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>My dream is to start a tiny farm (renovate a shed so a few birbs can live there) and sell eggs and veggies and pet treats and sundries and donate some of the profits or extra food. I want to meet new and friendly neighbors and make friends. I want to write my comics and novels in peace no matter who I do or do not meet

These people really believe living a rural subsistence farm life is like a game of harvest moon, don't they.

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and donate some of the profits

Lmao what profits. What's she gonna donate, $5 a month?

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Her grip on reality is very weak all around, I'd say

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and donate some of the profits or extra food.

She thinks she'll be so flush with resources she can donate money :marseyxd:

IRL she'll be struggling to pay rent and stay fed. Probably drives an old civic.

And doesn't America already have public health insurance for poors?

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Medicaid in California is 138% of the poverty line so she’d have to be making under 19K for it to be free… then again she’s a self described author so she might be making that little

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ameriKKKa already have public health insurance for poors?


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A "few birbs" and a handful of badly sundried fruit is gonna cover a months electricity, per year.

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IRL she'll be struggling to pay rent and stay fed. Probably drives an old civic.

It'll be just like the tranch where a large chunk of the animals die because they owner can't afford to care for them.

And doesn't ameriKKKa already have public health insurance for poors?

You're probably thinking of medicaid. Healthcare.gov has insurance plans for poors but they're actually hilarious, like $9000 deductibles and $200/month in premiums.

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That health care plan sounds not bad to be honest and is still better than what we have in Canada now (36 hour wait in the ER, never see a doctor, die in hospital bathroom).


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With that plan, you would have to pay $11400 before insurance makes a difference, and it will only pay for specific contacted doctors. You're basically throwing away $2400 a year unless you get cancer or an expensive surgery.

Is Canada really that bad?

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It's getting pretty bad yeah.

6 million Canadians don't have a family doctor (15% of population) : https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/6m-canadians-don-t-have-a-family-doctor-a-third-of-them-have-been-looking-for-over-a-year-report-1.6059581

Woman dies in ER after 7 hour wait, presented with stomach pain, died w internal bleeding : https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/system-broken-woman-dies-emergency-room-1.6707596

Quebec man dies after 16 hour wait in ER : https://montreal.ctvnews.ca/you-can-t-wait-16-hours-quebec-doctor-says-patient-died-after-lengthy-er-wait-1.6122220

Man dies in ER in NS : https://globalnews.ca/tag/man-dies-in-hospital-emergency-room/

Also wait times for surgeries like cataracts, hip or knee replacements are generally over a year, as bad as 18 months in some provinces. Our health care is literally shit here.


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Canada is a real hellstate, I almost wish those american leftoids could live here to savor how shit healthcare and housing is

Edit: wait this is a month old pinned thread :marseythinkorino:

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Hello friend from the past.



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difficulty developing strong muscles

Also her regular grip is very weak

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>My dream is to start a tiny farm

>To achieve this I will spend years moving from a country with some of the best farmland in the world to Canada

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>doesnt know small towns in kansas will pay you to move there and unironically start your tiny farm

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And other states. Farming is unpopular because farming sucks.

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Have they tried importing negroes for it?

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None of these “people” has ever worked outside

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farming sucks in developed countries, having a plantation in latin America is really fun tho :marseysoutherner:

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Start a farm?

She wants to move into a farm where everything is set up and there's an old man to teach her how to do everything.

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Someone said it upthread but she literally wants to be in Stardew Valley where a whole butt farm is just handed to you and there are no bills to pay.

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Californiacels unironically think gays are lynched in the streets in flyover states.

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Wait really? :marseycornlove:

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wtf how :marseysneed:

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Don't worry no one would willingly want to live in such a shit-hole state

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I spent several months installing a wind turbine 45 minutes outside Colby, KS.

My God, how do these people manage to live to 80 without roping? It was an hour to anything that wasn't Subway or a shitty dive bar. You couldn't get fresh fruit at the gas station or grocery store.

One of the hicks asked if the farmland in Wisconsin was similar. Heck no, we have things like trees and hills.

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What's that? Flyover America? Why would I want to move there?

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Certified foid moment

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Can you even grow food in that icy hellscape?

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Making some money on a homestead isn't hard. Making enough money is. I've been working on mine for awhile and still have to be a wagie.

