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As many oldstrags may know, /r/Drama used to be a diverse place with very open culture. This often resulted in people very much oblivious to the nature of the sub posting their personal drama that occasionally resulted in something actually entertaining, asking about theatre, or simply self promoting.
This was the case with Cut 2 The Chase TV, too. Around 2019/2020, he started sharing his videos, in which he used to dress up in a suit, fedora and a bowtie and commented over videos of people chimping out or doing dramatic things, fairly topical to the sub tbh. His views per video back then were in low thousands, sometimes struggling to crack 1k, albeit they did get some attention on the sub - some post examples here
Littlerock Arkansas Residents Threw A “CORONA PARADE” That Included Fights And Car Wrecks. 😱😱😱😡😡😡
White Battle Rapper Gets Punched In The Face For Saying The N Word
From Masculine To Sassy | The FEMINIZATION Of The Black Man's Image.
Eventually, the posts stopped, either he realized promoting on Reddit is pointless or he got his account banned, either on the sub or site wide.
I did, however, sub to him back then, and proceeded to not watch basically any video of his. I did see them in my subbox however, and a month or so ago, and noticed that our boy has cracked the elusive 100k mark Over time, it seems like he found his niche, and mostly reports on rappers shooting or beating each other, pulling in on average around 50k/video, pretty good for his sub count.
Small tangent, but I wanted to post this a month ago, but couldn't find his posts on the sub after 0 effort searching, partly because Reddit search sucks and partly he deleted so many videos, until realizing I installed a find on Reddit extension few months ago and can find his Reddit posts through that Quite useful shit.
Anyway, that's the post. Let this be an inspiration to all of you that you can make it big by spamming your passion projects on rDrama and building on it
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simping for rdrama. yikes. That too on Joan's ban
But once she realizes she can never show her fat ugly mug, she has since gave up her clout to be the center of simping for /r/drama and moved on to greener pastures where her fat lolcow tits are not something out of the ordinary.
@isern-i-phail Come back boo. How long have you lived split personalities, schizoid?
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Made it to FOTY 2024: (FAFFOT OF THE YEAR)
Her nomination reads: Used up whore who claimed to be "one of the boys" in order to receive incel validation, whilst already having a boyfriend IRL.
https://forums.edramatica.com/threads/cute twink-of-the-year-2024.3404/
Lawlz and Ed will never recover from this
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Which BIPOC was in charge of this?
Do you zoomers even know who that was? Imagine a lolcow like me X 6,000,000
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It was supposed to be one of the many offshoots of ardrama considering it was a huge subreddit with something like five hundred thousand followers (500,000) but it ended up shutting down in a matter of months just to never come back. Why is it that all the reddit offshoots end up shutting down or never coming to be their own thing because the mods are incompetent or just lazy?
- whyareyou : holes are stupid. let it die.
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Once many years ago, I asked "where do I learn more about this person DarqWolff?" and I was told "at /r/drama". And that is why I am here.
I made a post yesterday that I thought should be considered really legendary. And I felt sorry for myself that I didn't get the attention I felt I deserved. And then I remembered DarqWolff. I could never in a billion years hope to match him. We all have so much to learn.
!engineering !ifrickinglovescience
This is just the beginning. I haven't even gotten to the part where he throws an air conditioner at his stepdad or something. This guy was beyond the lolcow event horizon (but not way too far over it like Persephone).
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!oldfags !chiraqis @snallygaster this is a real deep cut. Read while listening to Dumb Hardcore EP for period-appropriate ambience.
In the early-mid 2000s, LightBlueExtra was a Chicago area music BBS with a focus on the punk and hardcore scenes. My parents would never let me go to shows, but my older brother was in the scene and back in the day he used to go to see bands at The Fireside Bowl and post on LBE (he's not in this thread, if you're wondering). It was a fun, laid-back forum with lots of random shitposting and their own custom word filters. One thing that made it different from other internet forums is that almost everyone on it knew each other in real life. The core group of users and jannies ("Elitist fucks") all went to middle school together or something. By the 2000s they all had shitty new grad jobs, and were going to see each others' bands play, sleeping with other people in the scene and occasionally internet bullshit would spill over into actual IRL drama or vice versa.
I sometimes lurked, but I was too scared to post with the cool 20-somethings. I always dreamed that I would grow up, get my bellybutton pierced, and pretend to be a cool bitch on the internet. But then, by the time I was in my 20s, Facebook, Instagram and Tumblr had killed forum culture. Today, LBE is a graveyard, and I was shocked to discover it's still online at all.
