
Some nice Pokémon drama :marseywholesome:

Bioshock Infinite absolutely still holds up today

The game is a few months short of being 10 years old and holy shit not only does it still hold up it blows almost every present-day fps away except for the new Dooms. The very definition of soul. Bioshock 4 is apparently coming, will they frick it up?

Katana ZERO DLC - HD Official Gameplay Footage
I feel like we need to boycott Halo Infinite. /r/halo

I feel like we need to boycott Halo Infinite.

With the most recent news, it’s pretty obvious the vast majority of people are upset, disappointed, and pissed off. This game had so much potential but because of shit management at 343i, we got a (barely) half finished game, cancelled split screen, a delay of season 3, and more.

We all HAVE to stop playing this game. I haven’t touched it in a while but everyone needs to stop giving it attention. That’s the only way for Microsoft to realize how big of an issue 343i is in its current state. And for the love of god, don’t buy any of their cosmetics. They don’t deserve your money (excluding the devs, I know they did the best they could with what they were given).



The Tetris God - YouTube
[not drama] Dwarf Fortress Dev Update: Soundtrack Announcement

I haven't been this excited about a game since LIKE EVER this is the greatest vidya (well up there with other games) ever created by humans and I'm soyfacing IRL they even got Simon Swerwer on the official team AHHHHHHHHHH dwarf fortress chads we keep winning

if you don't want to watch the brothers talk about the music - here are the direct links to some of the new songs (15 will be released):

song 1 "Strike the Earth" :

song 2 "Koganusan" (=literally Boatmurdered) :

song 3 "Drink & Industry" :

Timeless classic: Dwarf Fortress Mode theme

This kills Chudcloaks

Yes it's last of us part 1 and we already had multiple releases but look at the side by side comparison shots, the ps4 pro graphics legitimately look outdated in comparison. I still remember the time when PS4 pro graphics looked super realistic and you couldn't really tell the difference by looking at a side by side video of spiderman on PS4 vs PS5.

This however, holy frick, I know tech gets outdated, but I never figured the ps4 pro graphics actually looked that unrealistic for the last of us part 1. The remake really goes to show that the previous gen tech wasn't the cutting edge we thought it was and there was still so much improvement to be made in terms of graphics.

I can now finally relate to those people who talk of half life 1 looking like photorealistic graphics when they played it but now if you look back it looks like shit compared to what we got today.

The Last of Us Part 1 re- release might actually make up for the losses from The Last of Us part 2 and help keep the company afloat for another decade.

Shit looks amazing.

Rhythm Heaven - The Lockstep Challenge!

This guy’s a madman. We are not worthy. :marseykneel:

Someone tell me if I understand the CoD series collections correctly

As I understand it there are 4 series in total?

The WW2 variations.

The Black ops series.

The Modern warfare series

The original one off variants.

So as I understand it WW2 variations are all set in the 1940's. They are the weakest selling right now. With the total sales decreasing each year.

The black ops series is the one that is set in the near future, any point before 2100 but after present day. It has seen it's sales fall into sub 20 million copies since Black ops 2.

The Modern warfare series is current time. This is the best selling series that CoD has.

The one off variants are basically any time period from present to any point in the future as long as it tells an individual story.

The last original one off was infinite warfare in 2016, and it also only sold less than 15 million copies total. This one off variant is pretty much discontinued because of low sales.

Around a year to three back the CoD big wigs figured out that people do not want multiple CoD's in a year so they made a new rule of one studio making one CoD at a time and one CoD game releasing every year.

The 2022 CoD is supposed to Modern Warfare 2. Which means 2023 would be Black Ops 5. 2024 would be the return to their older roots around WW2 or whatever other war they choose to replace it with. Then the cycle repeats.

Set in 2187 CoD infinite warfare is the further into the future the series has ever gone.

As far as I can figure the CoD series seems to do best in the time period range between 40 years back and 40 years forward from whatever year it releases in right now. This time range can at its extremes spread as far as 60 years back and 40 years forward. Going beyond this range results in the game feeling too disconnected from the CoD experience.

In 2022 the correct range for CoD games would be between 1962 - 2062.

So the upcoming WW2 variants would shift to some conflict between 62-82. The Black Ops variants would be likely between 2025 - 2040. ( Apparently they prefer putting Black Ops variants in the near near future now.), and modern warfare would be set in current year. The original one off variants if they ever happen again would be the ones that would be set after 2050's to 2150.

Do I understand the situation correctly?

Showerthought: There will come a point in time where the CoD series can no longer go back to WW2

Think about it. WW2 ended in 1945. It's already been 77 years.

All of the technological advancements in the past 77 years already make WW2 tech feel completely obsolete and too slow to care about.

Most WW2 veterans are already dead. Whatever generation that comes after the zoom-zooms will be able to relate to WW2 about as well as you and I relate to the American civil war.

CoD has never gone further back in time than WW2. It is likely it never will. As the passage of time moves ever onwards it is likely that the newer generations would find even WW2 to be too outdated, which means CoD would be forced to choose a war after WW2 as their newest fallback point.

So where will the next old school CoD be set.

Here is the list:

  1. Vietnam - They set it in Vietnam as it is the next major famous war involving the US. They have the invasion and the story about how you are part of the one heroic platoon in Vietnam and you find out how everybody else le bad. You get a personal victory in the end as you happen to be the squad that only ever ends up fighting the le bad Vietnamese troops. All the villagers are happy to see you.

  2. US invasion of Grenada (1983) - Story of how the US brought democracy (tm) to Grenada and saved its people.

  3. The Gulf War (1991) - The next major conflict that the US won. They beat the evil Iraqi regime.

  4. The Afghanistan war (2001) - The initial winning part. Not the ending. Maybe they write a para about how the Taliban won in the end before the end credits play.

Of these four options Vietnam war will most likely not be the one as US is trying to economically develop Vietnam right now. Grenada invasion will also not be the one as not as many people know about it.

Which means the oldest candidate available is the Gulf war. It is already 31 years ago. By 2040 Generation Alpha would be old enough to start playing CoD games, WW2 will be almost a hundred years old, and the gulf war will be in the perfect range where it is 49 years old ago and seems like an old event for the Alphabet teens.

Conclusion - The Gulf War is where the future CoD games will take place after the WW2 setting becomes too outdated.





Sry for shitty pic, Nintendo doesn't let you take screenshots of the browser :marseyitsover:

The original Mafia will be free on Steam, Sep 1st - 5th

So to produce ps5 is now even cheaper and they still increase price for europoorians jfl


Drama in the comments

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  • Pog : Harold pottermore is a transphobic dog whistle. Rdrama MUST (emphasis on the must) do better folx

Im totally going to buy this

(From skidrow)


On the roll to their graveyard, hiring some Finns that never made any game to make a AAA premium mobile phone game jfl. They should had hired some rice boys and better do a fork for mobile games because the majority of fan base doesn’t want to be associated with mobile games.

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