I have news. Someone went to the courthouse in Dallas and got all of the divorce papers and I received them in the post. Someone spent a lot of money to do that. I am figuring out how best to get the paper copies online. I don't know whether it's cheaper to buy a scanner or take them to be scanned. It might be more cost effective to just buy a scanner.
Yes...I've read them. His wife alleges years of abuse of her and the kids. She wanted sole custody and for him to agree to not take drugs or drink for sufficient hours before visitation and wanted that visitation supervised by others. She did not get that. There seems to be many attempts to get him to pay child maintenance. There are even arrest warrants, because Steven could not be arsed to come to court at all...but they seem to get canceled. One of the appearances has a note on the bottom that Steven is to present evidence of progress in getting Social Security Disability. I'm not sure if the papers say that Texas is entirely going to fail to pursue child maintenance from Steven, in the end or if it is simply a continuance of events.
My professional opinion: lol
lmao I know this is one of you, but I want this to be his wife so badly
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How shocking.
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In his own words, what's his "work" on reddit worth per year?
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Lol, FB pays people $15 an hour to do what he does.
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Well actually 16 in bardfinn's case
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Ive read the articles all about the heck they go through too. I still bet theyre not half as suicidal as Barf is.
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Actually I'd probably cause more sneethe by respecting bard's pronouns.
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Based dramatic pragmatism. It isn't about being edgy, it's about pissing off any given majority.
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Slay yourself.
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Agreed, she has not earned the right to male pronouns.
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His check has many zeros in it
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Petition reddit to start a "pay for Bardfinn's child support" award? All proceeds going to the child support? It's the least they can do.
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It's a shame he blew all that patent money
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Have we ever found that patent?
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No one ever found it. It does not exist. Just like his history as a teenage spy in East Germany, it is pure fiction.
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Or his girlfriend that lives in the far off land of Canada.
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It's not like any of us would ever go to leafistan to look for her tbf
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You never know. Online grooming can cross all geographic boundaries.
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Lmao did he seriously claim that?
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Yay you replied to my 4 months old comment!
@carpathianflorist there should be a prize for the person who's old comment made them mess up.
Also you got tricked drrrockzonose
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Meh, its whatever. Saw the 4mo after i reolied and was like wait wtf? Why is this showing front page, doesnt seem like new shit
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It's meta trolling sweaty. Don't worry
@Greu fell for it too and replied to another comment of mine right after yours. I'll be swimming in DC from the awards I'll recieve.
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People have looked, but came up with nothing. He's probably full of shit. With such a lucrative patent he should be able to afford paying child support and maybe an apartment that isn't his parents' garage. At best, people think maybe he worked on something that was patented by whatever company he worked for.
Some kiwicel research on his degree and patent claims
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PDF dropped! https://kiwifarms.net/threads/steven-joel-akins-penelope-penny-verity-oaken-u-bardfinn-penny-witchette-finning-widget-mutabilesemper.85310/post-9816966
Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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aaaaahhhhhh Thank you for the update!!!!!
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, in this case you would use mash'allah, masha allah, or mashallah. Inshallah more or less means "god willing," and is used to discuss things that haven't happened yet. If something has happened, or if you want to congratulate someone, you would say "mashallah," which means "God has willed it." If you're going to pretend to be a soldier of Allah on the internet, the least you could do is research his holy language a little bit instead of just parroting other Yakubian devils. 
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You're doing God's work alhamdulillah.
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The Spaniards didn’t kill enough during the reconquista
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How did you find this?
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I am absolutely floored by all of this. Honestly, who could have imagined someone chosing to have s*x with Bardfinn and not needing a rope afterwards
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A comment by bardfinn before he became a powermod claimed that his wife cheated on him multiple times.
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Bardfinn is known for telling the God's honest truth so I completely believe that.
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Makes sense how he's able to spend 24/7 jannying reddit. I'm guessing all the turbo jannies are neets/incels at this point
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I'm pretty sure that onion article about the 6th grader that was a powerjanny wasn't far from the truth either.
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Let's be real. Sixth graders have more going on in their lives than these 30+ year old forever alone, shut-in, turbo jannies ever will.
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Old rule of thumb in management: never trust the overly anxious and ambitious worker that's only applying for jobs where they have power over other people. The ones that apply for stuff that pays more but isn't over others is just wanting a raise. The ones who specifically only want the lead/foremen job want the power. They will almost always abuse it.
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Sometimes they want to get a better sounding title for their resume before they switch companies
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Holy shit
@carpathianflorist imma twofer. Gimme gimme.
Also greu shame you. Your a regular here not a pinkie.
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Wait what did I do
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You fell for bait Sonny. I'm sorry.
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Not all sixth graders, didn't you know at least one or two kids who started puberty and immediately turned into insufferable turbospergs? The ones even the weird nerdy kids wanted nothing to do with? There's one kid that I distinctly remember who was so fricking annoying because the only thing he ever wanted to talk about or do was yugioh cards. Had literally no friends.
That was probably almost 20 years ago, how old is Barf anyway?
