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EFFORTPOST :marseytwerking:VERY IMPORTANTE! :marseytwerking: Chuds and Right-Wingcuck discussion thread :marseycop::marseypunisher::marseybongcop::marseysoldieramerica::marseyhitler::chudsey::marseysnappymaga: - ON TODAYS AGENDA: Cryposting about the :marseyretard2:r-slurred:marseyretard2: wingcuckery of our own

Greeting Dramatards

Since today has a Joke-Live-Preserve regarding traps and trains, I thought it would be a good time to vent (b-word into the void) about the absolute fricking r-sluration involving contrarianism regarding people who are politically aligned, or somewhat close to my beliefs.

I got the inspiration from yesterday where i went through post after post on Preddit about Leftoids simping for Totalitarian hellscape regimes (you know the heck-holes which inspired :marsey40k::marsey40k::marsey40k:), and upheld places like China, Russia and Syria's Assad which gas-bombed :marseyakbar::marseyoppenheimer: their own people during the height of the ISIS/Syrian Civil War, simply to own the West/Burgerland.

I dont disagree that Burgertown :marseygigaretard: doesn't have its massive fair share of dysfunction, inequality and frickups. But to say that the corruption of places like America is equivalent to the corruption of places like Russia and China is the modern wingcuck brainrot only obtained by the terminally online. It's like saying the corruption of places like Bongland is equivalent to the corruption of South Africa, it's pure fantasy/insanity. There are scales and scopes of corruption/dysfunction, and only fools who have never experienced the raw hopelessness of living in a place where there's not even an existing certain government in places like Angola and Mozambique & rural shitholes in South Africa, have never truly experienced the meaning of Strife:marseypoor::marseystinky::marseybeggar::marseyzelensky:. Anyway

SO TODAY, I wanna start the conversation (zoo ape shit-flinging) about Wingcuck contrarianism I've experienced from my Soufff Effrican backwater redneck hometowns. I grew up in the Free State (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_State_(province)), the middle land-locked province of South Africa. It's widely considered the least tourist attractive province in the country, cause it has no beaches, and no spectacular natural beauty - like the Kalahari Dessert of Northern Cape, or the Knysna Tropical/Swamp Forrest in the Eastern Cape, or the Kruger National Park (go here burgers to see Lions & Rhinos) in Limpopo.

The Free State is however well suited to commercially farm Wheat and Mielies (Maize), which form the foundational food for the poor of south africa in the form of bread and Pap (https://www.southafrica.net/ao/en/travel/article/traditional-african-food-in-south-africa). Thus for the braindead burgers, the Free State is our equivalent of a Flyover State: A large source of our most necessary agricultural produce, and a total economic backwater. The only thing keeping the Free State provincial budgets afloat is the coal and gas mined there.

Just like magatards and rethuglicans, most of the poor whites here tend to be right wing-ish, and that's before you even come to the race-politik which is contained with South Africa's unique position in history. Since the ANC government corruption and dysfunction has basically decayed and putrified every state institution they touched, this caused many whites to have a natural anti-socialist disposition. Since the belief that the more centrilized a gov is, the worse of it'll be. Or that only private commerce can save or do the jobs which the government cant.

Example1: many Free State municipalities have been downright bankrupt in the past 5 years, and literally cant pay their garbage disposal teams, or even fix the grabage disposal trucks. Thus for places where I work, there have literally sprung up private business to do basic services like garbage disposal, since sometimes the garbage trucks only arrive once every 2 months (at least where i live). It's better in the big Cities like Pretoria/Tswane.



You still have to pay your taxes, regardless if no services btw :marseycry:

Example 2: The National Post Office of RSA is basically completely dead, no one trusts their grubby thieving hands, and letters get lost anyway. In spite of the fact that in 2020 the National Post Office has an infantisinal work load of like 0,5% of what it had in 1993, the full fricking department is still fully manned with basically oxygen thieves stealing taxpayer money.

