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This college girl :marseygeisha: pays you to teach her advanced econometrics and time series analysis:marscientist: What do you do?

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She looks 8. Im not a strag so im a neutral party here. If you are attracted to that foid, you are a chomo and not a "super alpha male gigabased chad who dates 16 year olds" or whatever

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that's the whole cope :marseychemist2: tho: whole races of foids :marseyblops2chadcel2: age vastly more gracefully than mayos

and calling people chomos over :marseygiveup: this doesn't change how inferior mayos are.


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Mayoids being inferior is self evident, but "youth" is more equivalent to "black dont crack" or how asian women look 20 until 50 and then look 80. A foid with prepubescent features is just pedobait and liking it is abnormal

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A foid :marseysuffragette: with prepubescent features is just :marseyblops2chadcel: pedobait and liking it is abnormal

pure cope. less aging = superior :marseysmug: genetics. no ad hominem needed in hopes of bolstering a shit :merdesey: in denial argument.

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Yes chomos are clearly superior to adult fricking strags. The foids have aged less!

Least ephebo/pedophilic straight man

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not sure :marseyagreefast: why some supposed strag is coping :marseycopeseethedilate: so hard :marseydiehard: over :marseygiveup: asian :marseychingchong: foid :marseywall: superiority, lol.

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Because rightoids always be like "hurr durr gays molest children also its based and redpilled to find the most prepubescent looking foid you can, ideally in the Roy Moore Zone of 12-16, as your tradwife"

I cant stop from noooooticing

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strags do molest :marseygroomer2: children :marseykermit: tho, and yeah :marseyagree: aging superiority grants genetic edge in breeding. seething :marseyseethe: still doesn't change this.

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Statostocally the vast, vast majority of p-dophiles sleep with adult women and children of any gender, rightoid cope based on anecdotes or John Money stories doesnt change this. Of the pedos less than 1% are foids.

Its a moid thing, and all moids should be killed tbqh

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