What they aren't prepared for is everything else. Shits hard, wood stoves don't always work perfectly, chopping and hauling wood is very physical and time consuming. There is always something you should be doing.

Drawing comics and chilling is a pipe dream for this lifestyle.

Edit: they're also physically disabled and underdeveloped. Lol what a fricking joke thinking you'll homestead as a cripple.

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Lol I'm glad I wasn't the only one who noticed that, fricking crippled but gonna red a cozy cottage subsistence farm uWu

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They could be a s*x slave for a homesteader I suppose

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How farm times dealt with cripples


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He's the opposite of a cripple. He literally doesn't know his own strength.

Sublimated into a healthy agricultural economy, Lennie would have chopped wood for 16 hours a day and been celebrated

1930s Amerikkkan poverty wasted him

Don't forget to turn off signatures in settings!

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That kid looks strong and r-slurred. Why would you kill it? It's the perfect farm hand.

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no sweeter irony than the cripples who loathe the industrial society that literally keeps them alive. if these were still homesteading days OP would find herself missing after a particularly brutal winter

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She doesn't even know what a homestead is. Several times in the thread she posts this image. Everyone is too nice to be like b-word that's a back porch.

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shes gonna sustain herself on 10 tomatoes a year and sell the 2 carrots she grew as surplus

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That image is amazing. Where is her garden or birb hut going in that tiny, city size back yard.


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I'm going to go out on a limb and speculate that she's never so much as cared for a houseplant, let alone a vegetable garden with animals.

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Yeah in their fantasy a tiny cute farm is like an hour of optional work a day, that a disabled person could handle, when not busy writing comicbooks. Oh and that they have to be in Canada.

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To be fair there is a lot of downtime during the shitty seasons or after all of the work has been done. It's just not consistent.

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I'm confused that this person claims to be physically disabled and yet lists a work history that includes long hours doing manual labor.

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"manual labour" like carrying plates in a kitchen, not digging ditches or pulling cable.

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I liked how she talked about running utility in a restaurant like she was handling molten ore with her bare hands. When pressed she clarified that the dishes were just slightly hotter than was comfortable to touch.

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I think she said it had to do with needing hearing aids or something. Technically fits the bill, but doesn't paint the full picture you expect from "physically disabled."

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Shit, how's she going to handle it when a hawk spots her "birbs" and shreds a few of them, leaving body parts strewn around the coop.

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I had a duck named Puddle once as a kid and it got ripped apart by a dog. I was the first one who found it. :marseysad:

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Something similar happened to my neighbor when I was a kid, she killed the dog and nailed it to a tree and pointed a gun at anyone who tried to take it down

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You deserved it.

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:marseyandjesus: Jesus loves you

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How did you end up having a duck as a pet?

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My family lives in a rural place so we always had chickens and someone we knew happened to have some young ducks and we bought two off em. One of them died from illness early on but we had Puddle for a year before he got brutally killed. The chickens never bugged him so he just lived with them and had a baby pool he’d swim in that we’d refill. The dog chased a few of the chickens too but only killed Puddle. :marseysad:

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poor puddle :marseydepressed:

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Honestly this should have been a dream she kept but never told anyone about or followed through on. Could have kept her slightly hopeful in what I’m sure are many bad times

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I mean, you're r-slurred and post on rdrama and you can do it to a liveable degree :marseyshrug:

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I stayed with relatives who run a dairy farm for a few days.

I was in the milking parlour which has a kind of trench running down the middle where the person stands. There are cows on either sides of you, facing away from the trench so you can attach/remove the suction device.

It looks like this

The first time I was milking cows with them, a cow shat all over my left shoulder. I had to finish the milking session before I could clean myself up.

I heard a stat as well that veterinary has an extremly high drop out rate for women. Its partly becuase veterinary isnt nursing a sick bird with a broken wing back to health before releasing it back into the wild, its mostly putting down terminally sick/injured pets, and women cant deal with that as well as men. Im not critising women for that, I think its sweet more than anything.

My point is leftoids and rightoid who spend too much time online have a delusional idea of what a life surronded by nature is. Its not fun, its very messy, its hard work.

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Nature is fricking ruthless, it's a point to how privileged the west truly is that people see it as a peaceful and serene. Driving your car to a national park and chilling in a hammock after a 5 mile hike is peaceful and serene. Slaughtering livestock, skinning and gutting them is not. And that's not even actually hunting.

