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>Absolutely moronic. That sub should be taken down. it adds nothing to Reddit or "the conversation"

The srdine is a joyless creature

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>caring about reddit or "the conversation"

What a bunch of cute twinks.

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(((the conversation)))

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That’s how they get you

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Excuse me but how can you be on the right side of histerino if you aren't part of the conversation.

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*herstorino, buckerino

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>its a "sardine hates drama" episode


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What is "the conversation"?

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Looking at his post history, I think "the conversation" is posting about baseball, overwatch, fallout76, but also trying to sound like a wise Jedi on /r/space

I wouldn't say the answer to the entire physical universe. Social interaction isnt a mathematical equation. Live a good happy life and teach others what weve learned. Create some crazy stuff that emboldens the spirit. That alone plays a part in the universe.

Have fun out there. Dont get bogged down.

lmao he transphobic


It clearly didnt need to be filled in

Its a useless question in context.

Once again you refused desperately needed blood to get a news article


Stop replying to me. Youre literally doing nothing but making me Y.A.W.N

you refused life saving blood over an agenda


trans men can get pregnant. The form, and that question, needs to be filled out for a reason… even by men

He's a Honduran immigrant that is very into atheism, but he hasn't figured out why saying "wait-- men don't have uterus" gets him 50 downmarseys

so um, that's the conversation ig?

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trans men can get pregnant. The form, and that question, needs to be filled out for a reason… even by men

Is that post 2 years old? Lmao everyone thought that back then.

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Nerds (medical term) think every social interaction needs to be a discussion/debate - otherwise it's not worth the emotional labor, which they expend a lot of due to their anxious autism. This is why you often find them use phrases like "it contributes nothing", "it's not a discussion", "it's not a valid argument" and bringing up logical fallacies regardless of context.

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Nerds can't have a conversation about just chit chat so this tracks

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OP, rdrama dot net currently redirects to a sign in page, which means no lurkers can see what they're posting about without an account. This wasn't the case before so I think they're freaking out because the judge called them out. Things got spicy so I think you should add that into your post


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jesus christ that thread is painful to read. srdines are the most r-slurred people on earth

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a power janny here mods that sub apparently, that stickied comment. disgusting :marseypuke:

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Justcool is our :marseyglow:. They act just insufferable enough to fit in with the SRDines.

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Justcool is a whiny cute twink, tbh

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I love you


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love you too :marseyvampirelove:

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I knew I'd seen you somewhere before..

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JC dindu nuffin

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jc :marseyblowkiss:

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Imagine being an SRDine and living such a cucked existence :soycry: :marseydicklet:

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r drama dot net just went private? I can't access their website because it automatically redirects to a log in page. OP should add that in the post. rdrama is panicking over this.


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Oh no! I hope Dr. Oaken doesn't hear about this or else the US Marshalls AND the FBI will team up after us! Oh God oh God oh God oh God!!! Aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!


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“this has gone past the stochastic!”



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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren: Reset the counter! Current counter was: 0 days 00 hours 02 minutes and 29 seconds

Record is 0 days 22 hours 00 minutes and 00 seconds by Tonberry

longest streak broken in the last 7 days was Openinternetpls which was 0 days 16 hours 06 minutes and 09 seconds

██            4  10-20
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████████████   23 10-23
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█████████████ 26 10-25

Best friend is aminobastard with 6 mentions

rdrama is currently running at 206.760 µBardyhertz with 570 total mentions since 2022-09-24 kltnsjvbcgwzncgvmfjhplvychvpxlrzbfyxhsntrlbgqfnlqqdkdsjszwpskwhdgmssclhmkfklgsxcrzzsxfrbvvtknrzqznpg

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Truly, putting in a throwaway username and password is a Herculean task for a :marseycanned:

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I really don't get these rdrama dorks...don't they realize how absolutely irresponsible they're being?

Yes that's why it's fun. Honestly, some people.

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Also it's not irresponsible at all. If you're r slurred enough to believe the shit u read on the internet...it's over.

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:marseypearlclutch2: but... it has mods that claim to be experts

if you can't trust some guy on the internet that says he's an expert-- then everything I have surrounded myself with for years might be wrong and scary.

this is literally so fricking dangerous :marseyscared:

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r drama dot net just went private? I can't access their website because it automatically redirects to a log in page. OP should add that in the post. rdrama is panicking over this.

For the ootl, rdrama dot net is an offsite version of /r/drama, a backup in case the orignal sub got banned. They orchestrated this and if I put the url in, I can't see any posts, you have to sign in/up which definitely wasn't the case before.

A SRDine being confidently incorrect? :marseymanysuchcases:

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Reportmaxx him for linking to a forbidden website

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Lmao they cant even mention this place without being banned

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The only good thing about reddit's auto-filter is that it makes it harder for people who don't know about it to spoil bait

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rotfl merely mentioning us causes them to be struck with lightning :troll:

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hahaha this SRDine is really saying that lying on reddit should be illegal :marseyemojirofl:

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Which one of you scumfrick traitors gave this fricking ladygarden our precious URL?

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idk maybe he'll mellow out

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>It is from an alt right 4chan adjacent site - the one that /r/drama uses to ban evade. Hopefully it results in the site getting shut down for unlawful activity.

