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Reports from the latest MasterLawlz sticky on SRD.

Because I can.

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Unsuited for SRD

Au contraire. It generated more than enough straggy whining to make it perfectly suitable for SRD

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It's unsuited because Lawlz is way too funny for the SRDines.

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Even their reports are boring serious posts ๐Ÿฅฑ๐Ÿฅฑ๐Ÿฅฑ๐Ÿฅฑ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜ช๐Ÿ˜ช๐Ÿ˜ช

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they take themselves way to seriously.

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Phedre what do you think of Marsey (pictured here )?

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shut the frick up r-slur

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oh wow, Lawlz's side chick is here too!!

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Lawlz's side chick


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I know, it's very obvious that you're the main chick. Lawlz has always had a thing for fat chicks.

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If youโ€™re not the side chick, you should be able to convince him to bless us with a sticky.

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I hate Srdines so fricking much it's unreal.

Masterlawlz dindu nuffin

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SRD is clearly a board full of kafir's, how dare they not appreciate a post by the 26th prophet Muhammad el masterlawz

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SRDines truly are wretched creatures

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why would anyone write a custom report and not fill it with slurs lol

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Makes us hunt for the drama

The only fish who isn't completely worthless. But now he gets a taste of what dramatards had to deal with.

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you have to let me keep my position forever. I genuinely think I could get them this mad every single week for the foreseeable future

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I donโ€™t think any of us couldโ€™ve guessed that it would be you who would can the SRDines. Keep up the good work King.

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I never discovered rdrama until it was already offsite, so I wasnโ€™t familiar with you. I was, however, familiar with SRDines and hated them very much, since they are mostly average redditors. Needless to say, I have become a big fan of your work, in a short amount of time! Keep them SRDines seething!

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not drama

they still don't get the joke's on them

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I think they do get that the joke was on them, but SRD is a serious subreddit for policing the chuds of reddit. They are r-slurred cute twinks.

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๐Ÿฅซโฌ…๐ŸŸ๐ŸŸ๐ŸŸ ๐Ÿ”ซ๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿป <(GET IN THE FRICKING CAN!)

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I know you and your buddies are sitting in a groomercord or telegram or some private chat right now laughing at the reactions in here as usual, probably with some of the SRD mods, so here's a question for all of you:

How old are you? Is this really how you get enjoyment out of your Saturday nights? Is there really nothing else you can do? Is this enriching to you? Do you think you're ever going to mature to a point where you finally see that deliberately upsetting users simply because you have the power too was pathetic, petty, and small?

This is the equivalent of a shift manager at burger king getting off on making employees miserable, just because it's the smallest bit of actual power they will ever aquire and it makes them feel good to flex it. You can get a comment section full of people upset every couple of weeks. Congratulations. Living the dream.

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Copypasta? I'm not mad, I'm disappointed.

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It's fresh from the oven

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I take it personally that I wasn't modded to SRD back in the day in fear of the exact reaction here.


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I thought you had one of those default pfp's at first but it's not changing... Is that an actual selfie of yours?

If so, it's kinda hard to see but you look pretty good for what it is, like 50yo??

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clearly a wh*teoid, they wall out at around 37-38

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lol they gonna be so mad a mod posted that here.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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This is not appropriate behavior for an employee, I demand to speak to the manager.


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So what kind of bussy-busting score did Lawlz get for his efforts?

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Phedre's tastes run in other directions. Darker directions...

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oh dear

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Lawlz rn:

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Americans REFUSE to use the Metric System because we can't understand 0 - 100. We have AM and PM because we can't even count to 24. We hold a "WORLD SERIES" with only American teams because nobody else wants to play the shitty and overly-complicated sports we invent. We write our dates out of order because we're still stuck in the 1800's & the last time someone tried to take our guns we had to run to the French, the Spanish and the Dutch to help us because we realized we were powerless. American's aren't exactly known for their intelligence.


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you gonna just LET them talk about your man like that???

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o my god we relly got thos smog sardines gud we luk so smart hahaha

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You banned me from rpdr for defending Tyra but I forgive you because youโ€™re clearly cooler than me.

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Itโ€™s funny because the Lawlz post in itself wasnโ€™t drama worthyโ€ฆ but the entire sub kicking and screaming in response to seeing a Lawlz shitpost makes it drama worthy. The drama is self-fulfilling.

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The seethe over the word "jannie" in that thread is pretty good too. They actually, genuinely believe it's a transphobic slur.

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