
For resident leftoids: he was replying to a post that said "Madagascar has been separate for 88 million years"

>I know that I will be downvoted for this and I don't really want to defend Elon Musk- he is an oligarch and a piece of shit, but if you look at the context of this tweet , I am inclined to believe that this isn't a dog whistle. He was replying to a tweet about the wildlife of Madagascar and crucially "88 million years ago" was mentioned in the context, that for this period of time Madagascar was isolated, hence why it developed a unique eco-system. Just like many of you in the comments, he could have not know about what 88 meant, or he could have simply not being paying attention.

>When was the last time Elon tweeted anything having to with wildlife? He knew what he was doing and you are a fricking idiot for providing an argument in his defense

>I think he knows exactly what he’s saying. Time to deport him.

>Knows what he is doing, 44b tax break for destroying Twitter. But it is time to deport. Monday will probably see the big 2 phone stores have had enough.

>44 is 88 divided by 2

>Every time the whole "88" thing turns up, it makes me want to cry. Watch "Buckaroo Banzai" and pay attention to the patches on Dr. Banzai's driving-suit..."Say it ain't so, Buckaroo...!"

>"the left is full of degenerates" hitlercunny1488 cried

>This is taken out of context. The tweet he replied to mentioned the 88 million duration, so his response makes sense. Conflating normal conversation with hidden messages is irresponsible and against what I thought this sub was about.

"This is taken out of context." The nazis always try to make it look that way

>"Conflating normal conversation with hidden messages is irresponsible and against what I thought this sub was about." Oh my sweet summer child...

>This fricking wack job literally wants to be the next Hitler.

>These super rich people aren't actually racist per se. They hate the masses and are terrified of the masses asserting their rights before they implement their automated terror weapons. They are, as has been done in the past, attempting to redirect populist anger along an authoritarian route using religion and racial identity which will leave them in control.Again, I emphasize this is part of the upper class's playbook going back centuries. We need to make sure they don't get away with it.

The revolution is gonna,happen any day now guize

>This post will be fodder for the right to point and laugh at. Come on guys

>No. We have to call out the right when they try to use plausible deniability like this.

>yeah . that was intentional. He is a fascist.

>Report the app for hate speech. get it removed from the app stores.

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He doesn't have to build nukes to be dangerous. He could just put a big rocket into the broad side of the moon and it'd kill us all horribly.

I've long argued that the most likely way most people under 50 today are going to die is Elon getting upset one afternoon and throwing a "I'll just murder everybody then" tantrum.

Jesus Fricking Christ these people are insane. "He bought Twitter and is letting people I don't like have accounts, therefore he is the harbinger of the apocalypse."


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Elon's interest in the moon has been well documented


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I trust Brian, good coder, cool bikes, fast cars

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That b-word has definitely been reading "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress".

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What do they think a rocket crashing in the moon is gonna do?

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The tiny rocket is going to move the moon so we won't have total eclipses anymore! πŸ˜‚

Maybe the kinetic energy will break off a big chunk, somehow will not turn into a dusty satellite but travel 300,000 miles on its own energy to earth and hit Berkley University and kill all of the important climate scientists who were going to save the world

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Hey removing the total eclipse will affect BIPOC's more than anyone else. How? Im not sure but it will trust the science

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This chain sounds like rightoid smugposting and I think it's time for you to GO BACK

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How can this chain sound like rightoid smugposting if they’re not rightoids because there are no rightoids on rDrama? :marseyjam:

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it will RUIN important hexes against the patriarchy! THATS WHY HE WANTS THE MOON HE WANTS OUR MYSTIC FEMALE POWER :marseyschizowave:

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They think the moon is made of cheese

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We already had a "immature baby who says mean words on the internet" as acting president and nothing happened.

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sis... he ruined the supreme court with female voldemort and r*pe man now we are going to be tied down and impregnated by fundies :marseyitsover:

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He could just put a big rocket into the broad side of the moon and it'd kill us all horribly

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