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Remember people, the best way to fight vaccine conspiracists is to prove them right

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Yes, losing the trigger pullers is absolutely great for any military.

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I find it adorable you guys still think the military is right-wing.

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Pizza, the part of the military that actually pulls triggers is overwhelmingly right wing. That said the brass and the support elements that make up 80% of the military often aren't. If you poll any line infantry platoon, I'd be shocked if more than 10% voted for Biden. Ironically there's probably no higher concentration of right wing anti-government types than among the people paid by the feds to break things and kill people.

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This has been repeatedly proven false lmao, Trump wasn't any more popular with active duty military than he was with the general public:

What is however true is older vets are overwhelmingly right-wing. The issue with your claim is the US military active duty is very young, and young people of all demographics lean more towards the left than right.


When asked who would get their vote if the election was held in August, more than 41% of service members said they would vote for Joe Biden while 37.4% expressed support for Trump. More than 12% said they would vote for a third party.

The Trump campaign even tried to claim fraud when the troops voted for Biden:


"I had always been told that military personnel tended to be more conservative, so this stuck out to me as the day went on," the observer said in his statement.

Another point of evidence here is military exit polling - Biden did much better than vets than you would expect:

The Military Times this week cited exit polling from Edison Research that showed 52 percent of military and veteran voters preferred President Donald Trump to Biden, who 45 percent preferred. That margin is much narrower than in 2016, when Trump enjoyed a 26-percent advantage, pulling in 60 percent to Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clintonโ€™s 34 percent.

If Vets showed up like this for Biden, you can be sure he did very well with active duty.

You can see this with young vets too:

Younger veterans were also more likely to support Biden than Trump, according to October polling. Of veterans ages 34 to 54, Biden was favored by 51 percent and Trump by 40 percent. By comparison, only 38 percent of older veterans (age 55 and older) favored Biden, compared to 59 percent support for Trump. That is also consistent with trends among young voters at large, who overwhelmingly supported Biden over Trump this year.

And active duty:

Among active-duty personnel specifically, Biden had a slight edge compared to Trump in an August Military Times poll, 41 percent to 37 percent.

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That said the brass and the support elements that make up 80% of the military often aren't.

I acknowledged this. No need to longpost, you're right. I know the overall military isn't made up of rightoids. I'm saying that the small portion of the military that volunteered for jobs with the prospect of personally killing someone is heavily right wing. This group definitely doesn't represent the military as a whole, but you're going to meet very, very few Army or Marine infantry, Rangers, SF, SEALs etc. that aren't right wing. The portion of the military that actually directly fights is relatively small.

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Most of the people in those polls/exit poll are active duty, and not officers, as in people "doing the killing."

The point is, the military is following the exact same trends the population is - they're tending left.

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being left leaning


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The military people who go to college before they join the military and not after are definitely at least somewhat more likely to lean left.

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Depends on the college, not to mention many non-leftoids and/or rightoids pass through college on a regular basis, itโ€™s basically a rite of passage for the conservative suburbanite.

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America First is actual ideas that work not left or right. Bannon aligns with Elizabeth Warren more than he does with pelosi or shumer. Populism is on the rise and America once again will be the shining light on the hill directing all of us to a new dawn.

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"America first" is a slogan created by an economic illiterate to convince other economic illiterates the reason they're failures is America being taken advantage of.

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What's your excuse?

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Steve bannon is not economically illiterate America first existed way before orange man triggered you

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You've got a very skewed idea of the military if you think most of them are "doing the killing". Logistics and support MILPERS make up a tremendous portion of the active duty population.

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The portion of the military that actually directly fights is relatively small.

*lists only the personnel who are dedicated rifle bearers*

What about arty, tankers, engineers, etc.?

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From my interactions they still lean right because they also volunteered to perform a combat role. They're just not as heavily rightoid as infantry goons. It takes a special kind of tard to still want to be infantry in a world of guided missiles, cluster bombs, and airburst artillery.

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How about signals and intelligence? Also, any idea on the navy? I can see navy being more balanced given they all have the same personal risk if the ship goes down.

