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  • forgotpw : Enabling piracy and IP infringement
EFFORTPOST Yuzu Setup for the Tech Illiterate

so with all the posts about Yuzu and seeing a few people confused how to get it setup (@Bussy-boy) I thought I'd just make it's own post

If you feel confident in following directions you can just directly use the guide I used here. I will be assuming you're on Windows 10/11 64 bit

For those of you who don't know, Yuzu is a Nintendo Switch emulator that recently got taken down. Someone has forked their source code luckily tho so you can still use it. There are other ways to play cracked Switch games but this seemed the easiest to me. Lets get started

Download Yuzu

You can download the Early Access build here. Just click the "" link and it will download a zip file. Extract the folder to wherever you feel like. Then open the extracted folder and run the yuzu.exe file. This should install the program and run itself, but you'll get a prompt about missing encryption keys

Encryption Keys

You will need an encryption key file to get the program working. You can download it here or DM me and I can send you the source since it's just text. Once it's downloaded, open Yuzu and go to File->Open Yuzu Folder. This will open the working directory for the program. What you need to do is put the prod.keys file in the keys folder (make sure if you opened it in notepad it didn't rename it to prod.keys.txt). Now restart Yuzu and there should no longer be a warning message.

(Optional) Firmware

You don't need to do this step but it says that some games will crash if you don't. You can download firmware from here, just use the latest one. Unzip the folder, and open the Yuzu folder again. This time navigate to "nand\system\Contents\registered" and paste all of the NCA files from the firmware folder into there

okay now Yuzu is setup, we need some games

Installing Games

Here are a few websites you can download Switch games from: (

I'm going to use Zelda Breath of the Wild as an example because it has an update and some DLC. Note that you can only use NSP and XCI files on Yuzu. NSP files will typically be separated into the base game, updates, and DLC; which can also sometimes be split into 5GB chunks. XCI has everything together, but I haven't really seen any of those. So I'm going to download all the files from this page using MegaUp which is estimated about 30 minutes. Torrenting would also probably be a bit faster but that's up to you, I don't really use it.

Okay so now we have 3 base game, 2 DLC, and 1 update NSP files. First it's recommended we create a folder to put our Switch games. Then we will need to merge the 3 base game files. I was having massive problems with the built in Windows zip utility so I recommend getting 7zip and using that. Just select the part 1,2,and 3 zips together, right click and extract files to your Switch games location; this should merge all of them into a 14.1GB NSP file. Do the same if your game's DLC or update files are split

Before we run the game we should install the update and DLC files. To do this, simply go to File->Install Files to NAND and then select what you want. These are copied to the Yuzu folder so you don't need to keep a copy

I recommend adding your Switch game directory to the main window in Yuzu by clicking "Add New Game Directory", selecting your folder, and then when it's added right click the folder and check the "Scan Subfolders" option. You can also tell from here if your game is being read properly and the Add-ons column will show if the extras were installed correctly. Now just double click the game and you're good to go

Linux Stuff - from @TriHard

Yes. There are only a couple of small things to note:

  • On Linux, you want the AppImage release. Most Linux distros support AppImages.
  • Once you download the AppImage, try running it. If it doesn't work, it's probably because you're missing FUSE 2. Install it with your package manager (I use Artix btw so mine is Pacman): > sudo pacman -S fuse2
  • Keys can be installed directly in Yuzu by going to Tools > Install Decryption Keys, and selecting prod.keys.
  • Firmware can be installed by going to Tools > Install Firmware, and selecting the folder containing the extracted firmware files.
  • By default, all Yuzu-related files are located in ~/.local/share/yuzu.


I don't have all that much experience actually using the emulator so I'm going to skip this part and say just refer to the linked guide. This will help with optimizing Yuzu for your system, show you how to make save states, load mods, etc

If you have any question or if I did something wrong/inefficiently let me know. Otherwise have fun crackers!

Oldstrags.... Is it truly over?

:#marseytabletired2: !g*mers, oh the feels....

!cuteandvalid, :marseysoyswitch: :marseydiscord:. Is it true what Boomer Brooks says?

