my adrenaline is through the roof rn. I took a picture of a hobo tent in a park and within seconds a fricking hobo came screaming out and asking me what I was doing. I tell her "I'm makling a tiktok" and she just enraged further. She did some windmill shit and I stepped back warning her I'd frick her up.
she comes windmilling at me again and I take a swing at her and het her windmilling arm. It was dark and I'm almost blind. eventually I get my bearings and connect right on her face.
She just flops. I don't know if she's trying a fakeout or what and get the frick out of there.
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Beating women? Do you want a Bardfin award?
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Record is 1 days 03 hours 34 minutes and 29 seconds by Shreddedmanlet
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Best friend is ACA with 176 mentions
rdrama is currently running at 242.670 µBardyhertz with 2765 total mentions since 2022-09-24
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Hobos aren't people
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nor are women
trans lives matter lol
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