Women designate a below average looking man as the epitome of the "female gaze". Women then proceed to cancel him for being a misogynist and for being a possible groomercord groomer :marseygroomer:

Educate yourself sweaty :#marseyreading:

If you've been on the internet :marseyboomer: for a while you have probably heard of foids complaing about the "male gaze" which is described as the following:

the act of depicting women and the world in the visual arts and in literature from a masculine, heterosexual perspective that presents and represents women as sexual objects for the pleasure of the heterosexual male viewer.

Recently foids have been asking the thoughtful question of is there such a thing as a "female gaze" in both academia (lol) and on tiktok (lmao). The female gaze can be described as the inverse of the male gaze, basically explaining how foids want to see other men displayed for their own pleasure (Technically this isn't the "official meaning" but we're going with it for this drama). This topic grew in popularity and was constantly trending on tiktok. Many foids claimed that such a thing couldn't exist because "muh patriarchy", however some foids thought differently and knew it existed, but were unable to find a man to represent it. That is until a moid named Kevin showed up.

We need to talk about Kevin :#marseyface:

Twitter Account

Kevin (strangek3vin on tiktok, but his account is private) is a massive tiktoker with over 3 millions who does react content and edgy comedy sketches. With the "female gaze" trending on tiktok, Kevin jumped on this trend and made a video for it (You can ignore the foid she's not important):

If you're confused, that's ok because it makes no sense to anyone, expect foids. They loved this video so much, that they blew it up and Kevin gained a reputation for being the quintessential example of the "female gaze".

With Kevin gaining popularity with some foids, some of them began to do a deep dive into his tiktok account and found misogynistic content (from 2 years ago) :marseypearlclutch:. It was these 3 videos:

Each one is slightly different but the main "joke" was that Kevin was battering women. I will say Im suprised he got flak for these because the dude does edgy skits around school shootings and racial arab stereotypes, but I guess foids don't care about that :marseyshrug:. Kevin did some livestreams where he was actually laughing at the criticism, however things would take a turn for the worst for Kevin.

Some people found that Kevin had a groomercord server :marseygroomer: with a channel named "Kevsexuals" :marseylgbtflag:, where any person could join and give an introduction with their age, name, and location. Allegedly there were minors also sending selfies of themself on the server. There has been no evidence of any sexual interactions but very sussy nonetheless :!marseyimposter:.

There's been a couple other allegations against him but these are either weak or have no evidence:

  • Told a black kween to get her lip fixed because it looked like Mike Tyson punched her

  • He hooked up with a girl who was into self harm and watched her cut herself while he got off to it. He told the girl he had a "self mutilation kink".

Kevin has responded to the claims saying he did nothing wrong in this tweet:

I was banned on TikTok. I did nothing wrong. the username is - strangek3vin . TikTok, please fix this. I’ve worked tremendously hard on this platform and have followed ALL the rules. help TikTokSupport

Drama :#marseypopcorntime:

Here's two threads with lots of drama. I'll linking some of the highlights further down.

This man is going viral on TikTok for being “what women want” and the “female gaze”. He is a misogynist with multiple videos of him pretending to abuse women.

now i regret deleting the tweet where i said ppl were hyping him up & trying to force him onto us trying to make that weird butt point about the “female gaze”

Though I don’t agree with most of what he’s saying he’s not completely wrong 🤷🏽‍♀️ females do glorify domestic violence and so do men. Like being grabbed up roughly about wearing a certain outfit or being with “hoe” friends. It’s craZ

The use of the terms “females” and “men” in the same sentence is 🤮


he’s not even attractive who is giving these men the confidence and audacity 💀

idk i just feel like straight women are collectively pulling a prank on everyone else. like i cant fathom a better explanation

Straight white women let’s get specific please 😭😭

In a follow up tweet someone posts evidence of a black kween calling him the female gaze :marseyblm:

the "female gaze" isnt even real😭 its just another internet term LMAO

I need you and the 50 people who liked this to literally just google it cause it’s not an internet term 😭

