Background Infomation 
Chakabers is a African moid instagram influencer with over a million followers on his instagram. He travels around taking pictures in Africa. This website describes him as spreading social justice by:
producing content on pan-Africanism, spirituality and education, millennial humor and vegan lifestyle. His content also includes his own first-hand contributions to improving the lives of under-resourced global communities.
Social justice?
This is Africa 
Our story begins with Chakabers taking a trip to the great pyramids in Egypt as a way to return back to his roots of being a former kang (more on this later). But during his time there he encountered trouble. In a reply to a now deleted tweet he claims:
I cant believe this! Why would the Arabs (Egyptians) do this to this poor African man?!? Well it turns out that Chakabers during his trip to the pyramids, conveniently left out some details that would change the story. On his Instagram he posted this picture:
For those of you who are typically when going to historical sites you don't want to climb on the stuff there. I know it looks fun, but it's against the rules and the local population wont like it.
Shortly after posting the previous picture, Chakabers posts this picture to his instagram:
Here's a video in where in the first couple seconds shows what happened in the intial encounter. You can stop watching once the foid starts talking because I summarize what she’s saying in one tenth of the time. Foids lmao:
In the video Chakabers calls the Egyptian moid telling him to leave an Arab. Chakabers is also shocked that he has to leave "his ancestors temple". Chakabers goes on to purity test the man asking of he's really an African. Chakaber says to the man "Your skin doesn't look African and that it says Arabs". Typically, Egyptians don't like being called Arabs because it's considered racist or xenophobic or something like that.
Additionally Chakabers posted this picture but I wasn’t able to find context on when or where it occurred. I assume it's after the intial encounter,
But either way highlights his attitude toward mayo Egyptians (Arabs):
Some lore and the Arab question 
If you haven't picked up on it, Chakabers has certain feelings toward Egyptians that many would call "problematic". Chakabers doesn't believe that Egyptians are the actual Egyptians but just mayo/arab colonizers. Chakabers unironically believes in the idea of "We wuz kangs" being reality that is suppressed by these chuds. In a tweet he posted around the same time as his trip he wrote:
Further proof is of this claim is provided in a hilarious tiktok he posted on his account. In the video, Chakabers is walking around an Egyptian museum filming the statues with the caption "No nose. We all know why" with spooky music playing the background. Implying the mayos took the noses off so kangs wouldn't realize the truth
Chakabers has also gotten into previous related incidents unrelated to this one. Some of which include: Doxxing a someli doctor that promoted the covid vaccine, "Questioning" the coof vaccine, and Islamophobic comments (yikes). So he's a bit of a controversial
Always double down no matter what 
After Chakabers posted the pictures to his instagram he started picking up hate from mostly Egyptian people since they were the most affected. While most would just apologize and try to move on from an incident like this, Chakabers has a different approach. Double down and call the Egyptians racist colonizers. He tweets out:
Obviously many Egyptians wouldn't take to kindly to being called racist colonizers so slapfights breakout on who's pigment was actually that of the Pharoahs:
the “colonizers” in the question look at them, they ain’t YOU
In a lot of the tweets you'll find a lot of followers of Chakabers ideology posting boomerbook-lite "memes" making some vague connection implying that African kangs were actually the real kangs. Weirdly enough no one actually provides a source that isn't some shitty jpeg
Chakabers further goes on his tweet spree and says:
To be honest I dont really know what he's talking about or how it applies to his other arguments but GO OFF KANG. Funny enough someone then posts the picture of him hanging off the tombstone walls to counter his point about "disrespecting dead bodies".
Chakabers then shifts his position to actually not giving a shit about North Africa because they're all racist:
People in the tweet begin unironically using physiognomy to actually determine the descendants of Pharoahs:
south sudanese are of Nilotic ancestry, they weren’t the creators of ancient egypt, nor do you have anything to do with them, yet you went into an Egyptian temple and said “my ancestors” you have a severe identity crisis, i recommend taking a DNA test
Finally, Chakabers ends his argument by tweeting out a link to the Wikipedia page to the Trans-Saharan slave trade and says:
What happens next?
This story is still relatively fresh so we'll have to wait and see what happens next. Currently some Egyptians are taking this seriously and trying to get Chakabers banned from coming to Egypt:
I wont lie I hope our Egyptians kang gets banned from his homeland. The drama that will arise from that would be amazing. I'll keep you kings (kangs) updated on the situation. Until next time!
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Lily whites and kang blacks always trying to claim Egypt will never not be funny
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“Tuppence to shine your meat and two veg, guv’nor?”
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Clearly, the light skinned ones are slaves, getting their semen taken by the darker skinned ones.
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But what are they even doing with the inferior mayo seed tho?
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The black seed would clearly be more fertile tho
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Always remember to pat your peepee washer on the head.
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It's the ancient equivalent of a tip.
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He’s already giving him a tip
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we wuz peepee washers
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Lmao, the big arm on the left panel, artist 100% phoned that in.
Edit: the legs on sitting guy
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Me on the left
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C'mere and wash mah paenis, Boy
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Wheres her nose
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Ancient egytians didn't have noses, look at the sphinx.
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Moses took it.
(Trans lives matter)
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She took the Mandypill.
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animetopia reigns eternal

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Amuro is Canadian
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We all know….
trans lives matter
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Who’s the foid?
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we were kings and such
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All Africa was black.
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Factcheck: [REDACTED].
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