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Hunting is much easier on the soul than industrialized farming

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Driving your car to a national park and chilling in a hammock after a 5 mile hike is peaceful and serene.

That's what I get for not being a smelly butt wagie. :marseysmug2:

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Vets also have a higher suicide rate.

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Im not surprised. You probably get into veterinary because you love animals and work to work with them. Then you spend all day putting them down.

Vet-cels life-mogged by Zookeeper-Chads

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That and people are rslurred normally but get extra rslurred about their pets, leading to the heckin vet abuse

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My good boy got cancer a few years back, when I took him to the vet for a checkup he was like "he's in heckin painerinos, you should put him down today" :marseymerchantsoy: That shit me off a bit.

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>not milking the cows by hand

smh, not even a real ruralcel.

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at least use ur mouth

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>having more than 4 cows

Big milk will naver be one of us.

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The first time I was milking cows with them, a cow shat all over my left shoulder. I had to finish the milking session before I could clean myself up.


My point is leftoids and rightoid who spend too much time online have a delusional idea of what a life surronded by nature is.


>entirely mechanical milking room

ring me back when you get to his level:marseygossip:


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I went as part of a school trip, along with a bunch of other like 5 year olds.

All the cows were hooked up to this one suction machine which ran all the milk through this clear glass vat thing in the middle of the stall.

Then while we were watching, the milk flowing through the vat went brown

We pointed it out to farm guy, who went and picked up a suction cap from where it'd fallen in to the shit on the ground, and he plugged it back on to a cow

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Did it look like this?

Because if it did, it probably wound up getting dumped somewhere and didnt make it into the consumer supply. Regulatory authorities are extremly strict about food sanitation.

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How do I buy land? After saving up while living in an apartment.

renting and saving in vancouver with no real job?

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I'm sure her part time writing job will more than cover the $2000 a month rent, she'll have that farm in no time

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Thinking she's going to be donating some of the profits is super funny since the only outcome of that little enterprise is going to a slow death due to malnutrition and hard labour. There will be no profits. Thst plan doesn't produce enough food or money to feed one person never mind to generate surplus profits.

What an absolute clown.

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Literally everyone who is running cute little homestead uwu egg/vegetable/crafts businesses is doing it as a secondary source of income. They have a day job, or a partner who is the primary earner, or they are independently wealthy in some way.

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It’s hard enough to supplement major parts of your subsistence with farming. Let alone profiting from it.

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Tbf to the idiot she does emphasize that the homesteading thing is her ultimate fantasy. It's unclear why she's so wedded to the idea of Vancouver, specifically. Vancouver is rapidly becoming Canadian California.

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general US le bad mentality I think. she is sick of her current life and the people in it so she wants to start anew somewhere else.

she could just move to a different state tho.

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Vancouver has literally the exact same problems she thinks she needs to escape from. It’s like moving to San Francisco to get away from Oakland.

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It’s like moving to San Francisco to get away from Oakland

I mean, Oakland is much much worse

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You clearly don't understand what it's like to be unhappy with your life and want to start over somewhere else. Maybe if you lived in a state that was constantly bringing you down, you would understand her decision.

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i understand tbh

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Why do you have to be so goddarn understanding all the time? Can't you just be a little more abrasive for once?

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Even then, a lot of those cottage core uwu home farming women are tik tok/social media influencers so they are able to sell their products to r-slurs at extremely high mark up.

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There was a ton of seethe recently when a “rural homestead/family influencer” was revealed to be married to the son of the Jet Blue founder. Very easy to have a ranch and raise six kids when you can pay Juan and Juanita to shovel shit and watch your kids.

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Would that still be the case if the property was already paid off/nabbed for cheap at a foreclosure auction, in your opinion?

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Yes, growing enough sustenance for one person is still 2 acres per season at the bare minimum on good soil with no crop failures or unseasonal freezes, and you'll need to rotate so have another 6 acres viable cropland that needs to be kept clear. And, you will be eating root vegetables all winter and wishing you had 10x as much land.

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I've read the context of the original post so your hypothetical is pointless and irrelevant.

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My hypothetical is interesting and based on speculation for what the minimum viable circumstances would be to convert these r-slurs into rural r-slurs

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If you say so r-slur.

