[updated x5 - it's getting really good now] “It’s posted on rdrama.net and they certainly love that place”

edit: small fun update here, big ones down below the original text


:marseylaugh: :marseylaugh: :marseylaugh:

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Very abridged highlights reel, more to follow. Powerlessjannies went predictably berserk and have continued throughout the night. These were some of my favorites.

If you’re just tuning in to this horrifically depressing saga, I’d recommend starting with their initial plans to “play to users’ psychology” and close half the site until Reddit does what they want and the next-day admin response to their cries.

Key takeaways:

  • Belle’s “I’m leaving forever and I really mean it this time” meant exactly as much as it did the first 747382828 times she said it. She is still hideously ugly, for anyone keeping score.
  • Mr. Mega: there were no new screenshots because we were building dramatic tension and letting the admin response simmer for the evening before posting this one. You weren't hidden. I'm sorry.
  • They considered going against the chadmins and closing everything immediately because “lives are at stake,” but handwringing from BelleAriel & Co. about losing their incredibly important internet moderator positions made them come to their senses.
  • They intend to cry to more dead media outlets and get them to screech that Reddit is LITERALLY KILLING PEOPLE if their impotent demands aren’t met.
  • They’re actively watching us 🤗 I know you guys run in different - and yet equally embarrassing - circles, but I’d recommend reading this thread and this one too, if you’d like some things to be mad at Reddit for that actually matter. Please stop enabling child abuse and womanbeating. It’s not cute.

Anyway thanks for all the content, I’ll continue scrolling later. Stop banning innocent people to stop the “leaks” - it’s not doing anything lol

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Update 1: They‘re planning to mass tweet at Reddit advertisers on Monday lmao


Update 2: New plan is to - oh my god - write to their congressmen. Using a Reddit bot.


Update 3: Not a development, but definitely my favorite quote of this whole affair so far.


Update 4: This update is a few pieces long. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

First we have the beginnings of a very long discussion about unionizing. An unpaid internet janitor union with negative value whose replacements can be easily automated or done by literally any shut-in.


Our boy conalfisher is once again the voice of reason though. Join us here conal!


Merari (lmao) has unironically declared jannie to be a transphobic slur. You cannot make this shit up.


Seb (I think he's meant to be the leader of this shitshow?) has directly linked the main image of this thread :daydream: He's not happy!


He's demanded that everyone in that screenshot change their Groomercord display name so as not to reflect their Reddit identity which they think will allow them to operate anoynmously, since they have realized the futility of trying to stop the "leaks". Let's see how that goes for them.


Update 5: Seb thinks he figured out the leak issue! I will refrain from updating for a few hours. Is this because you got me Seb? Or am I playing along? :nervous:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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Please spez, reddit. Demod all these people, not that I care about reddit or whatever but seeing them cry would literally be the highlight of the year it would be so glorious. Let's keep hoping whoever the leaker is keeps eluding them, they're SO mad

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if we shit down our subs, Reddit is fricked

Or they just use their admin powers to unlock everything and permaban the people ruining their website, and find new autists to use for below minimum wage in the morning

A girl can dream

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Darn I wonder how many people I killed today just by coming here!

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I have interned for a Congressman. FYI those mass emails, faxes, or mailers to your congressman get counted and shredded. All the Congressman gets is a monthly google sheet that says 50 letters for gun control, 30 against gun control, and 10 for universal income. I guarantee that resistbot might not even be read because of how useless that info is. When anyone can spam there Congressman it means nothing.

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Hey, it's me, in the first screenshot!

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Hi CNN, BBC and all the media outlets and Congress critters! Put me in your screenshots! Seriously you should get on this plebbit drama because it's better optics for you than getting BTFO in Afghanistan.

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Me too!

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I don't think I am being followed by news outlets, sadly. I'm not that important!