On January 31, 2005, OP threw down the gauntlet.
The link is broken now, but I found a snippet of the article on another old forum
The way many high school students see it, government censorship of newspapers may not be a bad thing, and flag burning is hardly protected free speech. It turns out the First Amendment is a second-rate issue to many of those nearing their own adult independence, according to a study of high school attitudes released Monday.
The original amendment to the Constitution is the cornerstone of the way of life in the United States, promising citizens the freedoms of religion, speech, press and assembly. Yet, when told of the exact text of the First Amendment, more than one in three high school students said it goes "too far" in the rights it guarantees. Only half of the students said newspapers should be allowed to publish freely without government approval of stories.
If you ever want a concise illustration of how American culture has changed over the last two decades, you could do worse than this: A bunch of 20-somethings were wringing their hands that a single youngun thought unpopular opinions should be censored. In 2005, 83% of high schoolers believed in
One poster waxed philosophical about grass and summer and debating important issues or something, but I just wanted to highlight his banger signature. Someone here should steal that. Somebody ping dinochads!
Soon enough, in the way of all forums, the grammar nazis arrived, ready to throw down and start shit with Dvorakcels
(I actually kind of love this guy. I hope he hasn't mellowed at all the last 19 years and we could be a power couple with massive egos picking fights with everyone over its/it's
This threat is funnier because unlike on most messageboards, when someone on LBE says "why don't you say that to my face?" there's at least a chance they will at the next show.
The Grammar King from Sorrow Mountain would be a good band name.
Anyway, it goes on like that for a while. I'm not going to screenshot the whole thread but !clinklickers it's worth a click because there's some medium-funny posts in the first few pages. By February, it looked like the thread had petered out to a natural ending:
But then, seventeen months later, a new challenger enters the ring: A self-professed 13 year old Australian downie...
Everything about this kid is peak 2006 and my heart is full of warmth and nostalgia to see it. Remember when people just posted whatever stupid obnoxious shit they wanted, and it wasn't about AI or politics or anything except a teenager acting retarded?
The regulars mostly ignore him for a while, but he keeps trying to get a rise out of someone...
By now, some people are getting into the spirit:
I didn't realize TRUTH was this old, tbqh.
That could have been meeeee!!! I could have been the bratty sister acting like a twat on my brother's forum and embarrassing him in front of his cool friends.
Everyone kind of thinks it's fake, or a sockpuppet or a @carpathianflorist alt - because really, what the fuck? How does some random Australian child even stumble on an obscure local forum?
And then he's back the next day! And the crazy thing is he might not actually be a fake...
...do Burgers say "stoked" and "legend"?
He also starts DMing people:
Two days later, he's back again:
A hundred posts in, he finally the OP and has some tHoUgHtS to contribute:
Our precocious troll makes another account specially for this single post:
He goes on for a few more pages, posting a bunch of random links like this blog about 'small meat processors' (lol) and a guide to finding the g-spot https://www.seductionscience.com/seduction/g-spot-376.htm
Some users are finally starting to be more annoyed than amused:
The old internet was great. Why do we never get random children trolling on this site?
'elp, 'elp, im being stereo typed!
I feel like you could make this same joke on rdrama today and get DC for it. Is dramatard culture directly descended from genX music boards?
Our little Roo declares victory:
Hey, someone see if bigwetbutts.com stood the test of time.
But that wasn't the last we'd see of our hero. A little over a week later, surprise!
@Harmless weighs in with the wisdom of the ages:
Oh, but has the trolling metaphorically boomeranged on him?
(I forget how it worked, but "negative rep" was like a downvote or something)
Cuckaroos can't compete.
And then, two weeks later, our protagonist fires off one last riposte before riding off into the sunset, never to be seen again:
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[This is a post by /u/TrappySaruh, a user of /r/drama back in the day (but not that far back, I was here first!) who was widely respected. Her explanation of why
s turn into commies. I recorded this on November 29, 2019 because I feared the reddit superjannies would destroy it
. It's possible it was written earlier or I copied it from someone else. We're supposed to have archives where you can find it.]
note in particular the lack of older (in yrs of transition) trans people that are involved in the broader transcommunity. in all my years of idling every kind of trans community, 1 constant: most of the people who are past their egg stage leave. theres a lot of reasons but the primary reason is that the transcommubity offers nothing to people who are "done". trans forums are full of mental illness that can easily suck up any happyness you have, especially if you're looked upto. imagine helping someone get over suicidal idealation only to have to deal with it again day after day after day.