Anyway, found a new place:

Seems interesting, but maybe too new fren-like. :marseyhmmm:

Obscure Games Recommendation Thread

Tired of repetitive mainstream bullshit? Sick of people circlejerking over the same five indie games? Want to increase your knowledge and widen your perspective of the medium if you're a total dork like me? Here's the place to find and recommend games! Just list a couple games you like that aren't well-known and jot a description down as well to explain why other people should care. I'll start:

Valdis Story: Abyssal City - This is a solid ARPG/Metroidvania released by Endless Fluff Games. It's surprisingly ambitious for a game from a small indie team, with four playable characters, stats-leveling, skill trees, a magic system, decent enemy variety, and a number of bosses, all presented with a unique art style that I personally enjoyed very much. There quite a few rough edges (as is to be expected of a game in this niche), but overall, this is a very good game, and I highly recommend it.

Hypnospace Outlaw - I feel like this is more dubious than the other games on this list and may be a good bit more popular, but screw it. It definitely deserves a recommendation. This is a faux internet simulator, where you are a moderator on a Netscape inspired version of the internet, in your virtual sleep virtually, in 1999. It's really fricking brilliant and I can't emphasize enough just how well the creators of this game managed to pull that concept off, with a fair number of ridiculous yet believable webpages, a great interface, and fantastic intertwining narrative threads throughout. Great stuff.

Toree 3D/Toree 2 - These are two fun 3D platformers that should be bought as a combo package because A: They are priced the same and B: Toree 2 is essentially just an extra level pack for Toree 3D. I've got 8.7 hours between the two and can attest that they are well worth it to get.

Broken Reality - A vaporwave adventure game with solid aesthetics and fun exploration. Don't really know what else to say beyond I had a good time with it and, since you're on this site, you probably would to. It evokes the same nonsensical internet "vibe".

Eversion - Fun little 2D platformer with some unique mechanics. What's not to love?

Know By Heart - Ice Pick Lodge's woefully overlooked latest release. It's a narrative game about letting go of the past that pulls you into that narrative full force. Play this game.

Also, not obscure, but I've been playing Tunic and it's very, very good. Highly recommend that as well.

/v/ made a chart determining which games are the epitome of which buzzwords

i wasnt there for the thread where they made it but it seems pretty good, and isaac being force pilled made me chuckle

Thread I found it in, higher quality version may be inside.

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  • Losercel : if you ever want to read r-slurred opinions about vidya this is the thread ... please just shut up

For twitterphobes

I thought that was pretty neat. Also a Burnout 3 dev showed up ( :marseycool2:)

Reported by:
Introducing my Marsey Megapack: The Legend of Zelda

With new Marseys from The Legend of Zelda Series including:

Link designs:

:#marseyzeldalinknes: from the NES games

:#marseyzeldalinkpast: from A Link to the Past, Link's Awakening, the Oracle series and A Link Between Worlds

:#marseyzeldalinktimechild: From Ocarina of Time

:#marseyzeldalinktimeadult: Also from Ocarina

:#marseyzeldalinktoon: Toon Link from Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass, Four Swords, Tri Force Heroes, and Spirit tracks

:#marseyzeldalinkminishcap: From The Minish Cap

:#marseyzeldalinktwilight: From Twilight Princess

:#marseyzeldaskyward: From Skyward Sword (I probably should have saved time by combining Link from TP and SS, because both are similar in design and you can use ! to flip them)

:#marseyzeldalinkbotw: From Breath of the Wild, (I could have made one from Tears of the Kingdom, but we have like 2 minutes of footage from that game, and no good reference model)


:#marseyzeldagerudolink: Hero of The Wild in Gerudo garb

:#marseyzeldadarklink: Dark/Shadow link

:#marseyzeldalinktoonblue::#marseyzeldalinktoonpurple::#marseyzeldalinktoonred: from Four Swords and Tri Force Heros

:#marseyzeldalinkpast2: The pink hair from A Link to the Past

Princess Zelda Designs:

:#marseyprincesszelda1: From A Link to the Past and A Link Between Worlds

:#marseyprincesszelda2: Mostly based off the Twilight Princess design, but also borrowing elements from the Ocarina of Time design and the Oracle design (sorry I didn't make a child Zelda design)

:#marseyprincesszeldatoon: From Wind Waker, The Minish Cap, and Spirit Tracks

:#marseyprincesszeldaskyward: From Skyward Sword

:#marseyprincesszeldabotw: From Breath of the Wild

:#marseyprincesszeldatotk: From the Tears of the Kingdom reveal

I apologize to people who wanted the Princess Zelda Marseys from the NES games and Four Swords


:#marseyzeldatetra: Tetra from the Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass

:#marseyzeldasheik: Shiek

And of course we got :#marseyzeldaganon: Ganon and :#marseyzeldaganondorf: Ganondorf

Further apologies if you wanted different designs for Ganondorf, I also apologise if any of you wanted other antagonists like Vaati, Demise, Agahnim, and Ghirahim.

Miscellaneous characters:

:#marseyzeldabokoblin: A Bokoblin Marsey using the BOTW design

:#marseyzeldabeedle: Beedle

:#marseyzeldamidna: Midna

:#marseyzeldatingle: And of course Tingle

Sorry, I probably should have finished this a month or two ago, but I got lazy. I also realized at the last minute that I forgot to make Skull Kid.

If you want more Marsey designs from the Legend of Zelda, comment below and if you want any stickers of these use this thread.

Don't ask me to make a Star Wars Marsey project, that would never get finished.

fortnite edit that goes hard

EFFORTPOST Mostibkun, "Orangecat" - an rdrama succession fort

An explanation for the non less neurodivergent members of this board:

Dwarf Fortress is a colony simulator where you (in the form of a bunch of dwarves) set out into the world with one simple goal: build the biggest and longest lasting base you can. The tricky part is that the game is a roguelike (or "permadeath game" colloquially). Once every member of your fortress is dead, that's it. The fortress is gone and there is no reloading back to a previous save.

The game doesn't have a traditional multiplayer mode, so to compensate, players came up with the idea of a "succession fort". The gist is that players play through a year of the fortress on their own, then hand off the save file to another person, who also plays through a year, then they give it to the next and so on and so forth until it loops back to the original player. Hence the term "succession". If you want a taste of how snased a succession game can get, I'd recommend reading or listening to Boatmurdered.

The big twist of Dwarf Fortress (and why it's had so much staying power) is that your world isn't static. The game actually simulates everything. Every war, every succession of kings, every dragonflight, and even the lives and lineages of individual peasants are tracked. Your dwarves didn't just blip into existence when your fortress started, they lived entire lives before then. They have their own opinions about the world, and they react to everything that happens to them in their own unique way. When a dwarf fights an enemy, a sword slash doesn't just reduce an arbitrary HP stat, it severs nerves or bruises organs. And that's really just the tip of the iceberg. There's so much else you could go on about, down to the geology.

So, given all of that complexity, the game is unparalleled when it comes to creating stories. Secret vampires murdering your citizens, a heroic dwarf wrestling a cyclops down a cliff, or a visiting performer turning into a werebadger in the middle of your tavern are all just a few of the stories you can expect to see unfold while playing Dwarf Fortress.

Mostibkun is rdrama's very own succession fort. Each player will write a log (perhaps in character) of what they did and what happened in their year, then post it in this thread. Updates will be posted within 2 weeks of each otherhopefully. You can see the current roster/order of players at the bottom of this post.

Now, with all that preamble out of the way, I present to you the first entry in the tale of Mostibkun, "Orangecat"

28th of Felsite, 250. End of spring.

We arrived at Mostibkun on the 14th of Granite, as scheduled. I've chosen to update this log at the turn of each season, as I have enough on my plate without worrying about this diary. As expedition leader, I've been tasked with getting this place up and running before handing it off to my successor, whoever that might be. For the sake of the records, here's an engraving of me.

Oh, and for good measure, here's an engraving of our heraldry. Carved this one myself, I did.