‘this man is for the female gaze’ no you’re just horny for an ugly man and embarrassed about it but don’t drag the rest of us into it

This but unironically

y’all didn’t find kevin attractive bc he appealed to your fricked up idea of the “female gaze.” it’s because he has that dead killer stare, and a certain demographic of women cough will forever be obsessed with any dead looking mediocre yt man.

that female gaze kevin guy is so fricking buttfrick fugly if i saw him in public i’d hit him in the knees with a hammer even without knowing what nasty shit he’s done like he’s so off putting to look at

Based ugly people should unironically be attacked for leaving their homes. No one wants to see that!

wtf is a female gaze and why are white women on tiktok saying a wigga named kevin mastered it

I feel so bad for bro 😭He ain't even do nothing and now he got all of tiktok calling him the ugliest neighbor alive just cause some random declared him as the female gaze 💀💀💀

ijbol why is that kevin guy on tiktok trying to tell ppl that those videos of him that resurfaced aren’t him & that ppl are confusing him for another arab man & that ppl are trying to “attack a gay man”

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Forget the grooming, I've never seen such subpar content in my life, i'd rather be forced to watch a marvel movie. How do zoomers sit through this?

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If you ever want to get famous, tiktok is the way to do it. There are content creators who make the laziest content and make millions for it as a career. Why zoomers enjoy it? I couldn't tell you that :marseyshrug:

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I have a hunch


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Internet induced ADHD is the real culprit.

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How do zoomers sit through this?

In 15 second doses they are gradually beaten down and abused into thinking they like it.

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TikTot shit really is like toetuew hypnosis

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Bored in a hotel room I decided to give tiktok a chance, all the non dancing or "look at me I'm hot" videos are basically this, an amateurish ripoff of an old joke/skit with quick cuts. I have no clue how anybody can get addicted to something so mind-numbingly boring.

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So, Vine?

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With Chinese characteristics.

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Zoomers have fried brains from all the microplastics and high fructose corn syrup in the zogchow they consoom

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I thought it was called goyslop, is zogchow interchangable with it?

I'm not as hip with the zoomer lingo as i used to be


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There was a chart posted last week ffs

The time has come for the Necromaster. The unleashing of the fourth joker's card. The arrival of The Great Milenko

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I'm not online 24/7 i'm sorry :marseydepressed:

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Don't be sorry, be ashamed

The time has come for the Necromaster. The unleashing of the fourth joker's card. The arrival of The Great Milenko

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Do better.

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Microplastics combined with being raised by ipads has lowered iq massively.

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But I thought they weren't exposed to lead 24/7. :marseyhmm:

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same. what the frick

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I didn't click on any links, is Kevin hot or something?

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He's just not ugly :marseyblops2cel: , but even further from attractive.

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PC culture has gone to far. Just label it estrogen ffs

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And it's infected 🅱️ideo games too smh.


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I don't drink r-slur juice, I produce it. :marseywholesome:

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Literally me

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PC culture has gone to far. Just label it estrogen ffs

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100% accurate.

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Reported by:

He's so ugly though :marseyconfused: if you're going to form a parasocial relationship with some loser :quote:content creator:quote: at least pick one that's way out of your league hot :marseyconfused: he looks like he works overnight at a gas station and he has negative charisma+hairline :marseyconfused:

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The weirdest part of the whole female gaze trend was there were more conventionally attractive guys that did it but they didnt fit the criteria

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I've talked about this before at some point, but there is something about the attraction insecure women (redundant, ik) have towards dad bods/below average moids

Typically the idea is that a guy like this (skinny fat, weird features, awkward, etc but not completely physically deformed) will date a woman, and be so happy that she gives him some attention, that he won't dare to leave her/shop for better options. (even though we know this is not true-men are dogs)

Whereas a guy that's conventionally attractive and charismatic and has women flirting with him constantly, puts the foid in a position where she feels she has to fight to keep her relationship intact, and not just simply exist

I refuse to believe they're genuinely attracted to scrotes who look like this, but it's still bizarre

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Whereas a guy that's conventionally attractive and charismatic and has women flirting with him constantly, puts the foid in a position where she feels she has to fight to keep her relationship intact, and not just simply exist

I've noticed this too on tiktok. Where stay at home girlfriends will post about their daily life it just invovles them going to the gym, doing 2 hour make up/skincare routines, and shopping for clothes while their boyfriend/husband is a work. Some of them even "joke" about them doing it so their boyfriend doesn't leave for a prettier girl.