because of this, what u get in very large communities (/r/traa) is a culture of people coming in, trying to figure out what to do and who they are, being mentored by people who largely just months prior were asking the same thing. repeat forever.
the final element is the general loss of purpose of life for, what seems like, most people. more people are online-only than ever before and a lot of people are deprived of deep fulfilling social connections.
what happens next has 3 stages:
1 -- conversion -- you have a vulnerable population (in the sense of confused and easily convinced by otherwise spacious arguments). communists come in and tell them that capitalism is the reason why they are suffering. capitalism and the systems embedded within it are the cause of the lose of purpose (living to make others profit isnt a fulfilling purpose). additionally, if it wasn't for profit above human suffering, HRT would be covered. SRS would be covered. everyone (not just trans but everyone) would be happier because they can work, or not work and do whatever they want and because of this hate and discrimination goes down. this means that the egg, whos likely greatest fear is 'looking like a 60 year old crossdressing transsexual', this provides fuel for anger to the egg who can think 'if i dont pass it is capitalisms fault'.
this message is popular, and it is effective. trans people are generally left anyway so being pulled far left is certainly easier than being pulled into some rightoid bs.
2 -- memes -- enough transposters have been converted into communists that it causes a feedback loop. communist eggs start mentoring new eggs, who learn the glory of communism and the evils of capitalism. a critical threshold is hit where there are enough clever posters (most people are bad at posting) that can make decent memes. this causes a tsunami of commie and bash-the-fash memes and all the other memes transpower memes you've seen.
meme subreddits come online at this point. once you know your trans, you dont really need /r/transgender and other misc subreddits anymore. they're more for questions about transitioning, hrt, news etc. so instead you create meme subreddits. meme subreddits are free-money in terms of subscribers, so they explode in size. meme subreddits quickly become THE trans subreddits, with /r/mtf /r/ftm //transgender and others being more specialized.
so back to the egg. imagine you're just starting to feel conflicted about your gender, and you look for information. what is the first subreddit you're going to find? /r/traaa and (lol) /r/egg_irl. what are they full of? communists. communism now becomes an implicit (not explicit) characteristic of being trans.
3 -- cult -- at this point, the commie meme is self sustaining. eggs come in already converted. communism becomes an important of the sense of community and friendship. everyone is friendly to each other, everyone is hugging and sqeueeing and "uwu"ing each other. "you go grrl!!", "frick pigs and their bootlicking fascists", etc etc.
what do you get with a hyper-friendly community that welcomes all but also has an obvious outlet for hate? you get a cult. because communism has become so deeply embedded into the culture of these communities, any friction against communist ideas, even only slight friction, cause a swift and immediate response. this leads into 1 person trying to defend themselves against 10+ people. others who might have similar misgivings but don't want to be ebicly dunked on by their friends keep quiet.
loud people are loud, and transcommies are very loud.
everything is great, and any criticism of it means you must be a traitorous self-hating who should leave.
i dont have sources for this or anything, its just my interpretation of watching the trans community since the 90s with a few embellishments. i might be wrong, or partly wrong, but its how i see it.