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omg a real powerjanny on arrdrama

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I wouldn't call myself a "power" janitor since I only mod one sub, but hi! 👋

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They really invited every mod to that groomercord? Amazing this stuff didn't get leaked earlier

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No idea. I also don't remember how I got invited there, tbh! Things got leaked pretty much the same day it started for me, so I'm under the impression it was pretty fast.

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Why didn't you decide to sweep up fecal matter in a less pathetic sub than leotardsridemyface?

Also, how's the healthcare plan of your moderator job?

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I choose r/LeopardsAteMyFace because I enjoyed the type of irony found there. Something about people wishing harm onto others only to suffer from that same harm was oddly satisfying. By modding it, I get to see such posts most days of the week!

As for my healthcare plan, it is being paid by my government through taxpayer money. Roughly a third of my salary is being deducted by the government and it finances everyone's healthcare, among other things. To be honest, I like it. If I had to pay every penny of healthcare I used all by myself, I just wouldn't be able to afford it.

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This isn't a leftie echo-chamber like your sub is. We make fun of everybody, and we don't give a darn about offending freaks and bums, no matter their politics. Dems and lefties get no free passes.

:marseyonacid: :marseyjam: :marseyonacid: :marseyjam:

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I'd rather stay in a leftie echo-chamber, thank you very much!

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Question. Why do you guys only make fun of right wingers fricking up but are quick to remove any content showing the lefties fricking up?

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The frick-ups have to fit the theme of the subreddit. There's plenty of room for left-wing frick-ups, but somehow it just doesn't get posted. And when there's some anti-left post, somehow it's always "black people bad", agendaposting, bad-faith takes or straight-up lies and it doesn't fit, so we remove it. If you actually find left-wing frick up that fits the subreddit, please post it!

One example I thought of was if you found someone that voted for Biden instead of Bernie in the primaries but then cries because there's no student debt cancellation or no universal healthcare, then that would fit.

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Because it's a cult. You know he's only here for damage control right?

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Don't you get tired of how one way r/LeopardsAteMyFace is?

Stay here, we laugh at everyone, it's much better than the neoliberal shithole that is reddit.com.

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Yeah, I think every mod in r/LeopardsAteMyFace is kinda tired of the COVID-19 death news. It's pretty grim. We haven't found or settled on a solution to improve things on this side. We're just, like, unpaid Internet janitors, man.

I don't plan on overstaying my welcome though. I'm pretty happy with my daily dose of r/SubredditDrama, I don't need more!

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I like the idea of medicare for all, but I don't see how it would ever be viable in the United States. It works very well for Europe and Canada, but that's due to their comparatively small sizes - both geographically and population-wise - I think. While the insurance system is a shitshow for a lot of people, I'm not sure what a better alternative would be. At least not one that would be palatable to the power systems in place right now. I'm a big fan of a model like -

Free healthcare for everyone, unconditionally. But:

  • BMI must be between 17 and 25. Probably include some stipulation about body fat percentage for the > 25 crowd to account for bodybuilders.

  • Must pass a drug test (urine or blood, depending on the cost of the service) before any appointment at all.

  • Drug test includes tobacco.

  • Failing a drug test, or any arrest for possession, results in a 2-year ban from this healthcare system. Insurance is available, though.

  • Free for all pregnant women and for 24 months postnatal mothers.

The nonsensical body positivity movement would take issue with this, of course. And so would the weed crowd. And so would the collection of incredibly offensive people who would call it racist, because they can't get it through their heads that being black doesn't predispose one to drug use. But it's an extremely viable and fair system that incentivizes healthy behaviors and provides even more reason to abstain from criminality. And there's no reason anyone should have to pay for Toothless Cletus' 3rd fentanyl overdose, or 250-lb-Lafawnda's Big Mac-induced triple bypass.

What does a European (or Canadian?) think?

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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And there's no reason anyone should have to pay for Toothless Cletus' 3rd fentanyl overdose, or 250-lb-Lafawnda's Big Mac-induced triple bypass.