Because the post became so utterly shit, a private company called PostNet, quickly came in to fill the void


https://mybroadband.co.za/news/business/461544-the-post-office-is-failing-here-are-six-affordable-alternatives.html (bunch of other companies)


ANYWAY this was just a long boring way of saying why most Hwitoids here are right wingers (at least proportianally compared to their eurotrash equivalents). And since liberals and Left wing thought tends to have very strong overlap among all demographics ive ever seen, im not even gonna bother to distinguish btwn then so shuttup

THE CONTRARIANISM! Now my father and many uncles have been hunters, farmers and naturalists. They have been true rural people, much more than I myself have ever been. I got addicted to the internet the moment it became affordable back in 2009 in my shithead town. The farmers here enjoy wildlife, and wild game like antellope is a common feature amongst Free State farmers, so we at least had the priviledge of being close to true african wildlife alongside the more mundane farming animals like cows, sheep and goats. Point is, the immediate personalities I grew up with were all preservationists and people who truly cared for nature.

The farmers took good care of the land, they farmed sustainably, the hunters here undestood the meaning of death and what it meant to bring food on the table, to only ever hunt outside of mating season to prevent destroying the local populations ect. Poison would be avoided whenever possible, as it meant that the predators who ate the poisoned pests like field mice would be poisoned in turn die and continue the cycle of poisoning. There was a lot of conscience about living in accord with nature which why the CONTRARIAN WINGCUCKERY IM ABOUT TO MENTION MAKES ME SNEEEEEED:marseyraging::marseyraging::marseyraging:

:marseymushroomcloud:GLOBAL WARMING/CLIMATE CHANGE:marseyrain: or how this is all :marseymutt2:AMERICA'S FAULT:marseyburger:

Holeeeeey shitbuckets. So in burgerland, amongst the Right Wing there is/was a very large group wingcuck frickwits who were Climate Change deniers, it's astonishing to me. Of all of the biggest disagreements ive ever had with other Chuds or Right-Wingers, the absolute contrarian batshit insane denial of the mere existance of our nations' pollution causing or exasurbating climate change was by far the thing which put me with odds against other Right-Wingcucks both IRL and online.

In the University of Cuck Town, I would meet great and intelligent yanks, and amongst the few who weren't turbo woke (before woke was a word), and fricking all of them were in straight up denial on basic shit like that CO2 caused greenhouse effects which gradually heated up our atmosphere. I was absolutely floored where tf did this mentality came from. I later learned that among the republitards in burgertown, there was widespread propaganda from the Fossil Fuel industry, which targeted the Right winger populations of burgerland.

And apparently they were REALLY effective. I dont know if PETA or the woke hippies in Libtardland were the most annoying basterds to ever walk the earth, and this caused burger chuds to reactionally to oppose everything they ever championed, like fighting climate change through building green power sources like Solar & nuclear whatever

Like im not saying that the Democrat nutjobs like AOC who weep crocodile tears about how earth is gonna implode in exactly 5 years in their Green Paper or whatever, but Global warming has become a dire outlook for the future, and natural consequences have been observed in nature like:

The enlargement of the Mosquito :marseybee::marseyflyingspaghettimonster:Belt which traditionally resides over Namibia, Botswana and Mosambique. Before 2020, the specific mosquito species which was the vector for Malaria, was only ever found in the northern most part of Limpopo, the Northernmost province in South AFrica (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Limpopo)




Now that shit has started to gradually migrate more and more south, and the vector mosquito has almost reached Polokwane, the Capital of Limpopo. I know this cuz i worked there 2 years ago, and had to take anti-malaria pills for the 1st time in 20 years in my own country:marseycope:.

Additionally the timeframe to plant and harvest Mielies (Maize) is being dramatically altered from that of records back to 80 years, in some regions in RSA its better, but in others it's dramatically worse. This can very realistically cause famine in Southern Africa, as we are the current Breadbasket of all 8 nations of Southern Africa, post Zimbabwe Implosion.