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Yugioh Cards were cool af. Why waste time making friends when you could daydream about Egyptian God Cards? Besides I'm sure that kid made friends later in life after the sperg phase was under control
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I hope so that kid was legit obsessed with yugioh when nobody else was and nobody wanted to talk to him because of it. Sixth graders are pretty awful too.
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Mid 40s, I believe.
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Friends, for one thing
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There was a 12 year old janny complaining about being demodded because of someone pretending to be him posted here before
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Can courts garnish that for unpaid child support/alimony or is it considered different from normal income?
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I'm guessing they mentioned it because they want him to use it for child support? Still taxpayer money one way or another. I wonder what his specific "give me money" disability is
EDIT: So apparently SSI cannot be garnished for child support. I wonder why that note was on there
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I used to work with someone who reminds me of Bardfinn (down to the domestic abuse charges) and he constantly claimed to be neurodivergent. From what I hear, shrinks frequently mistake NPD for autism and the documented shit that Bardfinn has said makes me think he's the former so maybe he was able to get a diagnosis.
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Now that is interesting. I didn't know that happened, but I could see that happeneing. It wouldn't surprise me if he had NPD. This is a man who started a fight with his wife in the middle of the night, violently poked her, and then called the police because he thought they would be like. "yeah, you are totally right, bud." To be fair, that may have been meth and/or alcohol talking, but his other behavior screams NPD.
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I thought him being a narcissist was a given. Like look at how he argues
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Either way, he's pretty frickin r-slurred because he's being milked by the New Zealand Ranchers and the Rebbit admins for the total salary of $00.00/week
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One of the Kiwifarmers there is an expert on all the things he has claimed to have. The one with the Marilyn Manson avatar, IIRC.
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Lol the marilyn Manson person is a fricking idiot and their conspiracy sperging is half the reason that thread is one of the worst on the site.
They literally think people on bard's naughty list can sue bard for being on their list. Absolutely stupid.
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Frankly, Joan... after your simping for Drewiepoodle... I don't give a darn. Those people have gotten receipts on Bardfinn's family violence and non payment of child support and possible criminal charges in other places ...so....
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Lmao I'm the person in that thread who contacted Ireland's GDPR agency and posted their response and the absolute sped with the Manson avatar said I'm a Bardfinn "shill" (rofl) because he didn't like their response (spoiler: the government doesn't give a shit). They do good work as far as humiliating Bardfinn goes but they're legitimately angry r-slurs writing fricking novels about how much they hate some loser for getting their favorite subreddit banned.
People need to learn to distance themselves from the drama. Literally all that's going to happen if this somehow blows up, and it won't because Bardy isn't a powermod that normies recognize, is Bardfinn will make an incredibly obvious alt and keep doing what he does. EU supersoldiers aren't going to invade Texas because some reddit janny uses a masstagger clone lmao.
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This is why I prefer rdrama to kiwifarms, dense sneeding is so rare it's funny, and there's fewer people so I can maintain a mental image of most active posters in my mind. Something something Dunbar's number.
That would make a great Ben Garrison parody.
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I agree with everything you said except "and it won't because Bardy isn't a powermod that normies recognize"... I think that Bardfinn is recognized.
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Good call, just searched and he seems to think it's an OCD thing. He also thinks Steve works under the table for Contrapoints lol
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Has he said where he comes to that conclusion? I always pictured Barf as a Chris Chan but without the r*pe. Lives in his mom's garage and she supports him.
Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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The father is in the house, too. Both parents are apparently Republicans that Bardfinn hates and constantly trash-talks online.
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it would be a total shame if they were to find out what he says about them online
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I think Bard has ultimately claimed that he's had a bomb squad search his parents' home due to bomb threats and that they have been swatted. I can't imagine homeowners not going, "What the actual frick are you doing online that is making SWAT and bomb squads come to our home?"
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I think it came from things barf said himself about having OCD
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There was asperger's IIRC, but also some point where he was maybe committed and barfed all over himself while possibly tied to a hospital bed? I dunno. There's a lot to digest.
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Darn, you're right. This dude is a mess.
And here's his tweet about it
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Jesus fricking Christ this guy is just pitiful
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But why would one of the few passing transwomen work with an obviously nonpassing one?
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SSI and SSDI have different rules, SSDI is basically early access to your retirement social security based on disability, you have to have paid in to get it, SSI is for the never employed, r-slurs, etc.
odds are bardy had a job at one point before
ing out
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Reading these, one of them says that he showed that he was indigent and was assigned a public defender.
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that just means long term unemployed now, probably had a job back when she was beating her wife
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Well, I think it means that he has no visible means of support save his parents and that lucrative patent for something every person online uses every day. I'm just lol-ing at how he larped as some granny and he's younger than I am.
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"I wonder why that note was on there" Probably because he was saying to the court that he couldn't show up or pay anything because he was in the process of getting disability...so they went, "Okay... at least come here and prove THAT, then if you can't do anything else."
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I know when I got my crazy check they paid all the way back to the time I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Some people supposedly will get 25k-30k in back pay for that. So with them wanting proof barf is in the process of getting it probably means yes. Then again idk if they garnish welfare for child support and that's pretty much the same thing.
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They probably don't want him having visitation rights if he has no money.
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Disability: Lack of connection to reality
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