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Admins can still see it, so it's not the best fix, but if it'll make an alt last a little longer who cares.
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Record is 0 days 22 hours 00 minutes and 00 seconds by Tonberry
longest streak broken in the last 7 days was Openinternetpls which was 0 days 16 hours 06 minutes and 09 seconds
Best friend is aminobastard with 6 mentions
rdrama is currently running at 209.983 µBardyhertz with 580 total mentions since 2022-09-24 mldgmclfzbggyzjvfggzhzqghcrjljgtyrmgzprvpfrhlzvndmfktxvnftyzvcfgnfgbsgffmntdpqhddjrvtlkwwkzlrjklzmrj
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