The noble who sponsored our venture didn't feel like wasting any of his precious time briefing me on the location. It was only on the trip here that I learned (from manlings no less) that the site was only a stone's throw away from a necromancer's tower.

Unnerving, but there was no turning back by that point. I've kept that information to myself for now. With luck, we won't have to worry about him and his ilk this year at least. Hopefully never.

I set our miners to carve out the initial outline of the place. Here's a drawing of the fortress, as of the end of Spring.

Before you say anything about the accommodations, know that I believe in functionality over form. Single bed pods are perfectly adequate quarters, and if the others don't care for them, they haven't thought to say so to my face.

With the basics of the fortress hollowed out, I called the few of us together to celebrate. We drank a lot of plump helmet wine. Horrible stuff, but we'll have to get used to it.

For better or for worse, this marks the beginning of the story of Mostibkun.

28th of Galena, 250. End of summer.

Not much to say for summer frankly. Not much at all.

I had the dining chamber carved out, and I've got our mason pumping out table and chairs. He's a slow worker. I had the pods furnished as well, and I've begun building up fortifications around the entrance.

The gates aren't hooked up yet, and the walls aren't as high as I would like them to be, but it should keep the wildlife at bay for now.

After a bit more digging, we found a solid bit of mineral resources.

Ah, and before I forget, there was a migrant wave. Seven, mostly adults. Not many of serious worth, except for this scruff.

Hopefully the mountainhomes send more of his sort. A bit of a fusser though. Always in a poor mood. Don't think he cares for his pod.

That's all for summer. We're up to 14 dwarves now.

28th of Timber, 250. End of autumn.

Autumn was a bit more exciting, but not by much. The liaison and his caravan from the mountainhomes arrived on time. Nothing surprising there on its own, except for the fact that he's a goblin.

I have a sense that this is incredibly fitting, but I can't figure out how or why. Anyways, here's an excerpt from our meeting.

I thought he was a childknapper when I first saw him. I was just about ready to send some of the dwarves after him, but he walked over, shook my hand, and told me who he was before I had the chance. He seems alright for what it's worth. He put in an order for windows and wooden tools, which'll be up to the poor soul who succeeds me to fulfill. I put in an order of my own for wine and cheese, as I've been getting complaints about the variety (or lack thereof) of food we have to offer. I sent our broker out to trade for some strawberries, as I've had a craving for sweet wine. We handed off some of our mass-produced cups and then they were off. They should be back next autumn.

The outer fortifications have been finished. Here's a drawing looking down from the top. It's around four stories tall, give or take. I'm just now realizing that I missed a spot.

The second level has been expanded a good deal as well. With the plump helmets in steady supply, I mandated the rest of the fields be left to other crops.

Try your best to ignore that outcropping in the storehall. The silt was waterlogged.

Around mid-Sandstone another wave of migrants arrived. I had a chance to speak with them on the initial intake. Rough folx. Aside from the children, they're all warriors. Looks like the duke knew this place was perilous the whole time, and is sending us some fighters for protection in case that bone molester gets uppity. I'm not sure if I should be relieved or pissed off.

We're up to 19 souls now.

There's been no other happenings. Winter is here. Hardly been a day, and I can already feel the nip in the air. This is the last season I'll spend running the place, and then this is all someone else's problem.

28th of Obsidian, 250. End of winter.

Nothing happened in winter. This ewe died. That's about it.

As I sit in my pod and reflect, I realize this year has been quite kind to us. The walls and gates have been built without incident, the workshops are running and the harvests have been good. Most are happy. Perhaps there's a real chance for us to succeed in this place.

That's about as much reflecting as you're going to get out of me. Back to business: for my successor, there's still quite a bit that needs to be done. We've no military, nor weapons or armor. We need to start making proper meals as well, and hopefully bring some variety to the beverages we're brewing. Even our most destitute alcoholics are getting tired of plump helmet wine. It's not necessary, but perhaps we'd like to dig down into the cavern layer. Some magma forges would do us good.

Ah, and don't forget to make windows and tools for the traders next year.

