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How hard is it to understand that people don't like being told what to do and normal people don't give a shit about :marseytrain2:s?

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people don't give a shit about :marseytrain2:s?

This country has gotten divided enough to put :marseytrain2: drama as a campaign promise for the presidential election.

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I think brother @BigBussyHunter is correct nobody gave a frick about these mentally ill degenerates until they and their enablers turned their attention to kids. If they continued to stay in their basements and eventually rope nobody would have cared but as we all have learned the slippery slope is a cliff and if you give a leftoid an inch they're going to try and take a mile

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My friend and I were just talking about this last night. The agp trains are so fricking intrusive wanting to invade spaces and forcing people to accept that they should be in women's sports, able to groom kids, and want to mutilate children that they have pushed the majority of people so far right that now people support open homophobes and racists in an effort to preserve any sanity. It frickin sucks. A majority of people don't frickin care if you want to wear a dress and cut your peepee off but leave their kids alone. It's that frickin simple.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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This NEVER happens.

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But also here's why it's a GOOD THING.

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I honestly can't quite understand the whole choo choo obsession we're going through right now - it's a mental illness that affects a tiny tiny percentage of the population, and then a social contagion on top of that which affects another tiny percentage of the population, but it's suddenly some great new civil rights frontier we're all supposed to care so deeply about.

If some guy wants to wander around in a wig and women's clothing, talking in an affected falsetto voice, good luck to them with that I guess, but the moment their stupid crap starts to impact anyone else, be it demanding others see them in some way that defies reality, or demanding to use women's pottys, or being in any job where their mental illness/fetish diminishes the good order of that role, or trying to reproduce by grooming children, then my indifference to them turns to contempt.

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I honestly can't quite understand the whole choo choo obsession we're going through right now

For the big majority of them this is their version of the "gay marriage" issue so they see it as the indisputable right thing to rally behind, the problem is that they can't see that both issues are completely different on a fundamental level and yet they believe that people that support gay rights also owes it to them to support the Ts because both issues are tangentially related by virtue of being part of the same acronym even tho sexuality and gender identity are different issues

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>For the big majority of them this is their version of the "gay marriage" issue so they see it as the indisputable right thing to rally behind

Yeah this is what formed the base for the current trains discourse. It is basically an extension off of the gay rights discourse of the 00’s and 10’s and once gays basically β€˜won’ that fight around 2015 there was too much money laying in the table to not use for something else.

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Because they get mad if other people don’t consider them women, it’s all about controlling other people

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Yeah they always phrase it as "we just want equal rights" but in reality "trans rights" is actually about starting Twitter lynch mobs and getting people fired who disagree with their political viewpoints. The old Motte and Bailey trick

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The blm section is extremely chud friendly

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the mass hystaria surrounding trains is a tertiary social contagion

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a TERFiary social contagion


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The end of your statement answered the beginning, it's the demands to bend the knee to suck the girl peepee and use proper pronouns and allow kids to shoot up bathtub estrogen that people have a problem with.

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I guess male and female is the ultimate distinction we make so attacking that might be the ultimate liberal ideal of transgression against ancient norms? :marseyshrug:

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It has to do with the fact that the internet has a disproportionate influence on irl politics right now, even when it doesn't reflect the day-to-day reality for most people. The current crop of trains throwing drama filled shitfits are arguably the most terminally online group of people in existence, so they naturally have a huge impact on internet politics.

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Massive anglo guilt for driving Turing into suicide.

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Which is why Caitlyn Jenner needs to run for president

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first woman president being a republican and a transsexual should be enough to get everyone mad AF

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Which is why I will rig the 2024 elections and vote for Kween Caitlyn 65 million times.

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If I thought she stood a chance, I would support this 1000%. Sadly we don't live in that timeline

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It would be the greatest moment in recent history. Imagine the pure seethe from foids should the first "foid" president be a :marseytrain: :marseyembrace:

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It's gonna get worse because most big streamers have already bought it and said they are going to play it and when someone brings up the train shit they basically say they don't care. Once they play it, the sales will get even bigger lol

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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It's impossible to tell a narcissist that it's not about them

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A lot, if not most political content online isn't made to engage a broader audience outside of the creator's bubble. Videos like this exist primarily to generate engagement. Most people who watch it will already agree with the premise, feel validated in their world view due to it and the comments that are in support and feel good about themselves as a result. This ensures that the creators of such content will continue to generate clicks, money and most likely also a sense of validation.

For the people who disagree with the premise it's decent rage bait.

Modern online "politics" is basically a gigantic clickbait machine, it doesn't effect anything irl.

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Not only that but normal people don't really believe that you're genociding minorites by buying some stupid videogame for manchildren

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they don't understand... no press is bad press. if they really wanted to stop it, they'd say why they're not buying the game once. then shut up about it. by making this fuss they're just giving it more attention. they're also giving themselves attention by doing this, which is really what they want. the most vocal (and mentally ill) minority.

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the attention seeking is proof that trains are real women

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He addresses that there are people who just don't care

you can either act like an ally or you can buy the video game

This is essentially the message of the video (what he literally says at some point) and is as flawed reasoning as any 'you're either with us or against us' statements. Most people in the world will have some viewpoint like that trans people should have rights but buying a video game has no effect on whether they have those rights or not. JKR getting Β£0.01 in royalties isn't going to have any effect whatsoever.

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I think it's more extreme. How many times has Drama posted about this ludicrous topic? It's because it's like a parody of Slacktivist Hacktivism. It's really funny and almost unbelievably stupid. Really smart people can appreciate how stupid it is and really dumb people also appreciate it.


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Nobody is taking trans rights away from people.

Unless we're talking about gun control

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yeah pff who would waste their mental energy on :marseytrain: s haha :marseysweating:

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