Last years El Nino weather pattern (an agrivation of Rainfal and hot wheather due to the Close movement of a High - to - Low pressure cyclone from the Atlantic Ocean), caused massive flooding to south africa, while causing droughts to other places at the same time. It was total weather clusterfrick, and it high-lighted how just one abnormal weather event can disable our food supplies. The past 70 years have seen disturbing climate change for the various Food Agricultural zones of RSA..




ANYWAYS, all this shit has caused some people like my Dad and uncles to gradually admit that Climate Change might actually influencing our weather patterns, and disrupt our very ways of life. The fact that Naturalists and rural people who care for the environment, the people whom I would have though would be naturally logically predisposed to take Climate Change shit seriously the moment they heard of its existence, were the ones to go full full wingcuck mode and OWN THE LIBS by denying its existence, made me cope and seeth in my teenager years. It's not like i picked fights i was too much wimp, but i was just wtf my whole young life.

All this yank boomer Facebook groups brainrotted an entire generation of Saffers boomers since burgerlanders broadcast their bullshit globally with a megaphone.

Also funny unrelated story, when Magatards became at their loudest from 2016 to 2020, and Trump was the Jesus Dalai Lama Christ whom every Right Wing asswipe thought was the God-Emperor of mankind, there was lot non-american trump supporters. Now one of Trump's biggest talking points which propelled him to international fame was his Anti-Immigration rhetoric.

I shit you not, many South African whites fricking drove their pickup trucks (bakkies) with Trump slogans and Election merchandise lmoa. They were simping for another President in another fricking country. This was especially double thing with the anti immigration slogans on their bakkies, as in RSA many white farmers tended to hire illegal Zimbabwean farm workers and labourers. I literally personally knew 3 fricking farmers who had anti immigration slogans on their pickup-trucks, while their bakkies were filled to the brim with illigal aliens from Congo to Zimbabwe lmoa :marseylaugh::marseylaugh::marseylaugh:


So fellow chuds! Tell me about your in group contrarian Wingcuckery where rightwingr-slurs supported bs or literally supported shit that against their interest in order to own the commies/hippes/libtards whatever.

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I don't like the climate change movement because the powers pushing it explicitly state their using it as a vehicle for marxist bs. Everything those people write about climate change hammer in about inequity/inequality needing """distributive justice""" to address.

"Climate change is more than an environmental crisis – it is a social crisis and compels us to address issues of inequality on many levels: between wealthy and poor countries; between rich and poor within countries; between men and women, and between generations. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has highlighted the need for climate solutions that conform to principles of procedural and distributive justice for more effective development outcomes"

Plus the replication crisis in scientific research itself with compromised institutions driving policy. You cannot be a climate advocate while also being a mass migration activist imo. They're 2 contradicting values. Also we don't have enough rare earth metals in the earth's crust to completely replace everything with EV/solar/wind iirc. I don't like EVs anyway since they actively remove your own agency to travel, everything with climate change rhetoric is about removing agency from normal people for a superflous greater good abritrated by faceless banks/corps/govs.




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>I don't like the climate change movement because the powers pushing it explicitly state their using it as a vehicle for marxist bs. Everything those people write about climate change hammer in about inequity/inequality needing """distributive justice""" to address.

This makes me incredibly cynical of this whole enterprise. The most charitable interpretation is that filtering out chuds (either implicitly via woke signaling or by explicitly refusing them participation at FFF demos) is a calculated move to increase the likelyhood of mass adoption by utilising the totalitarian woke network for the good of all, like a wise philosopher king.

But making this a bipartisan issue also creates artificial resistance and defection that didn't exist before. Having your policies reversed every second election cycle because conservatives got to power might make for a good grift, but is ultimately harmful for the earth. Again, maybe you need a common enemy to mobilise your own base, but I think it is more likely that wokies are good at infiltrating institutions, and the young green ones haven't antibodies to them due to inexperience.