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The more likely a service member is to be sitting in an office, the more likely it is that they're left leaning. Signals and Intel probably reflect the general population as a whole. I'm just going on anecdote; the only big army guys I've really worked with have been combat arms. The Navy and Air Force are definitely comprised of more left leaning people than the Army. The Marines are the most full of rightoids of any branch by far.

And when I say rightoid, these guys might crack racist jokes constantly, but they're just as willing to fight and die alongside a fellow black soldier as they would for a white one. It's rare to see any racist inclinations actually effect how people work and interact from my experience. No one gets along better than two racist privates of different races, who end up as roommates in the barracks.

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Do you ever admit you're wrong?

Are you like this due to pride, or just lack of humility?

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I just provided all of the data proving me right.

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This isn't about the data. It is about the man behind the data.

Are you okay?

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Biden is right wing.

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This has been repeatedly proven false lmao, Trump wasn't any more popular with active duty military than he was with the general public:

The issue with your claim is the US military active duty is very young, and young people of all demographics lean more towards the left than right.

Not liking Trump =/= automatically left wing

The 2020 election showed that many, though not all, habitual GOP voters voted for Biden then voted GOP down the ballot. Not to mention that a good many Trump voters had strong dislike for the man. Those groups are still โ€œright wingโ€ by your standards.

I donโ€™t know what youโ€™re trying to prove by showing that military personnel, both veteran and active, are somehow more โ€œleft wingโ€. Same with the people here trying to suggest the average grunt is a Qoomer.

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Voting against republicans means at most they are moderate establishment liberals lmao.

Like at some point you guys are going to have to accept that he right is losing every demographic battle.

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Voting against republicans means at most they are moderate establishment liberals lmao.

Somehow Romney and the Bush family are โ€œmoderate establishment liberalsโ€.

Also, wouldnโ€™t the center left to right leaning governments that came up after the pink tide in LatAm, several Euro countries being locked under right wing governments as well as the potential upcoming Liberal Party upset to the Tories in Canada considered as the โ€œright not losingโ€? Not to mention demographically, red states/areas tend to have a higher fertility rate then blue states/areas and that many new Latinx immigrants are coming from Central America and/or Venezuela, who tend to be more right leaning, especially the latter, compared to Mexican immigrants.

I donโ€™t know why you are insistent on spreading the idea that the right is โ€œdying outโ€ here.

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There is no "moderate conservative" left dude. The GOP is losing young voters by huge margins.

The reality is nobody educated or living, in reality, wants to vote for social conservative losers. It's only going to keep getting worse, and worse, and worse.

Quite literally the only reason the GOP has remained competitive (and I use that word lightly, they rig the shit out of state elections) is white evangelical turnout.

Dying? Not completely, getting absolutely dismantled in terms of demographics? Yes.

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Quite literally the only reason the GOP has remained competitive (and I use that word lightly, they rig the shit out of state elections) is white evangelical turnout.

Lol what? Thatโ€™s like two buzzword talking points for one.

If youโ€™re talking about the GOP โ€œrigging electionsโ€ with the โ€œvoter suppression lawsโ€ then that doesnโ€™t make any sense since there havenโ€™t been any elections (at least of significance) where they have come into play. If youโ€™re talking about gerrymandering then sure I guess? Donโ€™t know how substantiated that would be given either side accuses each other of so on the regular. If youโ€™re talking about hating mail ballots, wouldnโ€™t those benefit them more given rural and elderly strong areas?

Evangelicals are probably the most misconstrued religion in the United States. Southern Baptists are not Evangelical while Pentecostals are much closer, yet the former is the one considered so. I donโ€™t know why people think Mainline denominations are some how less โ€œright leaningโ€ than Evangelicals, especially given the churches, councils, conferences, etc. passing conservative rulings all the time despite more โ€œliberalโ€ members and outsider pressure. The United Methodist Church is undergoing a planned schism as we speak because of this (though I wish they would not).

Youโ€™d be surprised on how โ€œthe youthโ€ will vote for. Also, there are plenty of modern conservatives around, stop talking in narrowing terms. Stop trying to put a label like โ€œsocial conservativeโ€ as if itโ€™s a grounded term and anyone who doesnโ€™t meet all of the โ€œcriteriaโ€ is not one. The right, center and center left is not some clearly delineated and labeled group like the left is. They donโ€™t have 20+ labels for every possible position they may have on something nor is their โ€œideology/ideologiesโ€ anything but amorphous.