Found and copyapsted for you because I love this community so much
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Just because they're famous, doesn't mean they're not weird sometimes. Or, you know, all the time. From bizarre antics to weird videos and the odd witches' brew or two, the celebs on this list have done it all.TOP 10 CELEBRITY SCANDALS MISREPRESENTED BY THE #METOO MOVEMENT
Suicide solidarity
Marilyn Manson is the shock rocker most parents warned their kids against during the 90s. Not surprizingly, since he's been associated with Satanism, a dalliance with Anton LaVey and smoking human bones.In 2001, Manson took his inherent weirdness to a new level, and decided to grab a security guard during his set at the Ozzfest. He wrapped his legs around the man's head and rubbed his genitalia against it, whilst wearing only pantyhose and a leather thong. This did not sit well with the 25-year-old guard, Joshua Keasler, who laid a battery and sexual assault charge against the singer. The sexual assault charge was dismissed by a judge, and Manson paid $4,000 in fines after pleading no contest in 2002.In 2013 Paris Jackson, daughter of Michael Jackson, reportedly tried to commit suicide after being told she wasn't allowed to attend a Marilyn Manson concert. According to reports, Jackson tried to slash her wrists with a meat cleaver after drinking 20 Motrin pills. She was rushed to a nearby hospital where was admitted for observation and recovery. During said concert, Manson dedicated his song "Disposable Teens" to Jackson and then proceeded to drag a meat cleaver across his forearm 'in solidarity' with the then 15-year-old girl.[1]
9Everything Shia LaBeouf has ever done
Shia Labeouf Meltdown | TMZ Live
Ah, yes, Shia LaBeouf. There is no way that a list like this cannot include the actor that seemed so normal during his appearances in movies like Transformers but turned out to be stranger than anyone could ever have imagined. He is the guy that was accused of plagiarism and then also of plagiarizing his apology regarding the plagiarism. He decided to wear a paper bag over his head on the red carpet with the words "I am not famous anymore" written on it, leaving his fans baffled. LaBeouf is also the guy that at the age of 28 decided to appear in a Sia music video alongside 11-year-old Maddie Ziegler. In the video the two tussle while wearing skin-colored leotards and shorts.Sia's social media feeds were flooded with angry responses from those who saw the video, saying it smacked of child molestation, libertarianism and child abuse. Sia apologized quickly, but the controversy didn't stop the video from racking up over 4 million views on YouTube in one day.A lot of LaBeouf's shenanigans were excused as 'art exhibitions' and 'perfomance art' but what he was thinking when he livestreamed himself in 2015 while watching all his movies in reverse chronological order, we'll probably never know. He invited people to join him in the theatre and at one point the line to just get into the theatre was 12 hours long. After shaking a lot of hands and looking very confused during some of his movies, he took a couple of naps in the aisle next to his seat before returning his attention to the screen.[2]
8The enigma that is Nicolas Cage
Nicolas Cage is the master of facial expressions, swearing and leather jackets. He attracted all kinds of attention with his jackets to the point where he woke up at home one day to find a man standing at the foot of his bed, dressed in only a leather jacket belonging to Cage, eating a Fudgsicle. Cage is also the guy who loved spending money so much that he unwittingly bought a stolen dinosaur skull and decided to buy the rumored-to-be-haunted LaLaurie Mansion in New Orleans in 2007 so it could serve as inspiration for writing a horror novel. Needless to say, the novel never saw the light of day.Throughout the years, Cage bought Leaf Cay, a private island in the Bahamas, shrunken pygmy heads and a tomb shaped like a pyramid. And then there was the $150,000 octopus purchase, because he hoped the tentacled pet would help him become a better actor.The octopus must not have helped much because in Cage's new gig, History of Swear Words, he is pretty much just the usual Nicolas Cage, only amped up even higher (and with a bizarre dye job).[3]
7All we smell is… Lady Gaga
Even with an excellent vocal range and an Oscar behind her name, Lady Gaga will probably always be best remembered for wearing a meat dress, bleeding during performances, and showing up at an awards ceremony in an egg. Gaga has also scared the bejesus out of Eminem one time, when she accepted an award from him completely covered in red lace and a red crown adorning her head.In 2013 it was reported that Gaga was really pressed while backstage on the Late Night show and could only make it as far as a dressing room where she squatted over a trash can. The weirdest consequence of this wasn't even Gaga's own doing, however. Andy Cohen decanted the singer's urine into a bottle after which one of his personal assistants cooked it up into a fragrant perfume.[4]
That's Captain… Jack Sparrow
Johnny Depp has always been a wacky character, his movie roles aside. In the early 90s he attended interviews and spoke in what sounded like an American English accent, but as the years went by his accent morphed from British to Irish to Australian. He also made a friend's final wish come true when he had Hunter S. Thompson's ashes shot from a cannon after Thompson committed suicide in 2005.
