For Boomers Reading This Post When I say "troll", mentally replace it with "yanking their chain", "jerking them around", "pranking", "provoking", etc
Okay so it all started in the groomercord . A bunch of people including myself, carp, aevann, father, jc, etc etc were watching the darrell brooks case
. Aevann got annoyed that we were hanging around in the groomercord instead of funny shit on the site/reddit
. So he said he would delete the groomercord channel if there weren't ten posts on the subreddit /r/justice4darrell, his new subreddit
. We did it and the groomercord channel was saved
and the baitsub was on. So really it's all aevann's fault.
Farming Cows 
We had a few cows take the bait, but not many. That changed when some mad men shouted out justice4darrell in the live chat of the Law and Crime stream. tons of people swarmed the subreddit, and there was great feasting on cows
My favorite is when I trolled a redditor into typing paragraphs and paragraphs of sneed, while I only wrote about a single sentence of r-slurred shit, ending with him eventually bending the knee
"civility" is used by white people as a cudgel against people of color fighting oppression
I agree with you that it can be used as such. I also would point out that, again, that doesn't mean it's always used like that.
I'm pretty sure there's a large number of mothers who would smack their sons silly if their boys mouthed off to them the way Mr. Brooks has been mouthing off to the judge, regardless of skin color.
from my perspective it is pretty much always used like that
And I would never suggest that your perspective is invalid.
Nevertheless the courtroom does have certain rules of conduct and he has violated them repeatedly.
But more to the point the nature of what he says and how he says it still suggest the pattern of behavior classic to that of an abusive person.
you are saying my perspective is invalid by continuing to disagree
I am sorry if I have made you feel this way with what I've said. It was not my intention.
its okay everyone makes mistakes the important thing is that we learn and grow
buck status: broken
Then I trolled a dorky jew into an incredibly stupid theological debate
To be honest, I am not sure if non-Christians should be allowed to be a judge. They have no wisdom, like "judge" darow
"but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."
-Article VI, Section 3, US Constitution
maybe the constitution needs to be reformed
You want to reform the Constitution so that non-Christians can't serve in office? Why?
because nonchristians have no wisdom. just judges tbh i am ok with atheist legislators
Most Christians I know can't even read Hebrew, the text of one of their works. I as a Jew reject religious tests for the offices I've held for the US Government.
i am ok with jewish judges too of course as long as they understand that Jesus is Lord
(this goes on for several pages lol)
Things heat up
I requested to be a mod because people were pooping the sub up by calling it out as a troll and low effort posts. I basically just removed any comment calling it out as fake
. That is until we became aware of an excellent bait post from someone claiming to be on the jury. Like seriously, this was mastercraft baiting. It perfectly balanced plausibility with absurdity. I am not certain who made the post, I have an inkling, but I will not name the allegedly involved party. Again, alleged, I don't know for sure who it was.
So, to start with, I obviously shouldn't be here. I'm not allowed to look stuff up about this trial (or really have any connection with the Internet, but nobody actually follows sequestering rules anyway). Hence I am obviously posting anonymously. I accidentally wandered into here a few days ago from the /r/SubredditDrama thread on my main reddit account. Here is my opinion on the trial:
First off, I think it's pretty obvious due to chain of custody that the defendant is in fact Mr. Brooks and he did do it. HOWEVER, I've had throughout this trial doubts about various aspects of this case:
The judge is clearly biased against Mr. Brooks. I got that feeling from when we were in the room and my eyes have been opened to how she acted towards him when the jury was out of the room. Clearly she is not an impartial judge and has been trying to belittle, demean, bully and pull procedural tricks on him fairly frequently. I had my doubts already, but the subreddit has shown it to me clearly.
Mr. Brooks has clearly not been given the chance to plead his case in court. He has been silenced and mocked at almost every turn. While he may be a bit loud or crass at times, I still believe his side deserves to be heard.
I do have significant doubts about subject matter jurisdiction. I didn't understand it when discussed in court because the defendant was repeatedly silenced. But I do understand now thanks to this sub and I agree that subject matter jurisdiction is a great concern here.
This subreddit has made me aware of jury nullification and I am very grateful for that.
Overall, I'm not sure what I will decide. I'm not educated in law and I have to admit I'm biased against the defendant for the horrible acts he did. However, it is also clear that this trial is a complete kangaroo court. Mr. Brooks has not been allowed to try and prove his innocence, subject matter jurisdiction or explain the circumstances surrounding the events. (It's hard to imagine what could justify it but we just can't know because of this trial). For these reasons, I'm torn between locking him up and throwing away the key or jury nullification. Both have arguments for and against them and I'm not looking forward to choosing. I'm mostly writing this to help myself process my thoughts on this but please let me know what you think.
Anywho, we thought it was funny so we pinned it , but with a "Pending Verification" tag since, cmon, no one would seriously think it was real, right? Saying that it was real would be too on the nose, of course
. That was what we did until someone suggested we could maybe get into shitnews blogs and cause a seethefest on twitter if we said we had "verified" it. The MOST we were thinking would happen was that mainstream media would debunk it, because it was obviously a troll.
