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:marseycoin::marseyluckycat::marseycoin: Fundraising for !straggots ping group :marseycoin::marseyluckycat::marseycoin: 100% YAY

As we all know rdrama is filled to the brim with faggots :marseyhomosupremacist:

In this wolf and sheep world we, straggots, need to stick together :tradboy:

I propose creating a !straggots ping group so we can protect each other from globohomo agenda, discuss trad values, simp more efficiently and share our goon material :marseybutt:

No foids since all foids are bi by default :marseyhanger:

I'm putting down all I have - 1k coins, need 9k more :marseybeggar:

!chuds !commies "Pay up or you're a fag" :marseysaulgoodman:

DONORS :marseyfingerhearts:

@Battleloser - 100

@YALLAHblessYoTraplord - 1000

@ThatNigga - 500

@Lamenia - 500

@BrassMonkey - 485

@BushWasRight - 1000

@Transgender_spez - 485

@mister_fuckles - 1000

@sirpingsalot - 117

@Diogenes - 970

<removed by request> - 1700 coins

Upsoreners/downcarpers ~ 80 coins

10000 / 10000

Thanks everyone!

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Straggots are gross

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But we exist and are heckin valid :marseywholesome:

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