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12hrs later: casino is back The @getogeto Incident — Casino Temporarily Closed

Many of you will come online to find you have a notification about receiving 1 000 000 coins from @getogeto. You will also discover you don't have a million more coins than you had yesterday. This has been a strange few hours.

There was (and is) a bug in roulette which permits spending the same coins twice if you bet fast enough—this is equivalent to generating dramacoin out of thin air if you're clever about it. For technical insight, see the writeup from original reporter @Unbroken. He responsibly disclosed the bug and helped us troubleshoot. … And then, before we got a fix up, @Schizo found a more efficient way to exploit it and generated approximately a hundred million coins, most of which he gave to @getogeto.

getogeto, the famed stochastic downvote terrorist lurker, proceeded with great generosity to give most of it away a million coins at a time. Some people ( @birdenthusiast @MommyIssues @Losercel ) were honorable and sent almost all of it back. Some people wisely didn't touch it. Some people proceeded to buy every hat in the store, self-award every profile upgrade, and spend the remainder on a stockpile of dozens of grass awards and hope we wouldn't notice.

Anyway, took the coins and unused awards back from everyone who got them and hadn't sent them back. Most of the immediate issues have been resolved, though still need to repossess some profile upgrade awards & badges resulting from them, shop spending badges, hat badges, etc.

tl;dr— casino closed pending restoration of house edge after heist of the century. database mopping will continue until morale improves.

Here's everyone who has negative coins right now, because they immediately started purchasing things with their million and became indebted when it was reclaimed.

  id   |     username      |  coins  
    35 | TrailerParkBride  |  -61812
  1088 | chapodestroyer    |  -49842
  1710 | geese_suck        | -927127
  4287 | garlicdoors       | -435216
  5214 | chiobu            | -109918
  5690 | swagfella         | -469989
  8768 | lnternetCustodian |  -45352

EDIT 10:05 UTC: Incorrectly included a few people on here before who only got sent negative because transfer tax meant they got +970k from geto but I reclaimed a full -1000k. My apologies for sullying their good names.

Honorable Mentions:

  • @Absinthe — who was sending so many coins around I reset him before anyone else in the list.
  • @HaloFan2002 — who made a big show of sending 545 000 coins back to getogeto, as if he was returning the money. I think he hoped I wouldn't notice the other 450k and his new checkmark badge.
  • @getogeto — for being my second favorite lurker and bringing about this whole incident. I'm honored to have a been immediately ban-awarded as soon as he got coins, and the new snekshole /h/twolargesnakesmating he bought is endearing.
  • @Schizo:marseyantischizo:
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this is white :marseyblops2chadcel2: men stealing :marseywatermark: reparations from BIPOCs :!marseydisagree:

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still hurting from your wisdom tooth? they didn't give :marseysigh: you painkillers for it? :marseysad:

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not a wisdom bb n ye bad got ibuprofen n antibiotics :marseycrying: hope u get a beautiful day/night bb :marseyxoxo:

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Hope you feel better soon!

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They onwy give u ibupwofen nywow? Biden’s Amwerica…

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It’s ibuprofen 800 so doc says it’s enough 🙄🙄 Jfc a root snapped off inside my gums n they had to excavate but take some Ibu n ignore the amount of blood leaking out ur mouth they says

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I'm in a pwetty cucked area fwor nyarcwotics and even we get T3's after minywor dentwl surgery. It must have been nyice when u'd get 80 Vicwodin fwor a woot canyal.

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I went to the dental school so had students do it supervised by a teacher…I asked for smth strong but lol lmao butthole looked at me like I’m trash so 🤷🏾‍♀️

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Swo it was racism that pwevented u fwom getting ywour deserved nyarcwotics? :marseyblm:

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jannies repossessing the dramacoin


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I didn't spend anything. I was sleeping when all of this happened lol.

I refreshed the page to check notifications and DC immediately went to negative.

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Fixed it; transfer tax meant slightly undercounted. Updated OP to clear your good name.

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Thanks bb :marseyblowkiss:

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Same. I used to be around 49k, but now it's 15k.


Snek carp Aevann , where are my pre-getogeto dramacoins?

See: https://rdrama.net/post/104551/marseyprotestno-rdrama-codecels-cannot-math-dramacoins

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Hello Snakes,

I had 10500 coins (?) before the incident and now I have 13kish.

My Beano award has not been removed. The badge was though.

I had one Tilt that was gifted to me which was removed and have never spent any coins in the shop. It says I have (e: must be the confiscated hats I bought after generously returning all of the funds I had received).

Idk if you care, maybe it helps you spot mistakes elsewhere. I thought you could rollback since so didn't feel bad making a mess.



"cannot be fooled"

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You were the only person who wound up with a beano, iirc, and I mostly cared about the high-value awards. Enjoy your new beano. But yeah, a lot of people were fairly easy to do just by rolling back badges/awards/hats/coins spent. I'm not totally concerned with it being perfect; almost a little bit funnier if it isn't. Like, per his request, I left swagfella negative but let him keep his awards. Thanks for being honest and helpful with your info, though; it's appreciated.

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Those coins were reparations for the damage caused by the white man to my people.

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Dramastrags showing their anti-landlord behaviour by attempting to steal :marseythief: from the casino. I guarantee that everyone on the list is a rentoid

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>Some people were honorable and sent almost all of it back. Some people wisely didn't touch it.

I think these people deserve some sort of reward for being honest citizens. I'd settle for a small loan of 10k DC and a badge.

