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:marseywall: seething about :marseytrad: r/TikTokCringe


Many of them got married either right out of high school (or college if they’re lucky) and if they aren’t divorced, they’re busy burying a lot of skeletons in the closet as they steadily pop out a kid every 2-4 years to keep the family image afloat.

/u/Microwave_Lesbian, active in /r/latebloomerlesbians which seems like a massive cope sub for :marseywall: to find each other

This is the video you make when you never actually talk to 'the other side" and make up people in your head.

Then why does this describe like 20 people I’ve seen before? Of course stereotypes don’t refer to every member of a group, everybody knows that. But they exist for a reason, and this is a valid one.


All these people saying “projection” don’t realize that her point still stands. If it is “projection”, and she’s speaking from experience, it only brings MORE truth to her argument


I don’t think the woman is saying only conservative men do this but more the women get gaslit into this life and putting all their eggs in one basket. Liberal men are not immune to patriarchy and sexism

Then she should have said “here’s what I find tragic about young pretty women” and dropped the bit about them being conservative.

Plus the funny thing is that conservatives have a much lower divorce rate so this “story” is just ridiculous

Being conservative plays into this specific dynamic she’s discussing. And you can’t use statistics with no context and act as if it means anything. Correlation isn’t causation and all that.

Adding the conservative part is what makes this cringe, imo. She's trying to come off as intelligent while using a stereotype and detracting from the fact that dominating rich white men has nothing to do with politics.


This, and POC(especially women) will always blow my fricking mind to see them act like they're the exception to conservatives hatred.

No, as soon as they get what they want you'll be the ones to get fricked over immediately when they switch their focus. You're actively placing yourself into a situation that will at some point end miserably for you, and most will never understand that correlation which is incredibly sad to me.

Reminds me of Bernie bros seething over "low information voters"

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That video is unironically insane.

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This is genuinely like a middle-aged lib American white woman equivalent of an incel...

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a middle-aged lib ameriKKKan white woman equivalent of an incel...

Spinstercel :marseysoldieramerica:

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"legbeard" is the new reddit word for them

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Legbeards are more like the ugly blue haired :marseychonkerfoid: who whine that men don't want them. The woman in the OP would be a 6/10 if it weren't for the crazy eyes, she's in reasonable shape for a :marseyburger: and while she's unfortunately a midwit, what really needles her :marseyfoidretard: brain is that she's single and competing with younger, hotter, happier girls now.

:marseypipe: Back in my day we used to call those "old maids" but this is the internet (and them not being virgins lol) and we need a new word :marseyzoomer: will call "bussin" :

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In China they are called Sheng Nu "leftover women"


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how are there any leftover women when men outnumber them in millions lMAO

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Who needs left over women when you can have femboys

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I think "Alpha Widow" from pua terminology applies here: she was pretty when she was young, she got laid a lot with hot guys, and now that she's been discarded and remains unmarried and childless she spends her time sneeding at younger prettier women on the internet and projecting her own feelings of abandonment onto their hypothetical futures.

Sheng Nu typically implies women who overeducated themselves out of the marriage market.

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"There is an opinion that A-quality guys will find B-quality women, B-quality guys will find C-quality women, and C-quality men will find D-quality women," says Huang Yuanyuan. "The people left are A-quality women and D-quality men. So if you are a leftover woman, you are A-quality."


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Huang is the girl in the front


Walls are closing in

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The Chinese are so based: it's a real shame that they're our enemies just because of their undemocratic government

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Well she is 6/10 for her age but 6/10 man of her age has zero reason to chase her.

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Dont underestimate the straggot male

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Don’t underestimate the straggot males. By her age many died in stupid accidents, died from drinking random shit, have broken pipi and balls, have low sexual libido and enjoying Pokémon. There are legit less straight man than woman at certain age. Some 50+ year old man probably will still chase her but she look proud frick so those man only hit her mental state by chasing her kek

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They've been calling them that for like decade at this point

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makes you wonder what the world will be like as these kinds of women multiply. You know it's going to get worse before it gets better.

May have to keep myself safe unironically :snoosurprise:

:#marseydarkpizzashill: The Democratic RethugliKKKan Party will collapse by 2030. :#marseydarkpizzashill:

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A feminist?

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someone do the world a favor and buy her a big, strong bull of a dog

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Nah, incels bemoan experiences they never had, this woman was have a PTSD flashback of last week

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When I see liberals making up crazy shit like this about conservatives it motivates me to support conservatives. Partially out of spite, but mostly because the liberals don't even respect me enough to even lie to me in a plausible way: instead they make up this :marseystrawman: that bears no resemblance to reality and expect me to believe it.

It's like when liberal women think that I oppose abortion because of religion or male dominance or something like that. No, b-word, that's not it at all. The only reason I oppose abortion because you refuse to grant financial abortion rights to men, and I believe you're fundamentally a selfish slut with zero empathy for the opposite gender, so the only way you'll give men the financial abortion rights we deserve is if we take away your physical abortion rights and hold your rights hostage until you concede the corresponding rights to us. You don't get your abortion rights back until we get our abortion rights which we should have always had in the first place. Leftoids will never address arguments like these because they have no good answer, so instead they always ignore me and use the straw man argument of "You're just a bitter incel" or "You're just a fundamentalist conservative."

