RDrama's top 400 words

(These are somewhat normalized - I ignored common words based on a list of 10,000 common english words)


0 r-slur 9532 r-slurred-r-slur-r-slurs

1 lmao 7617 lmao

2 foid 6085 foid-foids

3 chud 5060 chud-chuds-chudded

4 reddit 5030 reddit

5 rdrama 4158 rdrama

6 twitter 3775 twitter

7 marsey 3701 marsey-marseys

8 redditor 3191 redditors-redditor

9 seeth 3157 seethe-seething

10 uniron 3099 unironically-unironic

11 tbh 3030 tbh

12 janni 2981 jannies-janny-jannie-jannied

13 rightoid 2943 rightoids-rightoid

14 tho 2602 tho

15 bro 2294 bro-bros

16 carp 2263 carp

17 neurodivergent 2250 neurodivergent-neurodivergents-neurodivergent

18 idk 2193 idk


19 neighbor 2088 neighbor-neighbors

20 meme 1984 meme-memes

21 honestli 1949 honestly

22 cute twink 1937 cute twink-cute twinks

23 wtf 1867 wtf

24 racist 1794 racist

25 nazi 1771 nazi-nazis

26 mayo 1760 mayo-mayos

27 burger 1674 burger-burgers


29 incel 1640 incel-incels

30 leftoid 1594 leftoids-leftoid

31 trump 1581 trump

32 bait 1572 bait

33 moid 1531 moids-moid

34 pretend 1529 pretend-pretending

35 dramatard 1522 dramatards-dramatard

36 bot 1453 bot-bots

37 shitti 1441 shitty

38 zoomer 1441 zoomers-zoomer

39 snappi 1411 snappy

40 sweati 1410 sweaty

41 bipoc 1398 bipoc-bipocs

42 bullshit 1395 bullshit

43 nah 1392 nah

44 hate 1376 hates-hated-hating

45 bussi 1368 bussy

46 idiot 1237 idiot-idiots

47 loser 1230 loser-losers

48 bulli 1206 bullying-bully-bullied

49 bong 1176 bongs-bong

50 hilari 1171 hilarious

51 libertarian 1138 libertarian-libertarians

52 sneed 1136 sneed-sneeding

53 tweet 1132 tweet-tweets

54 pathet 1130 pathetic

55 cuck 1119 cucked-cuck

56 elon 1118 elon

57 can,not 1116 can,not

58 irl 1043 irl

59 liter 1029 literal

60 legit 1010 legit

61 subreddit 1009 subreddit-subreddits

62 troll 1001 troll-trolling

63 schizo 993 schizo

64 care 991 cares

65 btw 989 btw

66 covid 987 covid

67 dude 983 dudes

68 tranni 981 :!marseytrain:s

69 autism 968 autism

70 disgust 960 disgusting

71 rslur 956 rslurred-rslur

72 deserv 950 deserves-deserved

73 bardfinn 947 bardfinn

74 pl 946 pls

75 furri 930 furry-furries

76 :marseytrain2: 921 :marseytrain2:-:marseytrain2:s

77 complain 920 complaining-complain

78 ruin 911 ruined-ruin

79 insan 907 insane

80 nerd 891 nerd-nerds

81 genuin 865 genuinely

82 youtub 862 youtube

83 r*pe 860 r*ped-raping

84 boomer 852 boomer-boomers

85 nonsens 845 nonsense

86 mental 835 mentally

87 biden 826 biden

88 aevann 771 aevann

89 cring 762 cringe

90 keffal 757 keffals

91 groomercord 755 groomercord

92 straggot 750 straggot-straggots

93 heckin 746 heckin

94 sub 745 subs

95 jew 732 jew

96 incred 727 incredibly

97 woke 720 woke

98 haha 710 haha

99 racism 698 racism

100 upvot 693 upmarsey-upmarseyd

101 commi 687 commie-commies

102 dramacoin 679 dramacoin

103 huh 678 huh

104 cop 678 cops

105 strag 673 strag-strags

106 shit 665 pooping-shits

107 smh 663 smh

108 kiwifarm 659 kiwifarms

109 scrote 650 scrotes-scrote

110 normi 638 normies-normie

111 journo 637 journos-journo

112 hitler 634 hitler

113 lmfao 634 lmfao

114 twink 629 twink

115 leftist 622 leftist-leftists

116 iq 621 iq

117 degener 610 degenerate

118 krayon (sister toucher) 609 krayon (sister toucher)

