What /pol/ thinks of us






They kinda got us with that last one ngl

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Literally half the /pol/tards were buying it before the mods changed the banner. They are complete smoothbrains

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They really are so at least 80% of them were crying about how the post sounded like someBIPOC jewish chad cute twink redditor from israel wrote it. They’re like dark-redditors or nega-reddit.

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Maybe there's a BIPOC Redditor inside all of us

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We all bear the original sin of Reddit.

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Old testament god exiled me, new testament jesus brought me back!

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Praise Bussy

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Not I, son of /b/ from the mid 2000s.

4chan retirement home, 4ever. :marseyexcited:

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probably the most reddit comment in the thread

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Free the sneed, my BIPOC.

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If I can’t even read this our federal agent friends surveilling us rn have frick all chance

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Wdym? I can read their comment :marseyexcited:

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Oh god take it out! Take it out!


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It’s our lizard brain being expressed.

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I can suck my own peepee so yeah kinda

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>They’re like dark-skinned redditors or neighbor-reddit.



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The proper term here is "giganeighbor"

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>They’re like dark-redditors or nega-reddit.

Far left r-slurs of the national socialist stripe are just as r-slurred as the far left r-slurs of the socialist stripe.


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>Far left pol


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Yeah, national socialism and communism are two sides of the same totalitarian coin. They only differ slightly on the central planning question for the economy and in rhetoric. Nazis want to uplift one specific group to its peak, with a heavy helping of the state, while communists want to help "everyone" (i.e. those in their in-group, the believers, so not everyone).

One of the biggest ruses in academia is the Left convincing people that Fascism is "far right."

If you're ever in a /pol/ thread, assert that they're far left and enjoy the show. :marseypopcorn:

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That's what rightardism does to your brain.

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The Christianity threads convinced me that half of them aren't even rightoids, just hardcore contrarians. Whatever Redditors say, they say the opposite.

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That's it really. Same shit with Ukraine, they were jerking off far-right and nationalist UA groups but the moment mainstream said Putin bad, invasion bad half of /pol/ turned on khokhols. :marseyitsover:

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/uhg/ and /chug/ exist as fast threads simultaneously since you can be contrarian both ways

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contrarian both ways



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>"Nato and bidem are for globohomo but Ukraine is white and racist like I am. Russia is filled with muslim asiatic hordes so frick em"


>"Ukraine is white and racist like I am but Nato and biden are for globohomo. Russia hates gays and globohomo so it's based"

Imagine thinking /pol/ is one person

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What are those?

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ukraine happening general - pro ukraine

comfy happening in ukraine - pro russia

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  • Qar : Were they? :marseyshook:

I’m pretty sure most /pol/tards were anti-hohol from the start.

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If that's the case I would take rightardism over it.

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Doing the opposite of whatever redditors do is the best way to conduct your life… you just need to understand that the opposite of political extremism is centrism and not political extremism of another flavor

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They still clinging onto the "no refunds" thing while literally everyone else has moved on.

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/pol/ hasn't done literally anything notable since the HWNDU sagas, get fricked rightoids :marseylaugh:

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Very funny that /pol/ itself was ruined by mass brownoid immigration into their native lands.

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The fbi admitted in court they post regularly on 4chan so i just assume everyone there is a fed.

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The fbi admitted in court they post regularly on 4chan

I've been hearing of bullshit scandals of what the FBI supposedly does since the 1960s but this one finally gets me mad. They posted on 4chan??? Isn't that illegal???

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They submitted documents to the court printouts of 4chan threads with (You)s in them.

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The fbi r*ped my girlfriend and forced me to pay child support

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When did the FBI admit to that? What specifically are you referencing?

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It was revealed to him in a dream

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They had a court case they submitted printouts of a 4chan thread with (You)s in them

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i assume everyone here is a fed to. and me. i'm prolly fed too. jeez i'm due a lot of backpay by now.

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Most poltards are latinxs or arryans (Indians)

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/pol/ is now full of people 40-60 years old, who are nostalgic over their myspace and facebook glory days, and come to /pol/ to be propagandized to, because they want to be given a lens in which the world and their feelings makes sense

I remember almost 10 years ago when it was the neurospicy dregs of society sharing a special interest in tanks, lol :foreveralonehappy: :!foreveralonehappy:

People would stan meme ideologies for fun, and pile on anyone coming off as too serious. Tons of neurodivergents who played too many map conquest games... a third of them have probably assimilated into Thomas by now :marseythomas:

yet 50 year olds really be coping, seething, and seriousposting about their personal problems on /pol/ all day and then acting like they are keeping up some great /pol/ legacy :marseyeyeroll2:

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/pol/ was always filled with rightoid cutetwink spergs lol

Don’t remember tank posting, that was not really their thing :marseyshrug:

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8chan actually did most of the work. They had a dedicated /hwndu/ board , if I recall correctly.

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yeah but 8chan was full of :marseypedo: so it doesn't count

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That's true for any chan though.

