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Gigavaxxers v. Zombies β€” Results!

796 :marseyvaxmaxx: – 796 :marseyzombie: (… and 136 Healthy)

I double-checked the badges. I double-checked the users in the database. I double-checked everything. It was actually a perfect tie. Vaccines were distributed 3312 times, and zombies bit 4177 times, and in the end… a dead tie. Y'all are wonderful.

Rewards have been distributed to wrap up this Cum-Guzzling πŸ’¦οΈ Cocktober πŸ†οΈπŸ™ˆοΈ:

  1. All 14 306 of you got the Homoween 2022 Survivor badge.
  2. If you had a VAXXED or INFECTED badge, you get to keep it. 796 of each.
  3. All unused Homoween awards have been refunded.
  4. Milestone Badges, Awards Given: Gigavaxxer (10x Vax) = 50 | CDC Goon (100x Vax) = 3 | Zombiechad (10x Bite) = 99 | Super Spreader (100x Bite) = 8.
  5. The top 10 vaxxers and biters have received a limited-edition, unpurchasable Red Halloween Mask hat. It looks retarded, but if we ever implement hat-trading, you'll be rich.

Leaderboards below. Full length ones and extra data in the Stats for Nerds.


Top 10 Vaxxers
  ID   |         Username          | Vaxxes 
   995 | carpathianflorist         |   1099
  2513 | nothanks                  |    464
 10288 | TwoLargeSnakesMating      |    146
  2890 | John                      |     95
  3377 | MarseyIsMyWaifu           |     64
  2622 | Dramamine                 |     49
  2069 | GigaVaccinator            |     38
  5244 | ACA                       |     38
  1710 | ghouls_suck               |     37
    37 | Not_Chris_Deliah          |     31
Top 10 Biters
  ID   |         Username          | Bites 
  4989 | brzl                      |   210
 12732 | blackjackbtz              |   201
  2238 | alakavat                  |   162
   541 | RottenDonGER              |   138
  1387 | Chopose                   |   118
  2899 | aqouta                    |   111
   147 | The_Homocracy             |   109
  2890 | John                      |   105
   995 | carpathianflorist         |    86
  1980 | creepyhands               |    68
Top 10 Most Bites/Vaxxes Received
  ID   |         Username          | Count 
   995 | carpathianflorist         |   226
  2050 | Skelevastergan            |   167
  5499 | box                       |    79
  3163 | SmallNips                 |    68
  1830 | October                   |    66
  8494 | TwoLargeSorensMating      |    61
  2890 | John                      |    54
  2069 | GigaVaccinator            |    51
  3635 | HeyMoonster               |    49
  8407 | snus                      |    47

Stats for Nerds: https://gist.github.com/TLSM/8fbe23b11270542705183258ccb019d8

  • awards-hw β€” chronological sequence of all vaxxes and bites given.
  • stats-given-bite.txt β€” # of bites given out
  • stats-given-vax.txt β€” # of vaxes given out
  • stats-received.txt β€” total quantity of vaxxes & bites received
  • users-active β€” hw_zombie = -1 zombie, 0 healthy, β‰₯1 vaxxed; includes people who commented during event, or were awarded despite not commenting during event. same logic as the sidebar infection meter.
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How many other bi-curuous folx got the 10vaxxes and and the 10 bites badges?

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18 people total, looks like:

  541 | RottenDonGER
  995 | carpathianflorist
 1710 | ghouls_suck
 1830 | October
 1980 | creepyhands
 2050 | Skelevastergan
 2407 | IslamWasRightAboutZombies
 2513 | nothanks
 2616 | Igor_Konashenkov
 2622 | Dramamine
 2890 | John
 3259 | BigGhostyHunter
 3370 | Gharnef
 4565 | Count_Sprpr
 4894 | gerudo
 6242 | 000
 8195 | NeedWitchMommy
10288 | TwoLargeSnakesMating
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