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  • retard : Is brave not supported by kiwifarms because I just get the "checking your browser" thing for infini
  • Dhinia_Subtlescream : Josh recommends brave to people and it works for me. Are you a sussy baka?
  • SN : What VPN are you on?
  • Vegeta : sussy baka detected
  • rowling_for_trans_rights : if you're a coward brave doesn't work properly, man up and kill a tiger idiot
  • Luke_Alt : Brave is spyware, use tor
  • Aevann : ^take ur meds schizo
  • Joan_Wayne_Gacy : Hey guys what's going on?
  • of_blood_and_salt : I just masturbated and coomed so hard some of it shot into my mouth and nostrils...
  • Wizdumb1776 : This will be the 1st time anyone has ever said this about BF but it's getting too big.
  • MarkRippetoe : Why did this old drama get pinned?
  • BussySlayer : What post? :marseyschizo:
  • Sneed : Old :marseysneed:
  • Noctis : Hai! :3
  • OLDMAN : gay

#7 google result for bardfinn Kiwicel has bardfinn divorce papers and will be posting them. Highlights include abuse, deadbeat daddery, drug and alcohol abuse, and arrest warrants for skipping court 🚨EDIT: Divorce docs have been posted🚨


I have news. Someone went to the courthouse in Dallas and got all of the divorce papers and I received them in the post. Someone spent a lot of money to do that. I am figuring out how best to get the paper copies online. I don't know whether it's cheaper to buy a scanner or take them to be scanned. It might be more cost effective to just buy a scanner.

Yes...I've read them. His wife alleges years of abuse of her and the kids. She wanted sole custody and for him to agree to not take drugs or drink for sufficient hours before visitation and wanted that visitation supervised by others. She did not get that. There seems to be many attempts to get him to pay child maintenance. There are even arrest warrants, because Steven could not be arsed to come to court at all...but they seem to get canceled. One of the appearances has a note on the bottom that Steven is to present evidence of progress in getting Social Security Disability. I'm not sure if the papers say that Texas is entirely going to fail to pursue child maintenance from Steven, in the end or if it is simply a continuance of events.

My professional opinion: lol

lmao I know this is one of you, but I want this to be his wife so badly

EDIT: link to bardfinn's divorce docs

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I really wonder why reddit hasnt damage controlled bardfinn out of his mod status yet. The chances that this will blow up at some point are pretty big, and they have absolutely nothing to lose if they ban him. But I guess anyone who works at reddit isnt really the brightest guy out there.

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My guess is that it is a combination of him doing SO much work for free, and the admins being blinded by their degenerate ideologies. They truly don’t understand that “normal” people would have a problem with someone like fartbinn stalking and harassing people, grooming their children and not supporting their child. Just look at the Aimee challenor incident, that proves their values.

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Most of all, they do not tolerate doxxing. To fire suspend someone over it would be a tacit embrace of doxxing. They only caved in for Aimee Challenor because the doxx spread too rapidly to control, to the point where most outraged people had no concept of what doxxing is.

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They could easily find another reason to permanently suspend Bardfinn. He recently repeatedly personally attacked other users in an admin run sub. He does that a lot. The admins really ought to finally stop that behavior. It's so gross...the "I have you on my list as making a comment in 2019"...and this dude's a mentally ill deadbeat dad wifebeater.

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They have a strange set of priorities. I'm going with it is because Reddit is a trash website run by and for freaks and degenerates.

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honestly from a buisness standpoint, it makes no sense to keep lardfinn on. I mean after all he scares away customers and potential customers from reddit and always cries for media attention.

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Exactly. But I guess the morons who work at reddit value his unpaid full time moderating more than potential PR disaster. Reddit isnt known for their wise choice of employees after all.

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They liked violentacrez until his fat, sweaty butt went on CNN and neurodivergentally showed the reporter his reddit award for running jailbait and pics of dead kids subreddits.

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Does anyone know what happened to violentacrez?

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He was fired from his job after Gawker outed him and then he did that CNN interview. If he's back on reddit, he's been keeping a low profile. I think after he got fired he said he was trying to get a job in the porn industry. Probably because they don't care about degeneracy.

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Reddit didn't even think to fire that UK diaper libertarian :marseytrain: until the fallout caused several major subreddits to go silent and the entire website was made aware. They claimed to not have known about diaper lady's history but that would mean they never even so much as googled her name.

They knew, and were okay with it until it bit them in the butt a little too hard. I don't think Bardy will get the same backlash because it's "only" domestic abuse and not libertarianism.

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Plus isnt the libertrainian still friends with powermods anyway? Shes just not officially a mod anymore

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Aimee got hired for the one reason anyone ever gets hired: nepotism. The Reddit admins are her friends/s*x buddies on Groomercord. We know this because of screenshots and the logic behind why a non-tech professional would move from the UK to live on couches in San Francisco.

Gee, I wonder what common interests Aimee and the rest of the admins groom share, centered around Groomercord? 🤔

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He controls a large groomercord that brigades subs and brings sweeping accusations of nazib sympathy to the media. Combine that with him being friends with at least one admin and youd have someone that would cause a lot of trouble if you ban them.

I really doubt the admins like what he does as he teaches people to abuse the admin report system to annoy them into banning subs which is the opposite of what mods are for.

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The average redditor has no clue who he is.

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Hasn't he been banned on more than one occasion but keeps getting his account back? What does he have to offer reddit or what shit does he have on someone?

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iirc he was banned once because someone reported some old comments to AEO but he successfully appealed it.

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Idk if he has been banned, they probably like the amount of work he does for free.

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They literally helped Channellor suppress info about himself for around 10 days before redditors caught on. They are all degenerates and are desperate to get more people like them onto the team, regardless of their past. They are well aware that Bardfinn is a degenerate but also know that he has a built in supporter base that will defend him vocally no matter what.

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