I have faith in the developers, especially considering how good Observer was.

Silent hill ascension looks like shit, it's gonna be more horrifying than straight people s*x.

I'm really excited about this, I have waited 18 years for another good silent hill game and out of all these projects something good will come. Mock me all you want, I am finally happy about something else besides my daughter and whisky.

Silent Hill 2 remake :marsoy:
:chudsey::soyjakmaga: rightoid gaming (ft :marseytrumpgarrison:)

Left wing terrorists have kidnapped the President! If he is not rescued, Western civilization will fall. Do you have what it takes, or are you a cuck?

Angry Goy II is the season’s hit game for White males who have had it with Jewish bullshit. Instead of taking out your frustrations on actual human beings, you can fight the mongrels and degenerates on your computer! Use guns, knives, pepper spray, and more! Lay waste to wave after wave of shitdicks, shitskins, shitstains, and the jewish chads they serve.

why are wingcucks like this

A note about anti-virus false positives


someone actually tested it on wine :marseynerd:

Additional Comments

This version of the game does contain many bugs, but they appear on Windows too.

seems like almost nobody played this

some journos apparently the only ones who heard of this:

'Angry Goy 2' Neo-Nazi Video Game Lets Users Kill LGBT People and Minorities to Save Donald Trump - Newsweek

Far-right video game encourages homophobic mass shootings - PinkNews


"I am obsessed with the Forsworn in Skyrim" (kino)

Surprisingly high quality video about a guy who's obsessed with the Forsworn :marseythumbsup:

Platinum Games offered the foid that voiced Bayonetta $20k, not $4k as she claimed.

It was 4-5 four hour sessions at 4 thousand per session. She countered with six figure request and they dropped her lmao


Im tired of the sentiment that’s been in the sub these past couple of days. I don’t get why some of you feel the need to pick on us whales just because we have many ships…

Is it jealousy? Or spite? Or for no reason?

I’m coming up on my 10 year anniversary for backing this game. I’ve been with this project for a very long time, and have seen all the ups and downs.

I like space ships too, and ever since I saw Chris Roberts’ pitch for Squadron 42 and Star Citizen, I’ve been “all in”.

Well that’s not true. I’ve had a lot of disposable income over the past 10 years, and I enjoy backing my dream game. I don’t regret a single penny I’ve spent, and I’m always following the SC news every week with excitement. 10 years is a long time, and it’s easy to become a Concierge several times over when you back every now and then, especially for some big ships during Anniversary sales.

Why did I choose to buy several big ships worth $100s of dollars each? I have 3 reasons, and the first one I already mentioned:

  1. I like big space ships

  2. I enjoy backing my dream game and seeing it coming to fruition (albeit slowly)

  3. I’m a full time professional, and I value my time greatly. I hate the modern trend of grinding in games. If I can play with a big ship I like from day 1, that’s worth a lot to me

I bet many other whales feel similarly but also feel pushed out/shamed by the huge influx of new players over the past few years, who just have an aurora or an avenger, and can’t comprehend somebody spending that much.

But let me repeat, some of us have acquired our fleets for almost/over 10 years! As long as you had the means and don’t regret the money you spent, I say the more the merrier.

Because let’s not forget. This is a crowd backed game. It wouldn’t exist without all the whales and backers that have bought imaginary (but cool) space ships. It doesn’t matter if you have one ship or a hundred. The only thing that matters is that you feel happy with that you got, and if you’re not happy, don’t pick on people who are, who get excited about their fleet and want to share. It’s very normal to want to share something you’re excited about.

So please. Give the whales a break. They can only stomach so much before they run out of air. /thread lol

Edit: Post sitting at 57% upmarsey rate. Good discussions, keep the juices flowing!

SteamFest Retrospective

Here are the Steamfest Demos I liked the most.

Dream Tactics

A turn based tactics with interesting character mechanics and great setting.

Death Roads Tournament

A sort of card game turn based death race game, and a unique game.

The Eternal Cylinder

A 3D adventure game where you evolve your character to pass puzzles.


A souls like with a nice presentation and well fleshed out mechanics.

Purple War

A Warcraft clone that gets its mechanics right and is somehow still unique.

Bideo game, Apex Legends adds a Trans womxn to the game. Chud g*mers seethe

Context: G*mers are subhumans and should rope themselves


The company that posted the tweet follows up with an apology because they didnt realize there was another trans character. Promises to do better in the future

Apparently the character was non binary

Kinda weird how apex is strictly catering to the lgbtq community

“Don’t assume I don’t like gay people”. Five seconds earlier. “A gay person? Ew.”

I dont like gay people

lol, lmao even

To the people claiming this is “woke” and forced pandering just uninstall the game

Which is crazy too since heterosexuality has been shoved down humanity's throat basically since the dawn of time and ain't nobody was making this 'pandering' argument. But the second an LGBT+ person has the spotlight, its suddenly 'woke' and 'forced' and 'pandering'.

genuine question… how does this contribute to the gameplay


Is it chopped fully off or no?

Now why tf would you ask that even if it's a character it's none of ur business if it is


Great, can't wait to kill her



Release the game already you strags


This has been going around the internet a lot in the last few days, but I only found out about it a few hours ago. I love rhythm games way more than I should. I played the crap out of guitar hero and rock band when that was still a thing (10+ years ago) and I still play djmax and that kind of stuff so I'm not sure whether this was suggested because it's in the same category or because it's just super popular this week. But either way, this game is about playing the trombone and it is incredible (but also really stupid).