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Hey, you didn’t answer the question! :marseywolf:

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I am interested in this hypothetical also because the farther away r-slurs are kept from me the better off we all are.

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I was actually :marseyakshually: intending to become a Trucker, but the industry is currently shaky and I'd have to move to a different state :marseylouisiana: to learn :marseyreading: to drive :marseysteer: (I had to interrupt on teacher :marseytuckermilkers: giving me a nonsensical to tell him I hadn't started the car because he hadn't put his seatbelt on). But I wanted to learn :marseyreading: plumber :marseylueshi: and electrician trades for ages :marseyzeldalinkpast: (Yay! Reason to learn!). Miserable :marseygiveup: is my boss :marseyzeldaganon: telling me OSHA is a scam and conspiracy :marseyschizonotes: against him/her/them or telling me having to not wearing my purse and umbrella and leave them in the company break room was my fault for them getting stolen.

This person :marseygeisha: is an unironic rslur :marseyhomsar: who wandered onto reddit :marseybestfriends:

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LOL can't even drive and wants to be a trucker jfc imagine meeting her on the road :marseyyikes:

and this is coming from an asian aka bad drivers


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Didn't read

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Hey you don't know her, her future garden will be as grand as Chaz's Garden.

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These people really believe living a rural subsistence farm life is like a game of harvest moon, don't they.


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Imagine Harvest Moon but crazed monsters keep attacking your homestead and you don’t have magic superpowers. That’s real farming.

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Oh so Stardew Valley if you chose the farm with monsters :marseyghost:

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Rune Factory

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You have magic superpowers in that game.

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A friend of mine took the homesteading rightoid pill during the pandemic and bought some land. Long story short he backed off once he realized how much time, effort and pure dumb luck it would take to get if off the ground and he's by far the most neurodivergentally hard working person I know. Meanwhile, Redditors think cooking basic meals takes too much time and energy.

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There is a 0% chance this neighbour did NOT play Stardew Valley

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to be fair medieval peasants had a ton of free time

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WHen they werent busy dying in winter due to food shortage

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Or working corvees for the church lmao

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:marseyshrug: shit happens

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No lol. People worked all their lives, including woman and children. Some exceptions existed in winter only.

The number you probably think of as "time working" is the number of time peasent had to work at their lord's fields (ie. tax). He still needed to figure out how to feed, clothe and shelter himself on his own.

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Ah yes we got those 15th century timecards

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We have a surprising amount of information about medieval peasantry through parish records actually. I wrote a big paper about English peasantry farming when I was wasting my time in college.

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How big was the paper? If you printed it out would it be able to be swung as a weapon and knock out a blue haired women ?

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Depending on their weight maybe. It's been awhile so I don't recall

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I wanna read this, send to me

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I'm an old strag, I don't have it anymore.

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subsistence farming actually fricking blows peepee but it does keep you busy until you die and usually rural people aren't terrible.

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Tbf that has been the dream of men and women since the birth of America and was the one of the central tenets of the early political parties

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Of course but it came with a realistic, dedicated vision of working hard and building a family and community. Not a side hustle that a malformed imp can neglect while writing comic books and novels.

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In fairness Thoreau did manage to write Walden

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His mom was bringing him his meals

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I think a reality tv series about this would be amazing. Put some tumblrina neon haired creature on an actual farm and watch them struggle for half a day before giving up.

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There should be a Survivor-type game show in the middle of Missouri where the two teams are bluehairs and chuds and we get to see half of each team kill themselves when the nearest cell tower is down for maintenance and they can't watch speedruns or jack off to barefoot women wandering around fields of grain

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Blood thinks that farm’s actually make money lmao

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Animal Crossing and its Consequences have been a Disaster for Foids (as if foids weren't a disaster enough already)

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I mean it's not that bad if you're not at an industrial scale. My garden typically lasts out until March etc if I can it. Chickens just eat the leftover food and shit out 5 eggs a day between them

You're not going to subsist entirely on that though lmao you still need a day job

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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In Canada too, what are they going to do for the 7 months where nothing grows

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I thought you were paraphrasing but nope, she actually wrote this 100% unironically.

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This is definitely business model that will result in enough profit that she'll be able to give shit away.

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How would she run a farm if shes disabled...

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