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It's official, the term "Texas Abortion Bounty Hunter" is now a part of the national political discourse


good job spergs, you've baited your way into the national news

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I thought you guys were fricking it up but the media is dumb enough to believe anything.

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It's truly amazing. We may be too powerful for our own good

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17092367509484937.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17151063782028813.webp

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Unironically I think we might be tangibly contributing to the downfall of the western world

Now that's what I call epic

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Who would win? Western civilization, evolved for thousands of years or a few cheeky internet lads with some jokes

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17092367509484937.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17151063782028813.webp

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Its not a 'who would win', we are the epitome of western civilization, rdrama.net was what god intended when he created the universe. After we destroyed the world, everything will cease existing.

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Reality is a mistake. We must rectify it.

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It's been 2 straight decades of downhill.


Happy 9/11 Memorial weekend

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Everyone needs a hobby

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I am become hobbyist destroyer of worlds.

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More of a symptom than a cause tbh

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If I were a rightoid, I'd be collecting these examples of leftoid journ*list r-sluration to discredit them. But, they are just as gullible and r-slurred.

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It wouldn't really matter. Neither the media nor the people consuming the media give a shit anymore whether something is true or not as long as it's in alignment with whatever narrative they want to advance.

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I'd be collecting these examples of leftoid journ*list r-sluration to discredit them.

Do you not remember the OK sign? When you confront them with their own quixotic r-sluration they just append it with magical thinking; the OK sign is white supremacist because rightoids know that we say it's real, and because they still do it in spite, thus proving that it's white supremacist

It's like a mass psychosis.

Dude bussy lmao

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rdrama.net is unironically officially part of the mainstream media now.

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Our shadow operators are pulling the levers of the media behind the scenes

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A lot of the times I don't think journos even believe this stuff, they just use it to push whatever narrative they're gunning for.

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Are they really that dumb or is it just the kind of thing they're looking to publish? They need the outrage to keep the wheels turning and the lights on. Who gives a shit if it's fake?

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The second one. They delude themselves into thinking it is real because it feels good to be morally outraged.

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Every stupid offensive maymay is just being used as a Reichstag Fire for them

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The was an ACTUAL site doing this though. An unironic pro life site that was shutdown by their host a few days after we did it. So now it's a real thing we made up.

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The more this spreads the more I laugh. It would take a single person about two minutes to discover it was a sub with ~75 subscribers that was banned in ~6 hours of its creation, but that would be too much work when there's outrage to disseminate.

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Wasn't a journ*list sending people here questions until she just determined there's no value in this story ("trolls trolled") and lol who cares just run the story?

Wait I know somebody who does like the truth and dunking on MSM for being pitiful bitches, where is @Ggreenwald? Drama making fake news, dozens (?) of outlets swallow it wholesale and print misinformation...maybe he would like a story like that?


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If anybody thinks that at any point the media will get red-faced at falling for obvious bait then you're forgetting what happened with the OK hand signal.

Also now downie rightoids will actually try to do this and it will become a self-fulfilling thing.

You have created a monster and I hope you're proud of yourselves.


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Also now downie rightoids will actually try to do this and it will become a self-fulfilling thing.

Never go full Baudrillard

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Sorry for the ruined orgasm but this dude almost certainly has no idea the subreddit existed. He was reacting to the website, the article links to another article on Daily Beast about it.

Either way, this is just another nonprofit scam guy.

He pays himself 37'500 a year for "15" hours a week (sure). Somehow, in 2018 (I didn't check another year), they spent 100k on this website that looks like something from early 2010's web building site. Also spent 100k on "management" cost. $0 went on any other salaries apart from the already mentioned management and his own. Oh and in 2020 elections, they supported no one but donated 100k against Trump.

These nonprofits are legit insane. There's so many of them and it's all a few people pocketing money for nothing, basically just writing articles and speaking against enemies, and despite all the veneer of radicalism they always end up falling in the party line.

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As a journ*list and activist, I've worked with a range of genuine whistleblowers during the last several decades. Coming from diverse backgrounds, they ended up tangling with institutions ranging from the Pentagon and CIA to the National Security Agency and the Veterans Administration.

And with all that experience, this absolute r-slur couldn't think of the possibility that these "whistleblowers" might not even exist?

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I'm convinced that part of Operation Mockingbird was ensuring that only r-slurs would be allowed to graduate as journ*lists.

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Real talk, didn't they just hire actual r-slurs after "Cancel Colbert" girl blew up, in 2014? She wrote a couple incredibly stupid editorials in "Time" viewed by millions (I remember scrolling through thousands of comments making fun of her). Right after that, woke meme headlines blew up--all you needed to do was find the dumbest kid in class, feed her Adderall and encourage the hottest takes. The post-2014 culture war is a tabloid baiting scam and Drama is literally part of it, now.