I'm really tired of the way people in our "society" argue past each other using strawman arguments. I think it's time to elevate the discourse, and that means that if somebody refuses to respond to the actual point you made and instead responds to the made-up stereotype of you that they pulled out of their butt, they need to suffer exquisitely until they learn to become better listeners and respond to your actual points rather than the image of you that only exists in their head. When you hurt people every single time they do you a disservice by strawmanning you and putting words in your mouth, eventually they'll either learn to stop doing that or they'll all go extinct. Either way, you don't have to listen to their tired old nonsense anymore, so this is a win for rational debate.

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Posts like this is why I do Heroine.

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You sound like an angry incel.

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Well, I'm angry, so you're half right.

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I bet youre a manlet

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6 feet tall, so suck it

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What does a happy incel look like?

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Your child support collections agency called again, didn't they?

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I don't have kids. If I did, I might actually give a frick about the survival of the planet. Since I don't, that's a you problem.

This may be hard for you to believe because you're literal human trash, but for normal well-adjusted people like me it's possible to empathize with somebody even if I don't share their problems. Sometimes I choose not to empathize (for example, when the other party refuses to empathize with me then it's stupid to care about their own well-being) but generally speaking, I'm capable of feeling compassion for somebody even if I'm not in their exact situation.

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Least violent motte-cel,

Although I will say, it's pretty funny to see feminists start making pro-life arguments the second you bring up financial abortion.

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Least violent motte-cel

Autists are not known for their social prowess or context awareness, which severely limits their options.

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The argument for abortion isn't that women deserve the choice to avoid financial and other responsibilities. It's that a fetus doesn't have human rights, so the woman has autonomy over her body.

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That's a shitty argument because by the same logic, nobody should need to vaccinate because they have personal autonomy over their body. Yet the people who are most pro-abortion are also the ones who get enraged when others choose not to vaccinate. If this argument was a valid one then we should see tons of leftoids being in support of anti-vaxxers because "their body, their choice." The fact that we don't see it proves that either they're hypocrites, or that it's a shitty argument in the first place.

The only good argument I've ever seen for abortion rights (ie, an argument that doesn't fall apart when you apply it to something else) is that women have the right to decide whether or not they're ready for the responsibility of parenthood, and that fetuses aren't really alive if they have no brain activity yet. But then it raises the question, if women have the right to make the decision about parenthood, then why don't men? And that's why I personally oppose abortion rights - because if I'm not given a specific legal right, then nobody else deserves to have that right either.

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Nobody supported vaccine mandates, we were just following the law and the science chud. Obviously discrimination against a real minority is bad.

Please educate yourself and do better next time

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Lol nobody supported them? Not sure about that brah

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:marseydisgust: :marseypoor:

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The argument those people make is that vaccination leads to herd immunity, thus vaccination requirements affect society at large. Which is true. That's why hippy centers and r-slur centers alike - such as San Diego mom circles and Alabama - see spikes in measles when a bunch of kids don't get vaccinated. The spike occurs in the vaccinated, too.

Besides that, it isn't illegal to go without vaccines.

>...is that women have the right to decide whether or not they're ready for the responsibility of parenthood, and that fetuses aren't really alive if they have no brain activity yet.

You haven't seen that argument because it's two separate, unrelated arguments that exist in your head. The abortion argument rests on bodily autonomy because (not "and") personhood in a moral, ethical, and legal sense doesn't begin at conception. That is, abortion, per its supporterd, is a medical decision that has nothing to do with being a future parent.

I understand people disagreeing with abortion, but I can't believe how many r-slurs upvoted a truly r-slurred r-slur argument from an r-slured high schooler who attends R-slur High in R-slurorado.

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vaccination leads to herd immunity

well pregnancy leads to herd survival

and the "bodily integrity" argument is bullshit, except in the case where the woman got pregnant without her consent.

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Large-scale declines in pregnancy rates happen all the time and haven't led to bottle necks in modern times. Your analogy fails.

It's not the "bodily integrity" argument. It's the argument from bodily autonomy. You should read the tomes that have been written about it and that you haven't heard of because you're between 14 and 19.

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Large-scale disease outbreaks happen all the time and haven't led to bottle necks in modern times. My analogy stands.

tomes that have been written about it

by fricking idiots! it's called "motivated reasoning"

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You didn't understand the analogy. Preventing a large-scale bottleneck would be the argument for forced pregnancy. That does not mean it is the argument for forced vaccinations. The argument for those would be that individuals will die preventable deaths. On each side of this analogy, we are pointing to the specific reasoning for each argument. For the analogy to work, the reasoning must be the same. Here we see that the reasoning is different. That is why the analogy fails.