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I should get a badge for almost getting away with it

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Pls no touch :marseygrass: blackjack :marseygambling: odds. They’re bad enough as it is.

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Last time I calculated it, I think blackjack still actually has the lowest house edge of anything in the casino, even with removal of 5cc and restriction of the (generous) double down rules. Should be like: blackjack is 0.5%, slots is 1%, roulette is 5.4%, lottershe is 25%. Blackjack on, king.

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That's assuming you never ever make a mistake, right? If out of 199 games you make a mistake that costs you a win once it's worse than slots :marseythinkorino: so realistically it's much worse than slots

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Just don't frick up lmao

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you make a mistake that costs you


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Frick @getogeto, didn't even send me any coins.

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Fricking amazing we generate our own content here

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At first @getogeto gave me 100k and I donated everything to @death2fakecels because she wanted a hole. I think that should be mentioned (and perhaps rewarded?)

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I was so excited to get my hole :marseycry::marseyitsover: :@absinthepat: it will be all snakes fault when I gain 100lbs

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Which hole? If it's the proAna I've also been trying to save up for it but suck at blackjack :marseyitsover:

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It is the proana hole :( and I've had the same bad luck, I stay at anything 16 and over but apparently that's not a very good strategy lol

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Every time I hit on a 14 I get a 9 :marseycry:

Ive been considering paypigging soon :marseypig: so if i do i'll contribute cash to the cause

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:marseylove: yeah I think they fricked with it so that it's so much easier to lose. I constantly push at 19 or 20 fml 🙃

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:#!marseymommymilkers: :#marseyluckycat:

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@getogeto second favorite lurker



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@AraAra stans have the truly enlightened taste in dramalurkers.

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Fricking degenerates don’t even remember our honored ex-mod hors3

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I love her I love her I love her I love her I love her I love her I love her I love her I love her I love her I love her I love her I love her I love her I love her I love her I love her I love her I love her

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It cant be legal to be this cute fr

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“Look at my Marsey:marseydance: American over there. Look at her! Aren’t you the greatest?”

—> :marseytrump:

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Libel, I didn't buy shit

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Fixed it; transfer tax meant slightly undercounted. Updated OP to clear your good name.

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You ruined my day, I thought that getogeto liked me specifically :marseycrying:

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Anyone who didn't immediately spend the coins is a dramaphobe.

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anybody who didn't immediately gamble :marseycard: the whole thing at once on slots :marseygambling: is a dramaphobe

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please keep my profile the way it is, as a relic to this major codecel frick-up


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Theres no way those people stay negative calling it now. It removes so much interactability from the site from those power users theyll just be made whole by carp after complaining enough lol

Just add the ability to sell hats back (that you didnt make) and that will fix most of it I guess

Edit: actually dont do that ill lose my commission

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this is the reason you're on my hate list @birdenthusiast .

trying to get cozy with jannies :marseyraging::marseyhatiun::marseyhatiun::purerage::ragestrangle:

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Never :marseybongojanny:

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@Schizo @getogeto king shit



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I didn't get anything... :marseyrain:

I was sleeping anyway, but I would have sent some DC to all the people who posted good things in /h/eevee

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Goombling here is the only thing that keeps me from taking the kids' college funds to the real casinos :marseydespair:

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@BeauBiden we need more bailouts and debt cancellation.

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he should have gave some to me so i could give them back to the casino

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1710 | @geese_suck | -927127

You're better than this honkey

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live fast die young

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well well well well welllll what do we have here? My grandma told me nothing good happens after 9pm and all righteous women are in bed.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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ur grandma was Baptist fr

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lmao fr she was. Both of my grandparents were Baptist. lol

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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Don't you dare touch my honest goombling earnings that were earned while Schizo was doing xir thing

:#marseygambling: :#marseyrage:

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no members of the one true faith committed such heinous actions, this pleases me and certainly Allah. Brother @Aevann these people should be marked somehow to let members of the Ummah know to not trust them as they may try some kafir nonsense

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REOPEN THE GAMBLING ALREADY :#marseybeandefiant:

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Hi sneks,

I'm down about 30k from where I was before. Please fix.

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Geto never even sent you money :marseysquint:

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Oh well I tried.

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The virgin illegitimate @getogeto money launderer vs the Chad @deletemaxxxed-user dramacoin inheritor


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on the other hand


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such a funny way to wake up, i didn't touch it but i had the notification

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The important thing is that I get to keep the commission from the hat sales.


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I'm riddled with shame. White shame. This isn't helpful to me or to anyone, especially people of color. I feel like there is no “me” outside of my white/upper middle class/cisgender identity. I feel like my literal existence hurts people, like I'm always taking up space that should belong to someone else.

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35 | @TrailerParkBride | -61812

TPB y u gotta live up to the stereotype like this?

5214 | @chiobu | -109918

I thought singaporians had 2 be good with money

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Jannies probably added that exploit on purpose just to laugh at the results :marsey57:

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I was wondering why I was getting so many hat notifications all the sudden

"why is there a massive rush on hats!?"


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I hecking love @getogeto

:#marseyloveyou: :#marseybased:

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I didn’t get any DC earlier but can I have 30k?

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I had this bug happen to me yesterday with 100dc, I spent around 5 min trying to recreate it before giving up. I assumed I imagined it or it was due to my shitty wifi going out.

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Somebody give :marseyitsover: me money :marseygangster: :(

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Found 194 Coins!


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and unused awards

:marseyannoyed: should have used all the awards before the mods came and ruined everything.

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