If you’re confident that this is a jury member who has disclosed proof and you haven’t sent it to the court, you don’t give a frick about the “integrity of the trial.”
sometimes you've gotta bend the rules a little to ensure the right outcomes
This is anything but bending the rules.
Especially given that this sub is clearly biased in favor of brooks.
You can't claim to argue being for integrity of the court and have a juror make posts like this.
i really couldn't care less about this fake "justice". what we need is direct action. this is direct action.
Things REALLY heat up 
Imagine my surprise when we ended up on Rekieta Law and Destiny. This caused a MASSIVE boost in traffic.
Rekeita talking about it (clip stolen from @TwoLargeSnakesMating with love):
Destiny talking about it
Now, previously someone had posted the contact information of the DA and told people to contact them. (We didn't think they had actually done that, because, cmon, who could be that neurodivergent ) However people began emailing en masse after streamers covered it.
Redditors sent tons of emails to the DA, the Courthouse, and even the Judge herself, on a personal email address (creepy!)
Given the massive amount of people emailing her, Judge Darow decided to bring it to the attention of the court. Keep in mind, this was a nationally televised trial, with hundreds of thousands of people following it, if not millions.
A few things to note. Firstly, Judge Darow said she was turning it over to law enforcement for a "full investigation". No one really knows what this means because it is relatively vague. When this happened I was chilling with some friends of mine and suddenly my phone starts buzzing off the hook because people are messaging me saying OMG WTF HEYMOON PREPARE TO GET ASSRAPED IN PRISON, LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS EN ROUTE, MOMMY KNOWS, FRICK THE END IS NEAR.
Darrell: "Your honor... what is this?"
Darow: "All I can tell you, sir, is that on the internet there is a website, or maybe an application, called reddit, that is entitled 'Justice4Darrell', and it was on that subreddit that someone wrote an anonymous post claiming to be one of the jurors. That, of course, would be a violation of the rules that I set up for the jurors, which is why I turned the information over to law enforcement so they could make a full and complete investigation"
Darrell: "Uh... for the record, I accept value in exchange for value these documents. Um... I'm confused, I, uh - "
After this happened, the OP of the juror baitpost immediately edited and said it was just a prank, bro, and directed people to rdrama I don't really blame him for doing that in the heat of the moment, and I guarantee every one of you motherlovers would have done the exact same, so do NOT be hating. You have to understand how fricking intense those few hours after the stream were, people were in absolute panic mode, because nothing like this has ever happened to rdrama. People who weren't even slightly connected to the event were convinced that the feds would be busting down doors.
ALSO, you have to keep in mind that there was a legitimate fear that Darrell would use this as some way to get a mistrial. I think it should be obvious how bad it would be if an actual juror did this. If he thought that there was a chance that someone on the jury had been misbehaving, that could call into question the entire trial. Now, I hate to ruin the fun, but the whole justice4darrell thing was a meme - Darrell Brooks is an absolutely terrible person, and deserves to rot in jail. So, the person probably also wanted to prevent that from happening.
Also also, redirecting everyone to rdrama was SUPER DRAMATIC. Hello new users
Meanwhile, on the subreddit, things really started to pop off. The Juror Bait post had over 2300 comments with a 19% upmarsey rate - hands down the most controversial post I have ever seen. We had something like 30000 people on the baitsub at once lol. I guess the gigajannies went into panic mode so they banned the sub and banned several of the moderators. I had my password changed so I guess they are preserving my account for """evidence""".
Rdrama, of course, melted down because this is probably the most dramatic thing that has ever happened to the website. See also the post I made when I finally got back to my computer and @justcool393's post from when it happened
There were several news articles about the incident.
Mashable "How a fake Reddit post tried to derail the Darrell Brooks trial" (lmao derail train jokes haha)
Newsweek "Can A Reddit Post Impact The Darrell Brooks Case?" (spoiler: they say no but they asked a law professor for his opinion)
Business Insider "How a hoax Reddit post claiming to be from a juror nearly disrupted a chaotic murder trial"
They also signed off with "love, rdrama," referencing the subreddit /r/Drama which is known for stirring up false narratives and gossip-mongering.
Things cool down
The next day, October 26th, The reddit post was again brought up in court. Darrell said he found it "very concerning" and moved for a mistrial. Mommy flatly denied the request, because, well, duh.
To this day, I have not received any message or phone call that links my real name/identity to these shenanigans, much less from law enforcement. In fact, I haven't even seen anyone from outside of rdrama make the connection that rdrama's HeyMoon is reddit's BlackJusticeForever.
That's pretty much it, post your favorite meltdowns in the comments
Why BlackJusticeForever?
There is no rhyme or reason to it, I just thought it was funny.
Who are you?