By the same token, I don't want to have Bubbly Bridget's fifteen child clogging up our sewerage lines with a fat turd every single day because she gamed your shitty woke feminist healthcare system and doesn't have to pay a cent.

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Carp, you may want to look up the definition to the word "unconditionally".

:marseyonacid: :marseyjam: :marseyonacid: :marseyjam:

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You could also just subsidize it, which is not only way cheaper but has almost the same result.

Sadly in the realms of burgerland using economic tools to solve problems doesn't happen, so you're just fricked.

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I think it should still be free to fat people, drug users and criminals.

It can even be used to positively influence people away from bad habits. When you go to the doctor (for free) and you're fat, they're going to tell you about your health situation. Same if you used substances and do an overdose, you're going to have "the talk" and be referred to mental health professionals. Same for criminals, you'll be put in prison. But you'll still receive health care as a human right.

Can it work in the United States? Yes, I am certain it can. The United States have a massive healthcare infrastructure and way too much of its income goes to "administration".

A cost-effective approach would be to nationalize all private insurances and merge them into one public insurance + nationalize all that juicy infrastructure. Citizens are pitching in through taxes and are automatically insured. Since that public insurance and infrastructure is not for-profit, there's no pennies that will be lost in "administration" and all costs can be driven down massively. That's not even Sanders' plan if I recall correctly, he wants to just extends "medicare" to cover everyone but keep the existing infrastructure in place.

Public healthcare even drives down the cost of private healthcare. In many instances, it's cheaper to fly to Spain, get treated here, do a tour of Europe and fly back to the US than just using the US' healthcare.

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That degree finally paying off

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We do have power

no, your position is maintained by a database entry controlled by the person you want to take on, you are literally 1 keystroke away from not having any power at all times.

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UNIONIZATION NOW! I can't believe there isn't an union for the most hardworking, most deserving employees yet.

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Baby can u just inject these updates right into my arm vein?

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Finally, I'm included in one of the screenshots.

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Where can I go to apply to be a scab-mod when they unionize?

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We as volunteers can have certain expectations, if not even legal rights tbh

They do have rights in this case... just step down and you don't have to do it anymore lmao.

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lmao who do these people think they are?

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The working class of the 21st century

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we have as much power to unionize as amazon workers do

I think conal has been reading rdrama and realizing how r-slurred this whole thing is


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Stop Stop Stop!!!!

My sides are killing me, I can only take so much!

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I live in Morrowind, and it fricking sucks. I made a thread about this a lonnnng time ago, but this bears repeating.

  1. Dwemer armor and weapons are more expensive in Morrowind. The prices are ridiculous, and it's hard for me to justify buying dwemer even though I feel it's important for fans to make an effort to support the industry.

  2. If you are a girl, you will be groped and treated like shit. I have had men grab my butt in public 7 different times in the past year and a half. My Dunmer friends say that women should just grit their teeth and bear it, since if you try to do something about it you will be publicly shamed. I also feel dirty and pathetic when these incidents occur.

  3. Guild culture in Morrowind is...intense. You are expected to show up at social gatherings even if you do not want to. And at these social gatherings people have the EXACT SAME CONVERSATIONS AGAIN AND AGAIN. I've had like 50 conversations about having seen a mudcrab the previous day. You have to say "good morning" every day in a very specific way, and if you don't then someone will approach you and tell you that's not how things are done at the XYZ's guild.

  4. The people treat outlanders like shit. Even the ones who try to be nice come across as condescending and rude by Cyrodiilic standards. There are also a large number of Dunmer men who think outlander women are sluts and that they can get you to open your legs at the drop of a hat. Frickers.

I wish all the Morrohiles could actually visit GLORIOUS RESDAYNIA. They'd change their tune.

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Does that mean we will get more dragonbornXbosmertwink comics?

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I fricking hope so

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All those words won't bring daddy back.

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