You're going to be so psyked when you buy your first legal beer.

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They are hypocrites lol. I'm pro choice and was against vaccine mandates. And I turned out to be entirely correct on both fronts. Darn does it feel nice to have all my beliefs vindicated :marseysmug:

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When a woman aborts a fetus, it's dead. It's not getting born. It will never have any affect on society or anyone who's actually alive. When a man abandons a woman he impregnated, either she aborts the fetus and we go back to the first situation, or she gives birth to it and it grows up without a father. Sometimes with a rotating roster of inadequate father figures but very rarely with an actual father. And its mother either busts her back working overtime to support the household and it grows up essentially with no parental attention, or they end up relying on welfare and charity but the kid at least grows up with a mother, probably a miserable one. Neither are preferable environments for a child to grow up in.

Children of single mothers disproportionately grow up to be criminals and other types of dregs of society. So clearly a father abandoning his child is a disservice to both the child and to broader society as a whole. Whereas the child never being born is neither. It can't suffer a horrible life and the world remains unaffected by its non-existence.

So while your position of "If women get to sleep around without protection without the consequence of children, men should get the same opportunity" is intellectually consistent, it's ultimately degenerate for society in a way that the current position on abortion isn't. And men being able to force the women they impregnated to get abortions is also unacceptable to most people as that's a violation of bodily autonomy. So this is just one more thing where different standards apply to males and females due to biological differences. It's not fair but neither are those biological differences. One more reason why straggotry is ultimately flawed beyond repair.

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You're confusing cause and effect. The reason western women currently tend to be massive sluts and men don't is because western women don't have to worry about consequences. If they are having s*x and they have an "accident" and get pregnant, they can just abort the child. Men don't currently have that option. Alternatively, if women want to entrap a man into marriage, getting pregnant is a great way to do it. So basically women have every incentive to behave like trashy hoes, and very little incentive not to. Men are forced to be the responsible ones in this situation, which is unfair and has terrible outcomes for society.

If we change the status quo and force women to face the consequences of their own irresponsible behavior, then we are changing the incentives, which will change people's behavior as well. Suddenly it's not so advantageous for women to sleep around and be massive sluts. If they decide to have a child against the man's wishes, then they will likely be the ones who get fricked over, not the man. So in that situation, women will either increasingly choose to have abortions (which is good for society because the world has an overpopulation problem) or they will be much more careful about whom they frick (which is also good, because it leads to fewer STDs and domestic violence situations).

I don't agree with you that this will result in more single moms, because being a single mom is an absolutely shitty lifestyle and no sane person would want such an outcome. Instead, my system would simply incentivize more abortions and fewer births. This is a great outcome for society. A lot of the reason that men abandon women under our current system is because they feel financially trapped by unfair laws that force them to assume responsibility for a child that they never wanted and have no love for. If we change the laws so that men can avoid these loveless relationships and women have to finally face accountability for their own bad choices, then you're not going to see more single moms: instead you'll see more women who choose not to have kids in the first place. Society benefits from this.

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That's nice sweaty. Why don't you have a seat in the time out corner with Pizzashill until you calm down, then you can have your Capri Sun.

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Good job bobby, here's a star

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Aww thanks :marseyhappytears:

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Link to the original Bardfinn comment?

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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren: Reset the counter! Current counter was: 0 days 01 hours 10 minutes and 42 seconds

Record is 0 days 22 hours 00 minutes and 00 seconds by Tonberry

longest streak broken in the last 7 days was Intervention which was 2 days 04 hours 23 minutes and 09 seconds

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Best friend is aminobastard with 23 mentions

rdrama is currently running at 216.516 µBardyhertz with 1098 total mentions since 2022-09-24

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Can you summarize it for me? I cant listen to whiny white women for more than 5 seconds

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She goes on an unhinged rant about young attractive conservative women, about how they think they're special even though all conservatives consider women to be inferior, how their husbands are going to ditch them for a young office secretary when they get breast cancer. That's as far as I made it before closing it.

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I like how these women think that their ultra liberal, only one shot at life, divorce if you “grow apart” husbands are gonna stick with them through the rough times

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How do you think this woman became so bitter?

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Chad didn’t stick around for more than one night

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divorce if you “grow apart”

This shit makes me unironically rage.

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Reminder that a majority of white women with college degrees think it's OK for a woman to have an affair.

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after they "grow apart," they're going to learn that liberal ex-hubby "grew closer" to his younger coworker :marseylaugh:

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Sounds like :marseyprojection:

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Seems awfully specific too!

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Its :marseylongpost2: seething about younger attractive women with husbands and kids

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angry liberal foid is bitter af because conservative women land better men than her with a heaping side of severe envy at how happy the other women are.

assuming she landed a man at all he's probably some soycuck beta who can't get her off no matter how hard he tries.

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But it gave a white woman the opportunity to feel important and for that reason it is valid.

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:marseyhope: tfw no conservative milk maid

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Wine guzzling dusty c*nt sneeds because she missed the bus, many such cases.

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