Cristiano Ronaldo :marseysoccer: and Jordan Peterson :marseyfreud:

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Someone make a bet thread about how long it will take for him to apologize

Ronaldo is so god darn big he can easily tell people to frick off and be fine, but the media is going to go wild on this shit. Man U might even release a statement if this causes enough of an uproar

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Ronaldo sexed a woman against her will (allegedly) and never apologized.

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What do you mean ?





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It's even stupider than that. They were having s*x, he then went for anal and she (allegedly) said no but he (allegedly) ignored her or didn't hear her but he realised/got bored/finished up and stopped and they paused for a bit before they went back to s*x again before they finally finished.

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Ronaldo always go for bussy





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I am actually starting to believe Leo is also bussy lover

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Who wouldn’t look tbh

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Never woulda pegged this dude for an incel

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He was a incel till he ate a blackpill and joined lookmax than he turned bi

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It's crazy how little evidence the soy lynch mobs give us now for their r*pe/racism/wrongthink accusations. It's basically like they expect us to lynch people on their say-so, with no evidence needed other than "If you don't do it, we'll accuse you of stuff also!"

Like 10 years ago these NPCs were still disgusting hivemind vermin but at least they put some effort into their false accusations. Now they don't even bother doing that anymore, they expect you to just obey instinctively.

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A few days ago he had a sperg out on instagram saying that the media is all lies and people will hear his truth in a few weeks. Speculations are now that he is doing some interview with Jordan Peterson. Having to play in europa league most likely made him go crazy.

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Having to play in europa league most likely made him go crazy.


Good for him though, if you have frick you money be proud of who you are and stop giving a shit. I still like Messi better because he gives hope to manlets around the world like myself but I respect Ronaldo especially if he starts going all truther on his fanbase

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People actually unironically believe that cancel culture isn't real because only the most rich and powerful can overcome it.

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but I respect Ronaldo

Yeah, first time I started to think "hey, he might be okay" was when he told the crowd to stfu, after laughing at the Japanese kid who tried talking to Ronaldo in Portuguese. I never followed PL/La Liga and my club is not CL material so I never really cared about him and/or Messi. I did remember him though as a whiny b-word at ManU.

I changed my mind about him in the EC 2016 Final. Sure Portugal was shit throughout the tournament...

But the challenge against him (which should've at least been a yellow, cause it was only against his standing leg) and how he tried to keep playing (yeah he should've accepted defeat earlier)... But how he was basically the co-coach for the rest of the final. And there are some scenes after the final... He was the leader of Portugal back then.

And that is what I am missing from Messi. He is probably the individually more skilled player. But he is not a leader.

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A few days ago he had a sperg out on instagram saying that the media is all lies

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bring me back to 2016 :marseydepressed:

also cmtv is a meme TV channel, this is what they were reporting when they were supposed to be talking about the queen:


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I know very well about the CMTVcels lmao, I coincidentally moved to Poortugal shortly before this happened, what a glorious way to be introduced to the culture of the country! :marseywholesome:

For the non-Lusophones, the TV says "HAUNTED HOUSE - Joaquim says he was attacked while taking a shower" :marseyxd:

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Ypu probably watched this already but if not this is probably the best cmtv interview, here they catch and interview the pizza delivery guy of JosΓ© Socrates

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