Depp was convinced by the one and only Nicolas Cage to become an actor after first meeting in the 80s and being roommates for a while. Depp was all about becoming a musician, but one night during a game of Monopoly, Cage told Depp to try acting. This led to Depp meeting with Cage's agent and nabbing his first role in A Nightmare On Elm Street.Depp has done some pretty far-out things over the years, including recording a bizarre video of himself and then wife, Amber Heard, apologizing for bringing their dogs to Australia. Months later he joked that he had killed and eaten his dogs "under direct orders from some kind of, I don't know, sweaty, big-gutted man from Australia."Long ago, during his 21 Jump Street days, Depp vandalized a promotional billboard with his own face on it because he didn't like the picture of his character. Once security realized who he was, they let him continue to his heart's content.[5]TOP 10 CELEBRITY DEATHS THAT NEVER HAPPENED
5Pop princess gone awry
The 90s gave us a seemingly unlimited supply of pop stars and boybands, including The Backstreet Boys, Westlife, Christina Aguilera, The Spice Girls, NSYNC and of course, Britney Spears. After the Mickey Mouse Club was cancelled, Spears moved back home, and it would take only 5 years for her to open for NSYNC on her first real concert tour and become a superstar. Then followed a much-publicised relationship with Justin Timberlake, a controversial kiss with Madonna, a 55-hour first marriage and a trainwreck of a second marriage to Kevin Federline. In 2007, she shaved her head, attacked a photographer's car with an umbrella, lost custody of her kids all while working on her fifth album "Blackout."Things only started to look up again for Spears towards the end of 2008, but the never-ending fight over her assets continue to this day, as her father is still her conservator. Late in 2020, Spears sparked concern among her fans when she posted a clip to Instagram in which she frenziedly explained how much she enjoyed her summer. Her dishevelled hair and smudged makeup made the whole thing just that much more disconcerting. Two months later, Spears seemed to poke fun at herself for sharing Instagram posts back-to-back in which she wears the same clothes, sparking even more concern among her fans. One can only hope that things take a turn for the better once the next conservatorship hearing is held in February 2021.[6]
I'mma let you finish…
Because of all the strange incidents surrounding Kanye West, it is easy to forget that the rapper was a huge influence in the 21st century development of mainstream hip hop. His controversial behavior at award shows, friendship with former president Donald Trump and almost-past marriage to Kim Kardashian has overshadowed the music industry successes he has achieved over many years.Things went from bad to worse for Kanye, when he uttered his thoughts on slavery in 2018, saying "When you hear about slavery for 400 years. For 400 years? That sounds like a choice." Not surprisingly, the rapper received massive backlash and quickly apologized. He then went on to defend both R Kelly and Bill Cosby which didn't score him any points whatsoever either.In a truly bizarre turn of events, Kanye revealed on July 4th, 2020 that he would be running for president that year. He received support from Elon Musk but couldn't get America on board, receiving only 0.04% of votes nationally.[7]
3Let Me Be Frank
Kevin Spacey was just your average actor, winning roles and awards, including a Golden Globe and five consecutive Emmy Awards, until he was accused of being a sexual predator in October 2017. Netflix immediately cut ties with Spacey, removing him from the last season of House of Cards as well as cancelling his film, Gore. Also in October 2017, Spacey came out as gay while apologizing to his first victim, actor Anthony Rapp, who alleged that Spacey had made a sexual advance toward in 1986 when Spacey was 26 and Rapp only 14. In total, more than 30 people came forward claiming that Spacey abused them sexually, including 8 people involved with the production of House of Cards.For some reason, Spacey thought it would be a good idea to post a video to YouTube on Christmas Eve 2018 in which he wears a Santa apron and behaves like his House of Cards character, Frank Underwood. In the video he says things like "You wouldn't rush to judgement without facts, would you?"In 2019 he once again reprised his Frank Underwood YouTube character with another video released on Christmas Eve in which he creepily says, "You didn't really think I was going to miss the opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas, did you?"[8]
2Armie the cannibal?