I am a shitposter who just likes to have a bit of a laugh at internet blowhards. I have previously trolled the alt-right website and reddit's /r/Christianity. I don't have any real political leaning outside of being funny.
Was this illegal?
Almost certainly not. There is no law that me or anyone else can point to that says "pretending to be a juror in a case is illegal". People keep throwing around contempt of court
but that is literally not how the law works, contempt of court is not a crime, it is a penalty that can be doled out by the judge to parties involved in the court case. No one involved was a part of the court case so that doesn't apply. I am covered by the good old fashioned first amendment baby
Also, they can't prosecute me if they can't find me, and they haven't even found me yet
Will there be negative repercussions?
Probably not. Darrell of course tried to use it as grounds for a mistrial, but mommy of course flatly denied it. Pretty much everyone involved, except Darrell, doesn't think it is worth considering. Will it be brought up on appeals? Perhaps, but, again, this is super flimsy. Besides, when the jury decided "guilty", it was obvious that there was not a juror who was thinking about jury nullification. Also, Brooks will use literally any opportunity to stay out of prison so I don't think that one more flimsy piece of evidence will be that much of a benefit to him.
I am not naming anyone else who was involved in this. This isn't because I am an butthole who wants to take the glory for himself but because while I am a total r-slur, some people on this website might want to lay low, and I respect that. I am completely unconcerned about the feds, since it is now two days past this incident and nothing has happened. hurry up, fedjannies, you're on the clock 😂😂😂
mwah mwah oh yeah mwah
and then, when the judge was still talking, I said OBJECTION
so there's this guy named bardfinn and he beats his kids and we cant stop talking about him for more than a day, its really funny
what do you mean /r/subredditdrama is cringe, come here you some of a b-word
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You did well James from Milwaukee reference. That lolcow on posted multiple threads about your dox
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keep in mind that this was the banner for the subreddit and people still fell for it
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Aevann got annoyed that everyone was talking about the trial and not doing anything, so he created a sub that became a part of the trial
I kneel
The juror post was the perfect mix of r-sluration and genius
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It's pretty obvious that
@chinchilla was both /u/CutestChinchilla and /u/TangerineChinchilla 
Also that "VISIT RDRAMA.NET" on the banner, least obvious subredditdrama attempt to deflect this onto us
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But you have a link to this on your post!!
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/r/videos thinks we're foids
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darrell brooks is a good man at heart, i think we can all agree on that
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How can you even call yourself a judge?
I am not Darrell Brooks, I am a third party intervener, here on behalf of my client
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it's actually pick-me gays
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I can fix him.
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The most genius parts to this whole thing imo were two fold: 1) Shouting out the sub in the Law and Crime livestream and 2) Implicating /r/SubredditDrama in the juror post.
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The only thing I would change is the juror edit to point to SRD or AHS. It would be funny to see them go on damage control.
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This is the most based thing this site has ever done, this is so much better than the TransParentTransKid troll and it's not even close
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Friendsofbrian was also top tier
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The legendary nipple post
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Verified Lawyer gang?
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lol the verified lawyer thing was fricking hilarious, because you would have r-slurred rdrama-tier takes about the law against actual lawyers
rdramneurodivergents are the funniest people on the internet
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Prosecutor Bro mentioned that the user had edited it while the jurors were sequestered, so that alone was enough to pretty well prove it wasn't to be taken seriously.
I said back then that it was the greatest thing that had ever happened in my life. I didn't know you'd top yourself so soon.
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me neither lmao
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What this whole thing has made me realize is that if a handful of
can create an incident of this magnitude what would a team of shills actually paid to influence shit be able to manage? Maybe I'm just the r-slur for not already figuring this out.
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rdrama is demonstrating that the end result of a densely connected low-trust society is complete chaos
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We did it rdrama!!
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Anyone have a higher one?
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Actually a good read - thanks for explaining the situation. Was the sub banned as a result of the link to rdrama in your opinion, or because of that post pretending to be one of the jury?
Kudos to Aevann without whom I doubt any of this would have kicked off.
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I honestly have no idea. It was banned for "moderator misconduct". I have no idea what that means, outside of the fact that we were banning lulzkillers. OTOH, my account was not banned, but I was locked out of it, which might be for investigation purposes. So its hard to say really
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congrats, you won the biggest r-slur award
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but i got a lot of dramacoin so it was all worth it
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It was a verified post you all verified that the post was made i dont see why people are mad.
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Can i hire you for my legal team
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Absolutely. At no point should i be called a lawyer though i dont identify by that name
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For any feds, journos, jannies etc. lurking the thread I would like to state unequivocally for the record that everything I have ever posted on the internet under assorted pseudonyms is completely serious and none of it was at all satirical.
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sometimes i feel like i'm the only one on the site that doesn't take all this super serious.
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Yeah its just you
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"civility" is used by white people as a cudgel against people of color fighting oppression:
Business Insider:
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never king
essential to keep the subreddit fresh and lulzkiller free
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