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>It is from an alt right 4chan adjacent site - the one that /r/drama uses to ban evade.

:#marseygasp: ban evading isnt very lawful law.

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4chan adjacent

SRDines are dumb as frick, but still.


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I feel bad for the poor Mexican who has to explain that the sky is blue to the beefcake :marseytrain:

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Haha that fricking gif cracks me up. Such peril!

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I made that comment :marseyill:

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Darn...ban evading? That's fricked up.

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They think not submitting to gigajannies and building your own internet is ban evading and bad.. They're beyond saving or just masterbaiters

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Wait ... Do redditors think reddit rules are actually real laws?

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Seriously what kind of galaxybrained shit is that, how do you ban evade by not even using the fricking website? :marseylaughpoundfist:

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we're not ban evaders we're ban invaders

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yes, most of them are that fricking stupid

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Their whole lives are rebbit so to them rebbit rules basically are law

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Which one of you wrote this?

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This wasn't the case before so I think they're freaking out because the judge called them out."

hahaha do SRDines really?

What a fantastic display of how stupidly Reddit moderation works, that will get national coverage, just when Reddit is trying so hard to look professional in getting ready to go public.

"Hi, we're Reddit, and we let any random idiot that just happened to be there first moderate our very public facing subreddits, often with very strong SEO'd names, and they can pick all their friends to help regardless of temperament or qualification, with no means of vetting by the community, or any input from the admins, and we routinely let them embarrass us on the national stage. Please invest."

:marseysoycry: you're an ebarassment to moderators everywhere!!!

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>A verified lawyer moderator with a 3-day-old account. Sure...lol

>You know it's fact when they self-verified themselves. :) Nope, nothing wrong there.

No fricking shit sherlock. These things aren't human.

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Drama sub hates drama


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I stopped trying to understand it, even the Quran has not had the answer to why they are this way brother

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Will /r/Justice4Darrel be held as sahih hadith in Islamic drama history? :marseysalat:

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the sad part is it's been that way for years. Sub got taken over like so many others on reddit by gigacute twink professional victim wingcucks and like everything else they touch the place is just joyless endless seething about imaginary nazis now.

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For spreading harmful misinformation and intentionally inciting a mistrial, AKA obstruction of justice? Absolutely. The judge already confirmed the FBI are involved.


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Marshall is on his way.

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>Judge says law enforcement

>Sardine hears FBI

Not even a federal crime lol

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Still not sure what crime it would be lmoa

Why are srdines like this

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Shhh don't blow my cover

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Is /u/deuce232 one of us or just r-slurred? I can’t tell. All of these srdines are very stupid.

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It would be impressive if it was an undercover dramachad

no, just a massive twink

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It's a bunch of edgy Keemstar wannabes trying to be kiwifarms but failing in the most cringe way possible.



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We are much classier than :marseypuke: Kiwifarms :marseykiwi:

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Also much gayer

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I fricking hate them so much. What has kiwifarms done besides doxx a train with a picture of her bed sheets?

Abortion bounties, /r/place, the shooter who shitpost on /r/loveforlandlords, outing libertarians on /r/teenagers, like 100 other ops, and now this. Kiwifarms is trying to be us if anything

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KF has caused the death of over 300.000 :!marseytrain:s due to doxing, harassment and stochastic terrorism

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Only 300,000? Pathetic. :marseydisgust:

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Frick off non-american

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cala boca gringo gordo idiota

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>Keemstar wannabes

Aww heck no

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I don't even know what a keemstar is :marseyboomer:

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And you're a happier person for that.

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Oh no. Super heckin golly. I sure hope that guy who made up being a juror doesn't get in trouble for the crime of lying on the internet.

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Being stupid enough to believe anything in that bait sub should be grounds for imprisonment IMO.

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>Bunch of gross altright frickwads.

EVERYTHING I DON'T LIKE IS ALT RIGHT :#marseyleftoidschizo:

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If you have to flee to evade reddit jannies, you clearly are doing something fishy and immoral.

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once it reaches 50k likes, it becomes a felony :marseyxd:

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For people who claim to think ACAB they sure are eager to expand police powers.

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These people dont actually vel8eve anything, if jonh oliver said libertarians were ok tommorow theu would all be signing up for NAMBLA

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literally anything is a crime if a DA or judge wants it to be

you think that pissing off a judge, especially in a high profile case, won't land you in jail?

Laws are apparently made up on the spot to jail people

I’m sure the mods on SRD shower at least, so that’s good for any interview with Fox News.

No they don't they're mods.

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Mass Media blatantly lying: I sleep

Random reddit post posting obvious satire: REAL SHIT

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No see they published a redaction 4 weeks later correcting their mistake! That make it on, sometimes you just have to report unverified obvious propaganda

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Please be gentle :marseycock:

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What's hilarious is that when that juror post first got made it barely got any engagement, it only had like 20 comments and I was like ok nobody is gonna believe this stuff any more it seems like people gave up and dont care.

Man was I wrong

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day of the can is needed expeditiously

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They’re so humorless it’s insane

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Apparently these r-slurs are so dumb they think a bait sub is "obstruction of justice". Gas all srdines. They are too stupid to live.

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Inshallah, rdrama grow's stronger every day.

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