But I think your reasoning makes sense. Not all couples are created equal, and if you have the choice, it's always better to be sought after than to be settled for

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>stay at home girlfriends


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It's called a harem :marseyniqab::marseyniqab::marseyniqab::marseyimam:

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stay at home girlfriends should not be a thing, wtf

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I'm really tore on this one...

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One additional thing, usually whoever is seen as "higher value" has more deciding power and bitches love telling you what to do.

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Foids don’t understand physical attractiveness. Their attraction stems entirely from social context. It doesn’t matter what he looks like, what matters is that he’s popular.

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I can contribute here. At my peak in my 20's I was probably a 6 or 7. I'm a solid middle age 5 these days. I hung out with a bunch of dudes that loved to party but while they had good game they could rarely seal the deal so we'd come back from a club or bar or something with more girls than there were guys and do an after party more often than not. I had multiple threesomes at this point in my life. Moved to a different city and had a much better looking crew. If anything I upped my game and looked better and was more confident than ever. Never had longer dry spells than that time period. Being the best option is literally everything.

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Yah maybe on the money about the better option thing but the threesomes when younger is prob cos early 20's chicks are all bi.

Older now? Look at the women you know well, how many of them had a thing with a chick when they were young, how many still want to try something with a girl? much lower.


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pokimane is literally this but w/ genders flipped

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I know right? She's so gross, 2/10 absolute uggo


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I'm not saying she's necessarily ugly, but basically aggressively average, and certainly not what I would call "hot".

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Well, I'm not exactly what you would call "hot" either so I guess we're even.

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She does makeup like a femboy


I would be surprised and dissapointed to find out she lacks a peepee

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Yeah for sure, it's not confident guys simping for pokimane and the like, and the same could be said for the foids here

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(disclaimer btw: I'm not a pokimane fan, I didn't even remember what she looked like but I googled pics of her because I knew you were cappin)

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In this case I'm guessing its something about his violent "bad boy" nature.

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Umm sweaty, love is a verb, not a noun. You will learn to love the butter rolls. :marseymeatwad:

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Yeah I'm fricking boggling at straight women here. Like, really? This motherlover is what you find attractive? Damb girl.

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Yeah but he's :quote: funny :quote: and it's well known if you aren't attractive being funny is the easiest way to draw the attention of someone you want to frick

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Confirmed scrote, you do not have the female gaze :marseysipping:

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Is reddit becoming irrelevant. It seems like all the good drama is off-site and there's just residual seethe hitting the r/ pages.

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I don't really use reddit anymore so I dont post too much from it. But, Twitter is the gold standard for drama IMO. Not only because you'll find various drama on there, but because it helps you find drama on other sites

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It's like a drama yellow pages, if you will


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what the frick is a yellow pages

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Reddit is astroturfed, sanitized and moderated to high heck these days. It's so darn boring and predictable.

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Try to think of another social media website where probably 80% of the userbase has been banned from part of it by faceless mods and a default topic of discussion such as news requires multiple hoops to jump through just to participate.

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Yeah, all the Twitter jannies are r-slurred (at least pre-Musk) but they're at least all paid so you don't end up with the do it for free aspect.

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Reddit is semi-anonymous for the most part so the stakes aren’t as high and it is harder to real life cancel someone whereas as Twittercels often have their real life names out in the open.

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It’s all the same drama on Reddit. Potheads denying their drug’s issues, politicucks seething when they lose, and LGBT spaces becoming TTTT spaces.

The site was never really that relevant anyway

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