One last note, a lot of what youโ€™re saying seems to conflate the 2020 election against Trump with people being โ€œconservativeโ€ or โ€œright leaningโ€, which is extremely flawed.

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Not liking trump doesn't mean someone isn't right wing, especially by 2020 when he proved that the only single thing he could accomplish was nominating judges.

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They voted for Biden, it was more than not liking Trump.

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I voted for biden and im on the rightoid end of radical centrism

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The Trump campaign even tried to claim fraud when the troops voted for Biden:

What Chads, everytime they lose it's a conspiracy. I can only marvel at the level of confidence this takes

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My buddy is SF and itโ€™s about 50/50 for his guys. I wonder if they skew further left than normal infantry.

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What SF group is he with? I was 5th SFG before I went national guard, and I rarely met any tabbed SF dudes who were leftoids. The SF assigned support elements are probably pretty evenly split like the big army. The SF community is definitely less trump-tarded than regular infantry (probably due to the IQ testing), but the vast majority of the guys I've worked with in the Q and in group are rightoids.

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Is SF special forces? Also have you ever seen any Delta Force guys around? Imagine how good you'd have to be to be one of them like in the movie Sicario.

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Yes, SF is Army Special Forces. Delta/CAG operators stick to themselves, but yes, I've run into them before at home and overseas. Incredibly professional and competent soldiers. They're Tier I for a reason, and they're selection process is beyond gruelling. They get to do all the really cool guy movie shit and basically answer directly to the White House.

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What do you think the casualty rate is for them? I imagine It would never be publicized.

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Probably not that high barring things like helicopter crashes/shootdowns. 15 SEAL Team 6/DEVGRU (the Navy's CAG equivalent) died in a helicopter shootdown in 2011. Most of the time when an op goes wrong, and Tier 1 dudes die it makes the news. I can't speculate about the real black ops shit, when they work with agencies like the CIA, but even then, it wouldn't be more than one or two a year. They've got the best medics in the world and usually have overwhelming air support on standby, so unless they just get dropped by a lucky bullet, they're probably going to survive pretty much any injury.

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Great movie. SF means San Francisco, home of the bussy

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I donโ€™t know and Iโ€™m not sure heโ€™d appreciate my telling if I did. Heโ€™s not really a leftoid, but heโ€™s definitely more left than right. Are the rightoids more centrist?

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I get that, I'm just an r-slur and know that my National Guard SF chain of command wouldn't even give a shit about the r-slurred stuff I post on here if it somehow got linked to me. Mostly centrists politically, but they hate the weak minded, super sensitive urbanite kind of libs with a passion.

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Ironically there's probably no higher concentration of right wing anti-government types than among the people paid by the feds to break things and kill people.

Right wing? Sure. Anti-government? I highly doubt that.

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Nothing makes you hate the government more than working for them. Yeah they're not actively plotting to overthrow it or anything, but they hate Congress and Washington as a whole.

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Do they take an oath to the president? I can see how hate towards the commander in chief can be a problem.

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I, _____, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

Yes they do: to the Constitution and the President. It's mostly just bitching and moaning and petty shit like not putting Biden's picture on the chain of command wall. Even the most Trump-tarded aren't actually going to disobey the CiC's orders, and if they do, they'll get the boot.

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How many grunts, especially deployed or have been, would say percentage wise would be โ€œloyalโ€ to Biden (ie irregardless of them not liking him and/or his politics but would still feel responsibility to him)?

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I can't give you any accurate percentages, but the vast majority of people who don't like him will still be "loyal" to him because they're loyal to the chain of command and the office of the CiC. The only way I can imagine soldiers disobeying orders en masse is if the president passed down some absurd orders along the lines of rounding up American citizens at gunpoint for political reasons. Other than that, it's just a matter of individual opinion that doesn't interfere with the military carrying out its tasks.

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this says a lot about society

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chad b-52

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Haven't you gone on multiple tirades in the past year arguing that it is right wing?

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No, there are just a lot of Q-tards in the ranks.

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It is. We love freedom. Sorry commie

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