Not much else needs saying beyond that. No more overseeing for me, at least for now. I'm going to put my feet up and let the next ingrate worry about keeping this place running. Now that I think on it, they might just be whoever's reading this.

Good luck, you.

-Dódok '60horsesinmyherd' íkthagsibrek

And scene.

Next in line is @Cream_a_da_crop. DM me and I'll send you the files.

I'm realizing now that without the old forum "bump" feature, this thread will likely get buried fairly quickly. Probably going to need to find a way to fix that issue. Hypothetically, updates could just be separate postings, though that might makes things pretty hard to keep track of. I doubt a pin is going to last long enough. Maybe a ping group is the best idea? I don't have enough coins for it though, so we'd have to pool some funds together. Open to suggestions if you lot have any.

That's all for now.


EDIT: Thank your for the pins kind @Aevothy :marseyshy5:

Players, in order of succession:












If you'd like to have a dwarf named after you, click "Yes" on this poll.

You will be pinged if they do something cool.

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Old school gaming magazine covers

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[CONTEST] Photoshop your pet as a videogame character

:star: UPDATE 3: Entries submissions close today in about 8 hours so this is your last chance to participate :star:

UPDATE 2: contest ends tomorrow

UPDATE: reminder that the contest ends on Tuesday! I'll pin this again the day before the deadline as a last reminder

Inspired by this picture and seeing dramatards always seem very excited about sharing their cute pets :marseychinchillalove: with everyone I figured this would be a nice/fun activity

[RULES] :marseyreading:

1. It has to be your pet :marseysheepdog:

2. No AI, it would be too easy :marseyno: :marppy:

3. You have to use an actual videogame screenshot taken by yourself or you can also google screenshots to use BUT it must be from the gameplay, not from cutscenes or cinematic trailers :marseygeralt: EDIT: by popular demand, cutscenes are allowed now!

5. If you're not good with Photoshop, you can commission/get another dramatard to do it :marseypaintermerchant:

6. You can make as many entries as you want but only one can be on the voting poll :marseynoyou:

The winner will be decided by vote so if you have multiple entries you have to pick one to be used in the poll

[PRIZES] :marseywinner:

1st Place: 5000 DC

2nd Place: 3000 DC

3rd Place: 2000 DC

Might increase the prizes if there's a lot of interest :marseyholdingcoin:

DEADLINE: The contest will end on Tuesday, July 4 :marseysaluteusa:


Not sure if those rules are alright, feel free to suggest how to improve or make the contest more fun :marseythumbsup:

Here are some answers to questions you might have

>If we have more than one pet can we Photoshop them together in one entry?


>Are people with the same pets allowed to submit different applications?

For the sake of fairness I think it's better if only one of the owners is allowed to participate with that pet

>I'm allergic


>I don't play any games that would make sense to have a pet photoshopped into

As long as the pet is yours and the edit was done by you (or someone you commissioned/asked to edit for you) you can google screenshots of a game and use them, even if it's a game you don't play

Your go-to Mario Kart character is now your political alignment

Dry Bones chads stay winning

:marseyzeldalinktimeadult: :marseyitneverbegan:
Reported by:

!g*mers don't forget to unblock /h/glory and pay it a visit between gooming sessions!


Lord of Rebirth by the Twinkling Twilights team:

AnrohaNexus, Billyfighter, Katya, Ruffin Vangarr, and Seelof :marseyxoxo:

Includes voice acting by Glyph, Jens Vandenheede, Max Lefferts, Ruffin Vangarr , Stewart Moyer, and Thea Solone. :marseywave2:

In the Luminous Vale, a erstwhile plane of Oblivion shrouded in mist and a mysterious gleam is a refuge for a group of Alchemists exiled to wander Oblivion for their radical techniques and crimes are on the cusp of something great and terrible upon finding bizarre ruins within the plane.

However, a vicious band of Void Pirates have hunted them to the Luminous Vale seeking the same prize. Desperate fighting now stains the Vale over what may be best left forgotten.