The rhythm game genre is tough to break into because all the kids that are into it are super ultra tryhards and they are all playing osu, which is a 100% free game, so good luck trying to sell them anything. This game has taken a different approach to the genre in which you awkwardly move your mouse around to very sloppily adjust the pitch of your output, resulting in hilariously terrible sounds coming out of your speakers while your cartoon avatar gets way more into trombone playing than (hopefully) any band people you ever knew. That alone should sell you on the game, but on top of that there's the bizarre fake trombone facts while the songs are loading and the trading cards about jazz musicians that all somehow manage to mix trivia about how many hotdogs they eat with other real facts about their lives. It's fricking perfect.

If you don't want to play this after just watching the linked video, I have to conclude that you have no soul.



I have a question. Why aren't there any women in cpt price's squad?

Like, it's current year. Captain Prices squad is made up of some of the best the military has to offer right? So how come there is not a single woman in it? I do not understand. Can someone please explain to me how come in modern warfare we do not see a single woman in the special forces units. There is one female soldier leading the rebels in the campaign for the 2020 modern warfare, but then she is forced since childhood to fight for her people and I bet she isn't supposed to be half as strong as price because she never had the same training and facilities and privilege.

However, there are women in the US military today, how come not a single one of them is represented in the special team built by captain price? Why is there still so much sexism in our games? Please explain. I am not okay with this. Nobody should be okay with this.

Joe Biden getting added to Minecraft
Game necromancy and private communities

In my long gaming career I've stumbled upon a few games that have been revived or altered beyond recognition. These them games dawg. Some more popular than others. In order by most populated to least (to best of my knowledge). I enjoy all these games.

Project 1999 (Everquest)

Pop. 1k+

Project 1999 has been running for quite a few years now. It has had a healthy community for a long time. This server attempts to provide an experience similar to how the game was played in the early 2000's. This is the ultimate test at your MMORPG abilities. To succeed requires thoughtful and patient play. The penalty for death is harsh, and you will be dead A LOT. However the community is usually pretty friendly, and the difficulty forces you to socialize and make allies. Classes are well defined and all have unique uses in and out of combat.

Warhammer Online: Return of Reckoning (Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning)


Warhammer Online is a WoW era MMORPG, with a major focus on PvP. It had a rough start and did not pick up steam because of its many competitors at the time. The official server went down way before its time.

Return of Reckoning brings the warhammer world back to life, still bringing updates, balance changes, and content fit for the Warhammer universe. The main draw of the game was massive open world battles with hundreds of opponents fighting for control of the map. A lot of the PvP tends to happen at sieges, where PvP is a slaughterhouse and the most organized and strongest will make their name known. A+ private server. One of the best.

SWGemu (Star Wars Galaxies)

Perhaps the oldest private server (except maybe lineage and ultima) that was reverse engineered over the past 15 years to recreate the original SWG. The source code was lost long ago, and a dedicated team of devs have worked long and hard to bring the universe back. SWG is a sandbox MMO, where you will have to find your own interests and fun. One of the most advanced crafting/resource systems of any game. If you are a star wars fan, or love sandbox games, this is worth seeing what it has to offer. Or if you want to play as a space Jew hoarding all the money, you can do that too.

Fallout Online/Fonline (Fallout 1&2)

Pop. 50-200 (guesstimate)

This ones is unique because its not a recreation of a previous online game. This is an MMORPG created inside the Fallout engine. Made with a lot of Slav love. There are a few different kind of Fonline servers. Some attempt to be fallout 2 with multiplayer, some like Ashes of Phoenix are played in real time (not turn based like FO) and are PvP oriented. These games are usually cryptic and hardcore. Highly recommend for fans of Fallout 1 and 2 who want to see what the custom engine brings to the table. Also you can murder Slavs, call them racial slurs, and take their bullets. 10/10.

Hellgate: London 2038 (Hellgate: London)

Pop. Unknown

Hellgate London is the very boring hatefrick game Blizzard North made after getting canned from Blizzard. If any boomercels remember, this game was supposed to be the next Diablo (it wasn't) . it is a diablo inspired sci fi dystopia, with 3rd person combat. It faded quickly, as the game is exceptionally boring and the retail multiplayer did not stay populated for long. Hellgate 2038 attempts to revitalize it by bringing up new multiplayer servers. They have rebalanced and really improved the game overall. I don't recommend this one unless you were interested in Hellgate when it originally launched.



This is honestly annoying and bad for business. @FearOfBees was checking my wishlist for stuff obviously and @FearOfBees noticed basically every other game has a lower score now. @FearOfBees go in and half the thumbs down are people like "this game from 3 years ago that the devs abandoned runs on steamdeck at 10fps". Like yeah no fricking shit no one has tested anything on the steamdeck it's not even 6 months old. Most devs don't even HAVE a steamdeck too troubleshoot fixes. Not only that but no one fricking owns one. Why would they even bother wasting time for the 5 people that want too play those particular games on steamdeck only too not finish the games anyway.

trans lives matter


:marseyrave::marseyrave: G4TV is fricking dead :marseyrave::marseyrave:

Thanks Frosk!


Found my new favorite streamer.

This guy is gonna end up being a school shooter or some shit, please if anybody knows him irl find some help, like this legit isn’t healthy at all. Anyone doing this has to be fricking insane lmao

this but with anyone who enjoys LoL




G*mers not happy









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