!germs might remember when Fridays For Future disinvited the musician Ronia Maltzahn to perform at one of their events because she had Dreadlocks, after backlash only apologizing because "telling a woman how to dress is never ok, but our point about cultural appropriation still stands". This is thouroughly alienating because

1. Dreadlocks are a very clear signal of being a leftist and ideological ally

2. Wokeness is really, really fringe in Germany. We have almost no lunchtime rowdies. Our "liberals" mostly discuss female wage gap, most don't have a concept of critical race theory besides maybe some university students. Cultural appropriation is something we hear on the news as American madness, not an issue worth taking serious (though I've witnessed some mostly female university students who just eaten up the american nonsense wholesale but who could often be talked out of it if walked through the ridiculousness of the concept.

Especially point (1.) indicates that these are just power hungry people who found a good framework to bully people with and stay powerful.

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Remember the NegerkΓΆnig affair? When one of the less insane taz writers read the original passage at some taz event, the audience literally started screeching, crying, walking out etc.

All the wokeness is here, it's just sort of contained to the left as there's no serious Drumpfian movement (AfD is a joke, they can't stop infighting), otherwise it'd be weaponized against half the country in a heartbeat.

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Do you think professors took garbage tests, and now they cant reproduce them in all the universities?

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The supply of research far strips actual demand. The publishing industry of research journals and grants has harmful incentives to publish as often as possible as fast as possible to chase grants and reinforce narratives.

Most people aren't bothering to reproduce studies or replication because there's no incentive for them in the structure of academia, quite the opposite.

"A 2019 study in Scientific Data estimated with 95% confidence that of 1,989 articles on water resources and management published in 2017, study results might be reproduced for only 0.6% to 6.8%, even if each of these articles were to provide sufficient information that allowed for replication."

Science is being twisted to brute force public consensus for agenda because people have been beat over the head to trust the "experts" over their own critical thinking. It's a redefining of what truth even is.








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0,6 - 6% Big oof :marseycringe2:

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Climate science and medicine is the same :marseyagree:


"A 2011 analysis by researchers with pharmaceutical company Bayer found that, at most, a quarter of Bayer's in-house findings replicated the original results."


"In late 2021, The Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology examined 53 top papers about cancer published between 2010 and 2012 and showed that among studies that provided sufficient information to be redone, the effect sizes were 85% smaller on average than the original findings"


"A survey of cancer researchers found that half of them had been unable to reproduce a published result"


"The survey found that fewer than 31% of researchers believe that failure to reproduce results means that the original result is probably wrong, although 52% agree that a significant replication crisis exists. Most researchers said they still trust the published literature."


:marseyseethe: :sciencejak:


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So is this more about incompetence than dishonesty? Or is it because they take dosghit hypothesis testing that confirm their beliefs

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Incompetence, dishonesty, and the inertia of a zombie research complex with too much funding going towards producing absolute nonsense.

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Both. The number of scientists and researchers was far smaller decades ago and we had far more output of quality reasearch. Billions of cash is pumped into these labs and academia wagies, of they produce studies that contradict their backers political and ideological framework then their support is revoked and they lose jobs and their reputation is gone. Academia and research is full of political maneuver to get names on papers, reviewing each others work, canvassing grants and lobbies.

Fauci was just a manager of research in the gov department he's in but now he's a household name and the face of paternalism in just trusting whatever is told to you and just go along with it. He played the political game and I guarantee many public academics in conferences, news rooms, gov policy etc.. have too.

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I had to resubmit my Hypothesis test 3 times before I could even begin physical testing, cuz lecturer said my results would be r-slurred lmoa

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You got a good lecturer then. :marseyexcited: Good luck in being a lab wagie. Being a lab tech is kinda lonely lol :marseyyawn:

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Plenty of them are dishonest AS ALL FRICKING FRICK

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I hate the environmentalists from europe are being massive hypocrites and tryna colonize backwards american savages with their weird butt pompous gaia religion that doesn't even translate OR MAKE SENSE and are actively fricking up businesses, major coorperations, and nonprofits they weasel and buy their way into


>works 4 days a week complaining every day abour made up problems, takes a month off, comes back and says americans are too lazy at work to get ahead and also use too much oil


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