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but especially that place

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Rip that place

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I thought it still existed?

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Their new site is full of qtards. Idk what happened but it’s definitely not as fun as it used to be :marseygiveup:

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We're literally a reddit fork lol why wouldn't we care?

Also lmao @ "it was /b/" like the chans have been relevant in the past 5 years

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4chan fricking sucks any opportunity to have fun is instantly jannied and 90% of posts are r-slurred wojacks.

Can't even lee bait anymore

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a tale as old as time @jannies


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I hope that @jannies checks his 0 comment pinkoid account every day to lurk and finds dozens of pings telling him to kill himself

@jannies kill yourslef

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Does /b/ do anything anymore? It seems like a shadow of its former self.

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I went there once and there were threads about butthole stretching

to me, it just looked like an edgy porn dumping board full of people that were either too young to be there, inebriated, or mentally r-slurred

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I haven't been on b since 2009 but it was never good lol

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In the 2006-2010 era you had to wade through a thousand trash threads to find one incredible happening, but that one happening was juicy enough to make it all worth it. Now they just have the trash and :marseytrain: porn but without anything to make sifting through the piss worth it

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It's just full of BBC,sissy porn and schizos

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Luckily this doesn't apply to rdrama lol

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nah we're far more into twinks and trains

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Rdrama is honestly closer to the /b/ of 10 years ago than the current board is

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Especially /b/ of all places lmao.

What would /b/ do, spam reddit with porn?

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I mean most of literally came here for reddit and I assume most of us use smaller subs on reddit. Its the main subs and redditisms that give me butt cancer.

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most of us are banned from reddit.

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Whenever I made a new account it's 3 days max before I get banned.

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Keep going, king. Make sure their jannies get their hard-earned $0 per hour.


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Oh yes. I'm sure they're distraught over being forced to do the grueling task of one click banning some r-slur every three days.

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Mimwee is better at this than you.


@MarseyIsMyWaifu :marseywave2: :marseymarseylove:

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The only thing mimwee would be productive in would be a cage, for psychology research.

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Why are you doing janny apologism? :marseyraging:

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As am I, I just lurk and crosspost to here

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I'm a suspendedcel

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Im an SDTA-1040cel.

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i lost count of my suspensions

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This is a sign. You’ve gotta expand your reach to other sites

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Nothing hits quite like baiting a smug redditor. I don't know what is it about redditors that makes it so kino to troll them.

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i thinks its always gun to watch a gentle’sir lose their shit

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i thinks its always gun to watch a gentle’sir lose their shit


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Who doesn't enjoy kicking the cage of a smug r-slur? We use the same ideological crap they do and crank it to 11, which causes them to rage. There's also so many of them, so it's just one big happy event for us.

:!marseypopcorntime: :marseypop2: :!marseysnoo: :marseypopcorntime:

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We don't even crank it to 11, just a little bit of exaggeration. We just apply their ideology consistently to a slightly different unapproved situation.

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Yes. We are very subtle

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Maybe it’s because they give you exactly the exaggerated reaction you’d expect from who spends too much time on the internet?

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Twitter's where it's at nowadays.

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We do NOT pretend to. NOT be obsessed with plebbit

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Haha yeah :marseysweating:

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rdrama is a 4chan retirement home, get off my fricking lawn yotsubabies

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Lmfaoooo we live rent free.

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Btard retirement home, it's undeniable

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>They kinda got us with that last one ngl

But why didnt they say 'n!99er k!ke' rather than 'n!99er jew'? The inconsistency offends me more than the racism.

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Half of the posters here (rightoids) are avid /pol/ schizos. So definite overlap happening.

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Any post about the vaccine :marseyohno::seethejak: brings them all out.

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don't forget melting down and pooping and pissing their pants when they see a mask

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How can vaccine mentions bring out rightoids if there are no rightoids on rDrama? :marseyjam:

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How can half of the posters here be rightoids if dramanauts are not rightoids because it’s not possible for them to be since there are no rightoids on rDrama? :marseyjam:

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Anon brings up something funny


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They jelly

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When did /pol/ become such humorless ladygardens?

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/pol/ is still a thing? I thought CNN made it up. Do they have cute cats?

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people on pol still think that it's a legit juror

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░░░░░░▐▌▀▄▀▄▀▐▄SPOOKY SKELETON




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Ironic coming from the dumb BIPOCs who define their personality by always trying to do the opposite of Reddit.

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That's us also kinda

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*gasp* Blasphemy :marseypearlclutch:

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I’m a BIPOC jew are you are you?

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I can't remember what law it was, but leave not an ember of your enemy or they will return as a fire. Something like that. This sub /r/drama was a bunch of dorks who just laughed at morons on reddit and abroad. Including reddit. And the protected class which was white trains, and white foids (in that order). The admin's couldn't take that and slowly kept imposing weird butt rules ont eh sub. The mods in their infinite neurodivergentc wisdom so a perma ban coming. This is why the site exists and why /r/drama is just emotes.

Reddit admins done fricked up.



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