Betting thread for the LA ballroom shooter STEP RIGHT UP STEP RIGHT UP


  • 10 dead, 10 injured

  • rifle

  • killer at large still 12 hours later

  • shot up a ballroom dance studio

  • lunar new years

Personally my money is on a jilted ex or random moid spurned by one of the women there. BUT NOT AN INCEL because he escaped and is still alive. Ex/husband seems most likely but I’m not confident in either of these assessments.

Wiz is convinced it was an Asian dude. I think he thinks it was a ricecel but idk idk.




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Really? 0 votes for rightoid? Thats a safe bet usually

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How many schizo rightoids are willing to throw their lives away forever to handle the Yellow Menace?

Blacks and muzzies are why you're redpilled. A better bet is non-specific incel. Maybe he couldn't even get a qt rice gf? I still voted internecine, because those people fricking hate each other

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Blacks and muzzies are why you're redpilled.

And even then, they tend to kill a bunch of white people and children.

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yellow fever isnt a thing anymore, rightoids want their women and asians are too :marseymanlet: to compete, so they dont really care anymore

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they posted a pic of the suspect


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Soren they’re going to believe you (hilarious) and shit up my notifs with demanding a preemptive payout (not hilarious) :marseyraging:

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more carp lies, we know you are voting for the least picked one to get the full payout

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I cast the first vote and timestamps confirm it

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That guy's music sucks so much

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you know he tries his best MIMW, I may not agree with the meanings behind his music (and he is a bit of a whiner) but to call someone's music which they poured their little nonexistant chianmen soul into "bad" is a real shame. I wouldn't claim any piece of art is "bad" if it has thought and heart.

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I didn't say it was "bad", I said it fricking sucks. That Scott Pilgrim song is some of the worst music I've heard in my life -- bad playing, shitty production (not in the cool punk way), and r-slurred lyrics, half of which either don't fit the meter or straight up make no grammatical/semantic sense.

He's also doing double tracking and when he says the line "by a movie made in Hollywood" one of the tracks breaks down into this really ugly fake laugh, which is basically the musical equivalent of a Marvel character going "Errrrm, that just happened?". This is followed by the world's most pathetic guitar solo, basically imagine if instead of telling Eddie Hazel to "play like your momma just died", George Clinton grabbed a member of The Shaggs and told her to "play like your favorite Onlyfans star just quit" because that's what it sounds like.

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Keep yourself safe cute twink

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Listen to real music you fricking manchild

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This sounds like shit

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It was made by a 15 year old so that's expected

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Lmao it's ricecel die antwoord

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Wait what if it is a rightoid virgin (but I repeat myself)?

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Depends on the motive. Was he doing it to kill women and less-supreme gentlemen, or was he doing it to own the libs?

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Seems like the place was popping


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Already confirmed to be Asian man.

Possible incel and furry? Who knows? We can only hope for maximum drama he is half black :marseytrain2: and claims she did it for the black Israelites

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Sam Hi Do

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Samuru Hiyedashi

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well frick if its already confirmed i want my gangbanger bet DC back wtf

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Whyd you bid on a black person? Too many dead people for it to be black

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Blacks don’t use rifles cause you can’t hold them sideways. If the shooter uses a rifle it’s guaranteed to be white/Asian/muzzie

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it was borderline with the 10 wounded, and those stats tend to be skewed by use of handguns in most BvB crimes

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Betting on schizo feels like I finally get to root for my own team

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It seems like it’s never a motivationless crazy person anymore but I’m rooting for you king

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Do schizos literally ever even kill one person? All I remember is that YouTube schizo; but she was a woman, which explains her failure.

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The Boulder grocery store shooter was a rare Muslim schizo :marseyimam::marseyschizoshaking:

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Yes! Serial killers like Son of Sam and the Mexican one who was hot but had the fricked up teeth.

β€œBut those are serial killers carp, not spree killers”


I hear you all, do not worry. You are seen. And debunked. This was the OG spree shooting afaik This nutjob too

It’s not the most common, but it does happen!

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Attempting to cull the disguised alien invaders is, imo, still a motivation.

Ah frick, they’ll prolly lean one wingcuck way or another if they had a manifesto.

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The fact that he escaped instead of continuing to rampage really hurts the politicope angle I think. Schizo seems more likely. Though still not favored to win imo

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Azn gang shit is least likely but possible, my bet is on a love triangle tho because it doesnt seem random at all. Just someone taking care of business

9 shots, 9 kills, no nonsense rifle w/cost effective rounds

:marseychingchong: efficiency

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Darrell brooks (who is innocent by the way). :brooksannoyed:

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Cops literally said it was an Asian guy

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Ricecel is an Asian INCEL. It’s not a slur for azn.

These address motive.

Except the ones that don’t.

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All Asains are incels though. I want my FRICKING dramacoin.