119 anyway 599 anyways

120 genocid 581 genocide

121 omg 581 omg

122 kany 578 kanye

123 frickin 572 frickin

124 zoz 570 zoz

125 cuz 568 cuz

126 iron 568 ironic-ironically

127 russian 564 russians

128 larp 559 larp-larping

129 useless 557 useless

130 tard 552 tard-tards

131 remind 550 reminds

132 zle 548 zle

133 zozzl 547 zozzle

134 propaganda 536 propaganda

135 cri 534 crying

136 ukrainian 529 ukrainian

137 kf 526 kf

138 musk 521 musk

139 ky 521 keep yourself safe

140 ignor 489 ignorant

141 b-word 487 b-words

142 termin 477 terminally

143 asian 475 asians

144 fascist 471 fascist

145 swear 469 swear

146 transphob 457 transphobic

147 frick 452 fricks

148 manlet 452 manlet

149 sperg 437 sperg

150 ngl 435 ngl

151 muh 431 muh

152 bbbb 431 bbbb

153 crypto 430 crypto

154 putin 430 putin

155 tiktok 429 tiktok

156 soy 428 soy

157 nope 428 nope

158 soren 425 soren

159 grift 423 grift

160 facebook 422 facebook

161 obsess 421 obsessed

162 whoever 419 whoever

163 kino 415 kino

164 shithol 414 shithole

165 wholesom 413 wholesome

166 bigot 412 bigot

167 alright 410 alright

168 admin 409 admins

169 ppl 409 ppl

170 steal 409 stealing

171 gf 408 gf

172 technic 406 technically

173 asshol 404 butthole

174 cope 403 coping

175 iirc 398 iirc

176 kek 395 kek

177 piss 393 pissed

178 chad 392 chads

179 bruh 389 bruh

180 lame 389 lame

181 obes 387 obese

182 sadli 384 sadly

183 mommi 384 mommy

184 ridicul 384 ridiculous

185 btfo 382 btfo

186 meth 379 meth

187 goddarn 379 goddarn

188 ideolog 379 ideology

189 poor 376 poors

190 tbf 369 tbf

191 ban 363 banning

192 white 361 whites

193 capit 360 capitalism

194 claim 360 claiming

195 impli 356 implying

196 worthless 356 worthless

197 slur 355 slur

198 argu 351 arguing

199 jealou 351 jealous

200 X (formerly chiobu) 350 X (formerly chiobu)

201 liber 350 liberals

202 embarrass 349 embarrassing

203 brain 346 brains

204 yep 345 yep

205 kick 344 kicked

206 convinc 344 convince

207 groom 343 grooming

208 inshallah 342 inshallah

209 invent 341 invented

210 fed 340 feds

211 nowaday 338 nowadays

212 rude 338 rude

213 coomer 336 coomer

214 scam 336 scam

215 expect 335 expecting

216 terf 335 terf

217 stole 334 stole

218 smug 333 smug

219 kiwi 332 kiwi

220 legitim 327 legitimately

221 defend 326 defending

222 simp 324 simp

223 insult 322 insult

224 lolcow 321 lolcow

225 funnier 320 funnier

226 yike 320 yikes

227 beat 318 beating

228 lore 317 lore

229 pol 317 pol

230 man 316 mans

231 guess 316 guessing

232 fatti 315 fatties

233 feminist 312 feminist

234 fascism 310 fascism

235 oppress 309 oppressed

236 pronoun 309 pronouns

237 dem 307 dems

238 libertarianphil 305 libertarian

239 moron 305 moron

240 insuffer 302 insufferable

241 whine 301 whining

242 dox 300 dox

243 accident 300 accidentally

244 funniest 299 funniest

245 hatr 299 hatred

246 edgi 298 edgy

247 minecraft 298 minecraft

248 maid 298 maid

249 jfc 298 jfc

250 social 297 socially

251 neat 296 neat

252 german 296 germans

253 wpd 293 wpd

254 hmm 292 hmm

255 hrt 292 hrt

256 openli 292 openly

257 dumbass 292 dumbass

258 ngmi 292 ngmi

259 tfw 290 tfw

260 murder 289 murdered

261 miser 285 miserable

262 need 285 needful

263 twitch 285 twitch

264 believ 284 believing

265 ironi 282 irony

266 shock 281 shocked

267 creepi 279 creepy

268 dunk 277 dunk

269 prolli 277 prolly

270 object 277 objectively

271 llm 276 llm

272 femboy 275 femboy

273 attract 275 attracted

274 dislik 275 dislike

275 lgbt 274 lgbt

276 telegram 273 telegram

277 commun 271 communism

278 plz 268 plz

279 delusion 268 delusional

280 tldr 267 tldr

281 smarter 266 smarter

282 old 266 olds

283 downvot 265 downmarseyd

284 marri 265 marry

285 suck 264 sucked

286 chill 263 chill

287 jerk 261 jerk

288 whore 260 whores

289 tate 260 tate

290 messi 260 messi

291 noooo 259 noooo

292 prove 259 proves

293 ff 258 ffs

294 ftm 258 ftm

295 pfp 257 pfp

296 misinform 257 misinformation

297 degeneraci 257 degeneracy

298 gussi 256 gussy

299 g*mer 255 g*mer

300 alt 254 alts

301 skinni 254 skinny

302 boyfriend 253 boyfriend

303 laugh 252 laughed

304 scream 251 screaming

305 inher 251 inherently

306 problemat 250 problematic

307 slaveri 250 slavery

308 irrelev 250 irrelevant

309 unhing 250 unhinged

310 yt 249 yt

311 feminin 248 feminine

312 randomli 248 randomly

313 nich 247 niche

314 pure 246 purely

315 coke 245 coke

316 thx 244 thx

317 minor 244 minorities

318 unfunni 243 unfunny

319 hide 243 hiding

320 mcdonald 242 mcdonalds

321 folx 242 folx

322 dm 241 dms

323 mtf 240 mtf

324 calori 240 calories

325 billion 240 billions

326 freak 238 freak

327 lose 237 loses

328 forc 237 forcing

329 supposedli 237 supposedly

330 slave 236 slaves

331 favourit 236 favourite

332 wast 235 wasting

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158. :marseytrain: (462)

159. :marseytrain:s (459)

neighbor at least lemmatize

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i did this in less than five minutes i got shit to do

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give :marseyitsoverwereback: me 10 minutes I'll stem it

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i got shit to do


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