It's a pretty cozy mod with a fairly sizable landmass with a lot cool visuals and world design. They really take liberties with their creativity here as you're basically playing in a small slice of Heck :marseyevil:

The Alchemists and Void Pirates are the 2 factions you do quests for and decide the fate of the Luminous Vale:marseyshook: :marseychemist2: :!marseypirate2:

There's also a secret 3rd route that involves going through a dungeon hidden on the island related to the plot :marseyglow: :marseysnappyenraged2:

New creatures, new assets, new weapons and artefacts too for anyone to mess around with :marseyantiwork:


OAAB Data, version 2.2.2 used in making this mod.


If not using a mod manager, place files directly into Data Files.

Before deleting the entire folders when uninstalling, make sure no other mods

use the "TT" folders for assets.

If you're using OpenMW, there is an OpenMW icon folder, use these to overwrite

the original icons for a higher quality icon pack.

If you're using Zesterer's shaders for OpenMW make sure your clouds shader has interior mist set to 0. Otherwise you won't see the new sky.

It should be set like this:

Reported by:

The online play manners guideline was shared on the Japanese Nintendo support Twitter account that asked users to be considerate of others.

Here's a brief summary of the online play manners guideline:

Nintendo 'Please Be Considerate of Others When Playing Online'

It's important to have compassion for others. Since online play involves real humans, not computers, the guideline asks users to treat players online the same way they would in person and not use harsh words.

Nintendo 'Please Be Considerate of Others When Playing Online'

Provocation feels bad, and it also feels bad when a teammate rage-quits, so please respect the other players' feelings. The guide asks players not to do things to other players that they wouldn't like done to themselves.

The third part reminds users to be careful when communicating with strangers because people online might not be good people. Personal information should never be shared with players online.

Lastly, a reminder for users to not use names that make people feel uncomfortable. “Avoid using words that are offensive to public order and morals, or words that may be perceived as discrimination or insults.” Also, do not choose names that could cause offense.

:marseyitsover: for sonybros
Reverse Collapse :horny: : Code Name Bakery :marseypie: being reviewbombed by :asianchud:

Reverse Collapse, (more like prolapse amirite?), is the latest in the new trend of gacha game devs making actual games with their overstuffed coffers filled with ill gotten gambling gold (where the prize is JPGs and not money)

The devs of this game made one called girls frontline which decided to make a fricking sequel to reset the process and bleed their paypiggies again

But that is not the subject of todays discussion, it's their current real entry getting reviewbombed.

Prolapse : The Bakery is essentially something like Fireaxis Xcom/Advance Wars/Fire Emblem, it seems solid enough for what it is. However, Chinese :marseychingchong: are mad!

One may wonder where this nonsense comes from? Fortunately, we have some context!

A character who is Chinese was given the BWC :marseyeldritchnut: For you non virgins, what this means is GFL was known as a game without real male characters (to better let lonely scrotes insert into the gacha and pretend they had a harem of robotic slave gun girls) while this game added a male main character with an actual face and personality.

In fact, there are SEVERAL male characters now :marseypearlclutch: This is considered SUPER threatening to the Chinese players of the game.

Chinaman g*mers ask for help after their brave efforts in defeating the menace known as Sweet Baby Inc

But g*mers aren't having it...

In closing:

@BWC Your expertise is required here

!gacha Any context you lovely lads can provide would also be appreciated.


Her article for Kotaku:

Her tweet in the replies:

Thread she was replying to (she's gone private):

G*mers seething:*mers_think/*mers_think/


This is the same foid who joined the SBID groomercord and demanded users dox themselves:

This is real, btw, she was proud of herself for "infiltrating" the group:

Anyone here lurk :marseycool2:

The best forum for piracy and torrenting for gayming imo. I mostly lurk the CreamAPI thread for any updates and tricks to use.

For those who don't know CreamAPI is a tool that spoofs the DLL directories of steam games to unlock all DLC associated with your legit steam copy. :marseysmirk:

I've never paid for Paradox DLC :capymerchant:

They also support Epic, GOG and more to do the same effect to any games you have with them!

There's lot's of weird forum drama for any suffering withdrawal to gawk at. :marsey:

Just thought I should let anyone unaware here know! :marseyantiwork:

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