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People who said rightoid wingcuck still win if it's a rightoid asian, carpathianBORIST do not rob us of our hard earned gooobled dc.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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If the motive was politicoping yes. Similarly, if the motive was womanhate because KHHV and he’s Asian, then ricecel wins. Or if it’s one of their ex husbands, then jilted ex wins. And so on.

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That sounds about white.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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Just covering for the fact that 90% of your options are already proven wrong I guess

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There are loads of Asian Islamic militants :grr:

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China put them all in those lovely re-education resorts already :marseyxi:

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Carp makes a betting thread on the already confirmed suspect's race. Proceeds to :marseycopeseethedilate: when finding out his mistake.

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Why even bother, it's always a kissless virgin mayo :marseymutt2:

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If this was the California one, the sheriff already said he's an Asian. Thanks for the free money dumb dumb.

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Oh frick I'm a dumb cute twink

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The fact that they targeted asians makes me go with the urban but statistically it's more likely a white virgin. They all b-word about elites and people in charge and then go shoot up people completely not involved with their psycho wingcuck rant. A ballroom? For real? What a frickin loser.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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Pee is stored in the ballroom

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Ballroom is very incely though.

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What level of relationship would be necesary to differentiate between a stalker(incel) and a jilted ex?

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Jilted ex had a romantic relationship with the victim, incel did not

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But what constitutes a romantic relationship? A date? Several dates? A hookup? Probably not sexting, right?

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Circumstantial I suppose, mostly given the last one. Texting in itself wouldn’t, but perhaps it was some weird long distance groomcord relationship where they never met. That would be a tricky call between incel (assuming he has no previous real relationships or anything) and jilted ex, though I’d lean towards the latter. Motive, after all. Though an incel manifesto would obviously trump that.

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Darn, wish I would have read the thread before betting on probability.

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Wheres racist

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I never win these fudging bets. Except for the dong bet. I won BIG on p3nis inspection day :marseypenis:

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The only people that care about Asian New Years are other Asians. Nobody else in the world gives a shit about it.

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Im voting Mexican because I stand with my latinx brothers and sisters ✊🏾

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Toss up between an Asian or white moid honestly. That amount of kills and injuries isn't possible for people of darkness. Or biofoids.

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Maybe he just had a bad day and instead of coming home to his gorgeous wife and his four children he decided to farm some stats idk I'm voting for the last option

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Will we get the supreme gentleman #2?

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This is outrageous

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It's unfair

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Attacks on rice? BIPOC for sure. Rifle and greater than 4 casualties throws a spanner in the gears, but still 95% on black.

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The casualties plus the escape make black seem very unlikely. Though the Walmart shooter took me by surprise, so who knows? Maybe 2023 is the year of the bipoc sprees.

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It was a chink. Keep yourself safe r-slur

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a bipoc wouldnt know its chinese new year or be able to hit 20 people

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Every game has chinx new year celebration and google has chinx new year doodle.

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Jilted roof Korean

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Rightoid. Normally would say ricecel, but political tensions with China have been higher the past three years than normal

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we already know its an asian male

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If you think the sheriff’s self-declared preliminary statement with a 20+ year age range of a guy they haven’t identified or caught is reliable then that narrows it down quite a bit!

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tbf asians dont age until the day they age all at once. it can be hard to judge.

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Virgin and Asian

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That’s ricecel

Which doesn’t appear to be the case. Preliminary reports are that he was the husband of one of the victims.

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wtf I thought ricecel means all Asians

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I bet it was some Chinese cuck

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where's how much did the feds know about the shooter before it happened

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Gonna go with mafia since no one else has. Bet big win big :marseysunglasseson:

BUT NOT AN INCEL because he escaped and is still alive.

So true!

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Ohoho that was an excellent payout :marseymerchant:

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lunar new year

>random schizo lunatic

Oh god I hope it’s true.

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What if it was a woman


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10 dead


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I'm taking long shot and going Islamist (Uyger nationalist/sympathizer)

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10 dead and you neighbors are betting on the identity of the shooter? Certified rDrama moment (I just placed a bet :marseyclueless:)

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This happens every shooting

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Didnt you have a poll on New Years for race of first mass shooter?

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new mass shooting dropped? when?

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Surprised more people aren't betting Mexican. The underclass in California is majority latinx and most mass shooters/serial killers come from the lower class.

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How about Latinx that is treated as white by all media outlets.

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A Zimmerman for the next generation πŸ€”

Zoomerman πŸ€” πŸ€” πŸ€”

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HALF these responses are synonyms for rightoid

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Nice post, bro! I posted it to twitter.

Betting thread for the LA ballroom shooter STEP RIGHT UP STEP RIGHT UP #AllQuietOnTheWesternFront #dancing #twerking

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Literally the first link out of Google describes the shooter as a 30 to 50 year old Asian

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This has been addressed multiple times in the thread!

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