2021 is shaping up to be not such a good year for Armie Hammer and we're only just done with January. While the DMs at the centre of the current storm hanging over the actor's head have yet to be verified, they are truly chilling. In the DMs Hammer allegedly details disturbing fantasies, including r*pe, mutilation, and cannibalism. Screenshots of these messages were shared by several women in January 2021, who are claiming they were sent to them by Hammer. His credibility has also been hampered by his comments on BDSM during an interview with Playboy seven and half years ago. He didn't do himself any favors by having an Instagram video leaked from his private account in which a lingerie-clad woman can be seen lounging on a bed, and Hammer can be heard referring to her as "Ms. Cayman." He quickly released a statement to the Miss Cayman Islands Universe Committee in which he apologized profusely.Hammer was also the centre of controversy in July 2019, after he shared a video of his 2-year-old son who happened to be sucking on the actor's toes, for a full 7 minutes. Fans commented that they found the video not only disgusting, but inappropriate and disturbing.[9]
It's not as bad as it looks
Azealia Banks was a hit on Myspace in 2008 and was signed to her first record label at the age of 18. Much like Kanye West, the rapper, singer, songwriter, and actress has been very outspoken regarding her political views and doesn't shy away from disputes over Twitter. In fact, Banks has had very public feuds with several superstars, including Beyonce, Rihanna, Eminem, Lady Gaga, Dave Chappelle, Busta Rhymes, Lizzo and of course, Kanye himself.In 2016, Banks posted a series of videos on Instagram showing her cleaning a closet in her apartment that was seemingly filled with dead and decaying chickens, dried blood, and feathers. All this, she said, was in the name of witchcraft. After a few more years of fighting with just about everyone, Banks truly shocked her fans in January 2021 when she posted extremely disturbing videos to Instagram which seemingly showed her cooking her deceased cat, Lucifer, after digging his corpse up three months after he died.She defended herself after huge backlash from people who thought she ate the cooked cat, saying "No, I didn't eat the cat, and I especially did not eat a cat that's been dead for three months." She went on to say that what can be seen on the videos was part of taxidermy. Banks also clarified that the skull she held up in the video wasn't that of her dead cat, but a human skull she purchased from a website. She went on to explain that the skull belonged to a six-year-old girl who had died from head trauma.
- DickButtKiss : Am I experiencing a Mandela effect? I swear this happened already...
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Yikes, why didn't /r/drama jannies hide this shocking content in some blocked cuckshed containment hole?
Was /r/drama cute twink posting always just a beard to get away with pooping on s without reddit banning it?
Needless to say, the neurodivergent s of AHS are not best pleased
A dramatard foolishly raises their head above the parapets, is swiftly cut down
/r/drama was a pioneer in the now burgeoning field of mocking pooners
RIP and good riddance to /r/drama and all the insufferable power strags it spawned.
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Join us as steamer Phoenix SC comes to the realization that /r/mincraft are drooling morons.
Ep 1 - We learn about how mods removed a video with 61k upmarseys because it included a server ip in 3 frames
Ep 2 - We learn about how mods don't like dead GFs
Ep 3 - We learn about how Phoenix SC was banned years ago
Ep 4 - We learn about how Phoenix SC was banned years ago
- MeowMixed : /h/museumofrdrama
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!frozentoesen should we make this a general foot ping group?
- Patsy : rdramahistorian
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Frick you
I'm not RDH
- DestoryerCarbine : RDH alt
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King, I know the rules but can you make holes permanent? This one is pretty good.
: Google docs
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Seeing this thread where some eurocucks got arrested(!) for their bangalijst, reminded me of that time when the Queen Stacy of Duke fricked half the lacrosse squad, made a powerpoint rating and ranking them, and walked off into a South African sunset consequence-free.
The Subject's Raw Scores were based on an, admittedly subjective, range of criteria that I had established long before commencing my research project:
Physical Attractiveness: points were awarded or deducted based on the Subjects' height, body build (muscle mass and definition), jaw-line, quality/texture/cut of hair, facial structure, penile structures, and eyes/eyebrows
Size: points were determined based on the length and girth of the Subjects' hardware
Talent: points were awarded or deducted based on how well the Subjects utilized their hands, mouths, and equipment (this category is strictly separate from Size)
Creativity: points were given if the Subject showed a willingness to go beyond the standard research positions and/or locations (and a knowledge of how to operate once said position was at hand)
Aggressiveness: points were given if the Subject displayed aggressive behavior and an alpha-male mentality of assuming control of the given situation; points were deducted severely if they simply lay there or did not act assertively.
Entertainment: points were given for extremely amusing actions, great personalities, quotes, sexts, good senses of humor, or simply dirty talk, and were removed if no noises of enjoyment or talk of any kind was present. In other words, how entertained I was
Athletic Ability: points were awarded if the Subject regularly performed exceptionally well on the diamond or field
Bonus: Bonus points were given for extraneous factors, such as the presence of an Australian accent and/or profressional surfing skills. Points were deducted for rudeness or being Canadian.
The lessons:
Foids > moids
Duke > Ulztreecht U
Burgerstan > Stroopwaffenplatz
"How do I rank on your frick list?"
Here's the unredacted slides. The average score is a 6, but it's a bimodal distribution.
Tag urselfs, drama manhoes.
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Knowing that hundreds of redditors have Marsey hanging from their wall fills me with pride. I personally had at least half a dozen bots going. Time goes by so quickly. !oldstrags !verifiedrich !pinknames