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  • sandkwinn : yay not deadcel :platylove:
  • coned : carp isn't an incel. delete this thread that i didn't open and only read the title of!
  • of_blood_and_salt : carp IS an incel

King of all r-slurs on incel tear comes out as an actual incel and decides to become a hermit

I made a post about this guy a couple of weeks ago here: yet another post about a r-slur from inceltears

He looks like this: ![](https://i.redd.it/m15fuguzd9m91.jpg)

Recently (as of 2 months ago) he got into an argument with a completely unrelated user and a couple of new details leaked which (unsurprisingly) basically confirmed my suspicions that this guy was yet another virgin but not incel type of incel.

In a pretty depressing post, some user claims that ugly people shouldn't be flirting with women.


The point is, these people have mirrors. They already know they shouldn't be flirting with women.

And no... rejecting someone because their ugly doesn't make you a bad person. It's normal. And we all know it. Even incels reject ugly women. They're all hypocrites.

So stop being a victim. You're not entitled to a sexual relationship. Instead, maybe be a functioning part of society. Find something else to do. Maybe start a stamp collection lol.

I'm not exactly sure why /u/SovietNarutoLuffy2 (I'll use red to highlight his messages) decided to participate in the following discussion but it's quite an enjoyable read and shows what kind of person actually lurks IT (if this wasn't already abundantly clear)


This especially for the very unattractive incels, they should do something else like what you said.

I'm ugly and I undateable so I found happiness in other things like Travelling, Cooking, and Drawing Of course can't afford the first two cause I'm poor, but still doing relatively good albeit empty.

At least you took up hobbies so you can focus on other things aside from finding love. The average incel would rather seethe within the comfort of their parents’ basement.

Sad thing is I can't afford my hobbies (also I stopped dating cause I'm. Too darn insecure and broke u need money) So I just sit there and be bored :(.

You are unironically an incel then, even if you don’t identify as one.

Is the point of this sub just sad people trying to find bitter sad people so they can feel morally righteous and less sad?

This is just such a weird read for me, all of this, and all these people obsessing over some random loser on a forum no one goes on.


You’re identifying as ugly and undatable and resigning yourself to a life alone and focusing on hobbies to distract yourself.

Why do you come on this sub? What draws you to it? That isn’t a rhetorical question I am legitimately fascinated by what brings people here.


The guy further elucidates on the fact that having extensive knowledge of all notorious incel shitposters is not completely normal but /u/SovietNarutoLuffy2 justifies his world view in the following responses:


I’m not necessarily talking about you, but I’m literally reading the posts now with all the comments of “remember what he said last week” and “yeah I was debating him and…”. It’s pretty clear some people here are beyond obsessed.

And yeah no shit incels are often insane, but frick me I’m reading people here mocking random losers on the internet not even saying they’re entitled to a woman, but just talking about wanting to kill themselves because they know they’re disgusting to women, and acting like these cries for help are hate crimes. The fact that this sub engages in that is a disturbing indictment of whatever the frick it’s meant to be.

And no, normal people don’t document everything, documenting no name schizos is exclusively a terminally online weirdo pastime.

Actually I'm starting to see how fricked up it is But my hate towards incels makes it difficult

Frankly, hating incels is something you should try to avoid as well. Not because they aren't hateable, but because normal people just shouldn't care or really know anything about the topic. Normal people are either unaware or profoundly indifferent to incels.

Incels almost ruined my social life by turning me into a hermit for my high school years and shit so I have a profound hatred towards incels, I can barely function :( (<- JFL THIS GIGA R-SLUR THINKS INCELS MADE HIM A HERMIT :marseyxd:)

To no surprise he drops another bomb at the end about having no social life, no friends, no job, no skills and whatever else you can think of.


Its funny that I don't have online or offline freinds, I barely do anything, I just sleep, or listen to music. As for social skills I am working on that I'm limited cause there is no where to go and seemingly everyone is also terminally online if more so.

So I rather sleep, play Gregtech, and watch anime all day than try to talk to literal bunch of rocks. Your acting like I live in NYC Or LA where it's easier.

I'm this now but friends and love is not my priority me getting a job and moving to a more sociable place is my priority than I do a bit of socialising. Cause I'm moving to KC Which is worse. I'm also assuming your not even in America, believe me I would be outside having fun if the whole area wasn't concrete jungles and streets devoid of life. I'm just bored, honestly just want to quit living. Nothing here nor in KC just endless lifeless soulless heck.

In the end he decided to make the following post announcing his departure from reddit:

I'm going off reddit, I decided to cut all. social. ties and live a hermit life I dont see myself as worthu ofnpeople goodbye

Which got no votes and was eventually removed. This guy will surely be back and more pathetic the next time. I cannot wait!

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Do all of these Reddit power users not have jobs? How are they able to stay home watching anime and porn all day?

Getting a job would nip most of that incel shit in the bud.

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Why you think having a job would improve you're quality of life ? @_____ worked in many places as student and wanted too kill my self there. Like @_____ did accounting shit in some pension shit, the average age of worker there was like 55+ age older than my parents. Then @_____ worked in bank same shit. Then done shit in IT sphere it was full with neurodivergent playing some wired butt obstruct old mmos and doing it with such serious face. Then @_____ worked in stand up show did accounting and planing for them, it was full with old millennials and gen X drinking non stop and pretending they are working, that organization was fully supported by gov. @_____ am telling you it’s chiller shit posting and playing vidya than interacting with people you don’t have much in common <- that shit tiers you a lot mentally.

Trans lives matters

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People need a purpose. There's been studies (:soyjackwow:) showing people's mental health declining after 1-2 years of unemployment.

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Working (going too job and doing same shit everyday) is not the sole purpose. When @_____ worked for 5 weeks in chocolate factory in that place @_____ legit was losing mental health @_____ had too wake up at 5:30 and was home at 20:00 life was epic miserable. @_____ legit would rather spend my life doing stupid shit than go back too that factory. It asked more physical labor than @_____ spend month building roof on house. And because @_____ was a young guy in company of a lot useless boomer holes @_____ always had too do shit they didn’t want too do. Ah yeah that factory had camera everywhere and no place too sit.

So trans lives matters

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But that's you, motherlover. And yeah some jobs suck, but on average unemployed people report higher levels of depression and general sadness than employed people. People, in general, need a purpose, and it feels good to get paid for doing something useful.


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@_____ feel good every month on 8th telling rent is due. So when @_____ get my degree and start working it will be for sole reason too buy another house too rent and it probably will be a half time job.

Trans lives matters


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Look at it from this angle; What came first - having no job or staying at home watching anime and porn?

If I had no occupation my life quality would drastically go down.

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Well he can't afford to cook and thinks everything outside of a hellish concrete wasteland. He obviously doesn't have a job or leave the house.

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Yeah but then you start paying bills, realizing what taxes are, hating them, and becoming Conservative and leaving the site altogether.

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