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We might as well have history books referring to enforcers of the Fugitive Slave Act as "good Samaritans," or monitors of Jim Crow compliance as "civic activists."

New idea r/TexanSamaritans. A sub for Texans to share the good deeds they've done for their communities, should be about 80/20 other good deeds/reporting abortions.

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Is it really this easy? 4chan were running scams on the media all the time, but even they had downtime on suckering these dumb fricks.

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One of the enormous dangers of the Texas abortion law is that a Stasi-like culture of betrayal and fear will evolve in the Lone Star State and copy-cat states, with long-lasting destructive effects. If a friend, neighbor or co-worker can turn someone in and gain a reward for doing so, the ripple effects are going to be corrosive, intensifying over time.

Where are the redditors saying "omg this is just like Jan 6" like they do for everything else? Oopsie, we didn't mean it that way teehee

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If you see something, say something. That goes for anti-maskers, anti-vaxxers, anti-baby-lifers, and Texans that refuse to collect their rightful bounties on law-breakers. Blow that whistle, cowboys.

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dura Lex, sed Lex

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I love diarrhea

Yes that is right, I love to have diarrhea. One of my favorite things to do is take a laxative on weekends when I have absolute nothing to do and I know I’ll be at the house all day. Sometimes when I can’t wait the 8 hours a laxative will take I’ll do a salt water flush and I’ll be peeing out my butthole in 30 minutes. I’ve even found for me that 100% grapefruit juice will do the trick if I drink half a gallon in a day. There are so many aspects of it that make it one of the best experiences.

The first aspect I love is the rush. Just going about my business and then all of a sudden I know I might poop my pants. That it is time to get on a potty right now and nothing else matters. It’s an adrenaline rush when the stomach starts to gurgle and you know you can’t stop what’s about to happen. That I am totally at the mercy of my bowels.

The second is simply the feeling. I love the feeling of relief I get in my stomach, the feeling of it rushing out of my butt hole, and it is one of those good burn feelings in the butt hole too. I love that fiery butt hole burn. Then when you go to wipe it’s kind of like you are scratching that ultimate itch. To put it simply from start to finish the feeling of diarrhea has multiple aspects that all feel good and all of them have their special place in my heart.

The third aspect I love is the smell. It’s like when you have a good fart and it stinks really bad and you kind of sniff it in and you are like dang, I just did that. The smell of diarrhea is like I just opened a sewer line right in my potty and I love it. It’s just a great scent to sit there and enjoy for a minute. A nasty type of good that makes you feel a little dirty.

The fourth aspect would have to be looking at what came out. Just standing to wipe and looking at what once used to be a perfectly clean potty is now black. Just black water with black spatter all around the bowl of the potty. I love to stand there for a second and look at it and say “dang look at all that bad stuff I just expelled from my body.” That’s a great feeling looking at it and knowing how you’ve just purged your body.

To put it simply, I highly recommend diarrhea.

Edit: For those who have commented and are concerned about my health. I should of clarified this isn’t an every day thing. This is a once every month or two type of deal. I work a lot and have a busy home life and am by all means what you would consider a normal person lol. This is like something I will do when I actually have a day to rest and relax from my busy life because it feels good to me and is an enjoyable experience. A de-stresser if you will.


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Was the site of narq on people actually legitimate? I thought it was but the sub wasn't.

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It was created by an anti-abortion organization as a "whistleblower" site. Probably meant to coordinate legal action against clinics that performed abortions illegally, but still had doxxing potential and got y'alled. Practically speaking any random person could just email them if they had an actual tip.

I think we created the "bounty hunter" term but it doesn't seem like this article covers the sub.

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Can we meme so hard that we spread a rumor that Biden called Kamala the n-slur?

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Those 75 subscribers deserve some kind of r/drama.net badge of honor 🎖 something to show of just what a troll legend looks like

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commondreams is really really shit-tier nonprofit "news site" thats overly featured on reddit but there are definitely better outlets that have covered the term, id relish seeing them.

It means little that CD ran with the story, they melodramatize and crudely politicize the shit out of anything in a manner suitable to their slant, it would be a sign of failure if the hacks there could resist the bait. They are like a reddit-tier Mother Jones magazine, but twice as meaningless since dey don't touch print.

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Inspired by Sotomayor. We couldn't have done it without her. #GirlPower

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This link is the “literally who?” of online tabloids.

This morning, Cum went to the park. I went with Coom. And Cum brought Coomer frisbee. At least I think it was Coomers. By the end of the day, Cum started throwing the frisbee to Cumself.

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watching this all unfold has been quite the show. I'm glad you autists managed to get a bite

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